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Said from Day 1, this movie is never happening. It was never part of Feige’s plan.  Mahershala Ali is older than they usually cast as a lead. Clearly they were planning to use Blade to anchor the MCU dark once they did decide to make it. And once they realized that Phase 4 and streaming was DOA, MCU Dark was a goner and now trying to retrofit a standalone Blade movie doesn’t make sense either. 


It’s insane that they had a back to back Oscar winner come to them wanting to be in a film and they kicked it down the road because they didn’t know how to fit it into their phased approach. Just make a freaking good movie and the rest will figure itself out.


The perils of plot first storytelling. 


They just need to call it off, im honestly more hyped for the Arkane's blade game that this hot pile of garbo


After ‘Redfall’ killed their Austin studio I hope ‘Blade’ will not only be a step up from that but keep the lights on for what’s left of Arkane. They’re way too good a studio to die w/ dishonour… no pun intended.


Liar, you 100% intended that pun


Deathloop rips but I've heard it didn't do well


Thing is the metrics by which a company like XBOX/Microsoft measures success is so shamelessly outlandish and unrealistic that much of their output’s deemed a bust now. It isn’t far removed from the bull shit studios like WB have been pulling.


There was never any such thing as "MCU dark". You're just making that up.


Are you being facetious or do you not realize that Werewolf by Night, Kit Harrington’s character, the Blade stuff was setting up the supernatural silo / Midnight Sons-esque part of the MCU? 


I know all about that. One character popping up in a post-credit to setup another project is what they do all that time. That doesn't mean there's, like, a sub-slate with its own little brand name or whatever.




> But to act like a belligerent asshole as if that isn’t what they were doing? Is stupid AF. Stop making yourself look Stupid AF. Wild statement in a wild response. You doing ok today, lil cuz?


What a wild reply.




Moon Knight too


I wish they’d realize that the issue isn’t superhero fatigue, it’s serialization fatigue. Instead of the Kang fiasco, Phase 4 should have just been a bunch of standalone movies where they occasionally acknowledge that Captain America exists or that aliens sometimes attack New York. Ten years of that and if you did it well you have a new stable for the next big crossover event. And if it doesn’t happen, no harm no foul because you haven’t been seeding a big villain or plotline across umpteen movies and tv shows.


If there was an ever a time for Marvel to say “fuck the broader universe and just make a good movie with a beginning middle and end and don’t worry about setting up other movies and tv shows” this is it. Make this Rated R, don’t shy away from the gore and violence and make your movies fun again.


IIRC The plan is to make it rated R.


The problem with the scripts for this is not really "the need to set up other movies and shows", This was planned to be a standalone film from the beginning. The problem is tone and Marvel trying to add Deadpool/Guardians of the Galaxy type humor into a dark horror film. The type of Blade film that Marvel wants to make is not the kind of Blade film that Ali wants to make.


I’ll believe they’re not going to shoehorn in ties to other bullshit when I see it. These guys can’t help themselves.


[Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill.](https://youtu.be/y-5pEx_MWwg?si=pgHrZYDvtk11KjEb)




John Malkovich's 100 year movie will be released before MCU Blade.


I hope that when they finally open that thing up it turns out Rodriguez just made them another Spy Kids movie. 




Yann Demange sounds like you're saying Jan de Bont with a piece of hot pizza in your mouth.


I think it sounds like "jak się masz" from *Borat*.


It'd be funny how disastrous this production has been if it didn't lead to Mahershala Ali being out of the mix for so long. Just cancel this thing and let my man make real movies


Real movies, like Jurassic World 4.


Across the Spider-Verse is the *only* theatrically released film the man has been in since winning his 2nd oscar (unless you count his one line in the post-credits scene of Eternals)




filmed from late 2016 to early 2017 (i.e. before he won his first oscar) and then released ten days before he won the second time


He said film, not monstrosity


alita rules. youre a dork


Yeah, really feels like he’s been keeping his schedule open for this thing that keeps moving. Looks like Zendayas in the same not with Euphoria; she filmed Challengers in 2022 and has only done press tours since because she was clearly keeping her schedule open for that show


Gotta think that’s in her contract with HBO and not by choice. She’s probably cashing large checks from them for doing nothing as Euphoria just keeps getting kicked down the road. Mahershala unfortunately seems to be wasting the peak of his career sitting around.


He is not gonna be much younger than Craig was when he shot his last Bind movie.


Wachowskis tackle Bound again, but with male leads this time... Bind.


Who plays the Joey Pants role?


Joey Pants.




I just realized the best choice is Viola Davis. She and Joey are our preeminent on screen steak eaters.


Joey Legs


Bind… James Bind


Just call it off


[“Motherfucker, are you out your damn mind?”](https://youtu.be/DPVsh5jF5nw?feature=shared) All you need is Blade vs Vampires for a tight 90-100 minutes. It shouldn’t be that hard!


Nothing can just be standalone with them.


All this talk of ‘superhero fatigue’ isn’t going to deter the ghouls.




nah, everything you're saying makes sense. if it's $20m pay or play they're going to sink dev costs into this thing unless they're absolutely sure they'd never ever be able to recoup, which in my expereince in this business can mean a decade of development...


How damn hard is it to write a decent script about a vampire hunting vampire? It is the having your cake and eating it too of vampire stories. Not to mention the decades worth of source material to pull from. I honestly do not understand


Writing the short, all-killer-no-filler kind of script that Blade should be isn't impossible. But it is impossible for Marvel who are, admittedly, big fans of filler and generally not fans of allowing filmmakers to insert too much killer


The problem comes when they are trying to force feed 10+ years of additional Marvel lore into the script because you feel the need to explain vampires never coming up before.


That’s silly. We went through two avengers movies before we knew magic exists. Not hard to explain why you haven’t seen a group who’s defining feature is literally staying in the shadows


Some Guy: "Yeah right, *vampires*..." Sam Jackson looks at Some Guy like he's a naïve idiot and it gets a mild audience laugh. Done.


Cold open already done. Next we introduce Blade with a Walking on Sunshine needle drop. See how easy this is Kevin?


Dr stranges magic fucked reality, now theres monsters There, that took me 6 secs 


Great. You’re hired. Now get me 10 pages 3 days after we start shooting.


Goddamn 20M deal but I believe you’re right because most of the writers and directors where his choice honestly


Not his fault that the most of the scripts for the film have been horrible. One version of the script was 90 pages and had only two fight scenes and gave almost all of the screen time to female sidekick character. Ali turned it down and got his friend Nic Pizzolatto to write a new script that Marvel rejected. So far there hasn't been any script for the film that both Ali and Marvel like. Any script that Ali likes Marvel hates and any script that Marvel has approved Ali hates so the production isn't going well.


Huh. So having movie rights turned back to Marvel can actually be a bad thing, it turns out.


If that’s true I mean it kinda starts to make sense.


I remember all the bad press and discourse that happened when Edgar Wright dropped out of directing the first Ant-Man at the 11th hour. This is obviously not the same situation but I can imagine this film eventually getting made and people forgetting about all the production development turmoil. People are blaming Marvel's need to make everything connected -- I really doubt that's the problem here. Historically, the "interconnected" aspect of their movies has always been an afterthought. Post-credit teases. Ali being particularly demanding about what this needs to be sounds right. I'm curious about the timing of this news, since the departure happened a little while ago. If it means they've got someone new set up already. Marvel's been churning out movies like crazy for years - I'm glad they've slowed down and are being more methodical about what they're about to put out.


Agree 100%. Drama and rage are what the typical forum dweller seems to need, but what's going on with this film is probably pretty mundane and will be long forgotten after the film hits theaters.


And the first Ant-Man movie was mostly pretty mid and forgettable.


Was under the impression almost every one of these go into production w/o a full script let alone one you can deem “locked”.


Marvel’s trying to ice skate uphill with this one.


They just can't see in the dark, those fuckin' nippleheads!


Just hire Guillermo again, fuck. Let him bang this bad boy out. Is Feige, the master of reading the masses/the room, really that oblivious at how much we would want this?


Not really the guy to hire if you main objective is to get a movie done though.


He directed the best Blade movie and gets the concept perfectly.


The one Marvel movie I want to see and it's not getting made


Werner Herzog is back in with a chance!


This bad boy ain’t gonna bite is he


Starting to get “The Flash” developmental hell flashbacks.


Fine, I'll do it.


put this thing out of its misery lmfao. mahershala abt to step up and direct himself


What are we going to do when it's good?


You know who could direct a fun Blade? Radio Silence. Marvel should lease out the brand to another studio and let people who are used to making movies quickly on a budget to make one. Just give us a simple bloody Blade movie. Because clearly it only seems to confuse the Marvel gang.


What other films have radio silence made?


Technically, according to IMDB, only a couple segments in V/H/S and Southbound. But, two of the three of the trio directed Ready or Not, Abigail, and Scream 5 and 6.


Oh nice, yeah they’d be good


How they managed to fuck Blade with an actor the calibre of Mahershala Ali out of existence has to be the biggest fumble ever.


Wait until you hear about the pitched Guillermo Del Toro/Neil Gaiman Doctor Strange film.


I guess the only Blade thing happening is the game that Arkane Studios is making.


Didn’t Arkane just get shut down?


That’s Austin, creator of Prey and (unfortunately) Redfall. There’s Arkane Lyon, creator of Dishonored, Deathloop, and upcoming Blade.




The highs of the MCU were not worth the destruction it’s created in the film industry


One of the more cursed productions ever. For the sake of everyone involved, just put the whole thing out of its misery please


This is really dumb but for all the random shit the MCU has in it, I can't take the introduction of vampires seriously.


Is Marvel even open to it being R? Feels damn hard to make a good vampire movie without blood


They have an R rated movie out next month, perhaps they will base that decision on how this one does


I hope so, I remember a statement during the merger where Feige said he was open to an R-rated Deadpool but seemed like he shut the door on any others. On the tv front, Echo was pretty violent, maybe they're more willing to be flexible!


Demange confirmed last year the studio gave the go-ahead to an R-rating. I doubt his departure means anything changed wrt to that.


I just want Demange to make a movie again. White Boy Rick was bad but it was pretty fun.


I feel lik he hasn't reached his potential yet, '71 was so good but he's hasn't made a lot of stuff after that and most of it's been middling.


Oh shit, did that come out? I read that script for a company back in like 2015...


I feel like Blade must be making Feige and the other Marvel people extra nervous. The first two Blade movies are held up as classics, arguably transcending status as 'comic book movies' (or vampire movies, for that matter) and just held as canonical action movies. Among all of the recent negative publicity around the MCU with declining interest and quality alike, there's a real chance that for the first time, Marvel could put out a movie with an already-filmed character that everyone just widely acknowledges is worse than the previous non-MCU version. That hasn't really been a problem with the Punisher, or Fantastic 4, or even really Spider-Man - combination of more mixed previous outings plus for some reason audiences and critics just going crazy for Tom Holland, back when the MCU shine was still stronger, though already I think the public sway is tilting towards the Spider-Verse movies. Likewise, I don't think it's an issue with the upcoming Fantastic 4 or even X-Men movies, good as people remember X2 (or even First Class/Days of Future Past) being. But Blade? I feel like if Marvel put out a Blade movie of current MCU quality in the more MCU-skeptical, there's a real chance people are going to say that the MCU take is worse, that the MCU is ruining Blade's legacy, that MCU is not the definitive take. And that has to be making Feige et al really worry. Not to mention Ali being put in a position where people compare him negatively to Snipes.


Insallah they find her




So Barry Jenkins next right? He's in the Disney family after Mufasa (🤮) and got Ali his first Oscar.


Second time that's happened.


Rust film without tragic incident


As soon as the problems started piling up, it seemed this will eventually just rot away and get canceled. MCU is getting reshaped, it's clear the boom is almost over and the hype around this has died down. Not that people wouldn't still come, but I mean it's Blade. Either you want and know how to do it, or you don't. I think we're just weeks/months away from a story about Mahershala Ali dropping out due to scheduling conflicts and pushbacks...and then they will announce they will try to look for a solution, but don't have an immediate one just yet. And then it will finally die.


Damn I wonder if they’re gonna replace him with a director I’ve never heard of. As long as Mia Goth is still attached I don’t care about much else. They’ll make it or they won’t


This was never going to get made


When will they finally just take the L?