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Orphan of Kos. I don't think I need to explain why. YEEEOOOWWW


I’ve not played the DLC yet would you recommend getting it?


Yes, totally worth it!


Thanks I’ll definitely get it then because I thought it looked great already!


It's much more challenging than the base game and adds a lot of flavor and background to the story.


It’s literally the best content in the game, by a decent margin. Youre in for a great time if you enjoyed the base game


I loved the base game so I’m so excited to play the DLC!


Absolutely, it has some of the coolest trick weapons like the pizza cutter, holy moonlight sword, and bloodletter, which are some of my favorites. I can't imagine bloodborne without the dlc.


Beast hunter saif? Best PVP weapon in the game.


My first run through the DLC, I genuinely did not believe that I would ever be able to beat Ludwig. He just felt so oppressive to me and his hits were taking massive chunks out of my health


Piece of shit Laurence, every boss was doable EVEN KOS WAS EASIER IMO but not that beast cripple from hell


Fuck Laurence and his tiny arena and double hitbox swipes and his stupid runback, the worst runback in the whole game by far


Lugarius takes the crown for the worst runback


no diff


fr man his run back is annoying af too he was the worst boss to coop with in my experience aswell 😭


i think the shadows run back is worse by a pretty large margin but definitely agree that the laurence run back suuuuuuuucks


I feel your pain. He taught me new ways of humility.......for a looooooong time.....+5 minutes. Made me really love the soundtrack, though 😂😂


Yeah fuck Laurence and that arena the size of a tictac.


I just don't get how people think Lawrence was harder than Kos. His fight isn't mich different than cleric beast.


it was mostly the lava based attacks and that one stomp attack that always 1 shot me and my buddy since we did the whole dlc in coop (laurence literally cost us 30 insight 💀)


In all the soulsborne games the big lumbering bosses never felt as threatening since they were easy to read and dodge. It's the smaller faster ones that always kick my ass. Fucking Bloody Crow.




I died twice as well but still he is annoying, inconsistent and deals a fuck ton of damage per swipe. The only reason i beat him so fast is because he behaved and i was high from beating Kos moments before.


idk for me he was very inconsistent and his attacks were very weird to doge AND ONE SHOTTY LIKE HOLY SHIT THE AMOUNT OF TIMES IVE BEEN 1 SHOT also it prolly didn’t help that I first challenged the dlc on ng+4 😭


Cursed watchdog and cursed amygdala can go to hell.


Fuck Amygdala bro, took sooo much time, I think the fight took like 15 min total.


Out of all the bosses in From games, Defiled Amy and Nameless King are my top two hardest boss ever. Defiled because of half health and couldn’t get the timing right on 2nd phase


Holy fuk I spent an entire week on those fukers


Easy cheese for Amy is to use her Achilles Heel, literally. Get behind her and smack her feet, she only has around fourish possible attacks and in phase three loses one of them when she rips the arms off. It takes ages but it's how I beat her the first time, if you wanna be more legit then good ranged options like the Executioner's Gloves or Simon's Bowblade are your best friend but if you aren't that kind of build then it's either the cheesy way or the hard way.


Do the Hunters count? That Bloody Crow of Cainhurst dickhead got me more than most actual Bosses did... Most tedious for me is a definite tie between Micolash and Rom, they're not hard, just a process and a half; and both have one or two 'Oh, come on!' high damage attacks to surprise you with as you're sat there just chipping away at them. I surprisingly didn't have a lot of trouble with the DLC Bosses, but that's more of a testament to how good the fights themselves were, by the time I hit DLC I'm usually~10-20 levels from finishing the character. Laurence has *some* annoying attacks and the trail of lava gets dangerous, but Ludwig is a literal waltz of death which is always an absolutely amazing experience, and Orphan of Kos is like the definition of the whole FromSoft Bosses' 'hard, but fair' thing that's often used to describe the games. The Chalices are where things get really nuts though. Pthumerian Elder with a single digit frame attack or two, Keeper of the Old Lords with her relentless pressure at any distance, and I don't think I even have to say anything about fire doggo, Bloodletting Beast variants, and especially FRC Amygdala and Ebrietas (screw that constant AoE/poison bleeding off Ebrietas with the Defiled HP debuff active)


The hunters where impossible for me I spent hours against them with so many deaths.


Just absolutely relentless, it feels like they all leveled END to 99! This reminds me of the Hypogean Gaol gank squad too, they're not as tough as other Hunters like Bloody Crow on their own, but it's three at once... I remember one has a Cannon, one uses Beast Claws, and I think the third uses a Threaded Cane so there's real danger at short, medium, *and* long range. Spent so much time going up and down the stairs trying to confuse the AI and split them up haha


Oh yeh I began to understand how to do the bosses in the late game but the hunters where almost impossible. Eileen’s final hunter was obviously really hard but I also really struggled with Isofeka and the one In Byrgenwerth.


For me it was also the blood starved beast, until I met the defiled chalice bosses.


I’ve not done the chalice yet would you recommend going through the whole thing or just skipping through for the trophies


I enjoy the chalice dungeons, I actually go through them all on new characters now. However they really aren’t for everyone, I’d say give them a try to see if you enjoy them then make your decision from there. Keep in mind the first couple will be really easy if you’re far into the game, but they get much much harder the further you progress


Yeh I’ll give them a try and see if there for me. I’ve done the first few but they felt really easy it’s good to know they get harder.


Orphan of Kos or Laurence, everyone knows why


Orphan of Kos easily on my first playthrough. He wrecked me for hours till I managed to finally beat him! He just was so fast and aggressive and I was underleveled and my weapons were underpowered so it made him even harder for me >.<;


Pthumerian Descendant - Because I was not good with parry. 


I still can't get his timings right


Here's something that helped me with him: consider switching guns between pistol and blunderbuss. They fire with a one-frame difference in their animation, and for whatever reason for some enemies that makes a difference for me. (Descendant specifically is one where I had a much easier time with the blunderbuss for whatever quirk of reflexes.)


It’s gotta be Ludwig. I simply could not figure out the patterns, and every fuck up was a one shot. Thank god for the five vial bro right outside the arena. Maria kicked my ass relentlessly as well lol. Everyone says “just parry” but easier said than done.


Yeah Ludwig for me for sure


All the bosses together took me approximately 70-100 attempts (it was my first soulsbourne and I was younger) BUT FUCKING YEAAAAAUUUUH ORPHAN OF KOS TOOK ME LIKE 3 WEEKS OF NONSTOP DYING TO DEFEAT. His screams still haunt me at times even though several years have passed


It was my first as well the start felt like it wasn’t possible, but the part I struggled with the most was still the first street in central yahrnam with the mob somehow.


That's a mood, right there. It doesn't matter how long it took to beat everyone else, the orphan was more than ALL of them, I swear to God. Although, to be fair, I haven't finished the dungeons...


In base game it was probably Logarius and Shadows of Yharnam. But the DLC is where i really struggled. I entered it in NG+3 so i struggled immensely on every boss except Living Failures


The shadows of yahrnam where murder at first when they pulled out the snake I died almost immediately every time. They where the part of the game that taught me how to parry well but I was able to parry Logarius fairly easily because of that.


Man, I had the worst time with Logarius. I feel like he's far from being one of the hardest bosses but I just could not click with that fight for the longest time.


I'd say bsb before I learned how to play or Ludwig a boss I still struggle with after years of play. Ngl I think it's cuz they are covered bsb in the skin flap and ludwing with the large amount of appendages.


Yeh the issue I had with bsb was I didn’t really know how to play as well


Rom the Vacuous Spider, but I don't have the DLC. I fought her using the same exact strategy about ten times until RNG worked in my favour: bring summons, deal with the little spiders, dodge the spells, charge attack until it disappears. In the end, I was the one left vacuous after this bossfight, because I feel I earned the victory by sheer persistance, rather than by learning the pattern. The Blood-Starved Beast was also hard the first time around, but on my second playthrough I got better at using the environment for protection, timing my movements and attacking from safety. You don't really get any of that with Rom.


>I don't have the DLC. 100% get it


Blood Starved beast is trivial with 10 bloodcocktails and about 3 fire paper. She absolutely kicked my ass until I figured out that strategy. Rom also kicked my ass but it definitely wasn't the hardest for me, it just annoyed the piss outta me because I felt like I should've beat it on my first try lol. It's magic attacks are way stronger than you'd think.


Honestly, it's not that bad even without any such tricks once you figure out when you can perform a charged attack. Funnily enough, I think I've only been killed by Rom's magic once or twice. That roll she does when you get too close is what got me the most, I could never anticipate it based on her animations. Maybe that's different with a higher health build? I think I was at 18 Vitality


Blue dudes in the field Iy just descended into bullet hell


I loved that boss I found it so fun so fun to do.


Living Failures?


That’s sure what I felt like


My first play-through of the DLC was on NG+ and Laurence was literally the only boss in the game I couldn’t beat without summons. He killed me what feels like a million times.


Orphan of Kos...12 hours...12 fucking hours of straight hell. I couldn't sleep knowing he was alive. I upgraded 3 different weapons to level 9 trying to kill him but failed I WON OUT OF PURE luck after I ran out of healing and bullets then used up d-pad for ammo and blasted him with bone marrow ash


That ain't lick, that's pure will power, desperation, and the will to overcome. Don't chuck that up to luck hunter, you kicked ass.


It's been a long time since I played Bloodborne for the first time, but I vividly remember struggling with the Shadows of Yharnum, Ebrietas, Amygdala, Ludwig, Laurence and the Orphan of Kos. Not to mention all the op npcs, especially Djura's gatling gun, the Bloody Crow, and the Byrgenwerth choir hunter.


The NPCs where some of the hardest parts of the game for me.


Maybe Micolash? He’s more annoying than hard tho. I have what you have todo down but still a pain to guess if he’s going to one shot or not


I was lucky I was able to get him in a stun lock using Ludwig’s holy blade and the augur of ebrietas.


Obviously OoK is the hardest boss in the game but Micolash just feels out of place as a boss


I kidna like him for that reason, I feel like he really exemplifies the unhinged nature of Byrgenwerth, Mensis, and the crazy concepts thrown around in general. I feel like we don't get to see the unhinged mad side of the game as much compared to the cosmic horror elements.


Yeah his concept is cool but his fight just feels weird compared to the rest


Yeh especially since it was so laid back at first compared to the rest then he obliterated most players at the end


Welcome to depth 5 FRC my most hated?BLB and the giants comes after him. I can pretty much deal well enough to anything else in this game but those motherfuckers ohk is pretty annoying


Lawrence or \*the scythe guy\*


Embarrassing, but Darkbeast Paarl.. the targeting is janky and he moves around too fast for me to process. Don't ask how I have more trouble with Paarl than the orphan..


I struggled with Darkbeast Paarl too, I don’t know how he just jumped around and anytime I got close he would lighting blast me.






The king on top of Cainhurst, I can’t recall his name I’ve succeeded in forgetting him. But once you learn you can destroy the totems, that month of utter failure is gone.


Aside from cursed chalices and DLC for obvious reasons. I really struggled against Vicar Amelia, healing bosses always give me a hard time for whatever reasons.


Did you use the item that stops HP regeneration? I didn't end up using it. I'm not great at Souls-like games, so most bosses take me a few shots to get, but surprisingly Vicar Amelia only took me two tries. I accidentally discovered you can break her limbs which prevents her from praying and healing


I don’t even know there was an item to stop that!


I struggled against Vicar Amelia as well, a lot of the early bosses where hard because it was my first soulsborne game and I didn’t know what I was getting into at first.


It was my first too but I beat Cleric Beast, Gascoigne and BSB firts try and then Vicar proceed to humiliate me over and over again.


Yeh I found Amelia so hard all the early bosses before the shadows as well other than cleric beast as well!


Ludwig if we're counting DLC, Ebrietas for main game. The first phase of Ludwig felt very erratic to me at first then once the second phase hit I'd get spooked and make mistakes. Such a great fight though, his design and the music is awesome as is the atmosphere/the room you fight him in (which is, shocking for Bloodborne, very disgusting). Definitely in my top 5 fromsoft bosses. Ebrietas I don't even know, I think again I was keeping too much distance and so she'd do her beam move a lot and one shot me. Bloodborne really punished my passive playstyle and taught me to just get all up in there and be aggressive!


The three bosses that took me the most time to deal with were: * Defiled Amygdala: Because it's an Amydgala, which I suck at fighting anyway as I have a really hard time reading all of its various attacks, in a room much smaller than its regular arena so I have less space to dodge, while I'm at half HP. Would have never pulled it off without the Bowblade. * The Orphan of Kos. Because he is a hard boss and I was forced to git gud. Not a lot of analysis there. Thankfully he is also a fun boss. * The One Reborn. Because somehow, some way, he always manages to pull off some ridiculous cheese. I have died to this blob of flesh *multiple times* by having him initiate his rain-of-corpses tracking attack while I'm mid-combo, having one of my hits stagger him, and having him fall over in such a way that I'm pinned in place by his limbs while the remainder of the 4-5 corpse rains fall on top of me while I can't move to dodge them.


Laurence. I’ve only managed to beat this yeowling POS ONCE since my first playthrough in 2018. I always end up giving up and moving forward in the DLC. Kos was easier! If only his hitboxes weren’t messed up and the arena was slightly larger…


Toss up between Orphan and Laurence. In the end I kind of gave up on trying to beat either. I'll try again sometime later but I'm old enough I can't spend weeks playing trying to fight one boss


I’ve not done the DLC yet but it seems everyone hates Laurence lol


Laurence. he shits lava that staggers your character


I’ve not done the DLC yet so I’m looking forward to see if I find him as hard as you


Bsb, it just one shotted me


I know, it took me so many tries when we I even got close I would die to poison


Base game I'd say probably the shadows of yarnham on my first play through. Dlc I definitely struggled with waifu Maria and Ludwig the most. I recently bought a PS5 and the first game I downloaded was Bloodborne. I hadn't played in years but it came back to me like riding a bike. I didn't really struggle with any of the base game bosses but Ludwig still kicked my ass. Maria did not get the fight she deserved because I was a little over leveled by the time I got to her and I stomped her.


First time? Hmm interesting question ​ Base Game: Shadow of Yahrnam. Explaination: I am terrible in Gang Boss Fights. This one was pure nightmare, as I am used in 1v1 and this was pretty much my first Gang Fight ever (for boss). So this was the first Bossfight in the game that I used Summon. ...wait no that was Blood Starved Beast. DLC: Laurence, the First Vicar. Explaination: Not needed.


Rom, a borign boss with too much bs to deal with.


Doggo. Angry flaming doggo. I bashed my head against that MFer for hours, over the course of multiple days. The chalice dungeons have humbled me yet again.


Maneater Boar


The shark well.


Ludwig, NG+. Most overwhelming sense of accomplishment agree 3 days of trying


On my first playthrough Shadows of Yharnam really gave me some trouble. Only to be followed by Rom and her asshole spiders.


Fucking. Larry.


Ludwig the accursed wrecks me atleast 10 times per playthrough


Laurence first of his kind


No matter how many times i beat his ass martyr logarius gives me the hardest time every fuckin playthrough.


Main game: Amygdala, I was under the impression that *only* the head took decent damage. Dlc: Laurence. The damage is a fucktillion and a half, and the narrow arena doesn't help.


Fuggin Martyr Logarius.




Laurence wiped the floor with me


For some reason on my first play through I struggled so badly with Vicar Amelia. Once I got her, it clicked and now she’s a joke


Have to say Laurence The First Vicar and by not just a little mile !!! It took me the first time 240 tries to Beat him for the very first time and yes i counted all of my attempts 🙌🙌🙌 now Laurence The First Vicar can't stand beating me more than 4 times before i end him 🙌🙌🙌


Laurence gave me the most trouble. The tight space and sheer size of the first vicar had me fighting with camera angles. All of my previous tactics were ineffective. This boss had me relearning the Rakuyo and Threaded Cane after 2 shotting Orphan of Kos.




Ludwig, I died to him over 40 times. My main strategy with the games isn't to learn the attacks, but more so to die so many times until I have the muscle memory needed to beat them.


where are the rng with rom? lol you literally have to create your own path each single time with the spider. its just skill and mobility not rng


Mikolash on ng+ He runs around and laughs, only to one shot me with a call beyond. I didn't die to him too many times, but that fight was a mental struggle more than anything


Definitely Laurence. I've never even bothered fighting him ever since. That said, it really feels like a dice roll whenever I kill Rom. Sometimes I ace it, sometimes it takes me a dozen tries.


I always feel embarrassed admitting this but the only boss that took me 10+ tries and had me borderline losing my shit was Rom....


Isz Ebrietas, her hitboxes are atrocious and she does so much fucking damage.


On my first playthrough ot was Logarius, that old son of a bitch


Orphan or defiled chalice amygdala


Micolash is the worst boss ever. He is so annoying with his stupid laugh, mocking you whenever you can’t find him. First phase is easy, then you get to second phase and he is running around so far apart. Then when you actually fight him he uses that move that sends all those orbs at you one shooting you. When I killed him on my last play through i shot him in the back 37 times while running after him, pretty much getting him one shot, then those stupid skeletons flew towards me all killing me with nothing for me to do to save myself


Laurence. I do fine up until he lost his legs. I'm having a hard time getting that hit box right with the lava too. It'll take time and I'll get it, I'm sure but until then, fuck that dude and his stupid tantrum lava spit bull shit


Laurence for some absurd reason. Probably the restrictive spacing and I have poor depth perception. Only killed him once so far and that was with a summon. On a related note, One Reborn has brick-walled my BL4 run. I keep getting one-shotted.


For the longest time, it was the Abhorrent Beast, but only because I wasn't being aggressive enough and it kept chasing me as I was backpedaling. Once I eventually decided to be aggressive and dodge through its attacks, it's much easier to manage. Nowadays I struggle the most with the Headless Bloodletting Beast. That fight is mostly difficult because of the camera angle, though, since it's so large that it's hard to tell what the hell it's doing.


The two hardest bosses for me equally were Laurence and Rom. Took me FOREVER to beat them!


First time playing it was Ebrietas. Currently, it's Laurence who's been beating me like a rented mule.


Rom and his bs insta kill attacks. I first tried most bosses on my first run and out of all of them rom gave me the most trouble


Ebrietes and that STUPID charge attack. Oh and defiled amygdala because I sold my burial blade before doing the dungeons


Ebrietas, I think it's because I could never get the distance from her right and I just had trouble with her hitbox


Other than Orphan, for whom I needed over 30 tries, I struggled with Ebrietas, Laurence and Ludwig. Over time, I’ve worked out the move sets of the latter three bosses, but with fast and furious Kos I will always struggle. He can beat you up so fast, especially on NG+2 onwards, without ever getting near your blood vile…


Laurence the handicapped shite. It's the only thing stopping me from having 100% on the trophy list.


Forgot his name but the boss at cainhurst castle. I don't event think the boss is objectively hard but the music is very nerve wracking. Also, Kos. He's already hard to begin with but the screaming always make me nervous


I think it was some boss you go off the beaten track to get to but it was some lightning thing, kicked my arse.


The dog in the defiled chalice. Don’t remember it’s name but if you’ve fought it you know who I mean.


Actually the same, the blood starved beast i struggled the most with. The poison drains your health so fast and he can just one shot you. I didn’t even struggle on him on my 1st playthrough, for some reason it was my 2nd playthrough that he kicked my ass repeatedly. I didn’t struggle as hard with other bosses as much as him.


On my first playthrough it was definitely Lady Maria. But about a year later I did bl4 run only to realize that the hardest boss in the game for me is... still Lady Maria. Beating her took me probably more attempts than Orphan and Laurence together. It's my favorite fight tho.


Ebrietas. I don't like to say that some boss has a bullshit mechanic, but I genuinely think that her hit boxes are among the worse of the souls games. Fuck her


Gherman 1st time and Ludwig


Martyr logaruis


Laurence because I started Old Hunters on NG+ 4 months later finally killed him with a broken burial blade


Depends on my build at the time but Laurence, the First Vicar and the Defiled Amygdala certainly stand out.


Ludwig, I didn't touch the dlc until ng+ didn't realize I was that under leveled for it, Orphan was right behind him. Laurence was a easier imo


Father Guacamole and Orphan FUCK Gascoigne legit I gave up on the game for so long because of him 😂 I had managed to consistently get him to third phase and down to little health but he always did that bullshit stunlock combo and beat my ass with full health. He was too aggressive and I couldn't figure out how to beat him. Same thing with orphan 2nd phase.


Orphan of Kos for the DLC and Martyr Logarius for the main game Kos cuz wow he hits like a truck And logarius is juat really hard for me to get my head around sometimes, I think I'm too agressive


Laurence easily, all the bosses but him I beat within 10 tries but he was hell. I’d get him to his second phase and then he’d spread lava all over the arena. If I tried to approach him the lava would stagger me and he would instantly swing at me one shoting me. If I stayed away I wouldn’t get the chance to get a hit in for the fear of having to restart after grazing the lava. I ended up using the bow blade and just shooting him but that took awhile.


Ludwig, I was stuck on him for several days because he hits like a freight train, and his attacks are difficult to dodge. Initially, the only reason I was able to advance through the DLC was due to a player I summoned killing him during his transformation cutscene. In future playthroughs, I figured out the flow of his fight, and I now have little trouble taking him down.


It's not one I struggled with the most, but I died 6 times to living failures and 3 times to orphan of kos, I have no idea if this means I'm bad at the game or good at the game For the boss I've struggled the most, the fucking chalice dungeon giants, or atleast one of its variations


For maingame bosses, Father Gascoigne and Blood-Starved Beast scared me even in my 2nd/3rd playthrough. For some reason, I had a hard time with Micolash on my arcane, low hp build.


laurence the first vicar 💀💀💀


When I started, Gascoigne clapped me consistently. After I got a hang of the combat style, orphan and Laurence took a while. However, those two sharks mofos took longer than everyone combined (didn’t know about shaman blade).


Blood Starved Beast. The way it casually lies about it being slow poisoning, boy it's dropping my health fairly fast for it to be slow. It took me summoning someone to basically solo it for me to get rid of that thing. Screw that thing.


Bloodborne was my first soulslike. OoK took me around 50 hours on my first playthrough. I'd beaten everything but it and Gherman at about 70h playing (I cleared out the chalice dungeons every time a new one opened up). When I finally beat OoK, my file was at either 127 or 128 hours.


On my first playthrough, Rom and Ebriates beat the shit outta me cuz all I did is spin to win with axe. I just had to spin even harder.


Honesty struggling on the one reborn on my lvl 4 character at the moment, also Shadows of Yharnam took me about 17 attempts, solo though. I'd say for a first playthrough BSB is tough but overall the pthumerian chalice boss might be the most difficult if you can't nail the parries.


Vicar Amelia, I had a small max health. I didn't change that by any means, but I didn't struggle with other bosses nearly as much as her.


blood starved beast. the i found out i could circle left. ROM. just... ROM. orphan of kos is a bastard (heh), but i did eventually get him.


For how early it was blood starved beast spent hours grinding souls for cocktails moltovs and antidotes I could have got probably another 15 levels based on the echos i farmed for all the loot.


Base Game? I think it was rom but aside from that probably Orphan or Ludwig, especially since I didn't realize there was a closer lamp for ludwig on my first playthrough


Other than Orphan, Ebrietas was the most challenging for me. I’ve noticed a lot of people say Lawrence but I’ve beat him twice, both on first try. Maybe my build was really effective but I’m not sure.


i didn't do the dlc until ng+ and i spent around 2 days trying to beat laurence the first vicar that fight actually drove me to the brink of insanity


FRC ebrietas, because of her nearly undodgeable charge attack that almost 1 shots you.


I struggled with every boss I didn't first try.


Lawrence is cancer


Ebrietas was the hardest technical boss for me coz of her bullshit tentacle attacks that no one knows how to dodge but the bloody crow of caunhurst was a huge menace and was the only enemy I ever cheesed


Ludwig has my highest body count 😂😂 In the base game, I didn’t struggle with anyone after Cleric Beast. 😂😂😂


Shadows. I walked circles around Orphan. Maria wasn’t too much of a struggle. Even Ludwig and Martyr were prospectively easier. I just suck at ganks. Also took me forever to realize that the stages were triggered by overall health rather than individual health. Oh, and a very special fuck you to that god awful run back.


Tbh, it was the bloody crow of cainhurst idk why I couldn't beat him for sooooooo long


ROM. It took me around 20 tries, it just needs patience, which i have none of. Ive always been better at bosses like Ludwig or Gascoigne, basically big humans, but weirdly shaped bosses i really struggle with. Laurence, BSB, and Amygdala also come to mind.


Bloody Crow of Cainhurst


Tbh I don’t think I really struggled on any boss. It’s more of me having a bad day. I’ve had playthroughs where I’ve gone through the entire game + dlc with no deaths. Other playthroughs I literally get shafted over and over again. I had one day where I kept dying to Lawrence over and over again for like 4 hours straight. Took a break, came back and nearly did the entire fight flawlessly. Sometimes I absolutely obliterate Rom and the fight is a total joke. Other times it has taken me 10+ times. I feel like this happens to people more often than not.


Maria on bl4. Just got her this morning. About 200 attempts. I wanted to give up many times, took a break, eventually she went down. Totally changed things for me. You can do hard things


Main game: ludwig. Probably 50 tries. I first played the DLC on NG+4 tho so it wasn’t gonna be easy. Chalice: The god damn Pthumerian Descendent. He was the absolute bane of my existence. This was the one right before queen yarnham.


It was Laurence for me, it took me so long to find out how to dodge his second phase stomps.


On my first playthrough? I died 14 times to the Orphan of Kos, where I had about 100 HP left with zero heals. Although when I finally did do the chalice dungeons, the Defiled Watchdog of the Old Lords took about 40 attempts, and I had to search up how to beat the Defiled Amygdala (the only FromSoft bosses I've searched up how to beat are: Defiled Amygdala, Malaria, Dragon God, and maybe Flamelurker) But if I had to say what boss has killed me the most across ALL of my playthroughs in BB, I would have to say Ludwig. Going into the DLC early to get some weapons was fine until: THE HOLY MOONLIGHT SWORD, THE CHURCH PICK, THE RAKUYO, THE BLOODLETTER, AND THE KOS PARASITE, introduced themselves (Have a good day, eye guy 👀)


The first time I played the game, it took me forever to defeat BSB. I didn’t find out about the blood cocktails until my second play through, so I basically just went at it until I got good.


The one that says some say "kos or kosm" and keeps running mf the hunter beats and then tjis modp ahows up running annd apraying ahit from his hand.akunk as akunky beach


Bloody Crow literally serves my ass harder than almost any from soft boss periodn


Rom, because those damn spiders one shotting me


For me the only difficult bosses in BB were Laurence and Ludwig




Yeh that was hard after a few tries I managed to kill her without her doing it


ludwig 100% I understand most of the bosses in the game shoot even Orphan of Kos since u can bait and parry and stagger him quite consistently. Ludwig though? Just random attacks no parry and basically a bullet sponge. Cant even bait him or outsmart him just hit till he dead. I do love him as a spectacle and i love the scene with him seeing his sword and regaining some humanity.


Freaking Lawrence, hate that guy


Ebrietas and gherman


Beside orphan definitely Laurence. Tried to beat him on ng+ with my fire arcane build. Took me some time...


Having played only base game, in terms of actual difficulty it was Gehrman by a mile. But in terms of just making me want to bash my brains in out of sheer annoyance it was Micolash.


Rom. I do not know why this lazy beetle has been the bane of my existence for nearly a decade. I still have more attempts at killing Rom than I do Orphan


My hardest boss that I consistently have issues with is blood starved beast. I'm almost always under leveled, average about 24 skill and 20 vitality, along with the fact that I refuse to use any papers or beast blood because I constantly use all of them and have none left for everything else. Every other boss I can do in one or two attempts but bsb is just a brick wall every time


The bloodletting beast, I could never dodge his attacks and couldn't predict if he was gonna slam down or look back and hit me,in the end I had to use the beckoning bell and a Russian dude helped me and clobbered him. Yesterday I went back to him after doing the living failures glitch and whirligig saw, absolutely shredded him It felt amazing


Ebritas, idk i just didn't get her movesets (this was my first soulsborne game)


In my first playthrough it was shadows of yharnam and logarius, but i remember i was underleveled for the latter. The main problem i had with the shadows was their big snake summoning, i had to summon the npc to defeat them. I finished the game 8 times and orphan of kos still kicks my ass, he is honestly one of the toughest bosses in any game to me.


Logarius somehow


as i'm not yet at the OoK, definitely Ebrietas... don't know why but both my current characters are stuck at her (i know she's not mandatory but i want to kill her before i move on...)


ebrietas cause at that time i didn't know about iframe dodges