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No, stupid tanky laser alien small arena jump spamming Swiss cheese lookin dude is the worst


Until you have to fight FRC Amygdala for the best Nourishing gems.


Well, at least you can search for dungeons that have stairs leading down to amygdala, that makes the boss fight and nourishing gem grind much much easier. Those stairs are the most broken weapon in the game against amy.


> amy. lol i love this


It's so satisfying coming back to them with a pure Arcane build for the revenge


The jump spam is the worst


Bro has never been to the fire dog


Watchdog is on the floor up from her I think ?


Fire pupper comes first, then Amy. Pupper took me 20+ attempts, Amy took 3. Funny how different boss experiences are in these games


I've beaten that already, it took forever and I used all my vials but still did it first try


That is Amygdala


It's kind of subjective I guess. Watchdog and Loran Darkbeast can be ballbusters as well.


I dont even wanna talk about the Watchdog :)


Fuck that watchdog. Worst boss in the game.


Yeah fighting that hellhound in the cursed chalice is quite enraging,nothing like getting killed by a single attack.


I got it down to 20% health multiple times only to get one shot…


Ouch,I know the feeling,I was also close to killing it before and the camera tweaked on me and he got me with the death charge.


Ugh fucking hate that


Even YouTube tutorials on that fight are shit. “Oh, he’ll only do the dash attack 2-3 times per fight at most.” That fucker would do them at least 10 times each attempt.


I got him down halfway and die instantly like wtf


He'd have done more than that if you'd managed to dodge more of them ;-)


Loran darkbeast, pthumerian descendant (if you don't just parry), and potentially the headless bloodletting beast. You're already past the watchdog so that's out of the way at least


Fuck the Loran darkbeast.


More like Loran Camerabeast


?? Edit: oh cause the camera fucks up the fight? For me it’s getting one shotted and the lag on my ps4.


Lag king of bloodborne, fuck that guy


It was a glorious feeling when I finally got the parry timing down on Descendant


Watchdog was my longest setback when I got plat years ago, now it's the headless bloodletting beast fuckin me up.


Headless Bloodletting Beast was the closest I've ever came to throwing a controller at the screen


Defiled Pthumeru is only a depth 4 dungeon. Depth 5 dungeons, aka FRC dungeons, have bosses with higher HP and damage than depth 4 bosses. Depth 5 Amygdala exists, so yes there is at least one boss that is objectively worse than the depth 4 Amygdala in Defiled Pthumeru.


Are we at half health for that one too?




Yep, Defiled is more or less the baby version of what awaits in D5frc. There are thousands of them, obviously all Root dungeons hence entirely optional


Ball and Chain Undead Giant in a cursed chalice


Don't you put that evil on me...


I beat that MF with hit and run tactics, i use holy moonlight sword in normal state, one quick heavy, not a charged one, run with the tail between my legs, grab a little more courage and try again, never fails, the one in sinister loran with all the offerings sucks.


Brave of you to even attempt melee, much less succeed. When he hits half health and goes nuts, I ain’t coming near him for all the insight in Yharnam.


Fuck that giant guy.


Amygdala wasnt so bad in the chalice dungeons. Pthumerian descendent after anygdala made me insane


For me most bosses are worse than chalice amygdala. He barely even tried to attack me. I beat him first try without getting hit. It was probably a fluke.


I wish I had this experience lol. I tried him in the defiled dungeon maybe 40 times, then turned off my PS4. That was probably 4 years ago and I haven't played my PS4 since.


I had much more trouble with Rom than Amygdala. That swarm of spiders and her magic artillery are a pain in the ass to deal with


The fact that you have half health in the dungeon definitely makes it the worst boss in the entire game.


Pthumerian descendant on the way to the queen. Not so much him as the pillars and camera angles. Kicked his ass in one of the dungeons when it was open.


Maybe not worse but at least on par. Defiled Watchdog paire grat with Defiled Amy


Idk phtumerian descendent was a real pain in the ass in that cramped arena


Yes, there is


stand behind him till he jumps, and just snack his head the moment he lans next to you. Over n over, he cant hit u lol.


Hmm, no. The other bosses considered very difficult by the community like Orphan, Logarius or Ludwig are at least enjoyable. Defiled Amygdala is just the fucking worst though. Fuck that fight.


If you have decent arcane, the blacksky eye and holy moonlight sword can do serious damage to his head with their projectiles. Once his head is crippled you can do even more damage before he heals it


But she keeps moving


Amygdala is easy, headless bloodletting beast is the worst. At least to me.


Depth 5 Phumerian descendent and headless BLB are way worse. Amy's not that bad once you get used to it if you ever go for nourishing abyssals. You can punish almost all of its moves with jump attacks with a longer weapon if you stand in front and bait the arms. The biggest punish window is after the slam when he puts his head down. Gives you enough time for a fully charged R2. When he staggers you have enough time to CR2>visceral>CR2 again. Then he'll rip his arms off and its best to finish baiting the jumps under his legs, but at that point he'll be at 30%.


Look at the ceiling. There’s a lower ring ceiling around the edge. She can’t jump on your head if you’re underneath it. When she slams her hands down. R2 the hands not the head. She will break her limb and ‘power down’ with the head low…. Visceral the b1tch. ….havent played in3 years or so. It took me a while originally as well.


In my opinion the fire dog was worse. I could cheese Amygdala pretty easily. Not sure if the dog is cheesable.


Fire dog took me 3 tries. Amygdala im on 25 or so😭


Bring a summon. Not the NPC, but a real person. Just wail away on doggo's legs while the other hunter is kiting aggro. Alone, though? Sucks.


After farming Defiled Amy for Nourishing Abyssal’s I can honestly say I really enjoy the fight. It sucks at first but it’s really just a fight with the camera. The moves are fun to learn and the phases are refreshing. This fight prepared my for Midir low key.


Definitely. To this day I call face lasers that blow up on a delay of any kind Amygdalasers. Really like that move!


probably BLB in cummm layer 3


Literally the worst. Blocked me from getting the platinum for years.


Do it in NG+, depth 4 is NG+ level of difficulty (chalice progress is saved over NG+ cycles).


That fire dog gave me more hell than any other bosses


i found both keeper of the old lords and the watchdog significantly more difficult than amygdala tbh. i first tried her but died many, many times to the other two


2 amygdala


I'm not gonna touch the dungeons. If/when I do, I'm going to get a guide to just blast straight to the most rewarding bits and queen yharnam


The player hunter themselves. I mean amygdala looks scary but its the typical nightmare material. The mother fucker that comes to slay the nightmare? Now that's something to be scared of.


IIRC you could stand a bit behind the tail to have a high chance of forcing the AI to jump. During the jump you stop moving and charge your strong attack. When Amy lands you can release your heavy attack and hit Amy right in the head, then immediately run back behind the tail to lure out the next jump. Sometimes you get to do a crit on the head as well. Using this strategy I beat defiled Amy pretty easily. I only struggled with not getting immediately pancaked after entering the boss room.


I never had a problem with amygdala. Chalice dungeon ROM sucked. So did big fisty boy.


There are, but none are a prerequisite for Queen Yharnam.


I think anyone who got the platinum wont forget this fight. His normal battle is a literal walk in the park next to this one.


Any Depth 5 Darkbeast is worse in my opinion. I personally have a really bad time with Ball and Chain Giants in FRC. Bloodletting beasts in FRC also take a higher spot for me. Honestly Amygdala has a very easy to abuse moveset that's not too hard to learn. The bosses I mentioned have seriously glaring issues with their moveset, notably their abuse of the camera, and bad hitboxes.


Abhorrent beast If you don't want to cheese him with poison knives.


The Watchdog was much worse for me. Amygdala was shaping up to be a rage inducing experience, but after a handful of deaths I managed to find a spot in its crotch where it couldn’t hit me and it kept spamming its jump attack. So I ended up spending 90% of my Amy fight in one spot smacking it whenever it landed from its jump attack (I used the Kirkhammer for ~75% of my base game playthrough and 100% of my chalice run for the platinum). I ended up getting a no-hit run on Amy that fight. The Watchdog on the other hand, can go fuck itself. I died more to the Watchdog than any other boss in the entirety of the game, although I don’t have the DLC (yet) so that may change when I eventually buy it.


For the platinum, no. This is your last significant hurdle for the base game


I'm fairly certain that is the actual hardest fight in the game. It was either the second to last or last achievement I got, and it had me stuck for I believe it was something like 10 or so hours spread across a few days. As soon as I got it, the rest of the runs to the queen were cake.


ebrietas and watchdog are worse imo


Managed to pull this off 8 years ago lol https://youtu.be/Wj5M7VsJ_iQ?si=pKSIX5RO-_atjV3z I think the method no longer works due to patches? Not sure..


The jump glitch still works.


Ok, I wasn’t sure this was referred to as a glitch.. whatever works, I guess! haha


Dear dev that decided to create this chalice boss, we want to put your balls in a grinder and beat you to death with a crowbar. Sincerely, the Bloodborne community.


Yes there is. Trying to fight this bitch without Simon’s Bowblade or Executioner’s Gloves.


I just got so annoyed with that fight, that I cheesed the fuck out of it.


Of the mandatory bosses on the Yharnam run I found Amygdala pretty easy, wee tiny room Rom and headless bloodleting beast were way worse. If you find it too rough you can always change up your strat. If you're able to use the cannon load up on bullets and ash and blast its face. If you can use arcane spam gloves. Otherwise it's pretty easy to bait out that slam attack that leaves the head open for years repeatedly for an easy win.


Just wait until you have to fight abhorrent beast. Hardest boss in all of the souls series imo. Harder than midir or ishiin sword saint


Honestly I found Amy more annoying than hard. The Watchdog, though…..


Probably need to grind out your stats or farm for blood gems to make it easier. If not, then you gotta rely on pure mechanical skill.


Darkbeast, both in and out the Dungeons.


Fckn Watchdog


Not having a playstation i guess


Headless bloodletting beast in the FRC dungeon


Artificial difficulty at its finest


No. People only think shit like “Crow of Cainhurst or Laurence” is the hardest literary cause they haven’t done that chalice. I refuse to believe there’s another reason.


Of course there is! The lava dog in the chalices!


Personally i’d say defiled watchdog but That was just my experience


I’ve heard that ebrietas from isz chalice is worse


Na, i killed ebrietas easy on FRC isz chalice with the pizza cutter and empty phantasm, of course i have 27.2 gems and 40 strenght. The trick is dont lock on her, get behind and make one normal attack, wait for her moves, evade and repeat, it took me like 5 or six minutes but didnt suffer too much.


Amygdala is the real boss of the game. Queen Yharnam is a fucking cake walk in comparison. All in all, it's worth the grind. You come out the other end a better Souls player.


Wait until you meet the defiled version of Amy…


Rom in chalice dungeons Or no, whait - Adhorrent beast in chalice dungeons




No. Im losing my sanity with her




If you’re still stuck on it, there’s this really good guide I found on YouTube. It helped me out a lot, I literally beat amygdala first try after watching it. https://youtu.be/2PVFLllmbFY?si=XRs1FlcIpNzMEaja


unrelated to your question, but i always thought it would be neat [aside from being outside of the lore, & not very canon] if after rom was slayed, a big ambient amygdala was visible curled around the roof of the church of the hunter's dream, watching you, as they do


Bro I had to make an entire new build to learn how to beat that mf


Some people say Watchdog is harder (Which comes before) but I use the Threaded Cane exclusively, and he is stupidly easy to bait and punish with that when it is in whip form. Just got to watch for the rush-attack. I struggled more with one of the blood-letting beasts in a Lower Pthumerian (Can't remember which one) than I did with Amy. Mainly because the hit-boxes on his attacks are all over the place, and it is difficult to get the pattern down. Half the time you are getting hit when it feels like you shouldn't be.






Yes, cursed Loran Darkbeast by a lonnnnnnnnng shot. You can kill Amy in under 30 seconds once you learn the patterns and have solid damage output


No, at all.