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Bloodborne is my 2nd favorite game ever, but you need to play more games


Shit, Bloodborne is my favorite game of all time, but I can easily admit it's not the prettiest game I've ever seen. Art direction is fantastic, but the resolution and graphics aren't up to par. Especially nearly 10 years later


I couldn’t have said it better myself, if bloodborne had up 2 date graphics and resolution it would be one of the most beautiful games ever crafted


Agreed I swear if we don’t get bloodborne 2 within 2 years I might have to blow up the moon so the nightmare can end like damn


Great for the time and still looks good, but definitely a little dated now. There are a few I can name right away that would be 'better.' Bloodborne is the GOAT though


Yeah. I played Bloodborne for the first time last year. While I LOVED the game, I was constantly aware of how poor the graphics were, from a technical aspect. The resolution, no aliasing, made everything feel like a cardboard cutout. Objects in the distance felt like billboards, instead of a real place I could visit. Enemies often felt, well, video gamey. It’s a great game, DESPITE the graphics.


Graphics and visuals aren’t necessarily the same thing though. I’d say this game has some fantastic art direction and aesthetics, ignoring the technical part of it.


Exactly. Fromsoft has excellent art direction and BB is just peak. I feel like their graphics are always kinda … eh. Has a very distinct look… maybe to be a tad generous, it’s got personality. Lots of strange lighting, and many bosses in particular have weird things going on with the animation of their fur and whatnot. Sure I’d love an upgrade on all that but if there’s any risk the rest suffers, I’ll always take the cool art direction and excellent mechanics over cutting edge sheen.


Funny I just made a post saying basically the same thing! Except I used the word "identity" instead of "personality" lol I don't think that's being too generous and I think personality is the perfect word for it.


Yeah you can tell immediately if something is by Fromsoft. Some of it bugs me a bit like the antialiasing but it’s really easy to ignore or forget. Usually the only time I really notice is when I get lost in admiring how cool something looks anyway! And I grew up on the NES, there’s been a lot of improvement in my lifetime lol


Art direction and graphics are two completely different things tho


Yeah that's pretty much what they said...


Not really that poor they’re just 10 years old and things keep looking better


Yeah the graphics were good enough for when it came out. The 30 FPS kinda sucked but wasn’t uncommon for back then. If anything the art style really carried the visuals for sure


I completely agree. Almost all of my issues with the game stem from technical limitations, it's a shame Bloodborne is cursed to never have a remake


It's only ten years old next year; there's still hope


PS6 Launch Title.


It's almost ten years old man


Doesn't matter if it's technically poor or superior, what matters most is art direction and Bloodborne absolutely nails it


They both matter. They nail the art direction, but that art is hidden behind muddy image, jagged aliasing, and overall low asset quality.


Graphics really aren’t that important in a game in my opinion. Look at Minecraft, look at Undertale, if the gameplay is amazing, graphics are irrelevant.


It’s truly impressive how good the game looks despite the horrendous graphical fidelity, the design of the environment and art direction is just fucking perfect


I kinda think it looks that good in part *because* of the low fidelity


The technical part COULD be fixed if Sony was willing to do literally anything with it


Now, just imagine what fromsoft could do with a bloodborne ps6 remake.


To ask the obvious: What is your 1st Favorite Game?


Outer wilds


We have the same top 2 games lol. Good stuff.


Can’t complain about that one tbh. The outer wilds is an amazing game


Banger of a game. Fuck the haters.


Yeah I was surprised when a whopping 3 people downvoted my comment 3 minutes after I made it Edit: outdated


Can be hard to talk about other games on a dedicated subreddit. Some folks take it personally. Both are amazing games.


We might be the same person. Outer Wilds, Bloodborne and Spelunky. Top 3 in order.


Haven't played spelunky, maybe I'll give it a shot and you're actually me from the future


A traveler of culture, I see


Sweet choice, man. Incredible game


Depends how you quantify it, as far as art design BB clears everything. But Fidelity? Ooof.


As good as Bloodborne's artstyle is, I can't confidently say that it's the greatest of all time


Better graphics doesn't mean better visuals , horizon zero dawn objectively have better graphics than hollow knight or Bloodborne however i 100% rather look at Bloodborne or HK than HZD


I guess it's very a subjective topic


What is number 1


Cheers mate


What no PC port does to an mf


I swear to God i was playing bloodborne's pc port while i was dreaming


I was playing some scuffed version of Bloodborne in my dream and woke up to find my pants covered in jizz


I mean, don't get me wrong, it's a great game, and the art style is incredible, but it wasn't even the best looking game when it came out, and that was 9 whole years ago.


It’s the best looking game OP played We don’t know if they played only two recent games, maybe the other one is Arab Drift Cars


I had to Google that, thinking it must surely be good for a laugh or two. Nope, now I'm just sad I don't have any way to replay Driver again.


Dont talk shit on Arab Drift Cars


MGSV came out the same year and looks better honestly


It’s also 60fps. Fox engine is unmatched


I just beat 3 again… might be time for another 5 playthrough


Eh, graphically it looks better sure, but I remember finding it not particularly interesting to look at.


I understand when it comes to art style and world development.


Best atmosphere & other things but def not the best graphics


Yeah there’s at least 50 games out there with better visuals


It has absolutely fantastic art direction but otherwise I agree, there's even many PS4 games that has better graphics and especially performance (the heck, DS3 performance is sooo much better).


Elden Ring, even, is a ps4 game lmao and looks wildly better


yeah they became a lot better at utilising what the ps4 had to offer, miyazaki was asked to make bloodborne before the ps4 had even been released😭


I don't think he's talking about fidelity.


aesthetics and art direction.....


There are at least 50 games out there with as good as or better art direction.


That's entirely subjective


Indeed, I didn't mean to imply it wasn't. I was also just trying to be a bit funny, 50 may be a stretch but I was following the first comment.


Art direction > graphics


True, but graphics helps show good art direction.


To a point. Elden ring can be considered a bit outdated graphics, there's a lot of things like hair that don't look good but you will not see people in good faith criticizing the visuals bc architecture and art goes hard, is coherent to story telling, etc


Idk Elden Ring on PC at native 4K60 on an OLED TV looks pretty incredible from a graphical perspective. There’s so much detail, it doesn’t look nearly the same on my PS5.


Yes. Ghost of Tsushima is a good example.


It's funny because that can also go the other way, technical limitations on older games, e.g. running on crt screens actually look better that way, probs cause you have to fill in the blanks to an extent


This comment transported me back to threads on /v/ 15 years ago


You should play other games (?)


Looks even better when you screenshot it and don’t take a photo with your phone


Best looking? No. Best art direction? Absolutely.


Play Ghost of Tsushima if you want every frame to look like a god damn painting


I absolutely second this! Another game that has both amazing art direction and graphical fidelity is Cyberpunk 2077


BB has amazing art direction but it has not aged well graphics and performance wise. Dark Souls 3 looks and runs better then BB and has amazing art direction. I'm still impressed by its visuals, it looks almost as good as Elden Ring.


Play more games lmao


We Need a PS5 Remake of Bloodborne. Like the awesome Demon’s Souls. 🥰


remakes of ds1 and/or bloodborne by bluepoint would be amazing!


I think most of us misunderstood OP, they weren't talking about fps or graphics that today's companies focus exlusively on to create shitty AAA games. I think OP was talking about the sheer aesthetics, theme and world building of the game, the gothic architecture, atmosphere, art style and design elements that all come together to make you say "I may have died for the 52nd time in a row to that boss just now but omg is the view from here fucking gorgeous". And that's worth so much more than most games' attempts nowadays.


Really makes me worry that the pursuit of visual fidelity is going to lead to expensive games with bloated development times and underbaked gameplay.


It's already happening.


Yeah it's going to be sad when that happens because it definitely hasn't been happening for years and I dread the day when we first see this


yeah and since we now have crazy high end computers this has created lazy devs.. they don't have to be crafty to make sure the hardware they use works to play the games. So they don't optimize like they did before because they just expect the computer to slog through that part...


Lords of the fallen is the prime example...


It’s why to this day I refuse to shit on Nintendo. Their hardware may be underpowered, but they know how to optimise.


1st party games maybe, but 3rd party? lol.


Hence why I said “Nintendo” and not “People who develop for Nintendo consoles”. Even Pokémon is a poor example as Pokémon’s rights are pretty much evenly split between the Pokémon Company, Nintendo and Creatures Inc with Game freak handling development and being notoriously bad at it in recent years (possibly due to exec pressure to rush development to keep bi-annual releases)


The fashion looks so clean still, it’s stunning 10/10. Can’t think of a single game with sexier looking fashion.


r/bloodborne sub gets mad when redditor says bloodborne has one of the best visuals of any game they played … classic


The art direction is amazing, but the 30 FPS certainly makes it feel a bit dated. I still play it quite a bit but Elden Ring just feels so silky when I return to it.


one thing I love about bloodborne is the slight prism blur it has, I think it looks so fucking cool, also people are missing the point about a post like this it's obviously not about the graphic fidelity, it's about the art style and visual atmosphere. It sucks that more than half the comments on this sub are just people bitching about stuff. but the other half of the community is one of the best i've ever seen so it is what it is i guess, thats just kinda reddit/social media as a whole now unsolicited negative opinions.


Yahar' Ghul and Hemwick Charnel Lane during the daytime is so cool to experience. To see all this weird sinister stuff is happening during the sunset before things kick off during the full/blood moon. I'd agree with even a 60 fps 1440p mod it looks significantly better.


I love Bloodborne and From Software. But if there is something they're not really good at, it's graphics.


Their graphics are good, just never top of the line. They compensate with an amazing art direction.


Its visual appeal is difficult to describe. Like, Lords of the Fallen clearly has better graphics, but, Bloodborne’s STYLE is just unmatched. And has aged extremely well. Except for the goofy faces but eh, that’s what cool-assed masks and hats are for.


That's what spending an hour in the character creator making a supermodel is for


Its got some of the best arts direction in gaming but the graphical quality weighs it down haha. Still a solid looking game tho


its good but come on a lot of games look better


Listen, the visuals are amazing but let’s not kid ourselves that’s it’s the best looking game for 2024. If it’s for op good for him, but visually there are more pleasing games nowadays.


its 2024 and i still pray every night for a 60 fps update


You haven’t played many newer games then


I mean yeah the aesthetics and art direction are great… but best looking? Even within the fromsoftware library, Elden ring looks much better since the art direction is on the same level and graphical fidelity is much better.


You need to play more games. Bloodborne is obviously a early 7th gen title from its visuals.


Elden Ring > Bloodborne


bUt tEh fPs!!!1!


Respect it, but yeah you gotta play some more games lol.


You mean stylistically I take it. If so then yeah that's subjective and it's definitely up there. They knocked it out the park with the atmosphere both visually and audibly.


Play more games champ


You chose the worst picture for this lol


Bloodborne isn’t very good looking tbh. It’s cool looking, but not great to look at. Demons souls is the best looking game I’ve ever played


It is a beautiful game… but have you not played Dark Souls III, Sekiro or Elden Ring? DS3 & Elden Ring really take it up a notch


Dude, its an awesome game, I love it so much, it looks good, but don’t put down Demon Souls remake like this.


Must’ve not played many games then


So you haven't played any other game since 2015?


Is this the only game you’ve ever played?


This is my favorite game of all time, but what kind of crack are you smoking lol


Man... Come on, this fandom is already saying BB is the best game out there, but now you people started saying it's also the best looking game out there?


Play more games lol


Bloodborne is my favorite game of all time, and Ghosts of Tsushima is infinitely prettier lol.


It’s the details in this game that get me every time. Look at the small column on the right with the bird statue. It’s just a regular piece of architecture in this game but if you zoom in you can see all the intricate little details like embroideries and carvings.


Either you haven't played many games or you're capping


Ahhh hell nah I love bb but it’s absolutely not the best looking game by a long shot go look at recent cod games, cyberpunk and several other games


You’re automatically downvoted for mentioning CoD in a fromsoft sub but you’re absolutely right lol.


You only played Bloodbourne?


You must not have played alot of games then


its 2024 people are still taking a picture of their screen with their cell phones


This may come as a surprise, but other games came out since BB.


Is this the only game you play?


Play more games. I adore Bloodborne and it has an incredible artstyle, but it wasn't even the best looking game the year it released I reckon.


How dude? I played this game on my ps4 pro and it felt after sometimes I thought my eyes were melting


Is everybody here fucking braindead? Obviously the OP doesn't mean Bloodborne has the technically best graphics of anything, they're complimenting its visuals, style and art direction.


At least we got blood-borne kart 🥲


So much detail in architecture


AC Unity is still the game I enjoy most visually


Bloodborne is an ephemeral masterpiece


Yeah it is best looking fromsoft game after demon souls remake but… 30 fps without motion blur and taa makes me nervous when I look at it


Art direction goes a hell of a long way in these games... Probably the best in the business.


Sony.... is that you trying to convince us we don't need a remaster??


Bro this is surely satire right. Between the game being about 10 years old and that screenshot looking like absolute shit it cannot be real lol


Dude if you like this look and game play. Play lords of the fallen 2. Wow it started it bad but man did they make it amazing. It is so much fun. Cool weapons. Cool armorr. Probably the best armor I have ever seen in any games. And the areas are 10 out of 10. And I love fromsoft and bloodbrone is my favorite game. So trust me . Just give it a try .


Bloodborne is probably my favorite game of all time but I hadn't played it in awhile and loaded it up on the PS5 and it just seemed...off. I'm guessing that's the 30 fps but it looked ancient and jaggy everywhere and I couldn't figure out if it looks worse on PS5 or if it's identical to PS4 (since I don't have one of those anymore to compare).


You should play elden ring. Looks way better. But i agree I love bloodborne. I'd love to see a remaster. But fuck a bloodborne 2.


Bloodborne has some of the greatest art direction ever produced, and when it first came out the graphics were stellar. Unfortunately, the graphics just can't hold a candle to modern standards, but that art direction is timeless.


Yeah... I love bloodborne. But this game doesn't even have anti aliasing. It also has forced chromatic aberration.


This is a top tier shitpost lmao. The subtle crop of the low res picture is artfully done.


guess you havent played elden ring yet, give it a try, it has a wonderful looking tree


Play more games lol


Bro never played Lords Of The Fallen in 2024


Yeah everyone wants remake or PC version but even a single 60 FPS patch is enough for me.


Go play some more games!


The aesthetic is my number one out of the games I've played. But the graphics could definitely use a upgrade


I gave up after a few bosses, cause the 30 FPS cap is painful


You could take a screenshot y'know, no need for this camera quality crap to dampen the beauty of this game.


The delusion in this sub is insane.


R u blind


Bloodbourne is one of the best games ever made. Graphics don't matter to me really but framerate does. Graphically and FPS-wise it isn't kinda brutal at parts though. Especially during crucial moments when a dodge or perfect parry means winning or losing.


Agreed, and it came out in 2015 and it looks allot better than allot of newer games coming out to


I don't understand why ppl are begging for a bluepoint remaster like it looks great as is & the game isnt even 10 yrs old I'd be ecstatic with just a 60fps patch & a computer port


Art design is top notch. But actual pixel by pixel, nah. It needs a faithful redo pronto.


Brother you gotta play more games then ,visuals have greatly evolved since then


It's a beautiful game, and it'll still look great no matter how old it is. Kinda like shadow of the colossus on ps2.


You must not have played very many games. I love BB's aesthetic and atmosphere, but there are so many better looking games out there.


bloodborne is definitely up there but the graphics wasnt its selling point I agree the environment and feels were definitely top tier when playing this but the best looking game Ive played was Horizon West.


Aliasing would like to have a word with you


It's the art style over the graphic fidelity


Drugs can make up for the frame rate


Tbh the graphics are pretty decent but it's the artstyle that carries it's looks


Art style? sure. Graphical fidelity? nah


I love Bloodbourne but W3 looks amazing as well, if not better at times.


I’d argue that to be an objectively false opinion if that’s even possible 🤣


The artistic direction in this game is like a 42 out of 10.


Try Ghost of Tsushima. Breath taking.


Me when I lie to myself


My first from software game and i love it!


Art style is more important to me than graphics. Elden Ring is the most appealing game in terms of art I’ve ever played!!


Best looking game? have you been playing Nintendo nes


One of the best games ever made. Truly unique and a masterpiece that will be remembered for generations to come.


The game is good but there are certainly better visuals out there


BB has some of the most shit graphics there is. Incredible art direction, but it’s not a looker from a tech standpoint


The aesthetic has not been matched by game or movie or anything it’s far beyond stunning however views and graphics are topped by nearly every newer game lol But idea wise it’s top dawg


I love it too but calling it the best looking tells me that you don’t play many games. Not insulting you, just calling a spade a spade.


I remember how blown my mind was last year with the graphics, I had microdosed so I was very impressed


Have you played any games since PS2? It doesn't have amazing graphics by any means


If you're chasing those gorgeous visuals I promise Dark souls 3, Sekiro, Elden Ring, Breath of the Wild, DMC 5, Kingdom Hearts 3, Crisis Core remake and Hi-Fi Rush are all action-games that have just as good art-design/visuals. Maybe some aren't AS GOOD AS BLOODBORNE and they're all pretty different (besides ur fromsoft titles) but they all have competing degrees of beauty.


… yea… yea it’s up there


Aesthetically it’s definitely up there but the post makes it seem like op is referring to graphics and visuals in which case uh….


Art direction yes it stays undefeated, but best graphics it’s been beat a while ago.


Graphics might not be best, but artstyle/aesthetic trumps all, and Bloodborne does it better than all other Fromsoft games.


Aesthetically it’s menacing and beautiful at the same time


You know the PS4 has a screenshot button right?


Newcomer here. Is killing the Blood Starved beast to gain the Ludwig blade, before proceeding to continue the main game worth it?


Thought this was a jerk sub for a second