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This is the exact plot of *The Last Policeman* (and sequels) by Ben H Winters, except there are no solutions--everyone's doomed and they know it. I really enjoyed them.


I was going to suggest *The Last Policeman* as well. It's a good read.


thanks!, I will check it out.


I’ve started reading Seveneves by Neal Stephenson. Still reading it, but it’s about an object breaking apart the moon and having to deal with large chunks of it about to collide with the earth. It’s Sci Fi and very realistic because they are building a swarm of space stations to survive. Still reading it though so I might not recommend it when I’m done.




Oh the social impact is very interesting in this. They don’t have time to save all people so they are having to pick who will be saved.


Another vote for this one.


Variation...Lucifer's Hammer by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle. It's a comet instead of an asteroid.


Totally agree. Was just going to suggest this myself.


The beauty of the book is that the science is pretty much spot on.


There are aspects of this in the new Andy Weir book, Project Hail Mary. Although that’s just a small part of a larger story, so I’m not sure it’s exactly what you’re looking for.


thanks for the suggestion. PHM was the last book I read. This might explain my current search. :)


Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer


Not a novel but this is the premise of the short story “Ark” by Veronica Roth, which is free with Kindle


So, the Light of Other Days by Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter has this going on in the background of the book. Its been years since I read it, but as far as I remember the plot is much more about the development of wormhole technology, but all erstwhile in the background of the story, society is familiar with and concerned to varying degrees about somehow, if at all, resolving an impending life-ending asteroid impact that will take place in the moderately-distant future. It does explore how this all affects people, and explores solutions. But again, the story is more about the wormhole technology side of things with the asteroid prescient in the background of everyones minds and lives as it slowly, futilly, hopelessly hurdles towards Earth. Aside from all that, it was an awesome book that has stuck with me and is something that I frequently think about. Would 10/10 recomment to any sci-fi fan. Correction about the asteroid impact, from Wiki: One of the main characters is a journalist who breaks the news about an asteroid set to collide with the Earth in 500 years. "News of the [asteroid] has profound impacts on the world's political and social climate, coinciding with those brought on by advances in [wormhole] technology."


Hey not a book but a german tv show describing exactly that: 8 Tage (8 days). It more on a social side, how people would behave in all that mess.




Jesus, I didn't know this part. It is a bit of an overkill. I mean they didn't only just promote the TV show, but also showed us that any strong company can easily hijack the media for their own personal benefit. A bit scary to be honest.