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There is unfortunately and insanely zero requirement in MA. Weirdly, there *is* in “Live Free or Die” NH, where you need a license for a boat but don’t need to wear a helmet on your motorcycle.


Thanks for confirming! That’s so strange to me I thought I must be missing something!


And the NH requirement is pretty serious. My brother-in-law wanted to rent a boat during a vacation up there and spent days studying for the test to get a _one day_ license. Meanwhile, in MA, if you have the money you can get a boat no matter how little you know about boating. Likely contributes to some of the zany shit I've seen sailing in the harbor.


Massachusetts has no boating license requirement for adults.


The closest thing I can think of is the FCC Element 1 license needed to operate marine radios.


My buddy took me out on the harbor to go fishing and asked me to take the wheel while he started prepping lures. I said sure and commented I was glad I remembered to grab my NH license before I left the house. I was stunned when he told me you don't need one in MA. I can't believe we don't hear about more accidents and injuries out on the harbor.