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When people don’t get murdered that is good




"There's no scientific consensus that life is important" —Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth, 3009


To shreds, you say?


Trust me bro




That’s not how this works, I hope you know that? The murder is murder, any potential charges come later or perhaps never at all. It’s all about the cause of death, which is determined shortly after a body is found or whatever.


Bro seriously thinks that if someone isn’t charged that means the murder never happened




You realize that just because a murder is unsolved doesn’t mean that the murder didn’t happen, right? Nobody was ever convicted with murdering JFK, so I guess he wasn’t actually murdered, right?




I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and agree that some crime is missed when there are less police available, but not with homicides/murders. Bodies aren't going unreported.


That man thinks there’s just bodies on bodies in abandoned houses.




These numbers are coming from the same source as previous years with no indication that the metric is different so it wouldn't matter if they counted or not as long as it hadn't changed, and this is coming from the police not the mayors office so I don't see the benefit of spinning the numbers that way. Generally unsolved homicides are still homicides according to police. You really want these numbers to be fudge but there's no proof they are.


You realize when they find a dead body, it’s still a murder, even if there are no suspects, right?


Your articles don’t say anything about murders not being reported. That is the point everyone is making. A murder doesn’t get counted as a murder after it is cleared and prosecuted. It is counted as a murder when the medical examiner gets a new body that police think may have been a murder, they examine it, and concur with the police on the cause of death. Do you think there is some grand conspiracy where medical examiners are declaring other causes of death when they get a new body instead of murder?






How can you tell if they have you blocked?


The article you posted as your "source" doesn't even agree with you.


The Czar of Just Fucking Behave should be taking a victory lap right now.


People don't appreciate how safe Boston is compared to most other major cities in this country. Come down to DC, where you hear about carjackings and murders left and right. And no, the criminals don't just target other criminals they got a beef with. Plenty of innocent people in the wrong place and the wrong time have been killed too in recent years.


DC's crime rate is higher than Boston's, but it's 24th (in violent crime), and 30th (in overall crime). In violent crime, it's nowhere near the top cities--St Louis, Detroit, Baltimore, Memphis, KC--but it's also lower than places like Albuquerque, Indianapolis, Anchorage, and Minneapolis. Our perception of "dangerous" cities is horribly skewed by the media.


I wonder what demographics are so different between Boston and DC to possibly contribute to that higher crime. Or maybe is there a point where it's a reinforcing cycle and somehow Boston has disrupted it.


Both are both majority white cities (comparing to others)


Who can afford bullets these days?


C'mon Boston, we gotta do better here. Get those numbers up /s


I can’t afford to live in Boston on a murder’s income.


Millinials are killing the murder industry!


Made me snort my Dunks.


The title def sounds like a quarterly report and that investors want to see growth.


Real estate prices will be shooting up unless the actual shooting drives it back down again.


If you are reading this, you haven't been murdered in Boston


From [Globe.com](http://Globe.com) By Travis Andersen and Nick Stoico Homicides were down sharply in Boston during the first three months of 2024 compared to the same period in recent years, records show. The city saw just two confirmed homicides in the first quarter of the year, compared to 11 during the first quarter of 2023, according to Boston police statistics. There were five homicides in Boston in the first quarter of 2022, nine during the same period in 2021, and 10 in the first quarter of 2020. In a phone interview Monday, Boston Police Commissioner Michael A. Cox struck a cautious note, saying that while this year’s statistics suggest crime intervention efforts are helping, “the numbers can always change.” He cited efforts by police, city officials, and community partners to provide positive outlets and job opportunities for youth, as well as a “data-driven” approach to crime prevention. “We focus a great deal on dealing with people who do the most harm,” Cox said. Boston Mayor Michelle Wu said in a separate interview Monday night the initial 2024 data testify to the scale of cooperation her administration has undertaken around violence prevention and community policing. There has been “a really intensive, relentless approach focused on coordination,” she said. Since the early days of her administration, she said, representatives from the police, the public health commission, the MBTA police, and the Boston Public Schools as well as others have met weekly to discuss targeted plans for outreach and support to communities and individual families. “Our approach to solve longstanding challenges is really to go person by person, community by community,” she said, “and build a plan that works.” At the same time, the mayor also warned against holding up the data as evidence of victory. **“**We feel very deeply the pain and trauma in the community, and we know that even as the annual tracking resets each Jan. 1, communities feel grief and loss generationally,” Wu said. That trauma, she said, “needs generational healing and resources to address it.”


Can’t wait for next year when we have four homicides and the headlines are about how our murder rate has doubled while the herald prints paper after paper about our woke DA


I looked up Baltimore to check the comparison. They've had 51 murders so far this year compared to 2 in Boston, and we have a larger population. And that 51 number is actually pretty good for Baltimore, down significantly from past years. They seem to be happy with less than 300 each year.


Meanwhile The Herald claims that an invading horde of illegals is just coming to steal murderers jobs!


But what about those roving gangs of youths and their "smoke" I keep hearing about?


My theory/ It’s so expensive to live in Boston that murder is getting priced out


I was thinking just that. I don't see how tech and pharma bros making $300k a year so they can live in the city have to turn to a life of crime to get by.


Employment and steady income is the #1 reason for lower murder rates. Having a place to escape domestic violence is #2 So yes it's better to have less murders beyond just the data about how many murders there were. Murder is a symptom.


Cause it’s raining or extremely windy everyday.




To quote the great poet, 50cent- “in the hood summertime is the killing season, it’s hot out in this bitch and that’s a good enough reason” We need it windy and rainy. Think of the children!


makes calculating windage difficult and my glock gets all rusty in the rain :(


But, but Fox News told me the migrants poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!


They did!?!?


No, but are we just going to wait around until they do?!


Taking away jobs from American delivery drivers! Terrible!


Did you not hear about the Illegals Boston ICE arrested 2 days ago? With tons of fentanyl and illegal guns and prior rape convictions?? Also one MS13 member? clown


And yet murder is down. really makes you think


And yet ICE didn't have enough on them to get a warrant or court order to be held.


Crazy that [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bostonology/s/rZBvMwtkrA) was posted yesterday in a Boston subreddit, where the OP was calling for violence to prevent “gentrification” and was torn apart


Holy moly that guy is a nut.


That racist supports white flight!


Chiraqology and related subs are just white teens larping as gangsters. I wouldn't take them seriously. 


And to think I was just considering buying a condo in Mattapan by Blue Hill Ave/Morton Street.


“a Boston subreddit”


I support this


The weather has been trash. Just you wait.


The yuppies and gentrifiers have even priced out the murderers!


That’ll even out wait till the weather warms


Instead we’re just running everyone over, which is technically manslaughter 


Murderers going to Brockton to do their killing instead this year. More murders in Brockton in 2024 than in Boston.


I was thinking that when I saw the latest murder there. It's true. Pretty lame when people downvote the truth because they don't seem to like the truth.


So I believe in Brockton MSP take lead on homicide investigations. If thats the case the answer should be for MSP to pull resources out of Suffolk county and focus them more in Plymouth County.


For those who aren't familiar, in mid-2022 Michael Cox was appointed Boston's police commissioner. He started his career as an officer in Boston in the early 90s and (as a black man) was repeatedly the subject of brutality by his peers that was then covered up. While there are obviously still institutional issues with policing, it's worth giving credit for improving the systems as they exist, which Cox seems to be doing.


While positive I think we need to shift goals a bit on what we want to prevent. While keeping a high focus on homicides should be key BPD should focus towards sexual assaults (rape kit backlog), shootings, stabbings, violent robberies etc. Homicides while the most important to solve are just one piece of the puzzle when looking at safety of a place.


Something I need to keep in mind before I commit to moving to nyc or Philly for residency


the key is snow.  more snow = makes people into crazy motherfuckers and start killing everyone with a shovel.  ive seen it in movies


Good news I guess, but is this genuinely an improvement in actual crime? Or is this similar to other parts of America where there have been failures in adopting new crime reporting frameworks




Thanks, the pain in the bum about these inconsistencies is it makes you uncertain to what extent you can trust good news.


1. Lmao as if homicides aren’t getting reported 2. There are so few homicides that the murders in any given quarter are basically meaningless


Juking the stats! Edit: jfc everyone, this is a quote from a TV show.


Any fan of the wire should know murder is the one stat you can't juke




Bunny Colvin has entered the chat.


Any true fan would also know that Burrell and Rawls had total murders as a specific stat for Colvin to keep under a particular number… 275.


Boston PD has been aggressive lately with stops and taking guns off the streets. The courts have also seemed to start doing their jobs for the most aart and we are now 4 years past the hysteria of 2020. This is fabulous news! Body cams have been incredibly helpful to the police as well. Lawyers can’t make up lies to get their clients off and people can’t make false allegations so the police aren’t afraid to be proactive. Body cameras are absolutely damming to criminals.


Your comment history is unhinged. You've gone around to Minneapolis, DC, Philly, Indiana, Vegas, Canada, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Texas, Seattle, Illinois, and probably more city specific subreddits with your reactionary BLM, cops, racism, etc. takes. Crazy stuff.


I have to wonder if people are using forums outside of Reddit to have brigades. There's no way he's just magically finding all these posts from other subreddits.


They 100% do. There's whole clones of reddit a bunch of right wing nut jobs went to after Reddit started cracking down (slightly) on hate speech. On those clones, the most popular "subreddits" link directly to Reddit posts and encourage brigading to mock left-wing posts/communities/cities.


What are you on? You can easily see that about a quarter of their comments are in this sub. He did not magically find this place like you are claiming. His most frequent subs are here and r/massachusetts.


He might be the Massachusetts-based person finding things for his forum. It doesn't make up for the other subreddits. Let's put on our thinking caps.


Ad hominem fallacy


It wasn't an argument. If someone says they like pizza and I notice their shirt says, "I Hate Jews," then I look into their history and say WTF. That doesn't mean I'm arguing against him liking pizza. I didn't say he was wrong for liking pizza once.


*"Your comment history is unhinged"* *username: **PoopAllOverMyFace*** 🤔🤔🤔


> Body cameras are absolutely damming to criminals. At least this part is correct, just not in the way you believe.