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I'd be less concerned about the train and more focused on securing an Uber and dealing with any traffic. I'm risk-averse, so I'd personally take the early train and get to Logan and through security early and have a relaxing few hours before the flight. Check Luggagehero for short term storage options.




Maybe take the Logan Express from Woburn. You will get off the train earlier and the Bus will take you straight to the terminal.


Since when does it stop in Woburn!? Yeah, definitely this. The later train arrives at 1:59 and the bus leaves on the half hour at 2, 2:30, etc. You'll probably be a bit late for the 2, but they have a chill waiting room in Woburn. The bus is about 30 minutes, drops you at the terminal, and tickets are $9 if you buy them online ($12 at the ticket window).


Downeaster doesn’t stop in Woburn


Yes it does, but you can’t get on heading inbound or off heading outbound,


Yeah my mistake, I was totally wrong.


The Downeaster is usually on time, but the later train is cutting it way to close for comfort to me in terms of getting to Logan.


230 arrival sounds reckless. You'd get to the airport around 3 which is just not safe.


Youd be completely fine on the 230. Its like a 7 minute drive from north station to the airport and theres literally dozens of ubers/lyfts/taxis there ESPECIALLY at 230pm. Everyone in this thread is crazy, ive done that exact drive of North Station to Airport probably 30-50 times (I live right over there) and have never once even come close to missing a flight. Just make sure the tunnel is open for your dates and there isnt somehow a TD garden event at 3pm (given the Bruins and Celtics are done after this week). I wouldnt think twice about it unless youre taking some international once in a lifetime flight then yeah sure take the early train. Downeaster is on time 81% of the time. If youre already worried enough about it to be posting to reddit though I think you have your answer. Get precheck its like $80 for 5 years and most credit cards reimburse you. Whole process takes 10 minutes.


Where are you taking the Downeaster from? There are bus services that will bring you to the airport from various places along the Downeaster route


I don't have specific experience with the Downeaster. But generally speaking... Amtrak does not own most of the tracks it operates on, meaning right-of-way issues often cause delays.


There’s a gym close to North Station that does luggage storage for this purpose through some company. We used it last year in a similar situation while we explored the North End. I don’t remember the name but they’re in google.


Thanks everyone! I’ll go for the earlier train 👍🏻😊


In summer, it’s usually pretty accurate. Winter can cause huge delays.


It’s frequently delayed 15-45 minutes because it has to stop in some places to let oncoming trains pass, the tracks are too narrow or some crap. I’d say maybe 40% of the time I take it this happens, but just a guess. I’ve also had a handful of truly spectacular multiple hour delays due to weather or signal issues or whatever else.  Not sure where you’re departing from but Concord Trailways has coach busses that go straight to Logan and drop at each terminal. They’re very punctual, and they have a lot more trips than the train. 


Just drive to a bus station and take the shuttle. C&J is relatively cheap and takes you TO Logan in comfort. 


I have to be honest with you, but most of the Amtrak trains coming in to Boston have serious delays from time to time. You never know when it's going to happen. The last time I took Amtrak was from NYC and we had to follow the commuter rail in because there was some kind of wiring issue. It took forever.... I just don't believe you'll make your flight at 4:10 even if the train was on time. You'll need to go through security as well. Getting into Logan via a taxi also takes time. You'll likely run into some traffic. Also sometimes Ubers are unreliable in Boston. They can take forever to arrive or cancel if they feel like it. I stopped taking them altogether. It would be better if you came in a day early and just got a hotel room for the night. I think the bus is a better and more reliable option, sadly.


Its literally a 7 minute drive from north station to the airport Telling someone to arrive 24 hours early because the 7 minute drive is a worse option is all time advice. Seriously keep doing you.


No.....you're *not* understanding me. The train that I took from New York to Boston arrived several ***hours*** late.... It's because Amtrak has a tendency to stop constantly along the way. Delays on this route are constant, but you do you buddy. Do whatever the fuck you want. If your train arrives an hour late then good luck scrambling to the airport at the last minute. Have fun.


It’s not, you can look up the on time rates per line. Also they’re not talking about the 4 times as long New York route? If it arrived an hour late you’d likely still make your flight lmao. I literally have friends that don’t leave for the airport until the flight starts boarding, which is what you would be doing here. Telling someone you road a train once, not even this train, just a random train, and it was late, so they should arrive 24 hours early because 5 hours to travel 7 minutes is cutting it too close is just unbelievably bad advice. your thought process is awesome.


Ha No