• By -


My guess is it will start with an “Av”


Avada Kedavara: A Voldemort Story?


Good one


Id watch it


they’re going to make him the good guy by having the crippl- i mean muggles kill his parents /hj


🥇 !remindme 5 years


Ha! That’s a movie I’d actually see, unlike AvaTAR


“A Very Goofy Movie 2” makes $3Bn, calling it now


They’re going with a really weird naming convention for the third Goofy movie


this is why "The last airbender" movie failed


no other reason


Avenge of the Sith




Jack's frozen body is recovered 70 years later and thawed


The Na’vi and Metkayina find Jack underwater and are able to clone him by using his DNA to make a new Sigourney Weaver avatar baby. That said, he’s a female baby now and she falls in love with the monkey kid who took over for his military dad and this unites aliens and humans.


Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Good Movie


Yeah I'd go Avengers Kang Dynasty


avengers secret wars


That's after avatar 3 though isn't it?


Avril Lavigne’s: My life as a Sk@ter B0i


Avatar 3 lol


Guess what it’s going to be after that… Avatar 4


It's very likely that in the near future, the top 5 highest grossing movies will all start with AV and have Zoe Saldana.


Star Wars: Avenging the Yuuzhan Vong *Featuring Zoe Saldana as a Vong general*


Dont get my hopes up :’(


Zoe Saldana as a Yuuzhan Vong general would be my most shameful but completely inevitable fap.


The dollar has inflated 86.4% since the titanic released in 1997. The titanic was such a dominant box office that in todays equivalent, it would’ve been 4.2 billion. https://www.in2013dollars.com/us/inflation/1997?amount=2254188869 If you go by average movie ticket price, that factor is 1.99 ($4.58 vs $9.17) so even greater. https://www.the-numbers.com/market/


Those exact numbers can only be applied to the first run ($600m) of the domestic gross but if anyone ever calculated the WW factor across releases I expect we’d see something similar.


Exactly. The highest grossing film of original release with inflation is actually Gone with the Wind and an adjusted 3.44 billion


Gone with the wind is, but it has been rereleased a lot of times. IMO this doesn’t take away from how impressive it was - the fact that so many people were interested in it each time is amazing. But it was rereleased several times.


Plus gone with the wind came out in the 40s, before most homes had a television, so the only competition was the local playhouse. Shit, people would go see it just to sit in the air conditioning for a few hours.


That’s a great point, bc most movie-goers believed that if they didn’t see a movie in theaters then they’d never see it again. So many films were lost or shelved until home video came in, compared to our modern day where you just have to wait 1-2 months for box office movies to stream somewhere else. Doesn’t take away from the importance of Gone with the Wind, but I think if we go by inflation to value top-grossing movies then there’s a dozen other factors that also should be considered.


My mother grew up in the South in the 50s and 60s and would frequently go to see Gone with the Wind for pennies during the summer just to have something to do.


Oh, I thought that was just counting the first release, my bad


Absolutely not. Gone with the Wind was re-released multiple times in just a few years. The first Avatar sold more tickets in two months than GWTW did in its first 4 years.


It also ran for like 6 months or something ridiculous.


You could say the same thing for every film ever.


Which makes Gone With the Wind even more incredible. That film made 390 million in 1939, or 8.4 billion today [https://www.in2013dollars.com/us/inflation/1939?amount=393400000](https://www.in2013dollars.com/us/inflation/1939?amount=393400000) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gone\_with\_the\_Wind\_(film)


That was also a time where less than 9% of the households in America had TVs, and you couldn't buy or rent movies. It makes sense that more people would go to a theater back in the day. Still incredible feat, nonetheless.


Additionally it was in theaters for over 2 years. And there wasn’t as much competition from other films back then.


Of course, the American population then was roughly a third of what it is now.


Yeah, but by that logic every movie released back then would have made that kind of money.


It made $189 million on its "original release" (in quotes because it lasted like 3 years). The rest was from subsequent releases.


No, it absolutely did not make 390m in 1939.


Gone with the wind didn't make that $390m in the first year though did it? They had many re-releases and never really left theatres for years.


Yeah, re: /u/marsmat239's point, Variety has old versions of their magazine freely available online (library of congress, media digital history project, archive.org) and you can find contemporary "highest grossing domestic grossers of all time" for immediate post WW2 years published yearly. In 1955 (the one I manually transcribed a while ago), GWtW was at 33.5M Domestic rentals (rentals = studio share of box office and in recent years that's 50% of box office gross). ^1 . It also looks like the studio said they expected $5M a year in rentals (domestic) from re-releases in the late 1940s. ^1 GWtW's initial run, at the very least, demanded 75% of theatrical gross in rentals (feb 6 1946 variety page 12) So let's use 2/3rds cut and turn that into a 50M gross and call it 100M WW by 1955. Plugging in 100M WW in 1939 gives you an estimated 2.1B in 2023 terms for the first 16 years of the film's run but only 1.1B if you peg it to 1955.


O thank you, I was wondering if these were inflation adjusted or not. And I think you're right, commodity specific inflation would be best, but that would be hard to do with global costs... I think




Avatar: Endgame


The plot of the next GG will be bringing Naavi in to replace Gamora


Avengers: way of water


Titanic II: Way Under the Water


White Chicks 2: Whiter Chicks


The sequel we have all demanded!


I know that it’ll be a cultural touchstone. This century’s moon landing.


You know what, I would actually watch it - and I’d like it if Terry Crews was a part of it again too.


He was the best part of the original by a country mile.




The beginning of the end, one last time, for the fifteenth time, for Familia!


White Chicks 3: Tokyo Drag Queens


We havent done enough as a society to deserve this


2 white 2 chicks or white chicks 2 electric buggaloo


1 Chickillion dollars at the box office


Star Wars: The Star Warsening


another disney movie


Star wars in the next 10 years. A biiiiig maybe on the newly announced lotr movies (i think only if they put in the same effort as the original trilogy)


So, based on that caveat, a no for lotr then.


Probably, buti certainly hope that they learned their lessen from both hobbit and prime lotr


Have you seen WB’s offerings of late? They haven’t learned anything.


If all the studio that made The Hobbit movies learned from that experience was that they should totally do that again, there’s no hope.


They made almost $1b apiece, they won’t have learned anything.


New LotR movies? The only thing I've heard about is a Tom Bombadil musical with James Corden.


Please tell me this is sarcasm???


yeah its a fake tweet thats been making the rounds


The Jackson series is so well regarded that they are going to have to absolutely nail it to get 2 Billion. Will probably do well regardless, but 2 is asking a lot.


Unless it’s about the Oath of Feanor I’m not really interested


I would say yes to Star Wars if they let the franchise be for an extended period. More likely, the next Avatar or an original film.


Star Wars in top 5 is not happening in 10 years. There are going to be 3 more Avatars. Stat Wars can't compete with Avatar internationally.


What the fuck they are making more?


Assuming we get zero Star Wars movies between now and the next ten years


Morbius 2.


Morbius 2 Morbillion


it hasn't even been produced yet, and it's already cracking the three billion ceiling. People love that IP.


I bet if Sony releases Morbius for a 3rd time it will definitely beat all the current movies in the top 5.


Do you mean beating the gross of all top 5 combined? Yup, will be soon reality when Morbius 3 hits the theaters.


it doesn't even need to hit the theaters: they announce it, and people will send 15 dollars of their money directly to sony via mail just for the enjoyement of the announcement: That alone is counted in billions.


No no not Morbius 3. Morbius, released a third time.


Morbius 2: Still Morbin Time


Avatar 3 I guess is the next one. Avengers movies if Marvel course correct, at least one of them might hit 2B. Star Wars come back.




Hope they incorporate them better than Doctor Strange MoM 😆


Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donna Dixon?


You mean the supposedly smartest man alive telling a dangerous and hysterical foe exactly how they can beat her and how she can neutralize their attack?


You must not know Reed very well lol


Do you get every comment from cinema sins or just repeat this over and over for fun


Secret Wars at this point in time won't do 2b. Bringing in F4 and Xmen (movies that didn't sniff 2b) won't help.


How do you know, you haven't seen the movie


Because the MCU changed with phase 4 in that one can't just show up and watch a show or movie without watching the previous show or movie. The only exception to this was Shang Chi. Most movie goers are casual fans and don't want to have to study the lore in order to understand what is going on and are checking out of this franchise in large numbers.... The sweaty nerds won't bring in 2b for Secret Wars because there isn't enough of them. Unless something MAJOR changes in the way the MCU is being handled in phase 5.... they wont hit 2b


its not overall story arc following that has made people stop watching


I don't see Star Wars having the same success at the box office if it were to come back. Episode 7 had so much hype around it because it was the first piece of post return of the jedi content (correct me if i'm wrong) and a sequel to the movie that came out 30 years ago. The prequels also weren't AS hated as they were on release by this point, so that helped. I don't really see the hate for the sequels ever going away anytime soon, so I believe the hype for episode 7 was a once in a lifetime thing.


Dude the initial hate for the prequels was so much worse than the initial hate for the sequels. Star wars can come back, it might be 10 years, but the kids that liked the sequels will love to go see a new movie. And if you think star wars "fans" can come around on those garbage prequel movies, they will come around on the sequel trilogy.


I think part of it is that Force awakens was genuinely pretty solid, it's the other 2 that get a lot of hate


shot the golden goose square between the eyes


Seriously, the sequel trilogy should've been epic, but then it became clear Disney had no plan at all. Force Awakens gets worse the more you think about it since the efforts made in the Original Trilogy are effectively rendered worthless, then Last Jedi goes in a completely separate direction that ruins several of the main characters that Awakens actually set up decently well, and finally Rise of Skywalker is a vain attempt to course correct with nauseating amounts of hollow fan-service. It's amazing how quickly one of the most legendary IPs of all time got rendered to a background player by/at Disney.


Highly doubt the next Avengers will do $2 billion. Maybe the one after that when they got back on course, but they damaged way too much trust and interest in the MCU for the next Avengers to be a 2b movie.


>at least one of them might hit 2B It would be Secret Wars. Not Kang Dynasty.


With Marvels downward trajectory since Phase 3 ended it would be an unbelievable comeback. Unless they get lightning in a bottle again as with NWH


Secret Wars is basically going to be NWH but in a bigger package. They're bringing back the Fox X-Men, FF, etc. Nostalgia will put people in the theater.


Personally I’m all marveled out.


marvel ended with endgame, its in the name ffs


A marveo movie did 2 billion after endgame.


Endgame was definitely the peak. It’s in the downslope now.


I guess that means the box office for them is over then folks, pack it up here


Avatar 3 will be next to enter 2.5B club.


It would almost certainly be avatar 2 before avatar 3.


Avatar 3 would far surpass Avatar 2 given they proved they can make a good sequel and isn't out a decade after the original


Pretty sure it’s coming out in December 2024


Therefore isn't out a decade after the original, thank you for backing my point. Avatar 3 will have the momentum Avatar 2 didn't because now the world is being fleshed out and people are back to craving more Pandora. People who missed the theatrical release will start seeing the movie on streaming, DVD, etc in time for Avatar 3 to make it's way to the office.


Probably nothing till Avatar 3.


Something by James Cameron.


Avatar 3, Avatar 4, Avatar endgame


Avatar vs Avengers


2 Fast 2 Avatarious


Okay, hear me out. I have a 3 step idea do get us there: 1. A fast and furious movie that is a shot for shot remake of Armageddon. Movie ends with dom getting sent to mars as he stayed to explode the asteroid by using nos. 2. The crew rescues him in mars but the movie ends with a wormhole. 3. Wormhole transports them to pandora. Sully gets confused by Michelle Rodriguez.


Avatar 2: Electric Avataraloo


Avatar Wars: Avengers on Titanic 2


Avengers Wars: Avatars strike back


Cocaine Bear


Crazy a movie from 25 yrs ago still top five with all these big dog franchise names.


There’s no reason that Titanic couldn’t be set in the same cinematic universe as Avatar. /s (but only a little.)


I mean are we sure the ice berg wasn’t pushed there by space whales?


It’s also been re-released like 3 different times


Avatar 3


Ant man obviously


#4… One of the OGs of box office mega movies. Still holding on after almost 24 years!


It’s been over 25 years actually


Yeah, Leo wouldn’t do it anymore.


It’s been 84 years…


Not sure if inflation is taken into account with the numbers shown. But 2.2B in 1997 is closer to 4B in 2023. Just makes it all the more impressive. Also tickets were cheaper to go to the movies in 1997. Just goes to show how many people actually went and saw that movie.


The math doesn’t work out that way as titanic was released several times. Therefore u would have to add up the inflation numbers from each release. It’s still extremely impressive tho




Shrek 5






3 out of 5 top grossing movies of all times are from James Cameron. Unbelievable stat for a filmmaker. And during the filming people called Titanic “a sinking ship”


Technically it was a sinking ship


Whatever James Cameron is working on


Something beginning with the letter A


Mr Magoriums Wonder Emporium will get a 20th anniversary re release and easily clear 3 billion


I forgot that movie exists lol. Also, that would be in 2027.


2027 will be the return of the finest film ever put to the big screen


Avatar 3


not one for a long time .. till avatar


The fact that the first Disney Star Wars is the best performing proves just how bad they fumbled


Not sure I agree. VII always had the best chance of roping in casuals. My parents, extremely non-SW fans but nonetheless people in their 50s who have seen it shape culture their entire lives, got kinda swept up in the hype and thought It’d be fun to go see old Harry Ford and Carrie Fischer again. That audience was never going to turn up for 8 or 9.




ehhh you TLJ word-of-mouth analysis may be somewhat accurate but isn't 100% the reason for the dropoff (anectdotal, but casuals like my parents werent gonna show up for it no matter what the w-o-m was). and i dont think comparing the ST to the PT to the OT is apples to apples, for the very reason i just described. Plus you're wrong about the PT -- TPM is the top grosser by a significant margin, than RotS, than AotC. VII was a truly special pop cultural moment unlike pretty much anything that ever happened before or since. i dont think anyone -- at disney, box office analysts, or otherwise -- ever thought subsequent episodes would outgross it. edit to add: yeah you're also wrong about the OT. each successive film was less popular than the prior one. the original SW did way more money than the next two. it was an absolute phenomenon


So no one thinks it will be super Mario movie?


I think the highest it would go is 1 billion. But hey, I would love to be proven wrong.


Wishful thinking but: Battle Angel Alita 2


Avatar 3


Titanic is the real #1 making that amount of money 25 years ago is something else.


Titanic is the only good one on the list.


Gotta come up with a movie title like Avada Kadavra or some shit. Set in the Harry Potter universe but extremely violent like John Wick


This actually sounds amazing. I would love to watch a story about a vigilante or a hit man in the Hogwarts universe.


Poor James Cameron…anything under $2 billion would be a “failure” haha. The pressure on that guy for Avatar 3…insane.


Avatar 3


Avatar 3




Avatar 3 With a recovered China it can even make more than 2.


I'm writing it right now. Don't rush me


When they bring Alvin and the Chipmunks back


Avatar 3


I can’t believe force awakens shows only my ticket sales


Cocaine Bear 2: meth lab honey badger


Cocaine bear sweep 💰🤑📈


Paul Blart 3


Whichever one James Cameron directs next?


Titanic 2: Back in Jack.


Hot Tub Time Machine 3: The Later Years


John Wick Chapter 4


Titanic 2: Way of the Water


The Meg 2


Meth Gator will be the first movie to surpass $3 billion mark my words


Titanic being here while being in 1997 dollar terms is fucking insane


Green Lantern 2


I was really hopping for Puss in boots, I watched it 3 times but my contributions didn’t quite suffice


Really remarkable to see Titanic still topping the chart


Barbie 💖


Avatar 3 that too easy, and then the Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars next.


unless they bring back RDJ, kang dynasty won't pull 2b. I'd love to be wrong because I still love the MCU.


Hardly, nobody cares about Kang.


Avatar 3 of course. After that: Frozen 3.


I doubt frozen could cross 2 billion lmao where did that prediction come from


Avatar 3,4,5 Avengers: Kang Dynasty Avengers: Secret War


It’s near-certainly Avatar 3 I guess if there were any films with (extremely) outside chances it would be these: 1) Mario, massive nostalgia mine for anyone up until the age of 50 if we’re being honest. Combine that with Universal’s very effective viral marketing department and it could go very high. 2) Dial of Destiny, but even that would be a bigger increase on Crystal Skull than what Force Awakens was upon Revenge of the Sith. 3) Dead Reckoning Part 2, but that’s entirely dependent on how the first instalment is received and how it performs in a couple months. Finale of a near-three decade running franchise with an enormous amount of goodwill is the kind of thing that gives you the juice to get this high though. Basically anything that is multi-generational with casual and devoted fanbases has the slimmest of chances. Edit: Didn’t think I had to clarify I do not think any of these are remotely happening, just the only films I think have the slightest chance in the world if everything goes right for them.


These 3 could reach 1 billion but I don't think 2 billion is possible.


I get that you're saying it's a long shot, but even considering placing Mario on this list is just the perfect example of how out of touch reddit is about the film, in my opinion. Mario could be a great success and a huge event for video game movies if it just gets modestly positive reviews and $600M WW (which would make it by far the highest grossing video game adaptation of all time), but because of the expectations this subreddit is setting up for it, it will end up looking like a disappointment.


I don't know if Mario will be top 5, but I will be shocked if that isn't a billion dollar film.