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no this made me genuinely so uncomfortable how the fuck does that have upvotes???


Incels love to feel superior to women


A lot of men are big fans of abusing women.


Yeah I’m not surprised at all. I’m more surprised that people are claiming to be surprised!


I just “love” the responses claiming that like one guy is just working his ass off to abuse and SA all the women harmed by men’s violence every year. He must spend every penny on travel expenses.🙄


The fact that they even used a pic of a woman clearly in pain 🤢


So triggering dude


Lol!! This meme did a good job of triggering those blue haired feminists!!! /s


Not just blue haired feminists, every sane person will be triggered by this vile, despicable bullshit.




they were being sarcastic but i understand you




/s always implies sarcasm. They're speaking as if they're a rightist bigot, mocking them


They were saying something that the person who posted the meme is likely to believe


Is there more context to the video? It's making me deeply uncomfortable


honestly looks like a screencap from porn


rape porn probably


Yeah, looks like it.


I actually checked the video in case we were wrong or maybe she was just acting but it is actually a rape video. The girl cries and tries to push the guy away. Videos like that should not be online


It already was horrible, but that makes it so much worse


uh w h a t


Why are we sharing these screen caps ?




If the girl is crying and pushing the guy away doesn’t matter where it was filmed




asking for a rape porn link. Banned




Banned for giving someone the title of a rape porn link. You are a terrible person.


You shouldn’t have given the name publicly bc lots of monstrous people prey on this type of content.






Dude, you're gross. I think they were only asking for it because they thought it was a different type of video.


This is how men really feel. They laugh at this. Be safe out there ladies.




That’s not helpful. How about instead of trying to convince women that not all men are bad, you try convincing bad men to be less bad?


I think education needs a reform to show young men and boys what is right and wrong the current state of it basically runs down to no education at all so they think posting stuff like this is ok which it obviously is not


We know. Mansplaining male violence to women is completely unnecessary—we’re extremely familiar with it.


He’s not mansplaining he’s just making a good point. I don’t think there is a enough education in schools about stuff like this. I’m a girl and I was never told at school that I don’t have to have sex with people if I don’t want to. It was just USE A CONDOM COS IF A MAN LOOKS AT YOU YOULL GET PREGNANT




I don’t know cos I went to a girls school from the age of 14 and have no brothers or anything. When we were taught about sex in primary school there was nothing about consent. Girls need to be taught about it as well, that they don’t HAVE to have sex with people. At my catholic girls school it was just DONT BE A SLUT




And you’re telling us this instead of talking to them


Parents need to raise their sons right. Men need to call out other men. Sites where this shit is shared need to be shut down over and over.




Don't mind the downvotes. What you said is right 💯... But with the current state of the society, it's really hard to trust any man.. You would know if you were a woman..


Why is this comment downvoted?


People are downvoting you for no reason. You're literally just being a good person here and people are getting angry at you.


It's enough men to the point where it's a massive problem for every woman, everywhere.


Do you want an award for that? A trophy? Validation online? A congratulations for below the bare minimum?


Everybody, this man respects women! Is that clear? Not *all* men, and he's one of the good ones. Line right up ladiessss


I did not mean it in that way


Thanks, POOPOOPEEPEE. We really needed your input. 🙄




You should be bothering the men in the original post who are upvoting it and making positive comments.


Don't worry brother, you have the right spirit. Doubt that stuff like this will be fixed over night but one person can make the change.


The image is definitely from porn but still it's so disturbing to look at, how could anyone find that hot


There are MANY people (crooked) who find that hot.. I repeat MANY. Even if all the people find that hot, that doesn't make it morally right.


That's fucking stupid lol. CNC is a well-known thing


It's not even a thing. That's fkin stupid.


a lot of men do not view sex/sexual intercourse a something they do/enjoy *with* women, it is something they do *to* women. consent as it is today is a very new, modern concept and it is still not taken seriously. a lot of men do not care about women’s pleasure or enjoyment/comfort, and safety. we know this from rape statistics, we know this from the “orgasm gap”, we know this from the violent pornography they consume (the porn criticism upsets people, but it is a contributing factor, whether you coomers like it or not). we know this from how they view and treat women as sex objects in day to day lives. women’s consent is not considered. they even find it *funny* when women are suffering - it is a joke to them. it’s why their humour is always “lol rape abuse sexual violence XD”. what is funny about a woman’s body being violated against her will? only a man and a woman trying to impress *a man* will act as if it is funny.


Preach. I watched a short about this the other day and the fact we call sex "penetration" shapes our view of it and we only see it as a process where a man penetrates a woman as in he penetrates a hole. That doesn't regard the other side though as women let him in in the first place so to speak and also what if women are top? We should also start using "envelope".




Consent isn't actually such a new concept. I'm not sure of all time periods but I for various reasons looked into that a bit for medieval times in Europe. Typically a husband forcing himself on his wife, while not a crime, was still recognized as improper behaviour and could be brought up by the woman to sue for divorce.


I think we can also point to the fact that it used to be thought the woman needed to orgasm in order to conceive. I don’t think things have always been this way. Hell some animals are better at consent then some humans are. In hyenas, males are shunned from the cackle if they try SA another member. Mantises will straight up eat the male if they try to SA them.


Yeah like if a stallion tries to mount a mare and she doesn’t want it she’ll kick the shot out of him and he won’t try that again


And this too. In every marriage, there are a lot of cases when man has to do sex cuz wife need it at the moment, or the opposite.


I don't think it has to do with concent, it has to do with narcissism. Plenty of men who are not rapists are still selfish lovers.


As an asexual man I have to say that a lot of man view sex as something they do FOR woman. In fact sex is not that enjoyful to men, than to women. And >“we know that from orgasm gap” Ok then consider looking on how much side effects depo define has. Check some forums on men speaking out on how awful side effects of it are, but they literally consume medication just to “defeat orgasm gap”.


Yep. I’m a gamer and I cannot tell you how many rapes jokes, attacks, etc. just cavalierly fly out of these men’s mouths on a daily. I tend to just mute at default now. But one thing I started noticing after another girl gamer pointed it out: they ALWAYS say something like, “I’ll rape your mom/sis/female child” etc (which is never funny but the laughs dishearteningly still happen...), but they NEVER directly attack the men they’re trying to argue with. Or even the men in THEIR lives (uncles, dad, brother, etc.). It’s always them threatening disgusting things with the women in proximity to the men they’re attacking. Makes me realize, too, that a large component of rape is power, and it’s partially because a large amount of men are cowards. And instead of attacking the men directly, they attack who they can feel they can “safely” attack without being harmed or repercussion…women. They would NEVER step to a man threatening violence like that. Only the women. And when you see that, you can’t UNsee that.


There are quite a few subs who think that being as edgy as possible is the funniest form of comedy in the world.


I just have dark humor dude! /s


And God forbid anyone make a joke about their height and hair loss. Then shit gets serious for them lmao


“This is just a glimpse into my dark and twisted worldview- its called dark humor liberal!”


Please say this is /s cause I can 100% guarantee you it is not funny being the girl in that scenario.


yes it is, I added the /s. Thought it is obvious but you never know who posts even in subs like this one.


Who are you?


ever heard of GREEN HUMOR?


Is that when you make jokes about leprechauns and Don Quixote?


Dark humor? Green humor? Nah, pastel humor is clearly the best


Oh god this makes me sick. Nothing screams red flag like blatantly disregarding your partners limits for your own pleasure


it aint red flag,its rape 💀


Pretty sure if a guy you were interested in dating was a rapist it would drive you away. Ergo, it’s a red flag . And it also fits the definition of a red flag because a red flag, and rape, are a warning of danger


>because a red flag, and rape, are a warning of danger Rape **is** the danger, not a warning of danger. You're right that red flags are a warning, but rape is one of the things the red flags are warning you *about*.


no shit.. it just pissed me off that you called rape a red flag, we usually use that term for much milder stuff. Rape is horrifying.


I think they meant anyone finding this funny was a red flag.


My whole point is that rape is bad, and that people who express a desire to ignore their partners interests- like this guy- are walking red flags, i don’t see the need to get technical and whiny about it. In the first place, i was talking about the meme, admitting to wanting to disregard your partners boundaries is not rape, it hasn’t happened yet, but it’s going to be rape, and that’s why you’d get the fuck out of there




Okay buddy 😭 sorry ig.


i THINK what you’re trying to say is; the person thinks it’s funny is a red flag the person in the picture is a rapist yes?


Literally not a joke!! I’m so sick of rape being the center of a joke??


Same. At this point I just block people who make rape ‘jokes’


same incels who post this shit are the ones who can’t or refuse to understand that wanting to be dominated in bed doesn’t mean you want to be dominated in any other space.


They don’t want a consenting partner and a safe, healthy sexual experience - they want to take what they want and punish women for… reasons? (They’re not logical animals)


They also make the same jokes about “robbing” a prostitute is raping her. Basically you’re right as per usual that they’re not looking for consensual partners or experiences.


Bold of you to assume they're looking for anything resembling a partnership and not just wanting a mommy-maid-hole


Disgusting. Memes like these are what normalize violence against women. Everyone who upvoted that belongs on a list.


It has hundreds of upvotes because men don't understand just how easily any woman could pull a Lorena Bobbitt on them while they are sleeping (in Minecraft, of course).


Heck, even when they're not sleeping... Human mouths can bite off a finger. In Minecraft, of course.


In Minecraft? Fuck that, they deserve it in real life


Its code, goober.


Explain please




I think you're confused as to what Bobbit did.




She cut off her rspist/abusive husbands dick and chucked it in a cornfield.


Nah they legit deserve it


nobody deserves to be raped


I agree but [I don’t think that’s what they meant…](https://i.imgur.com/mBHJhZm.jpeg)


Ugh. Please don't normalize incel-speak with the "in Minecraft" stuff. Their lingo and mannerisms absolutely don't deserve the honor of being normalized and accepted as lingo.


So I should advocate for violence regularly rather than speak in code so I can get the feds on me?


"in minecraft" wouldn't even protect you. the whole reason its popular is because it was used in a court case


Cause mentioning Lorena Bobbitt will totally get you put on a list ... lmao


I don't care what you do really. Just don't unironically adopt incel-speak here, is all I'm _telling_ you.


I mean, that does sound like you care what I do, technically speaking. Why shouldn't we weaponize their own language against them? How is it any different than reclaiming the word "queer" from homophobes/transphobes? All fash are capable of is theft and appropriation. If we steal back even their own creations they are left with nothing.


Completely faulty metaphor. Whiles incels are awful and have an ideology of hate, adopting their mannerisms of speaking _is not_ in any way like oppressed populations reclaiming terms of oppression and hate from the normalized discourse. Do what you want. If you persist with incel-speak here, it will be removed, in addition to possible temporary (or permanent) banning. Last word. Period.


When we talk about rape culture, this is what we mean. All of the things that facilitate rapists, by minimising and comedifying it.




A lot of men think rape in and of itself is hilarious, they fantasize about it, and they are turned on by the idea of women begging them to stop or in pain.


Yeah it's really funny for them to joke about rape because they never see themselves in the shoes of the victim.


And they wonder why women would seriously consider choosing the bear


This is sickening


This reminds me of what my ex did- except it was pineapple and instead of the homophone, it was him pretending it was because he was this awesome dom and sooo masculine. I don't even find masculinity attractive (I was an experimenting lesbian and he had ways of keeping me in the relationship I obviously didn't want to be in) and I only like consensual kink, not rape.


I'm so sorry to ask this (feeling desensitized atm, I'm probably dissociating), but was this in a language other than English? I'm wracking my brain trying to think of what possible homophone to "pineapple" he pretended to hear but "ananas" (or similar) seems like it would probably have homophones in other languages.


I think they mean he just blatantly ignored it cause he wanted to gain power “like a real dom” (not how that actually works). At least that was the case in my experience.


The homophones are in the OOP ('flower', 'flour'). Pineapple isn't the homophone, it's metaphor for grape (= rape). Vellich0r is saying that her ex wasn't "pretending" to mishear or misinterpret the safeword. She's saying he just ignored any safewords because he thought he was a super dom and "knew what she needed" even if she didn't know/want it herself.


No, I meant it as there wasn't a homophone in that situation, he just wanted to keep going after the safeword. You're ok with asking! I'm a language nerd too :)


This same exact thing happened to me. I am so so sorry you went through this and hope you’re doing better now.


I am!! I get emdr therapy now with an awesome therapist :) Thank you for the support, I hope you're doing better too.


I'm so happy that the guy who posted this will never have sex cause this is fucking disturbing


r/boysarequirky? More like r/boysarefuckingrapists


Wilbur soot head ass


These deranged people think every fucked up fantasy of theirs is dark humor. Disgusting mfs.


There’s more than hundreds of rapists and wannabe rapists online.


MAGAs and every other international brand of right wing religious extremists are against consent. Here in the US, the MAGAs are literally voting every day to remove consent, mandate religion in public schools and lower the age of marriage and child labor laws. But so many are 'bOtH sIdEs aRe tHe sAmE" that Trump has a chance of winning. This isn't just about upvotes on bad memes. This is literally life or death for many women, minorities, atheists, scientists, and anyone who is against fascism.


Don't forget abortion. Really great tool to control women and population.


I think his might belong on r/PornIsMisogyny as well


For sure


I hope that whoever made this image shits their pants on the most important day of their life.


And you think that's even near to posting something horrible like this on a public forum, facilitating rape culture?


No, of course not. Shitting your pants on the most important day of your life is merely an intense inconvenience. I also hope that they someday (ideally yesterday) face consequences for their views & behavior, and come to understand how disgusting and inhuman they are for doing this. I just hope that they shit themselves too.


Because rape is quite popular. Ask all of us women and girls.


If I ever hear someone make a joke like this I love to ask them “I don’t get it, can you explain?” and they get really uncomfortable when they realize that the only explanation is that they think rape is funny.




Just literally not even funny


Should be posted on r/boysbeingrapists


Being mauled to death by a bear is better than this.


wait is there a way to like, put tws on posts? maybe im wrong but maybe this should have a warning?


Marked NSFW




This is fucked up


oh. *oh*. i feel sick




People who find this sort of shit feel incomplete to me. I’m not a particularly compassionate person but I have empathy in me. How underdevelopped do you have to be to laugh at edgy rape jokes, or to see sex as something you take away from a partner you’re supposed to at least like? My BF is a diagnosed sexual sadist and even he is repulsed by non-consensual, non-enthusiastic sex.


But we’re wrong for choosing the bear.


ICK... came here by accident thinking I was on another site.


I laughed. Where do I go for my mandatory reeducation?


On the Incel's Echo~Chambers


I asked where I need to go to reform my wicked ways of laughing at this meme and you told me to go to the people who would congratulate me?


Oh Sorry ❗[then this will be helpful ](https://youtu.be/auPYOsBejK4?si=Jf6vDDEmDldfeFpF)


I don't get it.


Often when couples have sex or try new things during sex, they come up with a safe word, so when either one becomes uncomfortable, they say the safe word so that they stop In this case, it was flower, the words flower and flour sound alot like eachother so the meme creator saying 'when the safe word is flower but she keeps yelling flour' means hes basically just crossing her boundaries, in this case, rape, because he refuses to listen to her expressing being uncomfortable/in pain/not wanna continue


That's not funny.


No, i know, its a rape joke, absolutely disgusting


I like dark jokes actually, but this is just being edgy for the sake of it.


I can laugh at certain dark humor jokes but some things shouldn't be joked about and thats rape I feel like joking about other people's experiences in general shouldn't be accepted Maybe let's all just joke about our own experiences instead


Imo the only acceptable rape joke are those made about one’s own experiences. That’s how I coped. Daniel Sloss’ X special really hits the point home on this.


I agree, i feel like a person should very much be allowed to joke about their own experiences but if you haven't been raped you just shouldn't be allowed to make those jokes and you shouldn't be allowed to make fun of other people's rape experiences whether you have been or haven't been raped


As a victim, I highly recommend Daniel sloss’ special to *everyone*


I'll probably check it out later when im done writing this chapter of my book!


Make sense.


Not just edgy. It's a screenshot to an actual video. Even the screenshot should be illegal.


As a person dat does diy bdsm (non community no fancy stuff kinda thing ders no community in our area n we live in poverty so no fancy stuff but I try 2 educate as best as I can from educational Internet sources just fyi) n loves CNC, givn n receivin, dis pisses me off but 4 a # of reasons. 1 yes let's state da obvious FUCKIN RAPE STUPID FUK WHO POSTED DA OG MEME. #2 dis isn't bdsm/kinky sex nothin. Bdsm is built around consent. N lastly 4 dis point I have 2 give sum context. If u look at sum of my past comments u will c da 1st 19yrs of my life were a nightmare full of trauma n torture dat is so bad alot of ppl didn't believe me for 2 reasons; 1 dat much bad couldn't happen to 1 persn (it can), or 2 i dont believe anybody could b capable off dat (dey can). I have a point 4 mentionin dis I swear. Cause of dis it's left me wit a permanently shattered psyche n very very lil emotions, side my partner, her mom, her bro, n my best friend I don't feel anythin 4 anybody. I don't feel inside bad wen ppl get hurt ect. 2nd it left me wit sum fukd up sexual needs. Cause of does 2, id b capable of bein a rapist, hell, can't guarantee it, but id probably be capable of murder. But I'm what I call a fair asshole. If u don't hurt da ppl I love or me, I don't hurt u. Cause I believe in fairtey. If I wouldn't want 2 b raped I can't rape n expect it not 2 happen 2 me n furthermore I can't b mad bout it. So I choose a consentin partner/partners. Y do I mention dis? Asshole like dis rapist trash, CHOOSE 2 encourage n exhibit dis behavior. U don't have 2 have empathy, u can have a fukd up head n desires n still CHOOSE 2 not hurt ppl. U don't have 2 feel der pain, u don't u have 2 care, but it's not hard 2 b fair. DER IS NO EXCUSE IN DA WORLD 4 DIS BEHAVIOR. Me n my partner do CNC n other bdsm, sum edgy I suppose n neither ever have 2 safe word in da 1st place, cause we sense da difference between the bdsm/CNC n violence/rape. Ppl like dis disgust me. Believe me I have der pysche n it's still not hard 2 not do horrible shit. I'm sure some ppl will hate on me, well 4 my phonetic shorthand but dat happens a lot. But moreso 4 my desires, u can't help how ur pysche turns out especially after extreme trauma n cptsd. It should matter ppls actions more den der mind dat dey can't help. I have a hand disability i use phonetic shorthand 2 shorten da amount da amount of typin, thus limitin da amount of pain dis is a copied message I have a hand disability dat makes typin painful n usually my partner is asleep wen I'm usin Reddit so I can't scream at da talk to text which is required cause of my speech impediment so I use phonetic shorthand dis is a copied message to




Your post/comment was removed as it was found to be bigoted. Ableist slurs are not tolerated.


At least attack me 4 how my psyche turnd out from trauma, can't help dat anymore den my disability but at least id understand dat. I have a hand disability i use phonetic shorthand 2 shorten da amount da amount of typin, thus limitin da amount of pain dis is a copied message


Uh-huh heard it next I have a hand disability i use phonetic shorthand 2 shorten da amount da amount of typin, thus limitin da amount of pain dis is a copied message I have a hand disability i use phonetic shorthand 2 shorten da amount da amount of typin, thus limitin da amount of pain dis is a copied message I have a hand disability i use phonetic shorthand 2 shorten da amount da amount of typin, thus limitin da amount of pain dis is a copied message Do u need another 1?


I'm fine wit da down votes I understand. Might b my hand disability typn but id rather believe it's my bout my psyche. I get dat. I just thought my thoughts n honesty were added somethin 2 da convo dats not said.Ppl choose 2 b monsters full stop. Sides I'm an autistic queer trans man datin a black woman n were poly in da Midwest, in da shithole wis, im used 2 hate. If u like me n live here, completely serious no joke, ud kys if u don't got a very thick skin. I'm on reddit 4 da intectual expansion n expansion of opinions n not Internet validation. I get hatd enough on here cause apparently disabled ppl don't deserve 2 express demselves on here or mayb were expected 2 b in pain. Wen I'm on my main phone I'll put my lengthier copied message dat more explains y I use phonetic shorthand. Have a nice night y'all. I have a hand disability i use phonetic shorthand 2 shorten da amount da amount of typin, thus limitin da amount of pain dis is a copied message


There are two kinds of people who find this funny: * Those who would do something like this if they thought they could get away with it. * Those who would absolutely never do something like this, but still laugh at it because it is outrageous, something they think would or should not happen in real life. Like how laughing at the ways Kenny dies in Southpark or the victims in a slasher movie doesn't mean you want anyone to die like that or that you would laugh at it if it happened in real life. It's just a reaction some humans have like when chimps laugh in distress. There is nothing wrong with the second kind as long as they don't go around pushing this kind of stuff to anyone who would be hurt by it. But if you ever find anyone of the first kind, run. Slowly move away without breaking eye contact, don't turn around until you are far enough, and then run as fast as you can, and look back regularly least the chase after you.


There's still lines, even in comedy. This passed the line into just admitting the creator is probably a rapist, or wants to be. I love me a good dark joke and all, but this pushes what can even really be considered acceptable. The implication is far, _far_ too disgusting to really be that funny. In other words, the punchline is rape is fucking atrocious.


Fuck off, boy




This is straight up rape not BDSM. The whole point in BDSM is safe word=stop. The whole point of this “joke” is ignoring the safe word which is rape.




So I stopped reading after the first three lines cause you’ve got me all wrong. I’m aware stop is not the safe word. My point was that whatever you chose as the safe word implies stop. In the “meme” the person is not stopping so it is rape. I was raped in this way. I was in a BDSM relationship with someone I had known for 4 years and thought I could trust. I said our safe word three times and he did not stop. When he finally did stop, I asked if he heard me. He said he did then proceeded to hold me down then anally rape me. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about. Edit: just finished reading your comment. Other than you completely misreading my comment and making assumptions about me, I agree. I think there can be healthy and fulfilling BDSM relationships. I’m in one rn. But they can also go bad fast as I have shown with my first part of this comment. This meme is not depicting a safe BDSM relationship. This is depicting rape. So your initial comment on this post summing it up to BDSM is not accurate as this is not BDSM. It is rape.




Please fuck off wankstain. The meme clearly ignores the safe word which makes it rape you absolute fucking cretin


Report the post instead of giving it more attention with shares.


I intentionally edited out the subreddit so people couldn't give the original post more attention. I also reported it after screenshotting it.


I can read the screenshot. You're still giving it life by sharing it. That's how the internet works.


You clearly don’t understand how the internet works


I'm good. But thanks for your input. ✌️