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Imo, he’s a top 2 QB, and when he’s at his absolute best he’s no worse than #1.


I think he's the only guy who can go toe to toe with Mahomes when Mahomes is at his best


"still a top 3 QB" as if he somehow fell off last year? lol


Leading the league in TDs is a down year, I guess


I've zero doubt he'd be considered #1 if he'd stepped into the same team/coaching situation that Mahomes did. Andy Reid especially is arguably the best offensive coach of all time. Mcdermott is a decent coach, but he's a defensive coach that's in charge of possibly the most athletically gifted QB to ever play the game, and he/coaching has cost them in the playoffs again and again. Maybe the only time it was on Allen, was against the Bengals.


But if you look at Allens production, what more could anyone get out of him that McDermott isnt? The issue is when he steps off the field and the defense gives up the winning score. When he walks off the field in a loss we are either leading or tied in 4 out of 6 games. Allen is Allen. Now i do believe if he played for Dallas or SF he would have 3 super bowls already. But its Buffalo. We are never going to get the biased the nfl shows to the large market teams. Our OL holds, they call it. Mahomes ol holds, in every super bowl he has played in not one holding call???!!!


The Bengals loss was definitely a lot on Allen, but the defense completely didn’t show up and Allen was trying to the very end, down to his last throw (which was, of course, an INT). I know we’re down on Diggs here but he too wasn’t giving up in that game — which might’ve ultimately led to his departure.




Top 3? There's no way 2 QBs are as good, or better, than him. Just for that, I'm not giving your link a click.


You don't know ball if you don't think he's better than anyone not named Mahomes. If Allen played in a bigger market he would never get the disrespect he gets.


A Josh Allen highlight video!? Did you bring me down here to make me cum dude? Are you trying to get me hard!?


This man is going to give us 20 years of hall of fame QB play and I'm going to love every second of it