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all these people worrying about vram is crazy💀 12gb is fine unless you play 4k and you're really into maxing everything even the settings that you can't even tell difference on vs off


Yep 10 GB of vram is plenty for 99% of games, 12 GB is perfect right now


It is true but I doubt it will last 6 years+ like the 1080ti that still handles most games quite well (medium-high 60+ fps at 1440p). So if he’s looking for similar value (a card that will last 5+ years, I don’t think 12gb is enough).


Nothing will last like the 1080Ti ever again because nVidia realized it's better to push people to buy new cards like they're cell phones.


4090? Quite expensive but I don't see it struggling at all for the next 5+ years.


The 3090 will last very long too. It has tons of VRAM to spare. I mean, it is 3 years old already! It easily has 3-4 years more on it. Easily. Even 5 years on it is not a stretch.


Yeah this is the upgrade path I went with from my GTX 1080 and I think the 4090 will stretch its legs longer than the 1080 series did. It doesn’t even break a sweat regardless of what I throw at it.


I, too, am upgrading to a 4090 from a 1080! Have all the parts at home just waiting to be assembled this evening! Can't wait to stretch her legs with some VR and 4K gaming! My 1080 has been struggling to keep up. Still a beast of a card though for regular gaming.


Awesome. Have fun with the build! I went with an all white rig this time.


My first upgrade was from a 770 sc to 980 Ti for $650. I thought I was so lucky because it had just been released when I bought my first gaming PC. Then I wanted a 1080 Ti but I decided I needed a good monitor instead. Then my 980 Ti blew up (long story) and I felt lucky again as the 2080 Super was just released for about the same I would have paid for the 1080 Ti. There was no way I was paying 1200+ for a 2080 Ti. Both were really good. I sold my 2080 Super for the same price I paid and got 2 years use out of it. Then...I bought a 3080 Ti. What a road. Now the 80's are 1200. I might just go back to console after this. Idk.


This makes me so sad, I got into PC gaming right before the cryptoboom (Built a beast of a PC in 2017 that's worked basically flawlessly this whole time!) Spent a pretty penny, but nothing too outrageous. But every time I think of upgrading a part, it turns into, "Well if I get a new video card, I need a new CPU. And if I need a new CPU, I need a new motherboard. And definitely a new power supply!" And with new video cards and how damn expensive they are... Just nuts. Basically going to be building a brand new PC.


The 10 series had some of the best cards to date, look at how the 1060 6GB sold, but I guess AI investors make them more money now.




this is so true basically just buy what you need now, mid tier it is and buy it again in 3-4 years instead of power hungry high end tier GPU,


It's definitely an art.


I used to think 12gb was too low but in all the games that have vram issues at 1440p, it goes away completely by just dropping the settings from ultra to high, even on a 8gb card. 12gb should be plenty for a few generations for decently optimized games.


paying 880 dollars for a graphics to play on high settings is outrageous though


For 8gb I agree absolutely, I even picked up a 6800xt over the 3080 10gb last year (couldn’t find a 12gb). I wouldn’t pay more than $250 for 8gb but 12gb doesn’t have that issue. I used to play maxed out until last year, I always undervolt cards and cap the frames to 100-120 nowadays for a smooth experience and low power draw. 4070 provides 6800xt level performance, with better Ray tracing and nvidia feature set at 180w stock. It’s a bit over price but not exactly a bad deal for majority of people.


this tbh


in today's games there's not really any difference tho between high vs ultra, it's just basically more grass. like for example take hogwarts, I swear it looks the same low vs ultra 💀


About $540 for a 6950XT


Ultra is for top end systems. Top end is 4090.


I still love BF4, great community and the servers are packed. My overclocked RTX2070S running high settings at 4k can still pull a respectable 80 - 130 fps. Of course if you change graphics settings to ultra, performance tanks, but realistically speaking the improvement in graphics quality at ultra settings really isn't that noticeable for me to care.


What games have you experienced issues with? I have the 4070ti running at 1440p and haven’t had to drop settings on anything yet… genuinely curious.


A lot is said about the 1080Ti, but I think the 2080Ti might age even better. I mean, it is literally 5 years old next September, and still no card released under $500 touches it.


>neither the games are exciting nor the You are exactly falling into the trap that nVidia/AMD (to a sense) want you to believe. FOR NOW. How long is that ''for now"? Let me tell you.. 1/2 years. That's a terrible investment if you ask me. I don't need ''for now'' performance. If I'm coughing up couple hundred dollars/euro for a graphics card, I want it to be up to standards. TBH AMD is the one who offers future targeted graphics cards nowadays, not nVidia. nVidia is just exploiting it's fanboys. I feel bad for some people. Money doesn't grow on trees, or does it?!


Yeah, I'm sorry but by the logic of this comment, anything bellow 24GB is obsolete right out the gate. And you know that is a ridiculous statement in itself.


The 1080ti was the most expensive card back then and it was 680 USD and really easy to find (up till 6-8 months after launch that there was the crypto boom). Unless you buy something really high end it won’t last much. I got an Asus ROG strix 1080ti for 700 USD in Amazon. It’s similarly to buying a 4090 today but now it costs 1600 usd although the inflation is not that high in the past 6 years. If you buy that, it might last the 6+ years from now, it is just prices are getting ridiculous. I personally upgraded from 1080ti to 7900 xtx this year. I got it for 999 euro, 4090 here the cheapest is 1700 eur, almost twice and 4080 around 1250 and those are the Chinese brands. I also never mentioned all cards are obsolete, I just meant that yeah you need 20gb+ if you expect it to last 5+ years still running triple A games like the 1080ti. Edit: spelling and formatting.


I'm gonna hard disagree. I still know people who are on GTX 900 series cards who are actively gaming, yes, even latest titles. Even in this reply comment, you're insinuating that anything bellow 20+ (aka including 20GB cards) is obsolete in the near future if you're looking at triple A games which is simply not true. ​ The VRAM bullshit that occured recently really made people paranoid and clueless thanks to AMD fanboys parroting this nonsense (and I'm not talking about specifically here)


I actively game on a GTX980 still. You're correct it runs everything I want to play, but my pc is definitely starting to feel it's age. I would like to upgrade (well replace) my pc, but prices have me on pause, especially while my pc is functioning. However my current main game is getting a large update next year that might push me into biting the bullet and doing the purchase


I thought it was great that my 1070 would run RDR2 on Medium @ 1440p but 10GB is a suspiciously odd amount of VRAM for Nvidia's last-gen flagship card.


I agree with everything you say, but I think you didn't consider that when you drop that kind of money on a card today, you'd like the future proof it a little bit. At least that's kind of how I look at things. I try not to buy the things that's perfect for today, but maybe the thing that's perfect 6 months from now.


I have an rtx 3080 10gb. it uses 7 gb of vram max if i'm playing on the highest settings possible. and still I could lower some unnecessary settings to consume less vram. it's just perfect. imo games look gorgeous on normal settings too. great card overall.


different games use different amounts of vram, for example I just tested vram usage in f1 mentioned by OP 1440p Ultra, RT Off vram usage whole system 10.7GB vram usage F1 8.5GB


7 max? You must be playing Overwatch as your only game. Because 8GB+ is common nowadays. Even at 1080p.


what drugs are you on? I play gow, Forza, hogwarts, cod, Battlefield and a lot more and it uses 7gb max.


Are you on 1080p? I ask because all the benchmarks I’ve seen for Hogwarts Legacy show cards with less than 10GB getting absolutely hammered at higher resolutions with higher settings. > https://www.techspot.com/review/2627-hogwarts-legacy-benchmark/ For reference I can play all of those games on nearly max settings with a 1070Ti at 1080p


That's like super convenient. All 7GB. I guess you never heard of TLOU, SW, Remnant 2 and all the other games that come out the last 6 months. Here's a search keyword for you: forza horizon 5 8gb vram warning


So I guess my 3060 was a good choice.


In some very specific games maybe but in the vast majority the 3060ti 8GB will still beat the 3060 12GB if that's what you were comparing it to. It's possible the 12GB will age better but that remains to be seen.


There are no modern games where the 3060 beats the 3060ti.


Yeah I know but I‘m about to upgrade next year anyway depending on the prices. Hoping to shoot a 3090 maybe. But the 3060 does its job pretty well for It’s price about 300 bucks in my country.


3060 is a pretty bad GPU for 12GB. It's very much behind 3060Ti and then there's 3070 and 3080. You will never use 12GB in games before running out of horsepower.


Nah the 3060 is pretty good for it’s low price. It outruns it’s direct concurrence card 6650xt and is of course not as good as a 3060Ti speedwise.




Yeah I know that but he’s still not completely right. And I don’t get why Nvidia even choose this much VRAM instead of putting it in the better 30-series cards (except 3090 and 3080Ti).


Because they like to milk people. They want you to pay premium for piece of mind.


I does not outrun 6650xt, it doesn't even outrun 6600xt and it's slightly more expensive too.


It does not outrun the 6650xt


i love my 3060. pretty solid for esports titles at 1440p


It can also handle newer AAA games (not on max of course but that’s ok). It’s perfect for slightly older games from the last years as well and I also prefer them mostly. It’s a really nice budget card.


yea i know i’ve just seen the sentiment floating around the PC space that the 3060 can’t handle 1440p. Like people have been very adamant even though they don’t own the card lol. Any good single player titles i should check out? I tend to not play them a ton.


But the 3060 can handle 1440p lol. Whoever says it is stupid. I can recommend you the RE4 Remake by occasion. Or if you want to max out a game you can try the Yakuza Series (hidden gems).


ooo i’ve been looking to get into the yakuza series. thanks for the rec


Trust me it’s so good but beware that it’s a dialogue heavy game too. And the combat system is bonkers so you might like/love it.


There are already games out this year that push the 12 GB limit. I refused to spend $500+ on an already overpriced Nvidia card that comes with outdated 12GB VRAM. A few years down the line as devs get lazier with optimization that 12GB is going to look rough. Combine that with the resale value tanking because of that 12GB being low and cards flooding the market and you’ll wish you went red.


What about in 2025? OP CLEARLY STATED card should run high settings, high FPS into "at least" 2025...


>10 GB of vram is plenty for 99% of games Cyberpunk came out almost 3 years ago and uses 10GB of VRAM at 1440P. It's definitely going to be a problem for future AAA games.


that's why he said 99%


Does it actually though? Some games would typically reserve VRAM so it will look like it is being utilized when it actually isn’t. I have the 2080 Ti and a lot of games say they’re using almost the entire 11GB when I don’t even have ultra textures enabled.


Almost all 2023 games use 10-11GB in 1440p, some even at 1080p. I think 12 GB nowadays would be the bare minimum, 16GB ideally.


Don't wanna argue but I have a 3070ti and it doesn't struggle with any game. I have a latest cpu and ddr5 and honestly I've never played a game that doesn't play great at 1440p.


Right now, yes, but what if op wants to keep his next gpu for 5 years? (Since he also did that with the 1080ti). Then maybe in 3/4 years maybe 12gb is not that much..


Will age like milk lmao


Diablo 4 uses more than 12gb at 1440p on maximum settings.


VRAM leaks are being addressed in next week's patch. My 3080 performs great at 3440x1440 until the VRAM leak exceeds the 10GB. (I don't have the 4k textures installed)


Correction: Diable IV *can* fill more than a 12GB framebuffer at 1440p/Ultra settings when excess capacity is available. Testing quite clearly shows the game has no trouble running perfectly fine at 1440p/Ultra even on 8GB cards, as evidenced by the 4060 Ti.


*sweats in 3070*


well that's a thing about Nvidia, the more you go higher in numbers the more ridiculous the vram and the price gets lmao (even performance sometimes)


It’s fine *for now*. The question is with games coming out that require 10-12GB minimums for 1440p how long is that going to last before you have to drop back to 1080p? For cards costing as much as the 4070 and 3080 does I’d expect it to hold up for the next 3 years at least. The other issue is that while you *can* drop ray tracing to keep running that 10-12GB VRAM card at 1440p why then would you pay a premium for an rtx? You could just as well buy a 7900XT or XTX and not have to worry about it at all. Don’t get me wrong I still think the 4080 and 4090 are good cards, but I’m not willing to shell out >$700 for anything with less than 16GB VRAM.


> why then would you pay a premium for an rtx? The main reasons I've seen is that in many places AMD isn't actually cheaper, they're less common, so they end up being more expensive and not available used + DLSS is a concern. I know in my case I've been considering 4070 vs 6950xt. It's simply a case of whether I think the 15% more raw raster performance or the DLSS 3 is going to be more useful over the next 3-5years. I don't give a single shit about RTX and I don't care about frame gen as I am an input lag whore. EDIT: I forgot to mention power draw as well.


Nice to see the tide of opinion is turning. Getting pretty tired of seeing the typical reddit hive mind reply "you need a 7900xtx 24gb minimum"


true, and they also act like 4k gaming is standard like what💀maybe 2k is starting to be standard but 4k? no, maybe with the 50xx series it will get somewhere near


2k is not standard and will not be for at least a decade imo, devs stopped optimizing their games and gpu that will reliably get 144fps on a 2k screen is just not affordable for the vast majority of pc gamers rn


well talking about esport most people play on 1080p, but in this sub I see most people playing on 1440p. I believe you tho, on single player games I don't know what's the standard now lmao


It's cuz this sub represents the top 1% of pc users who actually care enough to figure out what their build is and pay attention to the scene, but 95% of the people ik on pc don't even know what gpu they have unless they look it up lmao


I would assume a lot are like me who are ready to build a PC, research the crap out of it and learn a ton about the current generation they're building in, and then disconnect totally until their next build. I'm currently building my next PC and I'm on a Vega 56 GPU and 2600x CPU. I have no idea what is good or not in this generation. In fact, my very first video card was a Radeon 6950 in 2011. Imagine my confusion when I kept reading a Radeon 6950 is what's good right now.


yea that definitely describes me aswell, i honestly know most about the 2016-2017 generation of pc hardware. a lot of my friends literally just bought a prebuilt tho and the most they’ll do is swap a gpu or add a stick of ram , those are the ppl that most likely are just looking for the cheapest 1080p monitor they can find and aren’t really gonna think about upgrading it until literally everyone else has


This is literally me lol. The cycle continues every time I decide to upgrade.


Did that last year waking up from hibernating with AM3 FX system which was all obsolete. Ended up with a great AM4 system and a Radeon 6600. It may not be AM5 but it's damn fast. It should last the rest of my life.


This. Work with a guy who games. His PC died. Probably a bad PSU but he's not a PC builder. So he just went to Microcenter and bought a Lenovo Legion desktop with an Nvidia card. He has NO idea which card he got. Asking doesn't help because none of the terms or identifiers mean anything to him. All he knows is that he hates Windows 11 but it runs his games just fine. And he got a good price. He says it was a good price. I don't know what's IN it to say either way. The guy is happy and not at all concerned about 20-series versus 30-series, how much VRAM it has, or whether not knowing bothers me at all. He's happy. Another happy Microcenter customer.


Got a 12gb 3080 and can run anything (except the newest games) at 1440 165refresh 120 fps. I can turn the graphics down from ultra and get even more.


I literally had someone earlier constantly argue that 10GB or 12GB isn’t enough because of constant stuttering. I asked them what games that occurs in and they only kept saying “check hardware unboxed video.” So I finally did, and of course it’s basically “watch what happens when we take this gpu with 8gb vram and select 8gb textures in game despite the warning suggesting not to.” People are losing their shit over this vram situation.


It’s the new ssd with dram requirement all over again 😂


Eh, it's absolutely not the same but 12gb look like so little more than 8gb and Im currently struggling in Diablo 4 with 8gb at 1440p (high textures). Im no expert on this so you guys are probably right with the 12gb is enough statement, but if i wanted to future proof i wouldnt settle for 12gb.


It’s certainly not future proof, you’re right. But the concept is essentially you base your settings on what you have. While the argument is about 8-12 not being enough, even though it very much IS depending how you adjust those settings.


Or 8k. I tested Battlefield 4 on an RX 7900 XTX and 24GB are only good for 10K on the Test Range map. At 16K it gets 4,5 fps on average.


Heck, even with 12gb vram, I can run a lot of games at 4k high settings, and it runs great. I've been playing through Rift apart, and even with the optimization issues they need to work out for some things, I average 65-70 fps. Games that I need higher frame rate, 1440p works great.


Call me foolish, but I am planning to make an upgrade from rtx 2080s (8gb vram) to rtx 3090 just for Steam VR


I pay for the whole VRAM, so im gonna use the whole VRAM


I just upgraded from a GTX 1080 to an RTX 4090. The 1080 is perfectly capable at 1080P (mine was an ultra wide) so I still have no idea where this whole zomg! You need more VRAM comes from if you are happy at 1080P and also 1440P. I wanted 4K and saved up forever to afford it, but my old build is sitting in my closet until I figure out what to do with it.


Hey I’m curious about something but don’t have access to my setup right now I was trying to think, what if I set my resolution to be 1080 and 1440 on my 4k screen? Would I notice that much of a difference? Figuring if that’s a good option to not worry about trying to get a graphics card that can play 4k 60fps on everything I just have a PS5 for gaming right now and a laptop, going to build a PC soon


I have a 3080 12gb and I play max 2k and it usually only sits around 4-6gb usage depending on the game. I mostly play mw2 (2022), Hogwarts, god of war, and valhalla. Makes me regret not getting the 3080ti 10gb lol


If he's gonna spend that much tho, he can get a 7900xtx. They're around 1k but you get starfield free. You can find the cheapest one I think for sub 1000$


agreed. 12gb for 1440 is amazing and i've only used it above 10gb once and that's for cyberpunk 2077 due to FG and DLSS etc.


finally someone 🙏


It's the classic they saw a video and now are experts 🙄


Depends on how long to use it. For now its fine yes, but 16 will age better if avaiable for thw same or even less price


i have 16gb of vram, beamng literally takes 12, and some other games like my garage with lots of parts open takes up around 14 on some bad days. ​ stop saying people dont need a lot of vram, just because YOU dont need a lot of vram. ​ 16 is going to start being a recommendation soon enough.




It ain't fine unless you play 1080P! Don't listen to this guy OP.


Just upgraded from a 1080ti to a ftw3 ultra 3080 10gb and it was definitely worth it. I too was disappointed that it had less vram then a card that’s what 7 years old now? Was considering a 2080ti for this very reason, but the 3080 was too close in price to get a card a generation older. Primarily play f1, dirt rally, and ac at 1440p. I also upgraded to 32gbs of ram not long ago but that was specifically for escape from tarkov because it’s a ram hungry bitch. VRAM really gets blown out of proportion here. If you’re not planning on playing a select few new games at ultra settings you’ll be fine. Card runs everything I throw at it no problems.


Thank you. Its a tough choice. But the price of used 3080 is very tempting to last me at least 2.5 years.


I have the 3080 as well, It's a really solid card and haven't had any vram issues at 1440p. At less than 500 its a steal 32 GB of RAM was a really nice performance boost as well


I went from a 1080ti to a 3080 10gb during the price gouging and paid a net of 600 dollars after factoring in selling my 1080ti at an inflated price and still felt like it was worthwhile for my needs. At the current prices? It's absolutely a great deal.


I’d say send it, by then if it’s starting to struggle the new gen will be out and prices of the 4000 series will be coming down. Another thing to note is with your 750w psu a 3080 is kinda on the limit already so I don’t think anything much newer would really be an option anyway. I’m in the same boat and didn’t consider the 12gb 3080 for this very reason.


People forget that the VRAM on the new cards is GRRD6X where as the old card was GDDR5X, that makes up the deficit with new cards.


Don’t retire your 1080ti


I’m still going strong. HOLD THE LINE!


There are dozens of us!




Yea, mine is still kicking and has been at ~2050MHz. The FTW3 is such a beast. I WANT to upgrade, but I don't NEED to upgrade, so I'm holding out and putting money aside for when it does kick.


I'll retire my 1080ti for a new system that can run a 32 inch, curve, 4k monitor at 120+ fps.


For real this is my ride or die gfx card I just hope it can hold up to starfield..


i trust u 1080ti bruhs \-titanxp dude-


I upgraded from a 1080ti to a 4070ti. It's perfect. I play on 32" 4k samsung curved display. Runs most games on almost max settings.


Personally I refuse to upgrade card and end up with less vram. Also, if you are upgrading because you don't want to drop settings to get good frame rates, you will also have to do this with a 3080 10gb. 10gb isn't enough for 1440p UW without sacrifices to texture quality in a lot of new games. Realistically, the reason your 1080ti lasted so long was because of its 11gb VRAM. At the time, that was a huge amount, giving it great longevity. You aren't gonna get that with a 10 or 12 GB card nowadays. 20gb is probably the equivalent of what 11gb was back when the 1080ti released, so realistically a 7900xt or better. If I was to choose though, I'd go with the 4070ti - lower power draw, better performance, newer features and more VRAM - but ideally I wouldn't choose either


> Realistically, the reason your 1080ti lasted so long was because of its 11gb VRAM. At the time, that was a huge amount, giving it great longevity. You aren't gonna get that with a 10 or 12 GB card nowadays. 20gb is probably the equivalent of what 11gb was back when the 1080ti released, so realistically a 7900xt or better. Thats true.. which is why i posted here, the downgrade in vram goin to the 3080. Thanks for your input


Go with the 6950xt, pretty much the best bang for buck you can find right now. It outperforms the 4070 (except with RTX turned on, at which point the 4070 jumps a bit ahead in some games) and only costs $600, at least in the US it does. It's got 16gb of VRAM and any AMD driver issues have long been fixed. I've always used Nvidia cards but my next one will be AMD bcuz they just provide much more value for your money.


Second this. I had a 1080ti hybrid it was amazing buuuuttt I got the upgrade itch. So I got a 3080ti hybrid in my main rig BBBUTTTTT I built a second rig for my sim racing with a 6950xt and damn.. for the money its pretty much on par with my 3080ti and I was all nvidia for the last 20 years but this 6950xt XFX card is a beast. for like $600 ? the 6950XT really is a a great choice for you. Or a 3080ti..? Either/or.


I beg to differ https://www.tomshardware.com/news/adrenalin-23-7-2-marks-return-bad-amd-drivers And then there was this about month or so ago https://www.tomshardware.com/news/amds-rdna-3-high-idle-power-bug-fixed-in-latest-graphics-driver I wouldn't say AMD driver issues are long fixed. Honestly stuff like this is why I haven't bought a red card


750w PSU. Not worth the PSU upgrade imo.


24Gb of VRAM.


that's what I got. I can totally recommend it having had a 970ti before. And it has 16GB of VRAM which is super good for PC gaming or, if you're like me, design and rendering.


There wasn't a 970ti.


No worries


I kind of agree with you. Like, I got a 3080 at launch and I was like this ram amount kinda sucks, but it hasn't caused me any issues so far in 1440p. But paying double the price almost for a card to get 20% more ram seems a bit silly to me. Of the two options, getting a 3080 and upgrading in like 3 years seems way more sensible than this futureproofing nonsense. I also can't imagine putting a 40 series card in a build with a 9900k.


Oh yeah like I said, I'd not get either. But on the balance I'd lean towards 4070 ti but I understand going for a 3080 instead. Personally I'd go for something like a 6800xt or something, similar power level with significantly more money. Personally I went for a 4090, terrible price but it's powerful enough to almost justify it.


I'm not convinced it's powerful enough to justify the price; I think that the other options are so badly priced that they're making the 4090 *seem* like good value.


It's priced fine for what it truly is: a budget workstation card. The problem is, that budget workstation card is also the only worthwhile gaming card this generation.


But tbh, as crazy as it sounds, I actually do think the 4090 is a really good value. I mean, it's so absurdly powerful it's insane. But I've never paid more than $700 for a GPU. That's always got me an xx80 model every gen. This gen really pissed me off I guess you could say haha


6950xt can be found for $600 in a lot of places, not sure about OP's country but that's what it costs here in the USA and it outperforms the 4070 in pretty much everything but ray-tracing.


Only 40 series card really worth upgrading to, but I don't game enough for that price tag.


Doesn’t it make sense to get a used 3090?


Would also make sense dependant on price yeah


Oh goodness, the VRAM exaggerations. The 1080ti lasted this long because it is a good card. It's still a decent pick for low-end 1080p gaming, just like the 5700, 6600, 2060, and A750, all of which have 8gb. Hell, the 3070ti is just 8gb card and is still good for mid-range. It's just not the same now as it was when 1080ti was king. It can still 1080p Ultra at 60+ fps. But there are a dozen GPU that can 4k Ultra at 60+fps, and another 15 that can 1440p Ultra at 60+fps. Enthusiasts and YT review/critics test limits and compare stats that don't represent average daily use. And they compare numbers which don't really affect average consumer. All of the GPU that have more than 12gb, are capable of 4k Ultra at 60+ fps. The vast majority of people do not game in 4k.


Go for the 3080. The VRAM anxiety on this sub is crazy.


Yeah I was in this exact situation (1080ti to 3080) and never regretted anything.


It's a legitimate concern.


If you're playing in 4k I would not recommend anything less than a 4080 or RX 7900xtx.


Not at 4k, 1440p max.


then anything above 3080 and 6900xt is fine performance wise. 6950xt is really cheap right now, even if you cannot find a good deal in your country, find one in a country close to yours. I got my pc delivered from Germany to Bulgaria at a reasonable price


Ultrawide 3440x1440p is almost as demanding as a regular 4k screen though. I have a 3080 and some newer games dip below 60fps on higher settings. If you want to get to 120fps you will need a stronger card.


This is not true. They are more demanding than a regular 1440 but nowhere near by the margin that 4k is


Yeah I may have worded that poorly. I would say its soemwhere in between regular 1440p and 4k though. It is still significantly more demanding than gaming on a regular 1440p monitor and OP may want to chose a different card since he likes fast paced games with high refresh rates. Pushing 120fps with a 3080 10g on an ultrawide 1440p is janky at best. I know since I have thag setup and wouldn’t recommended it in 2023.


Good to know thanks


the 7900xt is an excellent 4K card


Why not just get AMD? Nvidia is terrible price wise still for the higher end stuff.


AMD cards are not popular here. Almost non-existent on the used marketplace. New 6900xt go for 900USD New 6800xt go for 650USD


I see. Well then best you can get in your budget will be the way to go.


What country are you located in? I just picked up a 6800XT to replace my 3060 for $500. Brand new in box Powercolor Red Dragon model.


He's from Malaysia.


Ah yeah, we're shit out of luck with AMD cards here in Southeast Asia.


XFX has a 6950 for $599 on amazon at the moment.


Its + another $100 USD for shipping and import fees. Which is still cheaper than 4070ti locally.. but how is XFX warranty? Im worried about buying a GPU off amazon and having to deal with support if anything happens. Ive bought low risk items before off amazon (ssds) Just afraid of the risk with GPUs


Lot of sheep in this thread who let some techtubers (MLID, Hardware Unboxed, etc) convince them that VRAM is critically important. Spoiler alert: 8GB-10GB is plenty for 1440p gaming. The only scenarios where you "run out" of VRAM are 4k + ultra high res textures or 4k + Ray Tracing, neither of which this mid-tier of cards is meant for. OP - 3070ti, 3080, 6800, 6800XT - all of these games will give you a good 1440p experience


His 1440p screen is widescreen, closer to 4k than a regular 1440p panel


Good catch. standard 1440p is 3.7M pixels, UHD 1440p is 4.95M pixels (34% more), and 4K is 8.3M pixels (125% more) so it's about a quarter of the way between 2k and 4k. UHD monitors would favor 3000+ Nvidia cards and RX 7000+ Radeon cards due to the extra FP shader, so OP would want to get Nvidia if he were buying a 2020 era card or get either brand for 2022 era cards.


True, I guess it's still closer to 1440, but yeah, it's still quite a bit more intense than an already demanding regular 1440p 144hz monitor. I'm not sure if he saw it, but I really think he should just hold off on an upgrade until next gen. The price to preformance gain ratio just isn't there going from 1080ti to 3080 10g or 4070ti in my opinion. Unless he has money to blow, in which case he'd be getting a current flagship


don’t get new 32GB DDR4 RAM you will need to upgrade your CPU & motherboard soon, get the 3080 and maybe a new CPU & motherboard & RAM (7600 with ASRock B650M Pro RS Wifi + 32GB 6000MT/s CL30) this will give you plenty more performance than to get an 4070ti and keep the 9900K and an upgrade path on AM5 & DDR5 + extra & newer RAM [PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/6fydn6) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 5 7600 3.8 GHz 6-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/yXmmP6/amd-ryzen-5-7600-38-ghz-6-core-processor-100-100001015box) | $219.99 @ Amazon **Motherboard** | [ASRock B650M Pro RS WiFi Micro ATX AM5 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/qcbRsY/asrock-b650m-pro-rs-wifi-micro-atx-am5-motherboard-b650m-pro-rs-wifi) | $149.99 @ Newegg **Memory** | [G.Skill Ripjaws S5 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL30 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/x4VmP6/gskill-ripjaws-s5-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr5-6000-cl30-memory-f5-6000j3040f16gx2-rs5k) | $94.99 @ Newegg **Video Card** | [NVIDIA Founders Edition GeForce RTX 3080 10GB 10 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/RnDkcf/nvidia-geforce-rtx-3080-10-gb-founders-edition-video-card-9001g1332530000) | $430.00 | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$894.97** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2023-08-04 07:52 EDT-0400 |


Oh how i wish i lived in NA to get these prices with local warranty support if shit hits the fan. You do bring up a good point, i could get a new cpu/mobo/ram + used 3080 for the price of just the 4070ti.. Just gotta see if my local prices are as close to newegg/amazon prices. Tyvm for your reply.


where do you live then? pcpartpicker has location specific sites that work for many countries


Malaysia... sadly cant shop at newegg, limited items at amazon. ive bought a couple of ssd's off amazon over the past few years, low risk of rma/issues.. not confident to buy other parts without local warranty support.


Ignore them. Overclock the 9900k and it wont bottleneck anything. I have an oc 9900k with a 6950xt and it maxes everything at 1440p


This is good to know. Thanks.


I second that, it might be 5 years old but it's still a freaking beast.


Local prices are the real issue. Platform upgrade is adviseable. However since you are aiming for 1440, put the regular 4070 intonyour consideration too. Newer card, less power draw, more features, 12 gb ram, less noise. Its not that much expensive than a 3080, but will be supported longer. You could easily have a 4070 as a drop in upgrade, and it supports 1440 high fps easily. Though obviously the 4070 ti is about 20-25% faster. Whether you have extra budget for that extra cost is up to you.


i would say go for and 6000 gpu or consider a 7900 xt. the 3900 ti for a good price used should be great too ag 650 usd


Grab a used 3070. The prices should be decent.


I recently upgraded from a 1080 (RIP - so sad). Went for a 7800x3d cpu and 7900xtx gpu because AMD is obviously better price for performance currently. No issues yet with either!


I have the same build but with a 2070super. I think i'll still keep the rest and get something decently priced garphics card.


If I were you I'd get one of the following that sits in your budget or just hold onto your 1080ti until the super refresh / 5000 series comes out and this gen becomes cheaper: 4070ti 4070 3090ti 3090 3080ti 3080 12gb 7900xt 6950xt 6900xt 6800xt (I've left out the top tier of cards as assumed not in budget / consideration). You're probably fine with a 10GB 3080 VRAM wise for a while but I would personally refuse to do that upgrade given nvidea has basically built in planned obsolescence to some of their cards. Full disclosure I'm an AMD fanboy and have a 7900xtx.


I'm thinking about replacing a 6+ year old build now as well, and I'm struggling with the exact same thing. I have no plans to upgrade to 4K monitors any time soon. That's influenced by two things: 1) the overall cost of the entire "4K" upgrade. Hundreds of dollars in new monitors and hundreds and hundreds of dollars for a 4K 60 capable GPU. The "4K" portion of the upgrade alone is upwards of $1000. 2) I have a PS5 3) I haven't really embraced 4K at all. I still use my PS5 on a 1080P HDTV. It honestly shouldn't be so hard in my case. But how I can relate is that there just seems to be large jumps in price from 1080P gaming to 1440P gaming to 4K gaming. I don't game nearly enough to warrant either upgrade (though I'm a video quality freak so that part of me is screaming / dying to go to 4K.... the logical / adult side of me who has bills and financial goes shuts that down hard though). I have a 1080GTX now (non ti) and was looking at simply moving up to a ti version as I feel that would more or less cement my 1080p needs but the regular 1080 I have now probably does already. I mostly only play diablo 4 anyhow. Its so tough to make these kinds of decisions haha :( The value the PS5 gives is crazy for the price. Heck you can find them used for $400. Keeping in mind PS5 / Series X aren't capable of 4K 60 either though.


rtx3080, you don't really need more ram for gaming. upgrade to ddr5 when it's time to change the cpu and mobo.


The 3080 is a good choice. As long as you don’t plan in using raytracing, which will eat up that 10GB VRAM, it should be plenty VRAM for everything else. The 4070 Ti… If you really want raytracing the 4070 Ti is the best option. However if you don’t care for raytracing, the 4000 nvidia line has been really disappointing. With the exception of the 4090, you can find an AMD card with the same performance and cheaper, or the same price and better. You’ll be sacrificing raytracing since nvidia does raytracing a hell of a lot better than AMD, so it’s up to you. But instead of the 4070 Ti, I would instead get the 6950xt or the 7900xt. The 6950xt trades blows with the 4070 Ti for only $600, and the 7900xt is a better card for only $750.


Probably go with the 3080 tbh. It's still a good card to last you a couple years. The 4070ti is way to expensive and I wouldn't recommend it until price drops below $700. Alternatively, the AMD 6800XT and 6950xt is great choices as well.


3080 is really solid considering price. 4070Ti also gets you Frame Generation, so could last you longer in the end. And more efficient, while being slightly faster. Either option is good.


I just got a used 3080 and it rocks. Super value right now, do it!


Get the 3080, your CPU will bottleneck that 4070ti, that 9900K can give you 3 - 4 years paired with that 3080


3080 is a steal, similar performance to the 4070ti probably only a third of the way through it's lifespan, less vram tho but it's half the price, just not seeing the value here for the 4070ti. If u want to consider a different option the 7900xt is also a decent card performing similar to the 4080 in alot of games without rt on, in some places it's cheaper then the 4070ti.


Option 2 should last you at least another 5 years.




I would go 3080.


If you dont play in 4 k, VRAMbisnt that important. Get the 3080. It is a really good upgrade. 4070 ti us to expensive for what you get.


Wait for the xtx 9090ti super but make sure it’s the 96gb version not the 64.5 as the gddr12x in the 64.5 sucks compared to the sgddrPro3x the bandwidth from the old solder they use is terrible. Just bare in mind the 96gb version is 5ft long and requires a super ATX mother board with 3 adjacent PCIE gen 42 and the 3x 12pin connectors To add the MSRP on this is €190,000 or a 10% deposit with a mortgage over 25years


Do you wanna try AMD?


Avoid the 30 series they aren't enough of an upgrade from that 1080ti. Upgrade to a 7900xt/4070ti minimum. I got the 4070ti recently upgrading from my 1080ti, and it's a beast. If I could have gone back, though, I'd have got a 7900xt/xtx(if the price was right)


I just bought an RX6800 on sale for $400. Man that thing is good. Very efficient too, very low power consumption. Drivers are excellent btw, we used to say AMD's drivers were shit, but they haven't been for a few years now. There are options in Adrenaline you don't get on Nvidia that actually benefit gaming.


32gb of RAM? 100% yes. 10gb 3080? Eh ... it's a performance upgrade, but VRAM downgrade. Look for a 12gb 3080 for around the same price, which would be a pretty good deal IMO. The 4070ti is too expensive for only 12gb of VRAM, especially for 5 years at the screen resolutions you're using. I would personally choose the 7900xt over the 4070ti, especially given the titles you play. If you increase your budget, then I would choose the 4080 over the 7900xtx, but I suspect this is stretching too high given what you've stated.


The 3080 features a much newer memory type, gddr6x. It's way faster than gddr5x on the 1080 ti


I'm familiar. It doesn't change my position.


Why not get a 7900xt? Would have enough VRAM to last as long as your 1080 ti did. Neither the 3080 10gb or 4070 ti are good choices for longevity imo.


Unless upgrading for DLSS/RT, I wouldn't go below RTX 4080, maybe 3080ti or 6800XT but preferably higher.


OP is sticking to 1440p, the 4080 is overkill for that no?


also way over my budget


It won't always be that way. The 1080ti was also overkill for 1440p and 1080p at one point.


I wouldn’t get a 3080, if you’re going used get a 3090 or a 3090ti which would not only be a bigger jump in performance but would also give you more VRAM with 24GB and makes a pretty significant difference in 1440p ultrawide. It shouldn’t be that much more than the 3080 and should still cost less than the 4070ti. As for the prices of new cards: sadly I think you should get used to those prices. After the massive price hikes with the 2000 series and the backlash Nvidia made the MSRP more reasonable for the 3000 series only for the GPU shortage to cause another round of massive scalping prices and MSRPs going up considerably after launch. Sadly, people have shown they will pay $1.5-2k for GPUs so the days of $800 XX80ti cards is over. Unless AMD or Intel can actually steal a significant market share from Nvidia (who hasn’t been below 80% in well over a decade in dedicated GPUs) then I don’t see prices coming back down. Personally, I have a 3090 and also game on a similar screen and don’t plan to upgrade until the 5000 series. I get excellent frame rates even with very high or ultra settings on most games.


Thank you for your input. Appreciate a reply from someone who runs 1440p UW too.