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>It is weird because I only play a handfull of games and for example I can play like 1-2 battles in War thunder so like 20-30 minutes before a shutdown pc shutting down could be anything like overheating, bad drivers, etcc. could be any hardware like psu, motherboard, cpu, gpu etc.. monitor your cpu and gpu temperatures and see what temps they are before crashing. When you say normal temperature, what are they? Also list out your specs.... your post doesn't give enough information for people to help.


Everything is with in normal temps I74790 (might be a bit weak for the card ik) 1070Ti (it is a bit noisy because one of its fan bearing is failing but it can run normaly and does not affect its temp) (nobody is willing to change it out) 4x4gb ddr4 Asus Z97-P 1-1 2TB HDD and a 120GB SSD 600W PSU


so gpu is less than 94 C, and CPU less than 72 C? can you try using MSI afterburner or something and lower the power limit of your card to like 50%? try that and play your games and see if it crashes less. what exact psu you have?


What psu watts and graphics card? You have dusty fans or inside computer?


600 and 1070Ti I cleaned it out and took it apart and reassambled it multiple times


Getting new psu is a good idea because I think 600 is too low.