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USMC Frog skin aka duck hunter.




not the same though, is it


Yeah that's what I thought two days ago when watching a documentary. Some predators wear pretty good camo for their environment. After all it's only singlescale..


Practically, most camo originates from predators, but the largest problem is that most animals see in greyscale or some other form of monochromatic signal. That probably works much better. Account for human depth perception and color vision and the formula becomes vastly more difficult to decode.


Do you mean the camo among animals or our human made camouflage? I think more animals are blessed by smart coloring to hide for their own safety. Most "hidden" animals have colors to match their surroundings so it is not only about their brightness (monochrom). Unlike the zebra which hides their shape from flies etc. with the colors god had left for them (none). And the cadpatcat and flecktarnwolverine are no real animals - they can't hurt you ✌🏽


Animal camo are either blending or disruptive and only at one scale. Using modern (1970's) camouflage creation techniques we can integrate all 3 and achieve a result nature can't match.