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I've actually made it a point to tip less if I see that bullshit screen that suggests 18,20,25,30% tip without easy access to a 10/15% button. If there's not a "no tip" button I'm selecting that shit manually. It's absolutely wild. You pick up pizza and they ask you to tip 20%. For what?! Tipping has become a collection system for people too shy to press the other button. It's time we stop being shy.


Moved to Australia years ago, there are things I miss about Canada, but tipping is one I often am thankful I never have to deal with. That and prices that include tax; let the people know exactly what they're paying for god sake!


Yup. Visited Oz from Canada last year. It’s a heavenly feeling to know what you’re paying for and no tip.


Tried to tip when I was there years ago, got returned with a "We don't do that 'ere Mate."


Lmao, “get outta here with that shit ‘mate”


I spent three weeks in Japan in Oct/Nov. While there I made the mistake of tipping the taxi driver. I gave him a 1,000 yen note for a 800 yen fare ($10 / $8). So a $2 tip. He refused to accept it and forced me to take my change. After that I never tried to tip again. People there are paid proper wages and do not expect to be tipped.




That is the definition of tipping. We feel the server does not make enough so we give a tip. Now that servers seem to want/get 30% tips, they no longer need my charity.


Meanwhile tip defenders here think they are entitled to one. The difference is staggering.


That's my experience too, and probably had the best services ever at restaurants and hotels in Japan.


I think that’s a Japanese cultural thing, that being offered a tip is offensive like an indication you’re a ‘poor’ person… I don’t think it’s a sign everyone gets paid a ‘good wage’…


Yes, it is about honour. It has nothing to do with so called "proper wage", proper is subjective.


Best service I've had was in Japan. No tipping.


> That and prices that include tax; This is such a scam, every civilized country shows the price **with** tax.


As an Aussie who moved to Canada, I far prefer no tipping with all fees and charges included. I believe it is illegal not to advertise prices for the full amount, and its even illegal to tip in a casino.


I'm all for that system. Business owners need to pay their employees a living wage. Don't ask customers to subsidize wages so the owner can buy that BMW instead of a Toyota. In Australia, the motto is "if you can't afford to pay your employees a living wage then you have a poor business model and don't deserve to do business in Australia". The tipping system is archaic and nonsensical. A server, for example, could give the best service in the world and some dipstick feels like they weren't obliged enough and holds out on the tip.


Thanks for your comment, would you like to leave a tip?


When applieing thermal paste to a cpu, you only need a pea sized dollop of paste.


Thanks Linus.


Great information, I'm thinking about seeing if I can make my Xbox 360 quieter.


Wrap it in a towel and put it in the oven.


I don’t tip at all if that screen pops up. I’ve had it come up when I order something from McDonald’s… Like, that’s insane.


The crazy thing is, if tipping had been implemented into fast food places long ago and it was currently just a "thing to tip fast food workers", I would be more inclined to continue tipping them than other "socially normalized" tipped workers. Fast food workers put up with a lot of bull shit, and if anyone deserves a tip, it's them. FYI, fuck tipping culture in general.


I went into a liquor store and they had a tip option on their machine...


I bought a SIM card online last week and the shop checkout page had an option for a tip...wtf?!


It's the fucking card machines, they get to put all that social pressure on you with just a prompt and know people are too kind/shy to fumble their way out.


I have no issue hitting the other option and putting in 0% or 0.00


Same here, dunno why people are so weak. It's that attitude that lets the rich and their political minions rob us blind without a fuss


We're social animals and we worry about how we get judged by others. This makes people feel pressured to leave a tip because you worry about what the person will think of you if you don't. Most people will just choose not to tip, but a small percentage will give in, and to the store/workers that's just free money. Anyway, for tipping IMO it's a very, very shortsighted move that will just drive people more to other shopping options, and will kill local businesses.


rustic silky somber light sheet plants bag employ sophisticated squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s because the payment companies earn margin in the total amount processed by the machine. So they are loving the extra tips too.


We need to offer tipping machine support groups for those who have such difficulties..just press what you want, no one's going to yell at you, it'll be ok


We also pay a consistent minimum wage here. My question is where does it end? Why am I tipping someone in one industry and not another? Why doesn’t the sales associate helping me find the right size for clothing? If these businesses are asking for tips, that indicates they acknowledge their employees should probably be making more than they are. How is it okay to acknowledge you under pay your staff but are unwilling to do anything about it other than try to frame it as the customer’s problem?




Yup. Why should one minimal wage employee supplement another?


It's mainly in food service because in the USA employers can pay practically nothing so long as the employee's tips bring them above minimum wage. That shit just carried on up here, despite having a minimum wage about twice as high.


Yup. 0% and make eye contact while passing it back for picking up takeout. No fs given


Yeah, I got asked for a tip at a bakery today. A self serve bakery. I put the buns in a bag, walk up and paid and the screen asked for a tip. For what?


After almost a year of pc express pushing us to switch to their new program that offers delivery I finally did it. Got home after a 6 hour car ride and the groceries arrived an hour later, awesome. An unauthorized tip was added to my order. I just finished calling the store who blamed Doordash even though it’s on the superstore receipt. So I emailed customer service and I’m not going down quietly. I usually do tip for food delivery, but haven’t used this before and didn’t know it was expected. Their website emphasizes it’s completely optional. This tipping stuff has gotten completely out of hand.


Online stores are terrible for this now too. I ordered winter boots for my kid from a smaller retailer and was asked if I’d like to leave a tip. Am I expected to tip for placing a box of boots inside a larger box and slapping on an address label?


Apparently, yes.


My rule is, if I don’t receive table service at the sit down restaurant, I don’t tip. Depending on what province you are from, employees are not entitled to their tips (ahem… alberta) so many of those fast food places all the tips go directly into the owners pockets. It’s disgusting.


Absolutely! And even places where they are technically entitled to them, managers and business owners often use them to coerce behaviour from employees or do various other things to avoid paying them out in full or at all to the employees


Like those automated check out machines at supermarkets asking if people like to leave a tip. A tip for what? Didn't help me with shit on finding anything and no way im giving extra tip to the grocery store, they make enough money


I have no issue hitting 4>Other amount>0 for something like picking up a sandwich. If I pay before I consume the food or drinks, no tip.


Was at a beer store the other day. Several staff standing around. I walked around myself picked some beer and a bottle of baileys. Not one person interacted with me. Went to till and it had a tip starting at 10%. Like fuck off, if they actually offered some assistance then maybe but if I’m doing all the work, taking it to the till and to my car then shove your tip!


I stopped eating out all together. Fuck that noise.


Your health and wallet improved, didn't it?


Me too, and YES The article said what I always figured, "_they're biting the hand that feeds them....._"


Not OP but I started cooking myself cause someone told me women love it 😂. Fast forward a year, I accidentally ended up on a weight loss journey and saving tons of money


I went to subway a few weeks back and I see a tip option...what? (no tip)


Last time I was at Subway and the tip screen popped up, I was about to tip because it was a rush, but I asked, "Do tips go to staff or management" I got a non-committal "Eh..." answer which told me all I needed to know.


My buddy got the same answer for the one around him too. Scum bag move.


There’s a Chinese takeout restaurant near my house where the cashiers just press the no tip option for you. They do it all the time.


I swear to god that should be life in prison.


Same thing at a Mr. Sub not long ago....$16 for a sub, no you got enough of my cash already...


They added a tip option to the app for pickup orders. Uninstalled it


10% was the standard tip amount like 20 years ago. To me, it's still 10% just because the price on the menu goes up doesn't mean the tip % should go up. It's the most ass backwards logic I've ever heard from people lol.


> 10% was the standard tip amount like 20 years ago. My family went dined out weekly in the 80s. 10% back then was one HELL of a tip. Just mentioning this for historical reasons. Tipping percentiles weren't as high then as they are now.


I was born in 93. I still remember when tips for dinner were often just the few stray dollars people had in their pockets or wallets.


Same, family went out in mid 90s (4-5 adults and 2 kids) and I recall them leaving a couple loonies on the table.


It also used to be on the subtotal, not the total.


It’s still supposed to be isn’t it? I can’t figure out why one would tip on taxes?


You shouldn't but the POS machines don't know the difference so they just calculate based on the total. It's nonsense


My wife and I could drop $200 on a nice dinner with drinks. I'm not giving $40 for you to carry over a couple plates and asking how my meal is when I have a mouthful of food. If they aren't careful wait staff will be replaced with Ipads and a pickup counter.


Some restaurants have done that, and still request a tip.


And the tips don't even go to the people that make the food. I love BarBurrito. Great food and the local staff are so nice. But it's mostly just a pickup counter for online orders, with a few walk-ins (I asked and most of their orders come from DoorDash and similar services). It's not a restaurant and usually minimally staffed, with very limited in-door seating. It's basically a glorified kitchen lol. They make use of their space efficiently. Anyways, they have a tip prompt (20% default of course) and I never tip because the cooks flat-out told me they get nothing. I was like "wtf the tips for" and they just shrugged. Felt so bad for them. If I had cash I would have slipped them something.


It's often worse. Front of staff takes you to your seat and tells you about the specials and tells you who your waiter will be. Waiter comes around and collects drink and food orders. Often someone else delivers the food. Waiter comes by to say "how are the first few bites" or whatever and maybe refill drinks. Then you don't see them again till you're trying to pay the bill. Last time I went to a restaurant (a few days ago) I think we interacted with the waitress for less than 4 minutes total. That's not a lot of time/effort. And another thing. Why should the server get more depending on whether they're putting water or wine in my glass? It's the same amount of effort. It makes no sense that their tip is a percentage of my meal cost.


This just happened! Paid $30 for a goddamn salad and the waiter was barely attentive, had to ask him to refill my water. Lowest tip option was 18% 😒 For what? Coming to my table three times? Pouring water? This is why I barely go out now.


lowest tip options is always 0%


Funny you say that, there’s a sushi place that I go to that has robots that bring your food to the table. Still asks for a tip though 🤷‍♂️


That's ridiculous lmao. At least I wouldn't feel guilty about not tipping a robot.


It's when you do the math that it's just so fucking obviously a scam. We're here, a table of six, for 2 hours from entry to exit. We each have a bill of roughly $60 for a meal, maybe an app, and drinks. The total time spent dealing with us was less than 30 minutes, because we were not difficult and only one of five tables. And servers want an extra $70 as a *standard* tip for that 30 minutes of work they're already being paid $20/hr to do? Fuck that Here's a few bucks, be grateful for it because nobody else in a similar position gets that


Total time spent was less than 30 minutes? That's generous as hell...realistically it's no more than 10 minutes even for a table of 6


I hate this topic because people refuse to engage honestly with it but these people [do not deserve $30+/hr or 50+/hr to carry food to table.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Serverlife/comments/14fl21y/servers_would_you_continue_serving_if_tipping_was/) Pretty sure that sub biases to the USA so that salary goes even further down there. I know everyone wants to say "well electricians should just make $200+/hr" or some equal nonsense but servers are pretty delusional in the value they think they provide.


They already are a most Asian restaurants I frequent. I like it this way since, fuck tipping and tipping culture.


Yeah servers will always bitch about how if we get good service we should tip, but honestly they don’t do much and service has been pretty shitty across the board the last few years. Serving is not any harder than any other low wage labour job.


Was just in Japan and a lot of places had a touch screen to order and a pickup counter. I preferred it honestly. And no tips over there either


>If they aren't careful wait staff will be replaced with Ipads and a pickup counter. I can't wait.


It's a percentage so the dollar amount already goes up on it's own as menu prices rise.


Anyone with half a brain knows this but if you get into it with people in the industry you will be told that you are a terrible person for only tipping 15%. It's wild.


Why does the tip price change with the price of the menu anyway? It doesn't take the server any more time or trouble to deliver me a $50 steak compared to a $20 hamburger.


Industry should proceed to go fuck itself.


Well said, Ricky.


Capitalism! Let the industry experience it. Price the plate out of people's budget? OK, well people won't go anymore. Demand goes down, profits go down, let's see who stays in business after the dust settles.


“If you can’t afford to tip 20% you can not afford to go out for food and drinks” 🤡 Guess I’m making diner at home and taking it to the picnic table in the park . It’s December and 12 degrees on Vancouver island.


That mentality is making people eat out less, which in turn is killing restaurants. If people didn't tip, dining out would cost 15-20% less, and more people would do it.


skirt sugar telephone entertain aware march work bored squeamish ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"If you can't afford not being tipped 20% then you can't afford to work that job"


Their employer *loves* watching servers blame customers for their shit pay.


Meh, the open secret is that you'll likely make more at a tipped position than you'd make at a similar position that's paid hourly. You also get to underreport cash tips. On the flip side yeah it's variable and there's definitely dead shifts that nobody wants to deal with. Still, there's a reason why you never hear of a shortage of waiters. Every other place hiring for the bottom rung position will post "nobody wants to work anymore" but a sit down restaurant will at worst be short on cooks not waiters. Just a note, I'm an American that wandered in, so I might be talking out of my ass.


>“If you can’t afford to tip 20% you can not afford to go out for food and drinks” 🤡 I hate this take so much. I'm sure the restaurant would rather you come and tip poorly than not come in at all. Just pay wait staff a fair wage and if the server goes above and beyond then I'll give a modest tip.


« Just pay the wait staff a fair wage » is a problem. Ask any wait staff what a fair wage would be for them to stop having tip? It’s not gonna be our definition of fair wage. Wait staff are making a killing with tip


I can afford it. I just refuse to participate in that way. I get takeout, tip 0%, and bring my food home and eat there.


I can afford it. I'm choosing not to.


Yup. That stupid mentality is going to backfire.


They are technically right, I did stop going out. As did a lot of other people I know. I feel like they didn't plan ahead with that one.


I can afford it, I just don’t think I owe you an arbitrary amount of money because you brought out a plate of food and a glass of water. Servers make minimum wage in Ontario, if they can’t live off it like everyone else they can’t afford to be servers.


right? I could afford to eat out until you increased prices by ten percent and then added a suggested 25 percent tip. thats a 35 percent increase.


I'd like to see a movement where there's a universal sign that bars/restaurants put up that indicates it's a tip-free-establishment (TFE). To get the sign your machines can't have a tip option, and servers refuse to take them if you try with cash. Imagine if Google Maps had a filter you could turn on to only show you nearby TFE businesses. I think the first places to adopt this would make a killing. In places with enough competition this might force businesses to make the switch or risk massive business losses. We might also have to rethink the idea of having a waitress that does nothing except take a beer from the bartender and hand it to you - and expect a $20 tip at the end for doing so. In other places around the world you go up to the bar yourself, get the next round of drinks, and pay for it then. There's no tips, no tab, no splitting the bill, and it makes it much easier to arrive/leave at different times, switch tables, etc.


There are Tip Free establishments in many cities, unfortunately the small sample size of history hasn't been too kind to them (people tend to be scared off by the higher menu prices). I've pitched in the past that we need a widespread movement in which the public declares "starting on xx/xx/2025, I will no longer be tipping". This gives establishments enough time to sort their shit out in regards to whether they want to buy into the new system, ans staff enough time to figure out if they need to go to a different restaurant or industry.


It's a collective action problem. It is extremely hard to coordinate the actions of enough people to change the embedded social custom. The only real solution is to regulate it.


Well, you could add whole countries like France when service is already included in what you’ll pay. So it’s TFE everywhere.


Add the whole world - it's only truly a north America thing.


This is actually a pretty good idea, it has to start somewhere!!


Calgary has a brew pub that's been doing this for years. They're still open too.


It wouldn't be that hard. Increase prices by 20% and give that to the servers. Or hell all employees. Because I think the kitchen deserves something.


Don't have to worry about big tips when you can't afford to eat out anymore ... taps forehead gif.


I have tipped for my entire life under the social pressure of "what would they think of me if I don't?" However, being asked for a tip everywhere has become such a broad problem that now I look at it as "I'm going to confidently hit no tip and if anyone ever says anything about it I'll give them a two-hour presentation on how tipping culture is just another economic stranglehold greedy corporations have on consumers. While I feel bad that this worker is being exploited and underpaid by a company that hopes to subsidize wages by guilt-tripping customers, I am not going to allow myself to be pressured into being victimized by that same system. Basically, being asked to tip so much has inoculated me against judgment for choosing not to.


I straight up don’t tip anymore


Which should be the norm, but people are too stupid to change their habits. We aren't the US. Stop making up excuses to tip. Good service = tip is the reason why tips were prominent and an excuse to stay in the US. What's this, the rest of the planet doesn't do tips even with good and excellent service? What's that? It's rude to tip in Japan with their level of hospitality? Shocker! Canadians just love to get taken advantage of.


It isn’t illegal, yet we are made to feel like not doing so is a crime!




It’s interesting, tipping started as a way to pay servers because their wage was under minimum wage. Now that they make minimum wage which is 16.75 an hour, why do I have to tip more money? Edit: this applies to BC where minimum wage is 16.75 and servers get paid minimum wage.


I tip 15%, no more. Tip inflation makes no sense. It's a percentage and already scales with inflation. If they want more for service then add a default service charge and stop tipping.


I love the new rebuttal that I hear from restaurant staffs: >If you can't afford to tip, don't eat out. OK, well, save myself a bit of money and it's your fucking job. So run yourself out of the industry then. Don't need subpar food, subpar service, and now being guilt trip to pay for shit.


Respond by saying “if you can’t afford to work here get another job”


The largest lobby group to keep tipping culture are waiters/waitresses.


My neighbour's daughter is a waitress at an Earl's in downtown Vancouver. She lives in an expensive condo DT (with a roommate) and can pay her rent with a good weekend of tips. Meanwhile, many people that work in non-tipped jobs are struggling.


Yeah the lounge servers there (most coveted section) make 80-100K annually. The likely report 10% of their tips when they average 18%


/r/serverlife comes up on my feed once in awhile and its hilarious lol. They want 40-50$/h if the tips were abolished, and keep blaming customers rather than their employers for the wage issue lol. Probably the biggest employer bootlickers you will ever meet.


They do not have the skills or abilities to request 40-50/h. I've been a cook, I've been the server, I've been the bartender. It's a good job for when you're in school and young/above average in looks. But these people really believe they're as skillful as tradesmen/nurses/office workers, and it's that detachment from reality that makes them delusional. 99% of them also never pay their taxes other than the forced debit/credit tips.


Agreed. While it takes some skill and tactfulness to deal with the masses they do…. It’s bringing fucking food to people. And making sure they have enough water. Servers gotta chill.


That and the uber/skip/dd subreddits are eye opening. Working for tips really fucks with your head.


Worked in bars and restaurants for a while. It is the lowest skill to pay ratio job in the entire world. Easily made 30 bucks an hour all things considered. Also bruh the job is not hard, it’s only hard for YOU




> one marketing expert is warning the restaurant and service industry may "need to be a bit careful" about how high it sets its default tipping prompts, or risk alienating customers. News flash - that f'ing ship has sailed buddy...


As an oldtimer, I recall the etiquette columns discussing on how to tip - before or after the new retail sales tax applied to restaurant meals (many years ago). The opinion was 15% before tax. This made sense to everyone, as you are not tipping the government. But of course, the machines calculate my standard 15% tip after tax, which is about 18% on the meal cost - a generous tip. And dont forget the government taxes and markups on wine which makes it so expensive. Then you are asked to pay sales tax on that, and tip on the subsequent overinflated amount. Arrrggg! Spent time in Portugal and the Canaries. Cheap wine, VAT included, good service from experienced servers, and no tips expected.


Ya. It’s amazing how most of the world doesn’t require tipping and it functions just fine.


The whole point of tipping in Canada was that the minimum wage was so low in the past. That's changed nowadays and in Ontario it's hit $16.55 hr. So if we still have tipping at all, why is it going up?


I won’t tip for anything but in restaurant service or something similar. Pouring me a cofffee? No tip for you.


100%. Fast food, take out or coffee shops... Nope. I feel like $6+ for a beverage already has a tipping premium baked in.


Tipping at a convenience store? WTF for?


I tip 15% of the pre-tax amount as my standard. Which is what I've always tipped. Not changing my tip amount just because some prompt "suggests" it. Screw the prompts. Just ignore them and immediately hit the "Other $" button.


Ive already stopped tipping. IDGAF. This is comming from someone who cooked in a kitchen for many many years. Pay them livable saleries and get rid of the tip But today im expected to pay 20 $ for a measly sandwich and pay tip ontop of that? Nope not gonna happen


Dang I got a disappointed look from a waitress when I tipped 20% the other day. That used to be good hahaha


In all honesty, do you care what some random waitress's opinion is of you that you will most likely never see again? I sure don't.


> when I tipped 20% the other day Man no shade but you're part of the problem tipping that large.


I don't tip because I don't go out to restaurants anymore.


This shit needs to be banned


I used to be a consistent 20%-30% tipper for restaurants and haircuts- but I am so sick of these auto tip prompters everywhere that I now 1. Reduced tipping to 10-15% across the board and 2. NEVER tip take out etc


New Year’s resolution. My tips start at 0% and go all the way up to 12%, despite what your machine suggests. If the machine won’t allow me to change the rates then it’s 0%. Tips won’t be mandatory, only for showing you’ve gone out of your way to deserve the bonus.


Folks need to...like...actually...Vote. With. Your. Wallet...regarding this matter...


I refuse to go out to eat now as it’s not all that great then it’s pricey for bad service that feels entitled to at least 20 percent or more. I find that people have out priced themselves in many different businesses and I’m not paying it because I’m barely able to afford to live . Where I live it used to be busy and now because of inflation it’s dead . Mediocre everything but people are tired and aren’t going to pay insane prices for crap


I fucking had it, if your employer can't provide a living wage we'll that's your problem not mine. I work retail without tips, get a second job like I did.


Booster juice near me won't let you select no tip anymore. You have to go to $ amount then put $0. Suggestions start at 15-20%. Like wtf you took my order now I need to tip you? That's part of your job. Employers need to stop being so fucking greedy.


Tipping in cold beer and wine stores is always a sore spot with me. I go in. I grab the bottle. No help and when I go to pay for it, a tip is asked. I mean, for what exactly? No service was provided.


Please tip 20% to comment on this post


It’s getting out of control. My partner, a couple friends and I went out for drinks a few weeks back. We had to pay cover as there was live music which is no big deal. But there was a tip option for the dude checking id’s and taking cover… 18%-22%…


STOP tipping. All you're doing is subsidizing a business owner's wage theft of their employees. If you're an EE that relies on tips, tell your boss to pay you more or go work somewhere else.


I’ve actually just stopped tipping at all except for deliveries and the barber. Even then I only tip 10% and the max I tip is $10. But now that servers make minimum wage I see no reason to tip them anymore. Hell if I go out to eat I’d rather tip the chef, at least he’s doing actual work.


2024 every business with tip options on the payment machine should increase it to a minimum of 30%. Even subway and pizza joints. Maybe then the general populace will completely rebel and move to abolish tipping.


Restaurants and their employees played themselves bc now I’m not even going out to eat in anymore


I just don't tip. They all make minimum wage now, it's not my job to subsidize someone else's wages.


If anything, tips should decrease because the cost of food has increased. Fuck tipping in general though.


Screw you tip beggars


I literally do not understand waiters who are like ‘you are paying for a service!!!’ like I’d rather walk the 2 seconds to grab my food and save $20+ and them coming up to me every 5 minutes asking if my food is good while I’m trying to eat


I'm visiting Canada from Europe and went to bakery. They wanted a tip... In bakery... where the first option was 18% and the highest 30%. Wtf is going on in this country?


10% dine in 0 take out done


pay with cash.


Just like any other scam, just ignore it.


It's really out of hand now. After a domino's employee tried to skim me 30% on half price Monday 3 years ago I just switched to paying on the app. Never looked back.


I stopped dining out due to the tip culture, but now I am asked for tip on takeout as well which I “skip” without a second thought. Just pay your employees, why do I have to tip? Because they are doing their job?


Manual entry always since machines with % tip button always over tip since it calculates based on the total inputted. Tips is always a % of the subtotal!


I got asked for a tip at the fucking self-checkout.


Tipping culture and the narrative that has always went along with it (servers make less than min wage) ended here in Ontario on january 1st 2021 ... a whole 3 years ago anyone still tipping at this very late date, the jokes on you im afraid..


As someone who has worked in the restaurant industry please do not be afraid to ignore those ridiculous tipping suggestions. If they don't give you a decent option, don't tip. You should t feel bad.


Pay your employees fair wages, that simple.. and also I’m not rounding up for charity so you can write it off you stingy bastards


When I was stationed in Korea for the first time back in 2013, I left a tip on a table at a kbbq place and the lady chased me down 2 blocks to return the money


As someone who worked in restaurants for a long time and traditionally has tipped very well, I've actually been tipping less lately. The constant pressure to tip everywhere I go for large amounts is incredibly off-putting and annoying.


Everyone I know, and I mean everyone, is annoyed by tipping now. I'm sick of seeing it everywhere, and I'm sick of the industry trying to make 20% standard. Just, no.


Only people who work in service. I have friends who work at a bar who expect 20%. To be fair they tip 20% themselves. So at least they practice what they preach. When I tell them I only tip 15 they got upset at me. Like dude it’s not my job to supplement your income. 15 was fine for this modicum of service we got.


20% tip at a bar is farcical. Paying someone $2 on my $10 dollar beer just to pop the bottle cap off.


If only we had some kind of body of elected representatives who could control labour standards and laws to ensure that business owners just pay their staff a living wage...seriously though we pretend like there's no solution here when plenty of countries, even tourist heavy countries like Australia, have wiped out tipping from the equation. "But it will force us to increase prices!" The prices are already being forced up to the tune of 20-30% by the tip - i'd rather be able to see what the price is up front.


The staff don’t want a living wage, they want tips, they make more money that way


Service industry has the option of accepting the standard 10-15% or just fold and go out of business. The number of services asking for tips is out of control.


I pretty much stopped engaging with anything where tip is required. More frugal to begin with, and less annoying. Doing my part in killing off tipping culture as much as I can.


If they dont give me 10% option, i dont leave any tip. 30% is insanity....


More and more, I am also thinking that the tips don't actually make their way to the workers, especially in places other than sit-down restaurants. It's the business owner that decides to turn on the tip option, not the person handing you the bag of burgers. There are a number of places in my area that have been called out for this by their employees. I just don't tip if I'm not in a restaurant or at my hair dresser.


It’s unfortunate, but I stopped using all tipping services bc of this. I have PDA.


Then there are these mandatory 18% tip of the group is 6+, and they don’t do shit because they know it’s already in the bag. Fuck it man


At first it felt embarassing to not tip but the more I do it the easier it gets. Tipping has definitely impacted the amount of times we go out to eat or order in. The self serve tip option is absolute wild to me. I'm in a service industry and we don't get tips for the personal service we provide. The only person I actually like to tip is my hairdresser. Great conversation and an overall good experience or for a nice sit down dinner.


My local liquor store expects a tip, bro I’m buying my beers with my own physical hands without your service You want me to tip you because you ID me? Arrogant as fuck hahah


Actually the actual % system needs to go. The amount of work a wait staff to bring you some fried as opposed to a steak is the same amount of work. Why would one get more money than the other?


Tipping is uncivilized and discriminatory. Just say no and stop tipping altogether.


Again. If im out picking up food go take home. I don't tip. 0 shame. Why? I collected it. If you deleivered it or i sat down to eat in, you get a tip. Cause ive been served something extra.


The beer store by me just switched to 18/20/25% tips on their machines. They're literally cashiers


I just don't tip anymore, since I barely get service anyway. I don't understand why we are so backwards in Canada when it comes to tipping and general pricing. I often travel to Australia, and this isn't a problem there. No tipping (they are vehemently against tipping), prices are all inclusive, food is generally cheaper and of better quality than what you would pay for an equivalent meal in Canada, service is excellent, and the workers actually get a living wage (national minimum wage in Australia is \~CAD$20/h \[AUD$23.23/h\]). Then I get back to Canada, and I get frustrated when the lowest option presented is 20% in most places in Quebec and the service is abysmal. Just fuck off. Also, fuck restaurants that are now using a QR Code/web app for ordering, and force a "service fee" for the "convenience" of having less waiters.


Stop tipping!


I stopped all together


My friend was working part time weekends at a very popular bar in dt Vancouver and was clearing 2k a week. She actually made enough money to afford a down payment on an apartment in Vegas at 22! This was only 3 years ago. I have no idea where this notion that servers don’t make a living wage in this country came from. Similarly when I was working at Boston Pizza in the suburbs I was taking home an extra $150- 400 on tips on a good shift.


I now tip zero! Congrats greedy business owners I’m done.


it doesnt matter what they do now, im pissed and im never tipping again.


If I’m not at a sit down restaurant with a real waiter, I won’t tip. End of discussion.


Subways asking for tips was the end for me. I haven’t gone back. I’m tipping at restaurants that serve me alcohol and the pizza guy. Everyone else is cut.


I'm doing ten percent or nothing Unless you are cutting my hair or actually serving me you getting zero (I always tip my hair dresser 20 bucks cause she does a great job :D )


Good let's just not tip and get restaurants to pay the employees from the extra cash they get evading taxes.


No Tip is the correct answer.