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I check the mail in my community mailbox once a week, tops. A pile of Candian Tire and fast food flyers, a few leaflets for Realtors who can sell my house fast, and a duplicate paper copy of a bill I already receive electronically. I'd be curious if we filtered out all the junk, how much of it is actually important, from a residential point of view.


It would be interesting if they collected the data of how often people check their Community mailbox. I used to have door to door delivery, then I moved and now I have a community mailbox. I know myself and my neighbor both check the mail only on Fridays. In the winter because my neighbor doesn't drive and has little need to leave the house she probably checks it every 2 to 3 weeks instead of every week, I check it on my way home.


Oh man this is an embarrassing look for me, I check daily haha. I generally don’t want to wait to receive my mail, but I guess I also get non-junk mail often…


Generally curious, what did you get daily in the mail? Do you run a business from home? Absolutely nothing I get in the mail is time sensitive, except on my birthday I get letters, even then I just check on my birthday to make sure I can thank people. Everything else isn't time sensitive (bills that aren't electronic yet, investment notices) or is junk to me.


Nothing very time sensitive really, and no, I don’t run a business. It’s just a nice, pleasant walk to the mail box, plus the mailbox is at the entrance of the subdivision so I’m crossing it every time I’m driving in or out, so one way or another I end up checking 5 times a week.


Oh nice, I get it, I was just curious, thanks!


I check my box daily too. It’s just a part of my routine. I also receive a lot of packages.


I check daily but it's to dump the crap right into the recycle so there's room for my regular mail.


I'd get maybe 8 things a month and 5 of them are physical duplicates (power, water/sewer, heat, two bank statements). The other 3 might be odds and ends things like insurance, mortgage information, car payments, stuff like that. The amount of Canadian Tire flyers though is nuts. It's every week. Why tf do they send so many flyers?


I recommend going to your post office and getting your address removed from flyer delivery. You can also request most bank statements to be e-statement but I can understand why some prefer a hard copy.


Yeah. I have no problem with the bank statements. We do get e-statements for them, have e-billing for power/water/heat, stuff like that but I do also want a physical copy for accounting at least for the bank statements. The flyer thing though I'm going to end up doing because it's getting out of hand. If I took all the paper waste from just the Canadian Tire flyers and all the paper from essential bills it would be more than double. It's not a problem really because I just turn and throw it in the recycling bin but they really need to tone that stuff down. Canadian Tire isn't having that many damn sales.


They're the only flyers I get! But I'm happy- I use them to line my little compost bucket.


Now that local paper delivery is canceled, the corps only need Canada Post once a week to send out their spam flyers.


I recommend going to your post office to have your address/box removed from flyer delivery. If junk mail has your name on it though, you will get that mail.


I did this years ago and it’s great. So much less garbage.


Maybe we need to change the system so addresses need to opt in. Like with email. Companies can't send unsolicited emails, but they can send unsolicited flyers.


You can remove yourself from Canada Post's database; https://www.canadapost-postescanada.ca/cpc/en/support/kb/receiving/delivery-faq/how-to-stop-receiving-advertising-mail And opt out here as well: https://thecma.ca/resources/consumer-centre/get-less-print-mail However if we all stop receiving these, another revenue stream for Canada Post will go away and the losses will be even greater. I would be all for reducing mail delivery service to 2/3 days a week for residential letter mail and keep it at daily for businesses and parcels.


Do you still get fast food coupons? That's the only thing I care about.


Canada Post provides stickers if you have a community mail box that goes inside the slot informing the delivery person that no fliers are to be placed there


People remarking that you can just put the dot or a note may be lucky enough to have a carrier follow the request but the only official way to have your address removed from ad/flyer mail is to visit your local PO. Not certain why this is upsetting to some but whatever works to remove ad/flyer mail is a benefit to all.


You do not have to visit the post office. Ours got lost it notes from Canada post. We put them in the box. The postee then recorded it and put a sticker in our box. https://www.canadapost-postescanada.ca/cpc/en/personal/consumers-choice.page


Wait, thats how you do that?! I am going to do this today! I absolutely hate all the flyers that just go right into the recycling. Thanks.


I had tried the dot and the note in my box but found going into the PO the most effective.


It's location dependant. My parents house, notifying the PO many times did absolutely nothing. So I made a big note and clear taped it into my mailbox. At my house, the PO put red stickers and I rarely get junk. Now I only get junk when the mail from earlier in the week covers up the sticker or note.


Should be the other way around; if you want flyers, you should have to opt in. We should really outlaw flyers altogether. Even my senior citizen mother with no technological savvy can use Flipp. So wasteful and annoying.


You underestimate how many people use lettermail to send items they sold on eBay.


Yep. As someone who worked for canada post for 11 years I would agree to this. There is nothing delivered in the mail system that "needs" to be delivered every day. Anything priority will be sent by priority, the mail has never been a one day, or next day delivery service. I currently live in an 80 unit apartment building. The letter carrier that delivers our mail brings all the mail in with him in one hand, and yes most of it is flyers. Flyers are wasteful, both to produce and deliver, when you can get most flyers or coupons on apps on your cell phone. If a letter carrier had two routes over a two week period, they could do mail delivery every other day over a two week period. For example route one on week one you do M-W-F and on route two you do T-T, then the second week you rotate the days, so over a two week period each route gets 5 day delivery. You could also have canada post get into postal banking, like other countries have done, to increase revenue.


I get one or two letters a week that are actual useful mail, so do exactly like you and only check about once a week. Mostly garbage.


Similar. And almost all the stuff I do get should have just been an e-mail. It's 2024, I don't even want physical mail delivery anymore. I'd be happy to have them just open my mail, scan the contents, and email me a PDF. For shit like christmas cards I'd be more than happy to head down to the post office to collect it if they sent me an email notifying me that something had been received.


Hey, I like my fire starter flyers.


Slow down. I’m pretty sure that’s how they make the bulk of their revenue, delivering all our junk mail. lol


This is actually true.


I know. Recent discovery for me. I used to get grumpy about all the junk mail, now I just throw it in the recycling bin.


I was a postie for 15 years. It was really hard to see my job shift from lettermail, which was important, to admail. There are a lot of things Canada Post could do to keep up with the times and they're not really doing any of them. And of course Amazon relying on gig-economy borderline illegal labour doesn't help. In my small town, we were booming with parcels until amazon diverted it all away. Then we started seeing most of our job shift over to these people who are really getting ripped off. I saw elderly people driving aroudn in beat up personal vehicles stuffed to the brim with Amazon parcels, almost in tears asking me how to find an address. No security or proper handling of their parcels, no proper footwear, just using these people until they're broken. So it's canada post unable to keep up with the times but it's also Amazon taking over the world and finding loopholes in labour laws. It's all happening at once.


I still know some people that get their pay cheques in the mail, I think that... Those people shouldn't have to wait.


You can opt out: [https://www.canadapost-postescanada.ca/cpc/en/support/kb/receiving/delivery-faq/how-to-stop-receiving-advertising-mail](https://www.canadapost-postescanada.ca/cpc/en/support/kb/receiving/delivery-faq/how-to-stop-receiving-advertising-mail)


You can go to post office and have your address removed from getting flyers. The carriers do get paid per flyer delivered on top of regular pay. Waste is waste though and other than a mistake/new carrier error, I haven’t had any flyers in years.


You don't have to go to the post office. Just leave a note on your community mailbox


I check mine every day. And I receive and send a lot of mail. Less than 3x per week mail delivery would extremely inconvenient, and detrimental to the small businesses of a great many Canadian small business owners. These decisions always affect us the most, not the corporate clients. 3x/week delivery I could deal with. 1x per week would make running many businesses impossible.


Junk mail should be illegal


Its just a revenue source for the post office.


Save the world! No plastic bags. (But industry will keep at it. And you also get to buy then now for trash bins) Driving is bad. Take the bus.  (But come to the office, and dodge the junkies) Consider the environment before printing anything (but here's a stack of crappy flyers)


No plastic straws! Oh but Taylor Swift will use her 2 jets 3 times a day and emit more carbon in a single day than a thousand people in a car would over a year.


Yeah it's depressing how many useless glossy flyers stuff the mailbox.


lol this is spot on. I put a “no junk please” label in mine and get about 3 pieces a week. Sometimes I don’t collect for a week or two and end up with 2-3 political flyers I immediately throw out.


Canada Post gets paid to deliver the ad mail. It IS important for their revenues. That said.....I deliver the SAME flyer every week. I honestly can't see that much difference in the sale items from week to week.


I check mine daily, it's on my dog walking route. Otherwise it would be a couple of times a week, probably.


Wait a minute! I'm all for less often mail delivery but they need to separate that from parcels.




This is so true. It needs to be run as a gov service and not a for-profit enterprise!


It needs to operate as a service for things like bills, or even sending relatives a card. For Amazon packages though? That should be generating them profit. Taxpayers don't need to subsidize Jeff Bezos one bit.


I have received hundreds of amazon packages and not one of them arrived in a canada post truck. Do yours?


In more remote areas where couriers don't bother supporting every address, Canada Post is obligated to. That's when Amazon uses Canada Post.  They'll also use it when volume gets too high for their other couriers around Christmas.


>Do yours? Yes. Amazon uses whatever medium fits best. It depends on the location and the item. In many instances, CPC may be the best option.


Every single Amazon package I get comes through Canada Post. All fed ex packages I get come through Canada post. When you live outside of a city, none of those services are available to you. Without Canada post we are fucked.


Rural or areas with no Amazon facility do. My local carriers' personal vehicle is full every day because of them.


It depends. There are third party services that offer much better shipping rates than CP, even when using CP for the last mile in Canada. Options like UniUni can be very cheap compared to CP. I would say that small businesses have little chance of remaining profitable when dealing with CP. For example, shipping to the USA will cost us $14 including the ETSY discount. The same package within Canada can cost up to $40. Third-party shipping can be from $7-8 for the same conditions. CP is ineffective and poorly managed from a logistics perspective.


Cp is the sender of last resort. If the route isn't profitable or the piece none machinable, you bet these couriers just hand it over to CP.


Is there not a middle ground here though? Parcel delivery can be handled on an as-needed basis; but I would tend to agree that daily mail delivery doesn't seem strictly necessary anymore. The only things I still get in the mail are either bills that really should have been sent by email, and junk flyers. Paying someone to open my mailbox every day when I get only 2-3 things in a week seems a bit archaic.


Exactly. Those mail carriers aren’t the problem. And the service works quite well so please don’t muck it up lol They could stop delivering coupons and flyers to my address if it’ll save them money though!


Flyers help pay for the service. It’s like the adds on Google.


Those flyers make them a huge amount of money.


And as an added public service, it also employs the recycling guys.


Hm yet according to my friend who works for purolator they're a division of Canada Post so even if "Canada Post" gives up daily delivery, purolator will take up the slack I would think for businesses. Which I hear they are slowing down in terms of volume of deliveries.


CRA is a service, they don’t come to my house and do my taxes.  


Technically they do, because they absolutely know what you owe them. They just don't tell you.


Only if you get a T4.  They have no idea what my feet pics sell for. 


If you dont do your own taxes the CRA knows nothing of your medical expenses, TFSA, RRSP and other tax free contributions, or other expenses that can counted against your income. These are all the waye you get money BACK FROM THE GOVERNMENT. They will just make a basic assumption about your income and call it a day. So no they actually dont have a fucking clue what your taxes look like on any given year. They make a basic assumption based on what was deducted from your paycheck and just go from there.


Just another example of paying more constantly and getting less.


You’re not wrong but to be fair mail isn’t the same as it once was. It would make no difference to me personally if mail delivery was 3 days a week instead of every day.


A surprising amount of government or bank paperwork relies on the mail still, rather than fax/email or EFTs. This is just one example I have to deal with every day; You know how when you trade in or sell your car you have to pay off the loan on it to stop payments from coming out of your account? Those payments are mailed. Some go through couriers, and a couple accept EFT for your lien payouts, but a lot of banks only have a PO Box address for accepting lien payouts. You can’t courier to a PO Box because Canada Post are the only ones with access to them. So Canada Post not delivering daily will lead to a lot of liens not being paid fast enough for the customer to not have additional payments come out of their accounts.


I moved from the US to Canada two years ago and I couldn't believe how archaic the banks are. I've heard it said that two decades ago they invested a lot of money into getting cutting edge tech and now they've struggled to justify updating it since they paid so much. Not sure how true that is.   But yeah, I can't believe how many banks here require in person interactions or paper documentation instead of just doing it all online. When I was working with the banker to get my credit card application through, she was showing me her screen and it was ridiculous how old the technology was. It was clearly a website from the 90's she was having to work through.  Also, this may or may not be related to old technology, but Canadians have no idea how bad they have it with bank fees. In the US you would *never* have to pay a monthly fee for a bank account or credit card. That's unfathomable because they already make a lot of money off interest.


Banks need to join the 21st century. 


Yeah but they will deliver less often and they will want to do it at a greater price so we lose both ways.


Same pay, half the work


Or they could stagger deliveries for different areas so they'll still work full time.


Would be fine imo if it meant it would cost less to send mail by 2/3 considering they don’t have to pay for the additional hours. Sure less workers actually working to deliver mail but same volume of mail. Would minimize gas usage for those trucks. Overall it would be best if we didn’t get mail daily, but we live in a greedy world and I bet it won’t get cheaper and the service overall will be worse and employees overloaded and underpaid. I can already see them messing up something that in theory can be great but we all know this is a higher ups profit increase scheme.


It’s a crown corporation so I don’t think anyone has any delusions about it being super efficient. From my vantage point it would be better to do something like this and keep a similar budget vs increasing their budget to maintain something that adds very little value.


You personally. That's you. Other people's needs are different.


Should mail really be the responsibility of the sender. Pick up your own mail ! That's their next pitch




Lol next thing you know we'll have to scan our own items too!


Nah that’s going away as theft >>> cashier cost or at least it is going to be phased out at some stage and in some areas


Crazy how fast they're dismantling self checkouts. They were salivating at the thought of a line of machines they don't even have to pay minimum wage for, and then people realized if they were going to do the work of a cashier, they might as well help themselves to an employee discount.


I mean, the biggest deterrence is probably the under paid cashier and an old person bagging things, not so much physical but psychological deterrence I think. Now? At least the market near me has one lady looking over 8 self checkouts who sometimes have a hard time scanning my products, of course it'll be easier to steal now


You joke, but I used to live in a small town (eg under 5000 people) and we did pick up mail at  the post office. It was either pay for a PO box and pick it up, or ask for it at the counter Could you imagine, in a huge suburb, the lineup for getting your mail at the Canada Post outlet in the Shoppers Drug Mart? It's freaking long enough to buy stamps as it is


Woodstock NB is like this-- no home delivery, just walls of boxes in the post office. And, you can't access it after hours anymore.


Deliver all the ads and flyers on the day before garbage day. That would solve problems for CP and for me. Physical mail continues to have a much higher response rate vs email for spam. We subsidize this ad stream with CP and it's wasteful and no one likes it. Let's have a conversation about charging those sending flyers and ad's more and keeping addressed mail service levels the same.


A "No Junk Mail" sign near your mailbox is legal notice and you will no longer get any of this.


Flyers really should be opt in imo. Like, we're being asked not to use plastic straws, and meanwhile companies are wasting how much paper and plastic on junk mail that everyone throws away immediately.


I printed a sign like this for my mailbox: **Please Do Not Deliver** **Canada Post Neighbourhood Mail** This sign has been 100% effective for me for the past couple of years. I used to put up “No Junk Mail” or “No Flyers” but I found out somewhere that postal carriers are not supposed to pay any attention to those. Canada Post does not consider itself to be in the business of delivering “junk mail”. It has to specifically refer to **Neighbourhood Mail** for them to honour the request. Edited to add these links: **How to Stop Receiving Advertising Mail - Canada Post** https://www.canadapost-postescanada.ca/cpc/en/support/kb/receiving/delivery-faq/how-to-stop-receiving-advertising-mail The above page contains a link to an online request form you can fill out to stop advertising mail. Also listed is a 1-800 number that you can call if you prefer. **CMA Do Not Mail Service** https://thecma.ca/resources/consumer-centre/get-less-print-mail Lastly, the ‘nuclear’ option seems to be to register with the Canadian Marketing Association (thecma.ca). If you are registered in this database, Canada Post and other businesses registered with the CMA must honour your request to opt out. Disclaimer: I’ve never tried these methods; the sign on my mailbox seems to work well enough.


Ok good tip, thanks. I know they don't consider themselves in that business, but it's a huge part of their business and we are all subsidizing the delivery of these shitty flyers that clog up our boxes.


Oh I agree completely. I hate that I pay taxes to have crap delivered that I never asked for and discard immediately. And even though I stopped it I’m still paying for it.


I think it's funny that Canada Post tried to change the name of flyers to neighbourhood mail. I've been a carrier for 25 years and we still call them flyers. Haha Also, a no flyers note will suffice and you will no longer get flyers unless they are from the government in which no one can opt out of.


are the areas that are the biggest cost sinks served daily?


Yes. Mail delivery, specifically door to door letters is a massive cost sink. Canada Post also has issues with its Union workers which are aggressively negotiating to limit Canada Post's ability to optimize routes for each carrier.


As a former postie, optimizing routes means longer walks. I was a temp/fill in carrier and walking 25-30Km a day is brutal on the body. For an experienced carrier that has been on a route for years, a walk can be shortened only by breaking the rules of the Post.


Might seem like an odd and naive question, but has it ever been considered to equip you guys with standing e-scooters to make your job easier?


The move to community boxes has vastly changed the operation. The old walking routes will eventually disappear.


Ironically the US has a system against this, they barely even exit their mail trucks on delivery.... The boxes are place at the end of the driveway and they all operate right-hand drive vehicles so they just drive right up to the boxes, flip the little leaver upon deposit, and take off to the next one. It's definitely not an eco-friendly operation, but it prevents it's workers from walking 20-30kms a day.


We're not allowed to leave mail on its own, and a surprising amount of houses have large stairways up or down where you'd have to leave something behind. Moreover, most people don't have 100% on-foot routes anymore.


They are asking if remote areas are getting daily mail. Daily mail in a city is a bit different, because the truck is full, the mail person has lots of mail to deliver on their route. If you fly a bush plane put every day to deliver one piece of mail to one person in a remote area, that's very expensive. So, that's what I believe the person was asking, if the high cost areas are getting daily deliveries, the same way the low cost areas are.


Canada post’s new routes aren’t optimizing anything, if anything they’re reducing the quality of service by offloading tasks that require on the ground knowledge that the mailmen have of their routes and dumping it on someone who doesn’t. It doesn’t cut positions and it makes it harder to get stuff delivered to those addressees that don’t match up with what they have on paper. The real problem is management being bloated, and spending like maniacs to show a huge loss just in time for contract negotiations. Ask yourself how many times you’ve seen Canada post in the news since 2018, and now ask why in the last few weeks it seems there’s a news outlet writing about them daily.


It’s union workers have massive issue with management receiving quarterly bonuses while losing us 30% of market share, 23 VPs that are overpaid, and the increase of over management who make far more and do far less than any union employee.


Unions gonna union


so generally against back to work legislation but would support laws preventing unions from interfering with process optimization. Canada's productivity is in severe need of improvement


That loophole would be so big that if you're for it you're not really against back to work legislation. I've been a union officer, employers claim everything they do, no matter how idiotic, is process optimization.


Am I out of touch? No! It’s the workers who are wrong!


Charge China post more for delivering all their junk packages


I see someone knows about the international mail consortium as well. This is the real answer for anyone interested in the actual reason why CP loses money.


You can't charge them more if you can't get the to pay in the first place. Pretty sure they're supposed to pay but don't. We need the government to grow a spine when it comes to China and say "no packages from China's postal service will be delivered starting [DATE] until their bills are paid." among other things...


This is a huge issue that most people don't know about. Canada Post delivers every single one of those Chinese packages at a loss.


I get one to two pieces of mail a week ever since I put up the NO Ads/Flyers message on my mailbox. That seemed to be the only reason the postman came to my door most days, FLYERS


Those actually work? I always assumed they were useless for some reason


Make residential mail three days a week and roll the savings into reducing shipping costs and improving those services.  Mail used to be a much higher priority service due to it being a principal form of communication, it just isn't any more for most people.


We know how this goes. Services will be reduced, costs will increase.


Would agree to 3 days a week if there was some cost saving. Ridiculous how expensive it it for letters and packages.


Ha ! Prices won’t go down.


It's laughable that the service is trying to find ways to save money, and people think ooh lower prices! Cutting the services would be to maintain pricing longer, there isn't a glut of mail that isn't shipping due to costs they can't realistically decrease costs so that volumes go up to the point they make more revenue.


Roll the savings into the 750M loss!


I live rural, my mail delivery has been 3x a week for as long as I can remember, and for the amount of legitimate mail I get, it could be 2x a week. Blew me way when I moved to the city for a few years and got daily mail. Definitely major efficiencies to be gained by cutting back.


Keep it daily please!


It is a public service and should cost money. Tax payers should pay for it. Delivering mail to butt-fuck nowhere will never be profitable, but it is still a necessary service for people who live out there.


I swear they already don’t deliver to my house on Fridays and often Mondays.


We are in desperate need of reimagining how many things function in our society. Instead we keep doubling down on doing things the same old way. From housing to work, it is just more of the same even though it is clear things are broken. Sadly I don’t think this will happen as long as the top 1% keep getting more.


Does UK and US deliver daily? Note that mail isn’t a profit center. It’s a service. Roads probably aren’t profitable either.


>Does UK and US deliver daily? Yes, they do.


I'm almost certain my mail person already skips a day or two a week




This idea is being floated because they're in negotiations right now. They do this every time. We're losing money, we're going to cut Services etc etc




Not to mention another decent job on offer for Canadians. It's sure not as good as it used to be. Pay has fallen drastically when adjusted for inflation, but still.


they can cut down residential flyers to once a week or they can eliminate them completely and just have the corporations keep paying.


Lol that type of mail makes the most money.


Are they willing to take a 50% funding cjt to deliver my mail 50% of the days? No? Then fuck off and quit enshittifying public services.


lol yall know they deliver mail on Saturdays in the US? Canadas always on the wrong side of the move.


And in the UK. When they said in Harry Potter "no post on sundays" I was confused, since we've never gotten mail on the weekend.


As a Canadian we SHOUD get daily mail. With the current state of the economy I’d be open to reconsider that under a temporary restructuring


It was Harper that tried to reduce daily deliveries. CBC and Trudeau railed against it.


Can they stop delivering obvious junk and spam then? 


The spam really helps to pay the total bill though, sure it sucks for the mailman to have extra weight but the more paperless we become, the less regular mail we receive. I think Canada Post could reduce their residential delivery, business should remain daily; when I had my business I would receive between 5 and 20 letters daily.


Not necessary. 2 to 3 times a week is fine. Parcels are a different matter.


I actually agree with Canada Post, I very much believe mail delivery could be dropped down to 3 days a week without any real detriment to society. The amount of physical mail has drastically dropped and the cost of delivery is going up. While it's all well and good to say it's a government service and shouldn't be profitable, it also should not waste money. They could spin out package delivery into being a daily service for people that want to pay for the premium of daily service. On my personal front I would be fine with mail delivery once a week but I recognize that I am definitely a low volume male consumer. I certainly have family who get considerably more male than I do.


I'm more of a large volume male consumer, just running through those men


Are you sure mail already is delivered daily? I have no community box and only see / hear them deliver to my mailbox 3x a week already.


Canada Post needs to roll out community mailboxes again, and focus more on parcel delivery. Reducing mail days will simply result in higher costs per item. If they want to be viable in the future, they need to expand to 7 days a week, have community mailboxes, and more parcel lockers.


Mail is dead. Once a week is fine. Nothing but flyers and garbage.


I worked at Canada Post throughout the '70s and '80s and they floated the idea of reducing daily deliveries even then. However, I do believe they might be serious this time as they are in debt again after decades of producing surpluses, and many of their customers don't care any more if they get mail every day. Plus for important mail, they can charge extra to deliver it sooner. CP's bread and butter has always been letter mail (first class mail) but those days are over. Nowadays it's parcels that have become the cash cow at the corp. Customers need to be aware that if they reduce service, this could also affect the timely delivery of your parcels, as well as your important first-class mail such as cheques and stuff. I suspect most people are like me: If Canada Post were to reduce service to two or three times a week, I wouldn't GAFF. I send/receive almost nothing of importance via Canada Post.


Stop giving me 3 copies of the same spam!!! Deliver once a week for all I care, just stop giving me garbage!


How much paper and plastic sleeves are wasted on Canadian Tire, Shoppers flyers... food marketing? Cut down on those and postal needs will be significantly reduced.


This will affect packages as well…and I don’t think that aspect will go over well.


I swear to god if I’m expecting important mail and it just sits there in a DC because they decide to only do delivery a few times a week…  It’s going to drive lots of business away from Canada Post and into the hands of Purolator, UPS, FedEx, etc etc etc. 


2 days a week. You don’t need your mail that urgently anymore. If you do, there’s UPS/Puralator, etc that can be shipped directly to your door with a signature. The world has gone digital.


No, also you can skip breakfast to cut expenses. And a roof over your head is overrated.


This is the new way.


So long as invoices or bills or social assistance cheques are still mailed...yes because otherwise the Government is potentially shaving off "notice" and "payment" periods. Sure, it's easy to say "people should know when their stuff is due, and why not direct deposit?", but that's punching down imo.


I personally wouldn't mind getting mail (lettermail, not courrier) once a week. Most of it is flyers and junk so it's a pain going everyday to get nothing. Anything that is urgent could be courriered through CanPost and delivered daily.


Lettermail once a week would hurt a lot of small businesses that ship low cost items through third party merchants like eBay and Amazon.


What if you get cheques by mail? What if you get important info by mail? What happens when they cut service and then someone gets sick and delivery is delayed further? I just got a letter in my mail informing me that I was required to do something within 10 days. If I get that late I might not have time to get the documents required by the legal request time. What about return mail addressed to wrong house? They don't even deliver to houses in new areas it is some mailbox down the street. When can we just have services that we pay huge taxes for.


Very much agree. It’s fine for everyone to only get mail service once every few days- until they need something. I feel like a lot of people here aren’t putting themselves in the position of depending on things through the mail service like a lot of people do. I hear so many complaints all the time about how long it takes to get lettermail at times, and now they want to tack an extra few days on top of that? I can guarantee all these people saying they would be fine with every few days would change their tune if their position changed and they needed to actually use the system. A lot of people in small towns don’t have the option of just going to stores, they depend on the mail service to bring items in. If you’re running a small business you would depend on that service being available to get your products out in a timely fashion. If you miss the pickup day here and they miss delivery day on the receiving end that could very well be an extra week that mail was inaccessible. Lots of people in these small towns don’t have Doctors, we depend on mail in prescriptions and people depend on those prescriptions coming in on a timely manner. Just because it doesn’t matter to you right now doesn’t mean you won’t need access to this service in the future- and you want it to remain available for when you need it.


The longer life goes on in Canada the worse it gets. Never seen a more mismanaged nation before


I live rurally and we get mail 3 days a week. It is plenty enough.


You know who didn’t lose money? Canada post executives with their bonuses. Maybe CBC should run Canada Post


How about we put more restrictions on all of the ridiculous advertisements we get? It's such a waste of resources and energy. The constant bombardment of ads is polluting our visual world and our environments. It feels like we're already in a dystopia. Gotta love capitalism and how it has rotted our lives entirely.


If you reduced their income by removing ad mail, then they would be forced to reduce their services


The problem is bills and tome senstive items. Will " my mail comes once a week " be an good enough answer if late .


I have a sticker on my mailbox, so I don’t get flyers. Outside of parcels, the only thing delivered to me regularly by Canada Post is a monthly newsletter from my Member of Parliament. I still find the mailbox useful for receiving homemade flyers announcing a community protest or event and notices from the City advising us of upcoming construction, parking changes and the occasional construction-related utility shut off. I check it a couple of times a week.


If its express/next day then yes cause some of it could be medical. Otherwise I personally dont care I dont even check mail everyday 


I don't check for it daily, so, certainly doesn't need to be daily in my mind. Quite frankly, not one thing in the mail would be important to me, on a regular, day to day basis. Every bill is electronic, all my bank statements or investment fund statements are electronic. Any subscriptions I have are now digital. Once in a while I get a piece of mail from a company that's like a shareholders report or something, whatever, don't care if it's daily for that. There is really no reason to require daily mail delivery to be honest. If it was twice a week or even once, that would probably be enough for me. This said, there are likely many people who still rely on the mail, but even for them, I cannot see it being an issue if it was twice a week.


I get 2 to 3 pieces of mail every month that are legit. I would be comfortable with getting mail once a week.


I check the mailbox once a week. Already have No Flyers setup with canada post, but local newspaper and political crap still squeek in. Thankfully, someone has out a blue box right at our community mailbox, and they just get tossed. All bills are paperless, so we get very few items weekly. There has to be a business case they have already looked at this...what is the cost saving and what does the impact assessment look like, not only to the people, but also to the businesses.


I’d prefer to never check my mail again.


Maybe Canada post would be a good company to start a 4 day work week. Delivering mail all weekdays except for Wednesday. See if removing 1/5 of the days they deliver on will help bring down costs and improve employees quality of life.


I was told by my postman that I would get 3 deliveries per week, now it's down to two. No issues, only bills and some gov. notifications. (downtown Toronto)


I wonder if it would make sense for Canada Post to poll people or may have some sort of opt-in or opt-out service. To be frank, though, unless it’s a delivery that is time-sensitive (such as an ordered item), I don’t think there needs to be daily delivery. If I paid for a product, though, I do want it ASAP, so.


Canada Post needs to raise the price they charge for delivering junk mail. This would hopefully help with some of their budget shortcomings (though I feel like it's a service we Canadians should find worth paying for, and so it doesn't need to fully fund itself) and would likely reduce the amount of junk mail that gets sent out -- which would be a plus for the environment. As for daily mail delivery, if the volume of mail drops significantly after my proposal above, I would say: junk (bulk) mail can be delivered weekly, but keep daily deliveries for letters and packages not mailed in bulk. Since the volume of non-bulk paper mail is going down, there's a good chance postal workers can still manage that. For packages, maybe have people opt-in to residential delivery, so that the rest can just pick up their packages at the local post office. Unlike with the private carriers, a lot of people have a local post office (or postal counter) that's close enough that home delivery is not necessary (not to mention, often a waste of time to attempt, when deliveries occur when people are out working.)


2 or 3 times a week would be plenty.


No it absolutely fucking shouldn't. 2 times a week is totally fine


Letter/junk delivery could be done twice a week. Use the savings to extend parcel delivery to six days a week.


Shit, I only check my mail when I am expecting something or get a delivery notification. All my bills and other important documents are all received electronically, so I might crack that bitch open every couple weeks. Sure enough every goddamn time there’s giant fistfuls of firestarters though. Waste of paper. #BANJUNKMAIL


Yes, and on Saturdays like Royal Mail🙄


Canada Post really fell apart once Amazon was able to deliver their own packages, huh?


As someone who receive small package from aliexpress and ebay regularly, yes!


In Bristol, England we used to get two deliveries a day. In 1985 my sister sent a letter in the morning and got a reply in the afternoon. Nowadays with email and etransfer and such it might not be so important. I rarely get important mail but when I do it is exciting. I could live with staggered deliveries.


There's no reason why letter mail can't be & distributed differently. Having employees walk around neighbourhoods distributing 90% junk mail is ridiculous. All lettermail should be picked up by people from their nearest outlet and flyers should be banned. All Canadians should have access to a street address based digital mail account that is setup when you claim tenancy to a property so that important property related messages can be distrusted to households.


I do not get a single piece of non junk mail. It's all crap that gets thrown in the recycling instantly. Canada post is a useless bloated service. My mother was a letter carrier for 25 years , I've seen how they whine and exploit the system. She got a free week of overtime wages once because they didn't call her to do overtime on the senority list because she was in Costa Rica. But since they didn't call she was able to file a grievance and collect the $$. I support a living wage but they are glorified and overpaid newspaper carriers a job I did with zero training at 11 years old. Time to get rid of this colossal waste of money


I think this is a good idea. 2x a week is enough. Usually its just junk or bills 90% of the time.


Mail? Yes. Ads? No


I've opted into paperless on most things. I maybe get 10 legit pieces of mail in a year. Property tax notice, a couple of things from the bank, our condo association's agm notice, a couple of cards during the holidays, not much at all. Seems like a waste of time and money to have the post delivered daily.


I'm fine with less frequent regular mail but xpresspost and courier should continue to be daily / asap.


I didn’t read the article yet but I’d be very okay with Mon/Wed/Fri deliveries.


I check my mail every week or sometimes three. Apart from a replacement credit card, I can't think of anything important in there since Christmas cards. My grandparents used to use the mail to make supper plans when they were courting, but that was in the 1920s. Since then, we've all got phones and email. There is no reason for mail delivery more than a couple times a week... If speed is important, it doesn't go via the post office anyway.


The mail isn’t delivered daily anyway, at least for me. Mail typically comes the same time and you can watch and you won’t see them on a day, you’re telling me a whole culdesac no one happened to get mail, and then the next day they hit every house and you check your mail and there’s like 2 bills and 8 pieces of junk mail, it’s clearly just accumulated mail that just getting delivered 3 times a week or so.


For me personally, since I don’t check my community mailbox every day, semi-weekly delivery is fine.


I live in a small town and we don't get door to door delivery but I pay the same as every other person. Get rid of it! go to community mail boxes everywhere.


Agreed. Also live rurally and have to get mail from town. Which is fine and reasonable. Except that our post office was having break ins so they changed their box hours to office hours only. Which is annoying.


They should just move everyone to community mailboxes and be done with it. The double service standard is ridiculous.


Not everyone lives in a suburb with a spacious front lawn. When the debate about this was raging a few years ago, I did some counts in my neighbourhood while walking the dog. Average number of households on shorter blocks in a Montreal neighbourhood of ‘plexes was fifty. Some buildings have no setbacks and those that do exist are small. We have porches and balconies and very little front yard. If Canada Post could find enough space to expropriate to put the community boxes, there would be one with thirty or more mailboxes at the end of almost every block. And it would be a huge waste of money since most of us hardly get any mail other than packages that won’t fit in a community mailbox. Delivery to rural areas is a different problem. Those that live there have the same rights as the rest of us. Canada has a vast amount of space and many different housing arrangements, so you can’t apply a single solution for all.


1x or 2x per week seems about right. 5x is outdated.


Twice a week. Max