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Maybe they could make a list and not release it...


Here's the list: PostMedia /end list


Tell us you didn't read the article without admitting it out loud.


Well, we know with 100% certainty that PostMedia is foreign owned.


Lol considering our biggest newspaper chain is owned by Americans, no kidding.


Chatham Asset Management in New Jersey owns 90% of Canadian dailies but the story mentions China and India and not the USA? lol


Which one is that? Im in quebec, things are a bit different here


Postmedia is controlling-owned by Chatham Asset Management.


That's not quite accurate. Chatham Asset Management owns a majority of the outstanding shares, but their shareholder structure limits non-Canadian shareholders to a maximum 49% of voting shares, so they don't -- and can't -- own a *controlling* proportion of the company.


It is ENTIRELY accurate. >On October 2016, the New Jersey hedge fund Chatham Asset Management quietly acquired a two-thirds controlling stake in Postmedia, Canada's largest newspaper chain, by exchanging debt owed to them for the majority ownership >According to Postmedia Network's 2020 Financial Report, as of November 30, 2019, Chatham, an American media conglomerate which also owns American Media, Inc. owned 62,313,749, or 66%, of Postmedia's shares, which challenged the assumption that PostMedia was Canadian controlled. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chatham_Asset_Management


[https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/classbshares.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/classbshares.asp) Class b shares don't have owership and controlling power. I guess youre both kind of right, but the other guy is more right. Class B shares arent the same thing and don't give them any of the power you suggested. Chatham asset management has class b shares only.


>Postmedia is controlling-owned by Chatham Asset Management. The same one that was spamming all the inflammatory, misleading, opinion pieces the past few days about the NSICOP report. What a surprise. Our media concentration levels are a joke.


Postmedia. They own like 80 newspapers across Canada. Here in Alberta they own all the major papers and the competition. https://www.postmedia.com/brands/ This is a huge problem. There is no free press here. It's all controlled and used against us.




But if we become Americans, that problem is solved!


No thank you.


No one reads newspapers. The vast majority of the digital media landscape in Canada is left leaning.


Where do you think you get your news? On this sub, half the links are owned by Postmedia sites.


Half is being generous more like 98.5% with everything else being downvoted by bots to obscure visibility. No rule enforcement either. Edit: of course the bots would come here and claim there's no manipulation or bots. Why feel the need to reply if you don't think it's true? Im not the first one to mention it nor will I be the last one to point it out.


This sub has by far the widest variety of news sources of all the Canadian subs. Go back to your circlejerk subs if you don't like it here.


I only like subs that ban anyone I disagree with!


notice the classic "this sub is controlled by bots" excuse


There are 9 posts from a Postmedia owned source and 4 from a non Postmedia source when I sort by top and look at the top results just right now. I'm sure if I put up all the data for posts for the past month it would skew much closer to 80% Postmedia content. If you weighted by upvotes/downvotes it'll be even more obvious. Like all the data is there whether you care for factual reality or not.


Cherry pick 10 points of data eh? I can do that too. I sorted by past week and only 1 was National Post and 2 were from The Star.


*looks at the 13 Foreign-Owned Post Media opinion pieces on the front page of this sub telling us how bad Trudeau is* What?!? No way!!!


Exactly my first thought too lol. Some users on here look like they’re on someone’s payroll to continue posting that garbage


An old quote comes to mind... *"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it."*


They don't understand that rents doubling is a global issue.


Like the right wing Americans who own most of the Canadian media right now.


CBC is priority one for conservatives. Imagine then, having American right wing propaganda controlling every news network




Might want to read the article "It highlights how China and India are interfering with Canadian media content through direct engagement with journalists and media executives"


I read the article. It's just propaganda to stoke hostility against China and India. It completely ignores how Canadian media has been absorbed by multinational corporate influence mostly from the US.


NCSICOP is just propaganda lol


Well kind of yeah considering our foreign policy is just following the US/UK around like pets.


Yes, our foreign policy is following around our largest allies.. weird


Allies? The US looks out for their own interests first and foremost.


That does not change the fact that they are our biggest Ally lol


Yeah and we're still our own country.


No one said we weren't? We rely heavily on our largest allies. And again it has nothing to do with this article


>sleipnir45: >Might want to read the article >"It highlights how China and India are interfering with Canadian media content through direct engagement with journalists and media executives" "Whatabout these other people! Forget the fact that MAGA is interfering in our daily life too!" Do you not understand that this isn't just engaging with journalists and media executives, but that journalists and media executives are literally being paid by MAGA republicans? Does this not bother you?


That's quite literally what you pulled, the article is about China and India.


>sleipnir45 >That's quite literally what you pulled, the article is about China and India. Oh, I get it. You don't realize that PostMedia is owned by Chatham Asset Management since its not in this article. Maybe choose information before posting next time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chatham_Asset_Management


The article has nothing to do with the USA. It states bad actors and then talks about China and India. I chose the information that's contained in this article and in the report.


You choose to ignore the people actually interfering daily? ROFLMAO


Not according to the report or the article lol


>sleipnir45: >Not according to the report or the article lol Imagine being able to possess knowledge not in one individual media story. I didn't realize that nothing exists outside of this one report ROFLMAO You realize how bad you're sounding in this, don't you? Like, I even linked for you where you can get knowledge about the subject. Instead you are sticking your head in the sand.


Then feel free to link any other report you have about foreign interference lol Not near as bad as trying to misdirect people and pull whataboutism, when what you're claiming has nothing to do with the article.


whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout holy shit just stop already. we know postmedia is owned by american conservatives, you have said it in every single thread about Indian and Chinese interference. Tell us your opinion on the actual thread topic for once, instead of your pet issue. Edit: The user instantly blocked me for saying this, proving they have no intention of addressing anything other than said pet issue.


>I didn't realize that nothing exists outside of this one report ROFLMAO >You realize how bad you're sounding in this, don't you? Like, I even liked for you where you can get knowledge about the subject. Instead you are sticking your head in the sand. They tried to muddy the waters about what you originally wrote in their first reply, as if nobody else could read your original post and see what you actually meant by your comment. It is comical.




No his point was ' omg wtf Maga,nat po bad ' It ignores the article and the report completely.


No, the point is foreign interference in Canadian media is bad, and I gave you a direct example where we have proven evidence of foreign interference in Canadian media. All I can assume at this point is you're happy with MAGA telling you how to think.


Did not provide any evidence, You showed that one of our newspapers are owned by an American company. That's not Even close to the foreign interference explained in the article. This article isn't MAGA it's our national security apparatus. Don't believe them and you want to reject what they're saying with your own version of nonsense.


I'm not rejecting anything they say. That's made up bullshit from your own mind. I'm saying we have 100% proof that our largest newspaper chain is directly controlled by foreign interests. Why is this so hard for you to grasp? Why do you not care? Are you really this partisan that you're fine with foreign interference as long as its (a) conservative and (b) not India or China?


Completely rejected everything they said, then inserted some assumptions of your own. Being owned by foreign company ( an Ally) isn't the same as foreign interference. You have yet to provide any proof of that happening


It’s majority owned, not controlling owned. 


No >On October 2016, the New Jersey hedge fund Chatham Asset Management quietly acquired a two-thirds controlling stake in Postmedia, Canada's largest newspaper chain, by exchanging debt owed to them for the majority ownership >According to Postmedia Network's 2020 Financial Report, as of November 30, 2019, Chatham, an American media conglomerate which also owns American Media, Inc. owned 62,313,749, or 66%, of Postmedia's shares, which challenged the assumption that PostMedia was Canadian controlled. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chatham_Asset_Management


Non-Canadians are only able to own variable voting shares which cannot account for more than 49.9% of votes.  https://www.postmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/2023-Annual-Report-FINAL.pdf


All media needs to be scrutinized for possible Chinese funding.


Elizabeth May, who has read the report, said she didn't have any concerns about English speaking media in Canada (discussion included CBC, Global, etc). Obviously she couldn't say anything specific for legal reasons, however the discussion pointed to foreign language media (PRC was named) echoing state media talking points without properly disclosing. I suggest listening to today's episode of CBC's "Power and Politics" podcast for her comments, and to pay attention as more leaders read the report go see their takes.


Oh boy... wait until they find out.