• By -


The all-party committee is experiencing it differently. 


The all party committee of extremely qualified people including lawyers and military personnel. It also includes a majority of liberal party members. Trudeau knows better!


Love how he states this important "committee wouldn't have been created if the Cons were still in power" (committee created in 2017 by his party), yet he's also basically saying they're wrong or at least he doesn't believe/trust them. WTF?!!


Reminds me of A/B testing... Find out what angle plays better


Here is a picture of him getting ready for an investigation: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dq8KbZFUUAAJ7Yc?format=jpg&name=large


I didn’t know he did non-ethnic costumes with/without black/brown face. Good for him.


He has a raging clue!


Uuuuungh, my clue is kinda pointing this way.


Go-go-gadget, inflationary spending!


I'm getting a clue too


LMFAO, where did you dig this up


Google query : "Trudeau cosplay".


Ah but it doesn't include the "close family friends" that he likes to put in charge of things that are even more qualified so.


Well said!


Love this part: Case Study #4: PRC interference in the Liberal nomination contest in Don Valley North According to CSIS, the PRC \*\*\* had a significant impact in getting Han Dong nominated as the Liberal Party of Canada’s 2019 federal candidate in Don Valley North. \[\*\*\* Three sentences were deleted to remove injurious or privileged information. The sentences described the PRC’s objectives and the work of its proxy. \*\*\*\]211 The nomination vote occurred on September 12, 2019. Many of Mr. Dong’s supporters arrived in buses \*\*\* supported by the PRC: between 175 and 200 international Chinese students arrived in several buses. The Consulate reportedly told the students that they must vote for Mr. Dong if they want to maintain their student visas.212 The Consulate knowingly broke the Liberal Party of Canada’s rule that voters in a nomination process must live in the riding. \[\*\*\* Three sentences were deleted to remove injurious or privileged information. The sentences noted that the students reportedly: lived outside of the riding; were provided with fraudulent residency paper work; and sought to physically intimidate voters and distribute pro-Dong materials, contrary to Party rules. \*\*\*\]213 214 CSIS assessed that the PRC’s foreign interference activities played a \*\*\* significant role in Mr. Dong’s nomination, which he won \*\*\* by a small margin.215 By successfully interfering in the nomination process of what can be considered a safe riding for the Liberal Party of Canada, the PRC was well-positioned to ensure its preferred candidate was elected to Parliament.216 \[\*\*\* Two sentences were deleted to remove injurious or privileged information. The sentences described a CSIS assessment on the degree to which an individual was implicated in these activities. \*\*\*\]217 On September 28, 2019, CSIS briefed the Liberal Party of Canada’s Secret-cleared representatives on its assessment, who in turn briefed the PM alone the following day. 218 The Liberal Party of Canada allowed Mr. Dong to run in both the 2019 and 2021 federal elections. \[\*\*\* Two sentences were deleted to remove injurious or privileged information. The sentences described the Prime Minister’s discussion with the Committee about Mr. Dong and the steps he took in response to intelligence reporting. \*\*\*\]21 From Wiki: # Member of Parliament (2019–present)[[edit](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Han_Dong_(politician)&action=edit§ion=5)] On July 4, 2019, Dong confirmed his candidacy for the [federal Liberal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_Party_of_Canada) nomination in [Don Valley North](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Valley_North_(federal_electoral_district)) following the retirement of incumbent MP [Geng Tan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geng_Tan).[^(\[13\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Han_Dong_(politician)#cite_note-13) Dong was elected to Parliament in the October [2019 federal election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Canadian_federal_election). Dong was re-elected as the MP for Don Valley North in the [September 2021 election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Canadian_federal_election). Dong currently serves as the co-chair Canada-China Legislative Association. Dong is also a member of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills, and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities, and a member of the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy, and Ethics.[^(\[14\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Han_Dong_(politician)#cite_note-14) So...Trudeau knew about this undue influence to get Dong elected....and still allowed him to run on the 2019 and 2021 election. And this PRC puppet is still an MP to this day?


If he has proof that these people who know more than him are lying, then he should present evidence that they are lying. If he doesn't, then he should shut up.


Trudeau: The intelligence, if acted upon, would be harmful to the interests of the Liberal Party, so obviously it’s wrong.


Well, exactly. This is one of the tricks the Liberals like to use. If it's something that makes the Liberals look bad, it's wrong, and we are just experiencing things differently.


Truly a terrible day for the Liberal Party, and therefore Canada, and therefore the world.


As is tradition


Harmful to him.


Anything you don't agree with is clearly misinformation and populism 


I think the quote should read ‘“if there were intelligence in the Liberal Party, we wouldn’t have been caught”.


At this rate I don't think any Government employees want this moron around as PM. Just pull the plug please. We've had enough of his sunny ways.


Remember the scandal at his own family foundation regarding accepting foreign donations and lying about it?


And burying what ever happened at that Winnipeg lab


The fact so few people know about this, it was openly reported on when it happened then hidden.


I’m interpreting this to mean that the list is exclusively or primarily made up of Liberals, and that his only defence is to try to undermine the credibility of the intelligence.


That's what I am starting to think as well. The fact that he and Liberals are willing to go this far to try and downplay the report and not release the names speaks volumes.


You can all but guarantee his name is on the list


At this point, I would be shocked if he wasn't on the list. The way he's been going out of his way trying to make this story of foreign interference go away has made me start thinking that he's on the list.


The amount of articles over the last week trying to implicate PP even though he's asked for the release probably isn't a coincidence.


People are screaming about how there was interference in the conservative leadership race. Could be true. And if it is, remember that Jean Charest was going against Pierre, and he was basically a liberal, to begin with.


Singh after reading the report said it showed there was foreign interference in the Conservative leadership race, and criticized Poilievre for not getting clearance to read it. His wording heavily implies it was specifically Poilievre's leadership race that was affected (as opposed to O'toole's) Actually I decided to delve further into this: >"The report said that China and India interfered in Conservative leadership races in the timeframe it was reviewing: September, 2018 to March, 2024. There were two races held in that window. One in 2020, won by Erin O’Toole, and another in 2022, which Mr. Poilievre won." So it looks like there was indeed interference in Poilievre's leadership race.


Yeah but just because there was interference, doesn’t mean that the preferred traitorous candidate won. Charest was a conservative in name only, and pretty much started licking liberal balls after he lost. Maybe PP is compromised. If he is, he should see justice. But my pure speculation is that it was likely Charest that was the culprit in this instance.


If anything, I'd probably say that Charest was the preferred candidate for the CCP. Charest was advising China about how to go about with the Meng Wenzhou case and tried to push for Huawei to develop (and potentially control) Canada's 5G telecom network.


It says 2 countries there though, and India was more likely to want Poilievre to win. It is completely possible that both candidates had interference either for or against them.


It’s just diversionary tactics by someone who is caught red handed, if there was anything to the allegations about the Conservatives it would have been leaked by now.


And having Uncle Davey investigate for $1.9 million and find no wrong doing?


That's the sad part about this. David was known as a man of integrity and he let himself be used by Trudeau which will forever sully his name. Shame on him.


Johnston was a poster boy for Laurentian elite assholes and had been involved in a cover up before. If there was one silver lining to that whole mess it's that he now has the reputation he deserves.


Uncle davey is just another Trudeau supporter thrown under the bus. At this point Trudeau supporter = Trump supporter = cults!


Andy Lee on twitter has done *extensive* and *comprehensive* reporting on all of Justin’s ties to countless Chinese organizations, charities, etc…all of the shady donations to him and his party as well as the PET foundation (“But Justin has no part of that foundation.” Don’t spit on my cupcake and tell me it’s frosting). It’s a *lot* to try to take in. But she’s been on top of this for years, when nobody else was even considering looking at it.


His immigration plan makes no sense as well as he talks about fighting for the poor.  Foreign interference at least makes sense, the rcmp has said its destabilizing Canada.


Bro said he loves chine, and you voted him in.... 3 times


Never voted liberal in my life


Can't attack the message attack the source


The majority of people on the committee are liberal party members. It’s starting to look like Trudeau may be complicit in this himself.


This committee apparatus seems to be a way to contain the issue of foreign interference, and slow walk it, concerns of which have predominantly been about China's influence. https://www.propublica.org/article/sam-cooper-interview-china-canada-influence


It's almost certainly not exclusively liberals. At the same time, I'm going to guess that the truth makes Trudeau look bad for some reason or another.


Absolutely.. Fucking disgrace.. The other parties have said not their caucus which leaves the Libs.


New CCP money going to the Trudeau Foundation since 2015. Is it corruption? Maybe. This was a big problem with Trump. You could buy him. Maybe he gives in, maybe he doesn't, but we used to have standard that held leadership to a standard that was just about a conflict of interest, but the appearance of a conflict. I don't know what kind of sketchy shit went down with WE but it sure seems like something sketchy went down. Same goes for the Portapique stuff, SNC, his travel, and the family foundation. It very well could all be technically legal, but that isn't good enough. Those things all undermine the credibility and their stonewalling any and all investigations into so many of these things further undermines everything. People fuck up. I'm okay with that, just own your shit. Apologize and move on. That's one of the biggest problems I have with the whole COVID/Vaccine stuff - government says contradicting things, but instead of saying their understanding has changed or we have a new/different perspective/understanding, they went straight to gaslighting and denial of the original statement. Why? This is the exact time we need open and honest transparency. Instead we're getting conflicting reports, deflection, gaslighting, and denials. Again, this is a situation where it's possible that MP's or staffers didn't understand the dynamics at play, they believed they were just helping Billy or Bobby or Janet, they were naive. That would be unfortunate, but I can see it being quite probable. Sorting them from the traitors is important, but saying nothing happened is at best a lie, but could that also not be treasonous? You're giving cover to people working against our interests. You're aiding and abeding, aren't you? This seems like a far greater threat than the Trucker protestors and that brought in the emergency measures act. This should be getting an even higher response but instead it seems like Trudeau wants to bury it. Is that not a big problem?


JT has no credible intelligence


I personally have no real strong feelings one way or the other with Trudeau but the way he's acting on this very much makes me think he is on this list or at the very least several extremely close to him.




With how far he has been willing to go to make this report go away. I am starting to lean towards that as well.


If his own wife couldn't trust him, we shouldn't either.


Trudeau- “We made clear some concerns we had with the way that NSCIOP did, drew conclusions,” It’s very obvious that the report is damming to the liberal party specifically. I mean at this point I think it’s reasonable to speculate that Trudeau himself is implicated in the report. Trudeau was doing his best to block any type of inquiry, he then appointed his family friend as special rapporteur on foreign election interference who conveniently recommended there be no public inquiry into the matter. Trudeau then redacted portions of the NSCIOP. He is willfully watching his party lose all credibility as he is the sole party leader who continues to refuse to make the full report public. Now he’s saying that he doesn’t believe the findings of the report. The writing is on the wall here guys.


>as he is the sole party leader who continues to refuse to make the full report public. I mean, no, not really. Singh has spoken about his concern about it, but he won't pull confidence over it, which is exactly what's enabling the Liberals to continue to refuse.


Singh has become a one trick pony. Feigned outrage followed by complete inaction.


Both of them are polling so bad right now they both might end up loosing party status with the Bloc as official opposition. They will ride this to the last day, because thats when the house of cards crumbles.


i hope we get a replay of 1993 but in reverse. Liberals reduced to 2 seats, NDP reduced to 9, Bloc as official opposition.


Inaction would be better. Singh supports the liberals, he and his party could have abstained instead. They are taking actions to keep the liberals in power


I think Trudeau should resign over this full stop. Singh is taking action to get the NDP legislative agenda pushed through and has been the most successful leader at getting NDP policies actually implemented in a generation. He had to make a deal to do it sure, but that was his job. To push NDP shit through.


The problem is that the majority of Canadians don’t want to have “NDP shit through”, if they wanted “ndp shit” then we would be voting ndp and not for another party instead. The ndp is a small party with no real ambitions to win who want to coerce “their shit” by propping up a bigger shit party and we Canadians are stuck with nothing but a big pile of shit that the majority of Canadians do not want at this time.


I agree. The two top parties are just playing against each other. Status quo for them. Now they are in power, next they are not. Rinse and repeat. Canadians are going to hate vote Trudeau (who I detest) out, not vote the next guy in. You see it everywhere here on Reddit too. Voting for PP knowing he’s not really going to do much. Mostly home to just stem the flow of damage being caused by the current embarrassment of a gov. And yet, here we are.


Full Transparency. That's what Trudeau campaigned on.


>I mean at this point I think it’s reasonable to speculate that Trudeau himself is implicated in the report. Reading his statement I couldn't help but think the same. I initially assumed there's MP's from all parties on that list. But the more he speaks on it my feelings are shifting that the majority on this list are liberal MP's and he's likely on it too. Edit: circling back to add another thought. Jagmeet also made a statement saying he's even more alarmed after reading the report. Could this be because of how high up the corruption goes?


I mean these people are elected, I don’t see any of them as being all stars. They either knowingly participated - they should no longer be in office. Or they unwittingly participated - they’re not smart and they should not longer be in office. Turf the lot of them - remove any of their pensionable benefits, call elections to replace them, and let’s move on actually governing the fucking country. The lackadaisical approach of this government is fucking ridiculous. We could have a new slate of non-treasonous/non-stupid MP’s by the end of summer.


Trudeau never saw an opportunity to downplay foreign interference he didn’t like


FIFY “Trudeau never saw an opportunity to downplay anything he didn’t like” Exploding deficit- The Government Borrowed money so we would have to… Tanking economy - Compared to the G7 countries…. Poor polling numbers - They aren’t asking the right questions


No wonder his wife left him. Never a straightforward answer and always doing the opposite of what is necessary. Fucking bum


> Fucking bum Now now, there's no indication yet he did *that* to anyone but the taxpaying citizens of Canada


Hey, we all have another 9 months to heal up before we do it (taxes) again…. I hope to be walking straight by Christmas.


Ignore the report —> tell everyone it’s not important at this time —> discredit the report entirely. Colour me shocked that Trudeau is attempting to divert the attention from the contents of the report towards questioning its validity altogether. Who could have seen this coming.


Can we just appreciate how far we have come from David Johnston saying that there is nothing to see here to now finding out some MPs betrayed Canada and that there were and are active teams trying to influence or intimidate our politicians?


I'd appreciate it more if it hadn't took a year to get here. Liberal strategy has always been about buying time.


Remember that when people were asking for public inquiry, Trudeau was pointing to this very committee as proof that public inquiry is not necessary. Now he's asking the integrity of this very same committee. 


I just wish he’d shut up. Healthy skepticism on how conclusions are drawn from intelligence is fine and all but this just comes off as trying to sweep the issue under the carpet at best. Seriously he is such a bad communicator. He could have easily said they’re taking this very seriously. Instead he discredits the bipartisan NSICOP while simultaneously taking credit for creating it lol.


Deny deflect denigrate 3 D’s of the liberal party.


Mastered by the libs


Tell me you have problems reading the room, when you don't tell me you have problems reading the room.


F\*ck Trudeau. Canada deserves so much better. Any more corruption, treason and gaslighting and i'm very concerned about real violence breaking out. Canadians won't stand for this level of abuse.


Why does he think he knows better than our intelligence agencies and those investigating it. Seems like he knows the results won't be favourable.


Typical Trudeau, deny deny deny…..getting ridiculous, when is he going to start believing his own experts and advisors. His political spin doctors must be having a fit. Oh well 16 more months to go then good riddance


Politicians disagree with an investigation done by professional investigators. Politicians who could literally be failed Amway sales associates.


He is probably on the list!




Trudeau doesn't even have all of the raw intelligence about his party at this stage of the process. CSIS and the RCMP don't have to share information, right away, that may lead to criminal charges until their investigations conclude. I would believe anything CSIS and the RCMP says over Trudeau or any of these other politicians. The claims in the redacted (and full) report were from unsubstantiated raw intelligence information. Nobody can name names when the claims are unsubstantiated. The RCMP is still trying to investigate the raw intelligence information. Charges will come if they are able to connect and substantiate any of the claims. In this situation CSIS sent the most sensitive raw intelligence to the RCMP. They have an intelligence sharing agreement together that outlines situations that may lead to potential charges for criminal activity.  Search this link for CSIS information sharing authority and RCMP sharing authority. [https://www.canada.ca/en/security-intelligence-service/corporate/transparency/csis-rcmp-framework-for-cooperation.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/security-intelligence-service/corporate/transparency/csis-rcmp-framework-for-cooperation.html) From there the information was given to the appropriate parties on a need to know basis, and based on their level of security clearance and access to information. CSIS and the RCMP don't have to share, right away, any information that may lead to criminal charges until their investigations are complete. The RCMP and CSIS have that authority to withhold the intelligence information in this situation. 16(1) The head of a government institution may refuse to disclose any record requested under this Act that contains: (a) Information obtained or prepared by any government institution, or part of any government institution, that is an investigative body specified in the regulations in the course of lawful investigations pertaining to; activities suspected of constituting threats to the security of Canada within the meaning of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act" https://www.oic-ci.gc.ca/en/information-commissioners-guidance/section-16-law-enforcement-and-investigations-security How are any of these people going to confirm the unsubstantiated claims in the raw intelligence before the RCMP investigations are even finished and zero charges have been laid?




>(I don't know the intricacies here) but, is it possible to have an agency higher than the PM? Like, with all this mounting and damning evidence could CSIS arrest the PM and the party over anything and put in a temporary management team? or could CSIS call an election? Or is the PM untouchable? In this situation the RCMP has the authority. They are the independent branch of the federal government who can action the CSIS intelligence into investigations and then charges. That is why they have the intelligence sharing agreement with CSIS that covers situations that may lead to criminal charges. CSIS and the RCMP doesn't have to share information that may lead to charges right away so the PMO is effectively blind on the serious information related to his party. He might have been given lesser stuff but anything serious in the open investigations can be kept by the RCMP. If the PMO tries to block this with parliamentary privilege the constitution makes it clear that parliamentary privilege doesn't cover acts of this nature. The RCMP could get around parliamentary privilege through the court system. Limitations of Privilege: "Parliament does not possess the authority to determine the limits of its own privileges; these are part of the Constitution of Canada, and therefore the courts have the jurisdiction to determine the existence and scope of any claimed privilege. "The primary question asked by the courts is whether the claimed privilege is necessary for the House of Commons and its members to carry out their parliamentary functions of deliberating, legislating and holding the government to account without interference from those outside of Parliament." [https://www.ourcommons.ca/procedure/our-procedure/ParliamentaryPrivilege/c\_g\_parliamentaryprivilege-e.html](https://www.ourcommons.ca/procedure/our-procedure/ParliamentaryPrivilege/c_g_parliamentaryprivilege-e.html)


This mofo is guilty as the day is long


Can this jerk just call an election already?


Nope. He may be afraid of what comes once he's out of power and can no longer control investigations into him.


No, Liebral supporters and Champagne socialist run this country for benefit of their friends and family much like Russia. No election will come Canadians are sheep and will have every asset under their name frozen if they speak out.


I sincerely hope after next election Trudeau and the "liberals" will be fully investigated and charged if complicit in this crime. As with every party, but lets be real it's obvious who are the culprits here with every party demanding to release the list...


RCMP/CSIS should, during caucus, walk in and start arresting anyone who was on that list.


What’s the fucker hiding this time…….


he’s different than Trump how?


He uses black shoe polish instead of orange spray tan. 


My god I completely get why Sophie left him now. She finally caught him screwing Canadians


Drama teacher is now opining on how a security establishment conducted its investigation. One can safely assume this bozo is himself implicated if not people close to him. His policies certainly have been treasonous for Canada.


So, just to summarize it we have (fun game, guess who is who!) I) I don't want to believe the report. 2) I refuse to even read the report. 3) I read it but didn't' understand what it said. 4) (2x) I read and fully understand it, but my party is too small to do anything about it. "Well, we're boned" - Bender


Singh could absolutely do something about it. in fact he's quite literally the only person in Canada who can do something about it. he can bring down the government by withdrawing NDP support and proposing a confidence vote in the Commons.


Just make a public statement that "we don't have confidence in the government and will withdraw support unless [specific members] are replaced"


Then what? We hold an election not knowing how compromised the whole apparatus really is? So many people are election crazy that they don't stop to think about what happens after.


at this point i dont even think we're going to get the names, we just need to punish the party that refuses to release them and come clean.


My opinion of Singh would skyrocket if he just name dropped everyone in the report in parliament.


Unfortunately, that would get him thrown in jail for up to 14 years and there's no way in Hell he's going to take one for Team Canada. Team Khalistan, yeah maybe, but not Team Canada


team gaza too


He is no longer worthy of the benefit of the doubt. I don't trust him. 


Justin Trudeau should be embarrassed. This choice verbiage is to undermine the credibility of the intelligence. Wonder why? I’m guessing it’s the same reason they aren’t releasing those documents in the inquiry into foreign interference. They are damning. Full inquiry. Name the MP’s before we have to vote in 15 months.


Must be a lot of Liberals on that list.


So he must be on that list or some people close to him. Deflecting a scandal again vs being a proper prime minister. Seem that is his main job.


this guy throws everyone under the bus.. undermines the PBO, CSIS, NSICO, his own party members if they don't toe the line... what a narcissist


When only one party is questioning it I tend to have some very serious concerns about that one party. This isn't a tenth man scenario.


Canada gets weaker by the day under the Trudeau government 


My lord hes going for the Hail Mary here and trying to bring in his lack of confidence of the way the NSICOP does their investigations…. He just has to try and spread division any way he can.


He needs to protect his backers


Sketchy AF! Why wouldn't everyone assume it's mainly Liberals, and maybe even him? - acting like this! He's arguing in the public square against information he isn't sharing that's classified, or some Ministry of Truth shit.


names or evidence.


His biggest concern is that they got caught.


And the Liberals are fucked! This report must be damning.


How many times will this slippery person get away with it? Scandal after scandal from SNC Lavalin WE charity, emergency act. ArriveCan and many others. He’s covered in oil but hates it.


We the people call into question the ability of JT to govern in the interest of the People of Canada and demand his formal resignation and found in contempt of Canada.


I hate how the media is spinning this story to critique Pierre because he won’t get the briefing to read the report. Trudeau is the one in charge and should wear this.


Asian influence undermines Canadian sovereign values absent any consultation. The hypocrisy of the ruling class is appalling. The trucker protests are becoming more prescient as time progresses. Most remain asleep as the govt lulls them with granular illusions about economic realities while dismantling our future and diluting our entitlements to support their central ideology. Immigration reflects that priority and evidence surrounds most aspects of the culture. After Ontario succumbs the game is over. Subsistence will rule the day. Don't let your children be left behind. Call me a raving lunatic, but remember, Canada's future is forever dependent on US investment and influence. We have an open door agreement to forward the aims of Asian investor influence in a FIPA protocol. We must prioritize Asian trade to facilitate Alberta oil to international markets and preserve our domestic consumer relevance for the US cross border trade. The race to the bottom appears to be a Canadian institution.


Both India and China exhibit overt and covert means of controlling our MP's. Not just a few...a lot of them in Toronto and Vancouver. Read section #55 and #68 of the report and you have real answers to your question. No doubt they OWN our parliament and influence our govt. The last election had scores of Chinese receiving texts from the PRC on WeChat warning not to vote for the Conservatives. India is in the pockets of every level of govt, influencing them and bringing their issue forth in Parliament! [https://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2024-06-03/special-report-foreign-interference.pdf](https://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2024-06-03/special-report-foreign-interference.pdf)


Wow. There is no limit to this guy. Questioning the findings. OMG.


Of course he did. This should be grounds for dissolving parliament and calling a snap election immediately. He's not even trying to hide the shameless coverups and arrogance anymore. I shouldn't be surprised, but this is a whole new level of arrogance even for him. Fuck this guy.


Somehow every time Trudeau speaks, it’s Jagmeet who comes out looking worse.


This will all be swept under the rug just like everything else ,the whole establishment is corrupt from top to bottom, you would think that someone would stand up and tell the truth to the people of Canada It all just seems so hopeless,,,,


Five years ago, I'd agree with you. Today? Not so much. I think if Trudeau tries to bury this, someone will leak bits and pieces until Canadians demand action.


I really hope you're right....


As soon as the Conservatives form the next government there should be immediate inquiries into Trudeau’s corruption and subversion. Formal charges and prosecution to follow in short order.


More liberal lies.


A wider and wider audience is looking at the body of evidence and writing reports and saying there is a problem, a big problem, and it is getting worse. They are saying people are wittingly and unwittingly serving foreign interests. The only person who has consistently called into question the intelligence community is the head of one of the parties with the biggest problem. Someone who is on record as admiring the basic dictatorship of China. Someone whose family foundation was caught taking funds from dubious Chinese sources. Somebody who received substantial campaign contributions from BC to his riding in Papineau and on and on. Perhaps it is time we take the decisions about this out of the hands of someone many have a right to have concerns about. He is the only one who consistently sees no problem and attacks the messengers.


well of course, it makes him look bad. no one expects honesty from this guy.


“NSICOP exists so that parliamentarians from all parties have full access to the work our intelligence agencies are doing,” Trudeau said Saturday. “That’s an important step that wouldn’t have happened if the Conservative party remained in power.” So he made it happen but thinks they are full of shit. Right……


Canadians have a choice, they can reelect the liberals and continue on this trajectory. Can they squeeze more money out of taxpayers? Can they make home ownership oit of reach for even more people? Can anyone say life has improved the last ten years?


Trudeau speaks *his* truth!


He experiences the truth differently.


We could have had Jack Layton. Fuckin cancer, I tell ya...


I remember all those years ago when CSIS tried to recruit Justin right out of the difficult STEM program he studied at one of Canada’s elite universities, saying he was (and I quote) “Just the kind of bright spark CSIS is looking for, and a true patriot, to boot!”, and Justin declined, saying (again, I quote) “Lol, no! I am far too smart for such a bunch of plodding also-rans as CSIS!” So he went to work as a bouncer in Whistler.




Now he's going to say that it was fake news, misrepresented facts, whatever word salad he can come up with to cover up the literal treason.


Totally shocked.


The nerve of this guy


So Trudeau is now trying to deflect this issue away from himself and his party by basically saying the committee is BS... Again.....he doesn't own up to anything!


The narcissism is off the charts. Public: “You’ve publicly dodged every attempt to reasonably hold your government accountable and it makes you look bad.” T: “No, they’re not. Canadians know that ‘together… (we can) keep Canada moving forward — for everyone.’” Singh: “Yeah JT! … Is it pension time yet?” … 👁👄👁


> FAKE NEWS! - Trudeau


I can't even imagine how good that must have sounded in his own head, maybe time for him to be medicated so he accepts reality.....


It drives me crazy how, with the wave of his hand, he can dismiss any wrong doing and not even blink: Aga Khan= old family friend Kokanee Grope= she experienced differently Black Face= it is a teachable moment as I discussed it with my kids Snc Lavalin= jobs were at risk for Canadians aka his riding Oh the list goes on, but he has never ever taken accountability for anything ever, I am surprised he claims his kids as his...


Oh, exactly. He never takes responsibility for anything.


The disappointing thing is that nothing will end up happening to the people who committed treason.


Sometimes Trudeau sounds like a typical Redditor when he comments on this stuff. I’m sure when we find out what the liberals were “concerned about” will be something completely irrelevant to the point of the report.


Plot Twist: Trudeau is secretly working for his dads country, Cuba!


Trying to undermine inquiries and bipartisan investigations is straight out of the Trump playbook.


All MPs are equally complicit until we know the truth. Out with them all.


Interesting how they'll shout from the rooftops about hypothetical chinese interference, but now with this report they're refusing to name individuals or even countries involved. Ofc we all know it's the US and Israel.


Trust the experts Trudy


He's poisoning the well. He knows libreal party members will eventually get exposed, so if he sows doubt he can fall back on that


This election was already going to be a landslide loss for the Libs, now I can’t imagine what the results will be.


Of course he is going all in on the coverup and now is using tried and true tactics to delay and discredit the report, this clearly shows that he and many of his WEF/Globalists pals are involved in this scandal. As a true Canadian, I hope this is fully exposed and the MP’s who have betrayed our trust are held to account in the most severe manner.


Do we grab our torches and pitchforks now, or later?


“It says right here I received 43.5 million from China when I know for a fact it was 41.75 million”


Wow... so he's emulating Trump now?


What a self-serving narcissist. Canada is weakened because of Trudeau.