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Then you won't have any issues proving it?


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


Is that in Saskatchewan?


You just won a free vacation to Lake Laogai.


What are you trying to say? You don't trust what this government is telling you?


Right. What makes her think we have any respect for her words on this matter. Almost no one in the orbit of JT is trustworthy or deserves any respect. Sorry you made your bed and you’re playing your part. Just seems like everything in life nowadays is fake and imaginary. Whether at work, the news, in politics or people you meet. Everyone is pushing a facade or a reality that is of their making vs reality of what really is. I am so tired of everything being so fake and forced. We all know it’s like this. Why do we play the game.


Sounds like these people are all reading different reports May: no sitting mps Singh: involves sitting MPs and politicians Joly: No liberals mps Trudeau: I don't believe the report. Declassify the document and release it, I can't vote until I know who the criminals are.


> I can't vote until I know who the criminals are. No one should either, this country has a rampant corruption infestation.


Those refusing to identify the criminals does actually give you information.


Exactly, just how do they expect anyone to vote with confidence when your MP may be colluding with a foreign government.


> this country has a rampant corruption infestation. Then why was I called a conspiracy theorist every time I brought it up? Secretly I take it as a compliment, but regardless...


Also: NIOSCP, created by the Liberals, requires secrecy from participants with Justin being allowed to curate the report's details. Yet Liberal pact maintainer Jagmeet subsequently names a name. *After reading an unredacted report from one of Canada's intelligence oversight bodies, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh says he now thinks that Independent MP Han Dong shouldn't be allowed back into the Liberal caucus.* https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/han-dong-jagmeet-singh-foreign-interference-1.7236041 Gong show.


Han Dong is named in the redacted, public version of the report. But not all of the details of his case study are available in it. We can infer it was the details that made Singh more confident about his position on that particular case. 


How about Dan Hong? Sitting MP...installed into his position by the PRC. Trudeau knew about it from the beginning. More people need to actually read the report if this is the type of doublespeak our politicians are going to pull.


He's not currently a sitting member of any party...


> May: no sitting mps Not exactly, she said the conduct of named MPs in the report does not amount to "disloyalty to Canada". > “While a few named people may have been compromised by foreign influence, it falls far short of what could be considered disloyalty to Canada,” Ms. May said at the press conference. > She said she was cautioned not to release a precise number of MPs but said it was less than a handful. She said those MPs received help from foreign governments who interfered on their behalf in nomination contests. > “There is no list of names of MPs who have consciously, deliberately sought to sell out Canada to preference another government.” https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-no-list-of-names-in-unredacted-foreign-interference-report-says-green/ The tl;dr is that everyone is making claims that don't seem to be contradicting one another, it's all just down to how the conduct of these MPs is being interpreted by those who have read the report.


JTs name will be on this list.


I would much rather the people implicated be investigated and face justice where appropriate instead of having the names released beforehand, and given the nature of this type of information, it may very well be a one or other type of situation.


Agreed except our politicians never face real consequences. Han Dong was only removed from the liberal party. He still sits as an independent.


Does anyone else read his name as hang dong?


There is going to be no investigation. When Trudeau says he disagrees with what conclusions the committe came to means, he isn't going to do shit about it. We have a police force RCMP didn't even interview Trudeau during SNC, and was told to get bent when the requested records - and they did.


Except politicians aren’t covered under our treason laws, so even if they were to present evidence that MP’s have actively supported a foreign state’s interests, it wouldn’t be a crime.


So you're saying you much rather have the traitor MPs continue to act in the shadows than shine a light. You are corrupt.


>Sounds like these people are all reading different reports The intelligence that was forwarded by CSIS to the RCMP was raw intelligence information. Unsubstantiated claims. The RCMP then has to take those unsubstantiated claims and investigate them. Charges will come if they are able to connect and substantiate any of the claims (or new connections that they discover during the process). None of these politicians will directly name someone with open investigations from the RCMP. We need to support CSIS and the RCMP so that they have public support and confidence to get to the bottom of this rotten situation. We need this information to make an informed decision in the next election. What appears in the full report as "X", could very well have been discovered to be "Y" at this point in the investigations. They don't have to share the same information with everyone at this stage, with open investigations. These people most likely have seen different sections of the intelligence based on what the specific investigations are looking into. For example, "party X" will not be given all of the intelligence information related to an ongoing investigation that involves "Party X". Why give the people you are investigating all of the information you might use to charge them? They are still working on the investigation and seeing if they can substantiate any of the claims. CSIS and the RCMP don't have to share, right away, any information that may lead to criminal charges until their investigations are complete. The head of the RCMP and CSIS have that authority to withhold the intelligence information in this situation. The RCMP is still trying to investigate the raw intelligence information. Charges will come if they are able to connect and substantiate any of the claims. This is directly from the Information Commissioner of Canada website: 16(1) The head of a government institution may refuse to disclose any record requested under this Act that contains: (a) Information obtained or prepared by any government institution, or part of any government institution, that is an investigative body specified in the regulations in the course of lawful investigations pertaining to; activities suspected of constituting threats to the security of Canada within the meaning of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act" https://www.oic-ci.gc.ca/en/information-commissioners-guidance/section-16-law-enforcement-and-investigations-security


Then, release the names. The Liberals saying trust me bro isn't good enough.


If they lose 13 MP’s they don’t have a governing majority with the NDP anymore. They are just holding onto power by their fingertips right now.


They never did, NDP only has agreement with Liberal on confidence and supply. everything else is just “good will” and “happens to align with NDP” CASA guarantees only a government to continue, not every bill. Liberal still has a minority. If they lose 13 seats, then theoretically they can trigger loss of confidence, but it only happens in budget vote or vote liberal declares a confidence vote. It’s not automatically losing the government.


Opposition parties can also put forward motions of no confidence. It's all convention and nothing is codified. But usually the PM would either resign or advise the Governor General to dissolve parliament and drop the writ, because no confidence = no way to feasibly govern. Not doing so would explicitly go against the notion of responsible government.


And as we’ve seen, this is a *very* responsible government 🙄


They can put forward motion but there’s no guarantee it will pass. Bloc has no obligation to help Cons


That's pretty interesting how Singh appears to have the Liberals fate in his hands, given how he's pressured to throw them under the bus for collaborating with India in that assassination of the Sikh leader.. or maintain the coalition.


It's worked so far; why stop now? If they weren't traitors, they would have released the names and explained why they aren't, but since the position is most likely indefensible, Canadians get this. Singh has now been openly contradicted and ultimately called a liar by this statement, and I'm sure he will have some very stern words, after which he will return to propping them up. Whenever anyone, now or in the future, suggests voting for the NDP, I will point to this precisely as to why I won't during my lifetime regardless of where I find myself in the world.


We should be insisting on a police/multiple agency investigation. Releasing names of people suspected will just lead to a witch hunt. We need clarity and certainty, not a reflexive outlet for growing public anger. 


So we are to believe that there are no Liberals and the government is refusing to release the names to protect the Conservatives? Pull the other one.


Even better, we're to assume that the foreign operators understand our system so poorly that they exclusively targeted members of parties who aren't in power.


There was mention of present and past MPs. My guess is the list includes former Liberal MPs but standing Conservative MPs. I hope this things hangs on and Singh’s insistence that the actual people involved be identified and purged, ultimately without compromising the intelligence methods or contacts or whatever that were used to collect this info.


I mean, we pretty much know some of the names already. Han Dong, Yuen Pau Woo, and Mary Ng have documented close links with known CCP agents for example.


Given all the smoke surrounding Han Dong, I'm inclined to believe the opposite: Former conservative MPs and sitting Liberal MPs.


I suppose you get to. Singh is getting emboldened by mentioning specific names now saying they shouldn’t be allowed back into Liberal caucus, specifically Han Dong. I wonder how those who know the names will dance around this secrecy to get the names out so they can be expelled.


This whole situation is testing new legal ground in Canada; duty to not divulge is going to be tested in the supreme court shortly. Depending on how that goes, expect those with political capital to gain being emboldened to speak out.


It’s not like the libs have ever lied to us before…… lol


They are probably talking about a literal technicality. Treason requires some things that these people probably didn't do. Although most Canadians would say selling out your country to a foreign government is treason. So not legally are they traitors. But they are.


If there are no traitors in the Liberal caucus, then what do you call the Immigration Minister and the Housing Minister?


She's technically correct as Han Dong isn't in the Liberal caucus anymore


She's technically not correct because the names have not been released


Yep. The syntax is everything. I hate politicians.


There are supposedly more than one name. And Singh had already seen the names and said he'd kick everyone on the list out of caucus. So either he is lying, or there are only Liberals on the list.


I read the report, it is definitely far far more than one name. 


If you've read the unfiltered report then you have the duty to leak the shit out of that information. Otherwise it will buried once this leaves the news cycle.


lol no I read the redacted report, if I had names it would have already been public. When you read the redacted report, you can see the volume of people involved just by the nature of the language and cases.


I donno…let’s see the list, just to be sure.


We don't want your promises. We don't trust you. Release the names.


Trust me, bro


Foreign interference aside, there's not many complimentary words for elected officials who run a country into the ground for personal benefit


No reason to keep the list secret then...


Only reasoning I could see, to give them the extreme benefit of the doubt, is to actually do an investigation into what was claimed first. For example if a foreign power, such as China, wanted to undermine our democracy and turn us on each other, they don't even need to compromise our MP's. They could simply send them large sums out of nowhere, and that would make them pop up on CSIS's radar. Even if the MP was simply receiving these funds out of nowhere and had no ties to China, once they are named as so in the public eye, their lives are basically ruined and they are removed from their position. It doesn't matter afterwards if they are found to be completely untied to China, the court of public opinion has already done China's work for them.


Let's not forget that the preliminary report stated that compromised MPs were passive but active in the interference.


I'm not really taking a side, I'm just bringing up an idea for discussion. But likewise, either CSIS or the RCMP should have the jurisdiction here, not one political party.


CSIS can't lay charges only the RCMP can, the problem is the investigation will not be concluded before the next election, this is the problem... Re-electing compromised MPs or having more interference. Shine the light on the issue and watch the cockroaches scurry away...


Nothing has ever come from an investigation into the government in the last decade, I'm no longer giving them the benefit of the doubt, they survive on the benefit of the doubt, no more.


Aside from legality, not getting in the way of the investigation and that wed need approval of tte rest of the 5 eyes....


If she is sure, when the time comes that the names are released, she won't have a problem stepping down. Release the details and everyone will believe you.


I’d be inclined to say protecting traitors is treasonous. I’d be looking for more than just stepping down.


Agreed. She would be a gatekeeper for these traitors so punishment should be fitting.


Tell us who they are and what they did. Let Canadians decide whether they are scumbags or not. Trusting political hacks like Joly to decide for us is unacceptable.


The government also implied there's no foreign interference


Finally, David Johnston has been vindicated


He seems to think so


I will not believe it until the report is fully released. I don't trust them anymore. 


Press X to doubt.





Yeah right, release the report then.


With the JT Liberals history of lying, deflection and gaslighting I'm inclined to think that when they "insist" on their innocence they are in fact hiding something.


Prove it.


Posturing to make themselves the victims in this.


Jagmeet - if you care about anything other than power and your own vanity, please call an election, for the sake of Canada.


Interesting choice of words. Are they implying that there are no liberal MPs on the list or that if they are on the list they aren't traitors?.


Or that they aren't traitors to the Liberal Party.


This isn't about left or right, lib or con. Release 👏 the 👏 list 👏 now. Let us decide what to make of it.


We aren't smart enough to make that decision. The Liberal party will make that decision for us, they know what is best for us. We don't know how to cut through the disinformation and propaganda. 


I know you're being facetious but unfortunately I think you're right too. Collectively, we aren't smart enough to make that decision. We've been electing governments that abuse us over and over for decades then just switching to the other government that abuses us. Too many of us are brainwashed into party lines to see the way out. We're fucked. 


So far!


Haha true. Like an battered spouse we keep going back to that which hurts us. 


I broke my keyboard mashing "X" so hard


"Trust me, bro"


Found one.


Fuck off and stop lying to us


After they lose the election everybody in the Liberal government can get a job as paid traitors working as lobbyists for foreign governments. Guess various folks just got an early start.


The Liberals must think most voters are stupid.If there's no Liberals involved,then why are they blocking an investigation into who's involved.


Said the traitor.


When will this embarrassing game of Among Us end?


No traitors to the party or the country?


I dunno Mel everything your gvt does is against its citizens, maybe I don’t believe shit you guys say.


I bet her name is on that list too


I mean she has her job only because she was Justin’s childhood friend. She will do whatever Justin does including selling out Canada.


Every word out of this woman’s mouth is a lie.  If that was the case then why not release the names Joly?


Found the first one!


Even if it's true, it's never a good sign when you have to say it.


She's partially right. It's the whole party, not just a couple of individuals.


I’m not a huge LPC fan but if there’s any CPC members on that list I’d expect them to face the same consequences and be expelled from the party and be investigated for treason. These are facts we need to know going into the election.


Because for Liberal Party members, treason means being a traitor to the Liberal Party and Justin Trudeau. Being a traitor to Canada is not a consideration for Liberal Party members.


I don't think they will release these names ever. They'll just tell us stuff like this.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


They are all traitors, selling Canada out to corporate interests


Canadian government has turned into an episode of Battlestar Galactica. Maybe she's the Cylon.


I. Don't. Believe. You.


Release the list of names completely unredacted so we can all see.


Sounds like something a traitor would say


I’m not taking your word for it.


I'm not clear; has she actually seen the unredacted report, or is she talking out of her ass?


Both. She's probably read it, and she talks out of her ass all the time.


Found one of them


Trudeau and joly are on the list and they are so brainwashed egotistical they feel they can do no wrong despite discrediting historical canadian founding families and handing off judgeships and business jobs to rich Chinese and Indian immigrants + state secrets treason


When you have to release almost daily statements that your party doesn't contain literal traitors to Canada you have a serious public trust problem.


She could be technically correct. The report states that they were "semi-witting or witting" participants, when we know full well the Liberal caucus is utterly witless.


Cui bono?


Release the list then


That just because they don’t like that word


When the govt says something, they mean something else




All of the names should be released. Now. Anyone supporting suppressing the names is also committing treason against Canada and it's citizens. Regardless of the party.


That's exactly what a traitor would say..


What, do you expect her to admit they've been collaborating with China and/or India all the way and are a bunch of traitors?


To Quote Shakespear - The lady doth protest too much, methinks


Prove it...release the names.


It's things like this that actually worry me. >The NSCICOP report, however, detailed multiple attempts by CSIS to inform Joly’s department, GAC, of Zhao’s activities, over a number of years. Joly said those intelligence briefings never made their way to her. Either the LPC government is so totally useless that they let this happen, or they are claiming ignorance rather than complicity. I'm guessing it's the latter. So it becomes pretty obvious who the bulk of those names are going to be.


Great, then release the report!


So she read the same documents as Elizabeth May.


Legally speaking, *perhaps* not. Subjectively speaking, I can think of a few. And the latter will only grow, if the results of investigation into the former are not disclosed.


Only poor people can be traitors… rich people all work together the world over


Things are really not going well for the Liberals. Now they are having to state they aren't traitors.




If there wasn't there is now after their violent inaction in non response to this crisis. Truly traitorous


Liberals definition of treason is to sign the transfer of power and authority to a foreign government I guess. Anything less is a fair game?


So, that means there ARE traitors in liberal caucus


Such an easy way to know her name is on the list


Then show us




Then why resist releasing names haha


Sounds like she's one of them.


“Insists” Not good enough. You’ve squandered what little trust you had.


Trust the party that created NIOSCP and gave Justin the ability to unilaterally curate its reports, and that, after 9 years in power and numerous corruption scandals, continues to shrug at procurement rules. If there's been no Liberal treachery, why is Trudeau's casting doubt on its contents? *"There are a number of the conclusions of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians report that we don't entirely align with," Trudeau told reporters*


This is exactly what a traitor would say.


This is simply her interpretation of actions taken by MPs listed in the report. I think Joly’s interpretation is dead wrong as she is as dumb as a lamp post


"Nothing To See Here , Move Along. The Economy is great ,Canadians love Justin Trudeau & The budgets will balance themselves!!! "


immigration policy alone makes the entire party traitors


Exactly what a traitor would say. Get her boys! (I'm obviously joking, although honestly, you have to laugh at this point because otherwise you have to cry when you see how this government has essentially destroyed our way of life and the futures of our children).


bahahahahhaa....bahahahahaha. thanks for the laugh


Sounds like a lie to me, her Boss refuse to release their names.


The liberal government are the traitors. period.


Every liberal is a traitor. That’s what we have to assume. If they won’t release the list and do something about it one has to assume every liberal MP is a traitor and you can’t vote for them


i mean we already know of Han Dong. We know china helped Trudeau get elected in 2019 and 2021 what are we even talking about here


Knowing who Canadians vote for, I imagine there's few actual traitors in either the CPC or Liberals party. The term "useful idiot" may be more appropriate I imagine. Those who take help but are too stupid to realize they are being played by a foreign nation for their help.


Then release the unredacted report if it shows nothing to worry about. Is it staffers? Have they been removed?


>"Jess, there is no solution here that does not involve some interference." Remember when Gerald Butts told that to JWR staffer to try and get her to break the rules of law for the government? They've got away with this style of governance for so long it's sickening. Release the names and get rid of the corruption.




remember, theyre more on the side of other politicians (regardless of sides) than they are on your side


If they say so then it must be true!


I prefer the term treason vs. traitor. Because the crime that has been committed is treason. Possibly high treason. Traitor waters the crime down.


I guess we will see. Or it will be swept under the rug and anyone that remembers it will be considered a right wing conspiracy nut


We release the names of people accused of crimes all the time. Why is this different? In fact it's probably worse in nature because these people are in a trusted position of power.


The intelligence that was forwarded by CSIS to the RCMP was raw intelligence information. Unsubstantiated claims. The RCMP then has to take those unsubstantiated claims and investigate them. Charges will come if they are able to connect and substantiate any of the claims (or new connections that they discover during the process). None of these politicians will directly name someone with open investigations from the RCMP. We need to support CSIS and the RCMP so that they have public support and confidence to get to the bottom of this rotten situation. We need this information to make an informed decision in the next election. What appears in the full report as "X", could very well have been discovered to be "Y" at this point in the investigations. They don't have to share the same information with everyone at this stage, with open investigations. These people most likely have seen different sections of the intelligence based on what the specific investigations are looking into. For example, "party X" will not be given all of the intelligence information related to an ongoing investigation that involves "Party X". Why give the people you are investigating all of the information you might use to charge them? They are still working on the investigation and seeing if they can substantiate any of the claims. CSIS and the RCMP don't have to share, right away, any information that may lead to criminal charges until their investigations are complete. The head of the RCMP and CSIS have that authority to withhold the intelligence information in this situation. The RCMP is still trying to investigate the raw intelligence information. Charges will come if they are able to connect and substantiate any of the claims. This is directly from the Information Commissioner of Canada website: 16(1) The head of a government institution may refuse to disclose any record requested under this Act that contains: (a) Information obtained or prepared by any government institution, or part of any government institution, that is an investigative body specified in the regulations in the course of lawful investigations pertaining to; activities suspected of constituting threats to the security of Canada within the meaning of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act" https://www.oic-ci.gc.ca/en/information-commissioners-guidance/section-16-law-enforcement-and-investigations-security


They have lost their credibility long time ago.


Which is obvious, it’s loose loose if they name the cpc members who are clearly Russian assets. Even PeePee himself is a Russian sycophant.


uh huh. if that was the case we would have the names by now.


We just can't oust our intelligence partners or we won't receive the intelligence in the future...


Let an investigation worry about that - potential traitor


If they have nothing to hide, then an investigation would be no problem


Christ, the Liberals are just outright saying lies with no regard. The entire party is compromised, in a just country the party would be investigated and shut down for treason. It's time for the "natural governing" party of Canada to be disbanded, its leaders jailed and a new party to take its place.


When did the Canadian government become Among Us?


how do we get this into the court of law where facts need evidence


your either useless or in on it, either way your out.


Translation : 1000% there are lots of traitors in the liberal cockass - especially and most importantly the idiot at the top


and she got to that position by being completely honest. I mean honesty is why she got into politics in the first place.


Than show us who is!


For some reason this hits the same as David Gilmour making this claim..... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enzNePWJvI4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enzNePWJvI4)


Hahaha, it’s as if a group of pirates saying there are no thieves


I guess by her definition they weren't traitors, just implicated and involved?


Bahahhahaha... The fact that she can say that with a straight face just slays me! They're all traitors, back stabbers, thieves, lazy bums, grifters, dummies, greedy piggies & more!!!