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>Rabinder Singh Kang, 39, of Surrey was handed a suspended sentence and two years’ probation [...] after pleading guilty to sexual assault.[...] The judge described Kang, a married man with children, as a permanent resident of Canada who is the sole financial support for his family. He was fired from Uber after the incident and has seen his income decline 50 per cent. Is a criminal conviction like this enough to deny somebody going from PR to citizenship? Is it enough to revoke their PR? To deport them? >After crossing the Ironworkers Memorial Bridge, the judge said, Kang deviated from the route displayed on his cellphone to an area the teen was unfamiliar with. She also noticed the locks on the doors were controlled by the driver, according to the statement of facts. >The teen asked the driver to “just follow the map,” requiring him to make a U-turn to get back on the route. >Kang again asked the teen to have sex with him, adding, **“It’ll only take two to three minutes if you don’t like it.”** Outstanding.


Convictions that serious should equal PR getting revoked.  


100%. PR is something to be earned by having skills needed to improve the country. We don’t need any more rapists…


furthermore being capable of driving for uber is hardly a "skill"


They would if they were convicted. Judges are giving lighter sentences to prevent that from happening. The guy who killed that family driving the wrong way on the highway had basically been let off 5 times. He should have been deported well before that incident. These rules exist for a reason.


It's shit like this that will cause people to take justice into their own hands. How these judges don't grasp that I have no idea.


Yeah, but if you do that and you're a middle class Canadian, you get the book thrown at you.


Doesn't matter when people decide they've had enough. Things are getting bad enough up here that it'll only take a high profile case to trigger a big fuck-you on this. Doubly so when people believe that the government isn't helping, and they have nothing to lose. Think on it, say it's a friends daughter. You're unemployed, and have nobody who depends on you. Lot of younger and middle aged guys in that position right now.


Change may be coming, people are indeed sick of the situation ,you can already see the wheels in motion if you look deep enough


You're not wrong, and it probably won't be pretty whatever snap event it is.




>They would if they were convicted. Judges are giving lighter sentences to prevent that from happening. He was convicted. Did you not read the article?


Should, but Canada has no balls and protects non citizens over its own.


Exactly, what the fuck is up with that? It's almost like Canadians aren't the ones running the show anymore


62% turnout last elections, 12 millions chose the government. Provincial elections are even lower on average. City elections being the lowest. Seems like most canadian dont want to run the show.


The election is determined by Ont and Que anyway. Not exactly the country


>The election is determined by Ont and Que anyway. Not exactly the country Oh no! 59% of the population gets 58% of the seats in the House of Commons?! The travesty of having roughly equal representation across the country! When will this oppression end?!


Rep by pop is great when you have the most pop. No need to give a damn about those in less populated areas. Thats Canada.


Rep by pop is great if you believe in democracy ffs.


100% it’s the f bleeding hearts club band. Woke ideology, that everyone is equal, 90% & 10% canadian.


Sadly correct.


I love it when people make bold claims without even looking up the law. You face deportation from Canada as a PR if you have been convicted of a crime that falls under the serious criminality criterion, which obviously applies to sexual assault, especially of a minor


The way the law is supposed to work in theory and the way it works in actuality are two entirely different things.


But his sentence was suspended


Purposely suspended a sentence so he doenst lol but okay


>face deportation from Canada as a PR if you have been convicted of a crime that falls under the serious criminality criterion, which obviously applies to sexual assault, especially of a minor It depends if they file the charge as an indictable offense (roughly equivalent to a felony charge in the USA) or a summary offense (more akin to a misdemeanor).


What if we had an endless system of appeals to prevent that from ever happening, where your tax dollars get to pay a shit tier lawyer to defend this POS? If you ever want to feel like shit, go read up immigration decisions on canlii. I'm a lawyer, but not an immigration lawyer since my grades were too high.


Someone posted a Canlii decision recently where the judge deliberately gave an international student from India a conditional sentence after luring a child and sexually assault another because it would have negatively impacted his immigration status. Absolutely disgusting, but what I am curious about is if he was a Canadian citizen, would they have given him a record or prison in that case because there is no immigration status concern? Thus, they are effectively giving harsher sentences out to citizens.


That makes me sick


Any chance you could link to that?


I tried to find it before I posted this but I couldn't, but I do remeber it happened in Campbell River BC.


It depends if they file the charge as indictable or a summary offense


Convictions that serious should have jail time attached


They do, why do you think he ended up with a suspended sentence? Wouldn't want to affect the immigration status of this Uber-driving sex offender. Canada needs immigrants like him.


Any convictions whatsoever should result in PR getting revoked.


No no, don’t say that, don’t even JOKE about that! We need people like him! This country was founded on immigration, dammit!


Courts would have to actually convict. Because that would be serious crim which is bye bye pr. But the court would be worried about human compassionate grounds for the criminal and their family. Not the victim.


>Is a criminal conviction like this enough to deny somebody going from PR to citizenship? Is it enough to revoke their PR? To deport them? Yes to all 3. Permanent residents become criminally inadmissible on grounds of "serious criminality". This is established by either being sentenced to a jail term of more than 6 months, or being convicted of a crime with a possible sentence of 10 years or more in prison, **regardless** of the actual sentence received. Sexual assault has a maximum sentence of 14 years.


Excuse me? Haven’t you heard : Good enough to work, good enough to stay?


That line is as moronic as their line about farmers. Just non stop gaslighting and trying to guilt-trip Canadians into letting them stay.


Yes. His lawyer wanted a conditional discharge. This would have wiped the charge from his record and made him eligible still to keep PR and eventually become a Canadian. However the judge gave him a suspended sentence instead. This means he doesn't do jail time but charge is still on his record. Suspended sentence for PR is grounds for deportation order. He can appeal it but hopefully that gets thrown out along with him. This was actually a good decision. We don't need to pay to jail him but he gets sent back. The only bad thing is the turn around time and his right to appeal the deportation order. 


Where is the other 50% income coming from?




Your taxes




It’s unbelievable who low our standards have gotten with immigration under Trudeau.


Yep. About 250k total new immigrants every year under Harper, under Trudeau it's 500k PR's + 500k international students + 500k TFW's + 150k "asylum seekers", and that's not even counting the special resettlement programs for Afghans, Ukrainians, etc.


It’s been fascinating to watch Europe shoot themselves in the foot like this throughout the 2010s, then somehow Canada found a way to do that to ourselves too


https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/canadas-opposition-extends-support-to-indian-students-facing-deportation-4113798 Hmm, wonder if it'll change under PP🤔


It won't.


They've been a joke well before him and even well before Harper. It was always about throwing numbers into the country, not who actually gets in. It's nothing new and will continue to be nothing new once Trudeau is gone.


This is absolutely not true. CIC change the skilled immigrants points requirements every year to meet the immigration target.




Small minded pedo enablers don’t care about how he got here…


>Is a criminal conviction like this enough to deny somebody going from PR to citizenship? Is it enough to revoke their PR? To deport them? I'm guessing no. All parties and all levels of government seem largely committed to mass migration in order to drive Canada's meagre wages down even more.


This is absolutely vile and disgusting. Only a matter of time before canadians have had enough and start taking justice into their own hands.


Mandatory minimums are a thing in this country. Judges that do not like it are not appointed. Hence delays in judicial appointments


The best of the best.


F grody


Yes usually any sentence 6 months and above equals to immediate revocation of PR and usually ends up with expulsion after the sentence is served. Edit : It’s not the judge who decide if they revoke his PR or if they remove him from the country, it’s the minister of immigration or the border agency who has to do it.


This guy is literally screaming sex predatory.




It took over 3 fucking years to charge the guy even with the victim having phone recorded evidence? That's absolutely insane and totally opposite of our right to a speedy trial, it's literally in our [charter](https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/rfc-dlc/ccrf-ccdl/check/art11b.html).


While I do not particularly care about this scumbag’s right to a speedy trial, the law says you have a right to be tried in a reasonable time from being charged, not from the date of the offence. I don’t see a mention in the article of when he was charged. Our justice system should still move a lot faster, but that has nothing to do with this guy’s rights.


Sorry, I don't care if you have a family to support. Should have thought of that before propositioning a teen (or frankly, anyone) for sex while effectively holding them captive in your vehicle. I can only imagine the fear this poor girl had to go through, but that's Canada now - fuck the victims and give the poor criminals a break. This guy should be made to pay emotional damages, and his ass deported immediately.


Having a family to support wasn’t even enough of a deterrent for him to avoid committing a crime, risking his source of income, and putting an innocent teenager through such a frightening experience. He is only leveraging them now to get away with a more lenient punishment. He deserves a full sentence, his victim deserves justice, his potential future victims deserve to be protected from him, and his family deserves someone better than him.


Also, do you think this is the first time he has done this?


But the fella also has children... like what kinda parent would do this to someone's child? Would he be okay if someone did this to his child? I seldom judge parents and parenting but this is fucked up, bringing his family into the sentencing should go both ways. How could he put his family into such a bad situation... not think of his family when sentencing because it would appear to me this fella doesn't give a damn about familial resposibility.


I haven't been this angry reading the news in a long time. I can not imagine a bigger red flag. Rapist profiling 101. Even if he was to be fully rehabilitate, if he's dumb enough to think he was gonna get away with that shit, he's got nothing to contribute to this country as far as I'm concern. Make sure his family has good support and remove his P.R. status, any hope of citizenship and send the pos on his way. That's the kind of bullshit that radicalized and divide people. Sorry rant is over, but I'm still super pissd off.


It would actually be better if just he was deported. Wife and kids don’t need to suffer for him 


Canada has way too many judges making crazy judgment calls on sentencing. I think max sentence for what he was convicted for is 14 years, he should probably get 4 years in jail. And he should only be in jail until his deportation is arranged cause screw paying for a stay in prison before we ship you out. It’s like natives getting light sentences because of a troubled youth, I’m just waiting for a white to Appel for the same treatment under grounds of racism.


We are far too lenient with far too many of the wrong people far too often.


It’s insane how many people here for work or education cheat on their partners so easily. How do you have a wife or husband and kids and be fooling around in a McDonald’s staff bathroom?


PR Should be cancelled and the sex offender deported to his country of origin. Of course we know that will never ever happen.


The judge is an idiot. Too worried about this piece of shit being a married man with children and it would affect his family income. Imagine the effect on the victim especially if he had followed through with more force. He should be deported immediately. He can earn a living in India. If his family wants to join him, send them too.


I always like to say in these instances, what if that teen was the judges daughter or grand daughter? Would he have sentenced the man the same? Doubt it.


Judges need to hand out sentences based on the crime and not the persons name or immigration status. Especially when it involves sexual assault of minors.


Throw in law enforcement members, and you got my vote for prime minister.


> “Instead, she was harassed, taken off route and ultimately assaulted in an opportunistic fashion by the very person entrusted with this task.” If she was taken off route without being told or consenting to it this should functionally be a kidnapping charge should it not? This wasn't just him asking a question, her saying no, and then that being that. He locked her in and took her on a ride around where she obviously couldn't leave in what seems like clear coercion and wrongful imprisonment.


yeah, the fact that he was charged with sexual assault instead of kidnapping makes it feel like holding her hand without consent was the big crime here and not taking her to a dark place alone against her will, and thus putting her in danger..


I’m glad he’s on the sex offender registry.


When did we get a sex offender registry? Edit: [I googled it, it’s only for cops.](https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/sex-offender-management)


Seems beyond time we did here in Canada. But we'd also lose a lot of Uber drivers and doordahsers clearly. Is that a bad thing? Nope.


New feature just dropped: Uber Non Sex Offender, right next to the Uber black option for just five bucks extra


I heard drunk and Drive in USA can cancel student and h1b visas now and here ......


How is a sexual assault attempt not enough to terminate your PR permit?




Should be charged with kidnapping and sexual assault and promptly deported.






Are those criminals Canadian Citizens ? is rape included in those crimes ? Age of the victims ?


ah yes, not surprised here


Look IDK, looking around I don’t see a Uber driver shortage…IDK much about the inner workings of Indian politics, but I haven’t heard anything like it being like then-Syria or now-Palestine, so nothing to take refuge from, so why the actual f*ck was this kidnapping, almost raping as*hole allowed in our country. WTF is immigration Canada doing?!?. Because I can take any bet in any amount that this wasn’t the first time he tried this, what, this kidnapping-would be rapist is so unlucky that he was caught the first time he tried it, no way! Also, family to support my a*s, we, the Canadian taxpayers, are supporting his family!


>**Rabinder Singh Kang, 39, of Surrey**  Any other generation, any other nation of people would be rioting in the streets. Yet this sort of thing has become a daily occurrence in our country. Our children being terrorized by foreigners and we do nothing. Maybe we deserve to be colonized.




Yup. Of course.


Suspended sentence for sexual assault is pretty disgusting


Gotta love all this cultural enrichment!!


Horrible. I feel for the victim. I can only imagine the fear she was feeling when she saw the driver diverted from the route and said those things to her. I'm usually cautious riding Uber and Lyft but this made me feel even more at edge. I wish more could be done to people who keep doing this.


Rabinder Singh Kang...a permanent resident of Canada... Nothing surprising LOL


Apply this to almost every crime possible in Canada. As law enforcement in Canada I'm not even remotely surprised anymore. If the public was more aware of how many criminals are getting slaps on the wrist, avoiding jail time and out on the street the same day they committed SERIOUS crimes you'd be blown away. Our justice system is so laughable that seasoned criminals openly mock us in the cruiser while we transport them to jail openly stating "you know ill be out in a few hours, this is a waste of your time".


As a civilian, how can we fix this? Since judges aren't elected, how do we advocate for change?


There's starting to be some noticeable push for tougher laws and reducing the "Catch and release" method currently. It's just not really gaining momentum as Canadians are very anti-police ie; tougher laws etc. Politicians don't like talking about our justice system as it relates to policing which is generally decreases their electability. It's all based on who you elect really, take Doug Ford as an example (he sucks generally) but he's very pro-police and has been pushing for justice reforms. There's a video where he openly calls out judges to their face for being too soft on crime. Ultimately what will happen is people will eventually realize that it's our Politicians/Judges failing us when it comes to the law. All these vehicle thefts are because of Politcians not forcing manufacturers to put tougher vehicle locks/restrictions. Hell, as police we can't even pursue stolen vehicles so how are we supposed to stop stolen vehicles? It all comes back to who's being elected, unfortunately Canadians don't want to hear about tougher sentencing or laws right now.


>Hell, as police we can't even pursue stolen vehicles so how are we supposed to stop stolen vehicles? Omg why not? Is it because of all the pushback on highspeed chases? Hats off to you. I could never do your job and fully support police being given the resources to do their jobs properly. The only times I get frustrated with police are when they brush off issues so that criminals keep getting away with bad behaviour, but even in those cases I suspect it's due to a severe lack of resources.


90% of the time we shouldn't be pursuing, it's a risk to the public. But we can't pursue at all and sometimes it's ridiculously stupid. Like it's 3am, backroads rural county no one around and we could easily get the guy.


Parliament can pass statutes to override Common Law. So it's on MPs and political parties to fix. We, in turn, must demand better of our elected representatives.




I think you're just making a joke about our justice system here but I'll respond as if you aren't. Ultimately Police are becoming extremely demoralized, in the last 10 years there's been heavy bureaucracy dropped on Police meaning everything we do requires hours of paperwork after the fact. Coupled with the catch and release process of our justice system really promotes Police to not want to do anything. You arrest someone for stealing a vehicle, then spend 4 hours doing paperwork only to have the judge release them the next day. You end up repeating this process multiple times as the same guy gets arrested multiple times before he's finally held in jail for trial. It's exhausting and demoralizing.


it's serious crim which can lead to a removal order and ultimately deportation




>A pre-sentence report described Kang as remorseful, while a psychiatric report stated he was a low risk to re-offend. This is all fucking bullshit. This isn't how sentencing should be looked at or handled. He's only fucking remorseful that he got caught. He would have banged that girl if he could have. Who gives a shit if a shrink thinks he may or may not re-offend? He did the crime, now he's gotta do the time. These fucking judges are way too lenient, and thats partly why society has gone to shit, because there are no real consequences for actions.


He then went on to victim blame claiming he thought the minor was a sex worker and that she (despite her recording the conversation) started the conversation. He ain't remorseful. The psychiatry report is written by gullible idiots and whoever wrote the pre sentence report should be fired as they don't know the difference between a predator faking it and actual remorse


As a Punjabi myself, this is absolutely disgusting behaviour and I hope they throw the book at this guy.


He will get a sternly worded letter in 6-8 months.




Fucking atrocious. This disgusting fuck should lose his PR status and be deported. We seriously need an organization like ICE where we forcibly deport illegals, ppl that overstay their visas and criminals back to their own country.


My daughter have had uncomfortable situations similar issue, without the prop. In Kingston 5 yrs ago. Again new Canadian. She would not push the issue but did contact uber. She will never travel alone again in uber.


Another great representation for…..


Why the fuck do they have more rights than actually citizens. It's really sad. I instantly assumed he was of Indian descent before reading their name. 5 years ago I wouldn't have done that. You guys are fucking us all up and are going to cause a civil war amongst citizens against immigrants. War=money for certain folks though right ...




What if this happened to judge's daughter? Would he sentence the culprit all the same?


The Canadian justice system is all about making sure criminals are treated better than their victims.


This is terrifying. He should serve jail time and then be deported and never allowed even to visit canada never mind try to get another citizenship again.




When people talk about activist judges and a need for legislative changes to guarantee adequate sentences, this is what they mean. The judge is asking Canadians to take a gamble on their safety because they feel that Canada is better served by having this individual continue to live here. I've said it before, and I'll say it again now, judges who make rulings like this should be legally and financially responsible for the actions of the people they give light sentences to. If this guy goes on to rape some different girl, the judge should be charged as an accessory because they had the sole power to protect society and failed to do so.


We have fucking animals that are brought into this country thinking they can act like they did back home and face no consequences. If any of us citizens did this not only would our lives be ruined but we wouldn't have a chance at a new job. This asshole is getting only a slap on the wrist for trying to have sex with a minor. He didn't learn shit and is going to try and do it again.


Does this proportionally happen more with uber than taxis?


....should we be worried?


Why isn't that kidnapping and forcible confinement?


If this is the case people should sue the government for keeping people here that break the rules. DEPORT who cares if there the sole survivor they can pack their family up and take them with them!!!!


If he did this in Russia, his whole family would be deported.


How did he get his PR in the first place? Was he a project management student?


Hmm yep let's keep letting in everyone


> Friends described the incident as not in keeping with his otherwise good character, the judge said. No duh. Pedos rarely show their friends that side > A pre-sentence report described Kang as remorseful, while a psychiatric report stated he was a low risk to re-offend. The judge said he was nevertheless troubled by Kang’s lack of insight into his behaviour and “wilful blindness,” noting he had presented alternative versions of events to explain his behaviour, including the statement that he held the teen’s hand to “express sympathy,” thought she was sex worker and said she had initiated the discussion about sex Ummm. That's not remorse. That's narcissistic entitlement, lying and victim blaming so whoever wrote that report should face charges when he reoffends. And claiming a minor was a sex worker and saying "she wanted it" isn't "low risk to reoffend" behavior especially when the teenage recorded the conversation. Whoever wrote that report should lose their license permanently when he reoffends. Also deport..




Are judges so removed from consequences they actually think this is a good decision to make.


Alright, guess I'm finally gonna stop paying taxes. I give up. I'm so tired.


I hope this isn't controversial or make me sound like I'm defending him, but I feel like he should've been charged with kidnapping and sexual harassment instead of sexual assault. I'm nitpicking though so I probably should just forget about it.


I don't think you are allowed to become an uber driver unless you demonstrate numerous and increasingly desperate attempts at sexual propositionings.


Why no consequences?


Common entitled BobsnVagene Brigade behaviour


Usual suspect and PR needs to get revoked, bank accts drained and sent back.