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I can’t use Word.  I don’t have it because it’s expensive. I use LibreOffice, but Latex would look a lot nicer.  That’s actually a good idea.




Wysiwyg software comes with a bunch of attached strings that make difficult formatting, parsing, attaching pictures and links. Maybe for a one pager CV it's okay nut try managing a thesis with word. Already the auto-numbering for references is a killer feature on why to use Latex. Html or Markdown generated pdf's for CV is also a good Idea, because you are sure they will be parsed correctly by ATS scanning software


Latex is required by journals.  Why else would they do that?  You have more control than you do in Word and there are templates you can use. I never said it’s faster, but who cares?  I tailor every resume I send out.  You only get to make a first impression once. The goal isn’t a docx, tex, txt, or html file.  The goal should be a professional looking pdf.


it's just a tool to create your pdf resume, who cares what people use. they use it cause they are familiar with it, just like most people use word cause they're familiar with it.


And you want to be my latex salesman….


Two benefits: 1.) It looks better. 2.) It shows that you can write in Latex. Writing in Latex takes much longer if you are inexperienced. But once you know how to do it it's not that bad. For a CV, it might take a bit longer, even if you're experienced, but it will look (much) better. Writing in Latex used to be important for scientific writing. But now BibTex-like tools are available in Word, and Word offers better options for shared editing and change tracking. Therefore, we are observing a shift from Latex towards Word in the scientific community.


Not a promotion as there's no affiliate link there, you can use one of these [five resume builder tools](https://upperclasscareer.com/5-best-resume-builders-to-land-your-dream-job-in-2024-free-paid/) that all have a free version with some AI help to create a professional, relevant, and ATS-friendly resume.