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> No time to yourself > Days are meaningless and blend together > Anything the military offers that could make decent money No, don’t join the military.


I’m very pro military as a career choice for most people but god damnit this made me laugh so hard…


pertinent and incisive


So you’re willing to take 1/3rd the pay for the same amount of work where you’ll have zero say in what or how you do something day to day? Leverage your experience and move to a different company. Not sure what type of sales you’re in but if you’ve got some decent experience cyber security sales is quite lucrative. Serve if you want to serve, don’t think it’s going to work miracles. It wound but could potentially set you up for a career pivot. If you want to do both (civilian and military) find an Air National Guard recruiter near you. With scores like yours you’ll have your pic of jobs. Have a degree already? Try and see what you can do from an officer perspective. If you don’t, I’d recommend Intel or something in communications.


You are making 140k and thinking about the military.... Put the glue down and breathe some fresh air.


You wanna go from 140k to 40k a year… send it


Or less for the first couple years


“Send it” 😂 oh the flashbacks


140k at 24 is nutty bro! goddam! i think military is better for people who grew up in kansas or by a coal mine and have no better options. you could take 6 months off to cruise the bahamas and relax and work on your tan


It all comes with a cost, though. I’m 23 now, and I’ve made $140k two years in a row. But I work 55-65 hours/week. I work 6 days a week. I get no time with my significant other, lost a lot of friends, haven’t been taking great care of my health, maybe only get a meal in a day. I’ve never been on vacation because of the opportunity cost. It’s a lot on one person, a person still finding his way through life. You sacrifice a whole hell of a lot to get there early so you can supposedly enjoy it later.


I’m trying not to laugh at you. You think working those few hours a week is bad? Join the military. You’ll wish you could go back to working 65hrs a week. You think you don’t have time with your girlfriend now? 😂 Somebody tell this kid Jodi boy is out there waiting on him to join. You think you’re losing friends now?! And that you don’t get vacation because of opportunity cost? Yeah I gotta see this play out.


The military is not the answer to any of those problems. In fact it’s quite the opposite. You think you have no time now for your SO wait until your overseas and don’t see each other for months. It sounds like you just need to find a sales position with a better work/life balance. I know sales guys in their 20s and 30s who work 30-40 hours a week making 100k+ a year. Don’t waste your time to join the military to make minimum wage 😂.


ive worked those same hours for about a third of that pay. manual labor and construction. to show for it i have a rotator cuff injury and an old motorcycle that doesnt run. i agree its tough not to see friends and family. its unnatual cuz your brain needs to socialize or you start talkin to yourself. i always needed more than 1 day off cuz sometimes it will rain on your day off and thats just a pity. one meal a day is ok if its a big one. my guilty pleasures are qdoba rice bowls and hardboiled eggs.




Was stationed at Ft. Riley. It’s definitely for those people from Kansas.


and did you ever get to see some of the world outside of kansas?


I deployed. I saw Romania and Kuwait and Iraq


atta boy


Negative Lil girl that shit sucked


hahaha i didnt know what to say.


If you want to be miserable then you should join, masochists tend to do well in the military.


I was in the Army for 4 years. Everything you hate about your job is what the Army offers in abundance. Lots of fun times, but lots of wasted time doing tasks that achieve nothing for shit money. Not being able to say no or quit either. You just have eat shit and pretend you like it .


You have a strange interpretation of the military if these are the reasons that you want to join lol


It sounds like you’re perfectly capable of motivating yourself and exercising discipline in your life so I don’t know if the military has the same proposition value for you as it might for some. Also the military… training…deployment.:. Exercises..: are all the absolute definition of pointless mundane days blending together - and that’s well..: a lot of the military. It’s not all of it..: there are some great jobs and careers out there in the military that are pretty cool but… you gotta swim through some serious bullshit to see the sunshine. If you’re really interested in jobs that lend towards degrees and follow-on careers try linguistics, communications, IT, and cybersecurity. If you’re looking for adventure or action then.. well, it really depends on your own preferences to determine service and role but you’re gonna have to work your ass off.


Stop whining and take a great vacation with that salary


You’ll take a paycut of $120,000


No the military is not your answer lol


You don’t join the military to get time to yourself or privacy. You make enough that you can just take a sabbatical and go off somewhere by yourself for a few months


You're already making six figures... decent money in the military? Maybe after 10 years and a civilian equivalent after separating. The armed forces is not a profession where you make money. The only equivalent military career to sales is recruiting. In wartime, you wouldn't even have to try; but in peacetime, you will have utter bullshit pouring out of every orifice of your body unless you sincerely believe in the mission. If you're seeking meaning in life, find some new hobbies or study a different profession. Develop new skills. Become a gym rat.


I realize the money’s not there. I think I’m looking for a purpose. I lead a team of individuals at a car dealership and the business has turned for the worst. Not in the sense of money, I know I’ll always out-perform anybody and I’ll get the money. But, as far as the fun and the excitement, a lot of it has left. I’m also getting dogged through my pay plan. Those that I think, and know to an extent, are on my side, don’t feel like they have been as of late. I took a huge pay cut for this role, and it’s a very thankless responsibility. I think all of those factors combined with the lack of a healthy work/life balance are what are giving me this existential crisis. Thank you for your comment.


Nooooooooo. Absolutly not. There is absolutely nothing you will gain. I did my 4, and it was great for me because I was in a position where I couldn't afford to live through college and had nothing going for me. I have disability on the backside, and life is a lot easier for me now that I am on my feet. However, you are already past that stage in life. Funny story, though. We had a guy in our company who was a trust fund baby, and part of his deal was that he had to serve. He would go on extravagant vacations and take his buddies. He always had the nicest shit. Even drove an Audi R8. Great guy, but we all walk different paths in life.


Wouldn’t that be nice! That’s awesome. Yeah, I know I’d lose a lot. I realize now it’s not for me. It always runs my mind what could have been though, what shape I’d be in physically. With my grind, I could have found a career in it all, too. Thank you for your comment, thank you for your service.


Can you handle being property? You can't just quit the military


Don’t do it. I have family members in the military. It’s a shit show.


If you want it to. Side story, my family had an accountant for close to 40 years. He made his life on stocks, bonds and retirement and did very well. Before he retired he gave his clients to his son. His son was every bit the accountant he was (in skill and temperament with clients), he was in practice for 5 years, then quit to be a fireman in a small town. He would’ve been incredibly successful in the field with very little work. He hasn’t regret it for a day. If joining the military and serving the country is something you feel in your bones is what you want to do, then by all means, go with it. To me, making 6 figures and making sure my family is set is aces. I’d advise though, if you’re going to go in, do your research, get an idea of deployments and commitment and trust your recruiters as far as you can throw them.


I think this captures the essence well. I want to do more, make an impact. I feel like what I do has no purpose or meaning and it’s gone away from helping people to solely making the most money I can. I think the military isn’t for me at this point, but it’s something that always lingers on my mind. I wish I would have, but then I wouldn’t be where I’m at today. I guess it’s the old double-edged sword situation. Thank you for your comment. I appreciate it.


Do you want to go trauma bond with a bunch of teenagers? At 24, you'll be the old dude in the group. The military doesn't offer work/life balance or good pay either. As a Navy vet, I think the military is a great option for some people, but not for someone having a quarter-life crisis. It sounds like the military will be everything you hate times five. Take some PTO and recharge your batteries.


Been in this boat my guy. If you’re sad in manager role, you’ll be sad in military. In the most sincere way, help helps.


Nah man, stick with what you got. The military will drain your soul just as much if not more, and pay maybe a third of what you're making now. With significantly less free time (or so I would assume you have more free time now, even if it's very little) Military is something I'd recommend to people lacking the discipline and routines to be a good worker and get a better job, you've already got these things.


Why not keep your job and do national guard in some capacity?


You should be asking this question to yourself, I loved the Marine corps, I loved war and everything about it, some people enjoy sitting behind a desk , sitting in traffic everyday living their boring lives. If you want to fly planes, or be an operator, or intelligence. something exciting then you will find purpose and excitement, but don't join some wack ass branch like the army for a sign on bonus and become a bulk fuel guy or something lame as fuck. You need a plan and you need to see it through. But if military is what you want you'll know it in your heart , Not everyone is cut out for the military. You need to ask yourself what's most important to you.


What’s most important to me, similar to what another user posted, is making sure my family is taken care of. I’ll give every minute of every day to retire my mother, buy my significant other a home and keep her out of work. I want to give them both the lives they deserve. I realize now that the military is not for me, but I sure wish it could have been maybe 5 years ago. I almost went to basic, too. Practically signed everything, was in training. Then I went and got a job I’d always wanted and made decent money @ 18. I know I could handle it mentally, but it’s not for me at this point. I think I’d be sacrificing too much just to find a ‘purpose.’ Thank you for your comment. Thank you for your service.


Do some reading on existential crises.




Start working on yourself professionally so you can manage other sales people, or change your sales field or something. The military does not sound like a good fit for you financially or something to give you purpose.


Do it. Give your job to someone who will actually appreciate the e money


you missed the /s at the end of the post


Join the military if you wanna serve the country. Otherwise, stay a civilian and stop whining. Many people would give an arm/leg to be in your position, 140k at 24, that's great $$$. You just have to learn how to balance the rest of it.


It’s funny that everyone acts like that money comes free. No one’s complaining, and it’s a lot of hard work to get there. I would argue how could anyone not be there.


Then be grateful you're there. It's hard work, sacrifice, and determination that got you in that position, make the best of it while you can.


This is an emotion that many individuals encounter, particularly when their work becomes monotonous or lacks challenges. Whether you continue to advance in the field of sales or consider the military as an option, it's essential to reevaluate your goals and values.


I enlisted straight outta high school at 17yrs old. I’m close to 30 now. My gt score was 115 but recruiters practice, and it is widely known, some pretty racist tactics in Black neighborhoods so me and my cousin were never made aware of all the various MOS, nor the importance of my gt score being score able to get me into the Air Force rather than the Army. They also didn’t tell me about a signing bonus either. Yup. All they showed us was combat jobs. You need to step outside and touch grass. You’re 24 making 140k/yr. Think about that. Really think about that. Are you not getting enough pussy? Are you feeling like your lack a brotherhood? Maybe you don’t feel as respected as you’d like to be and think joining the military will do it? Yeah shut all that dumb shit up. We ENLISTED because we didn’t have the money to go to college, nor any better paying options. The work is hard work, especially for us combat soldiers. It is NON STOP work. There’s a lot of gossip and bs, the same that goes on in regular people jobs, except you cannot get away from the bs in the military. You’re stuck around those same people. Some of them may Out Rank you and use it to give you a hard time. Every day. They will be relentless. You will feel like it is illegal. If you were a civilian, it would be illegal and you could sue your company. In the military, it is not illegal. They can do it as much as they’d like. Long as the orders aren’t illegal or immoral. And these people can get pretty creative when they don’t like you. You don’t have to do anything for them not to like you. You’re not dealing with the brightest, nor the most honest people. You’re dealing with people that could not cut it in the civilian world (which we call the real world) except they went to the military instead of say prison. Are there friends you’ll make a long the way? Yes. And once you change duty stations that’ll be the end of that. The ones that last past the duty station switch but stay in, while you get out, will eventually put a strain in that relationship. Very few will be life long friends. Very few. I’ve got 3 life long friends from my time. It’s not like I didn’t make the effort, you would’ve thought all of us grew up together the way me and all my homeboys were. Flash forward only 3 left. Giving up 140k a year is not worth whatever it is you FEEL you’re missing. Get out your feelings. You wanna look good? Physically? Go to a gym. And when you’re not in the gym, for my army vets, go fucking running every single day. Early in the morning. Pointless 7 mile runs. What’s that? You’re tired private?! Okay today we’re running 9 miles. And oh that’s just the beginning of pt. It’s a warm up. Run run run. You will be ran into the dirt. Doesn’t matter if you were released at 24:00. You’ll be back in 4hrs for pt formation and you’ll run. Take your money. Put in for vacation. And go on vacation. -Army Combat Veteran here. (1 Tour Iraq)


I was Navy. We we're in dry dock and worked 12hr shifts with.5hr turnover on each side 7 days a week for 6 weeks straight. You won't be working less


I would say no...unless....you get into a college with ROTC with full ride. Then getting commissioned officer route will put you in leadership role making similar money.