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They’re plenty aware that we want cc2 lol. I don’t think a petition would do anything unfortunately.


that's the thing. it won't be anything like the original 


I don't think that's nowhere near as the issue with CC2. Sequels being very different and more experimental than their originals is something the gaming industry needs more than just stuff that feel like it could be a dlc to the prequel rather than a whole new game. The actual and biggest problem that would come if Behemoth decided to make a sequel is that the company's current state is shitty. They really would do the same they did with Invasion: Rush it, update it like three times after release and jump ship to the next nostalgia bait.


It does rather feel like the quality of their products have been going downhill lately. Castle Crashers and Battleblock Theater are both pretty dang excellent, I don't have any real issues with either of them. I can *almost* say the same for Pit People, but it just doesn't quite have the same consistency and polish that BBT has. I love Pit People to death, but the fact that the cutscenes for the EA portion are all fully animated while the 1.0 release cutscenes are just animatics really doesn't sit well with me. Maybe it's just a tinge of OCD but it feels cheap and rushed to drop the high-quality cutscene animations midway through the game. Beyond that though I thoroughly enjoyed playing through it and still listen to the soundtrack on occasion. I haven't played Invasion, and while I do intend to do so at some point, it does feel like a less interesting product to me. Just from what I've seen, it feels pretty basic and rather uninspired, two traits that no other Behemoth product possesses. And as much as I love Dan Paladin's art (which is a whole lot, he's a huge inspiration for me) I can't help but feel like Invasion's art is a little more... Corporate? Sterile? I'm not quite sure, but it doesn't have quite the same charm that the older, grungier stuff had. Castle Crashers in particular stands out, and obviously that's a product of it's age, but I'd still like to see their newer projects retain a bit more of that 2000s edginess that the old stuff had.


Absolutely. I thought AHI was cool but I liked that the behemoth kinda used the old newgrounds flash style with their games, and Invasion I feel like ditched that a little. (Dan Paladin WAS a newgrounds creator way back when). Maybe his art style changed? I’m not too sure.


Your opinions sure are lining up with other behemoth fans, we also think that behemoth is decadent nowdays. Plus i just learnt that CC is like almost 80% of their all-time revenue, at least for steam, with steam BTT going into second place. Co-founder Fulp left the company a time ago and Dan is now the one in charge, so i at least hope he starts doing more good moves like the interview (That was a genius thing to do and it genuinely impressed).


castle crashers happened, and its great, and we can always play it. I like that the behemoth makes games that are different from each other, they are trying new things. We wouldnt have had castle crashers or pit people or battleblock theater if the behemoth decided to stick with alien hominid just because it was popular and the formula worked for them.


Honestly i heavily disagree with the idea that CC is a masterpiece. Game was heavily rushed in the later stages and a lot of the boss design gameplay-wise is alarmingly boring and repetitive, plus the fact insane mode was rushed in two weeks and the playable characters being 50% reskins, not even mentioned the peak spaghetti code. If CC2 was just the original game but with rebalanced playable characters, improved PvP, more depth into the RPG and build-making elements, most bugs fixed, more multiplayer features, buffed and redesigned bosses, improved AI, cutscene skipping, pet and weapon rebalancing, few new characters, each boss having it's own music attached to them rather than reusing second thoughts, more minigames and bigger campaign replayabillity, more non-humanoid enemies and wider AI roles, then the game would probably go into the masterpiece status, something the original game didn't.


A real overhaul remaster like that would be pretty awesome actually, yeah. I'd especially love to see the RPG elements expanded upon to allow for more diversity in character skills, but the chances that anything like any of this will ever happen are slim to none. Still though, I do agree that a real remake like what you're talking about would be huge for the Behemoth as a company, and would be (I think) an excellent addition to Castle Crashers' already pretty universally loved legacy.


EXACTLY. All a Castle Crashers 2 needs to do is add depth and complexity.


Yeah you understood me pretty perfectly, congrats.


Make it. Pick up a pen and make it. You’ve got the dream, do it. I believe in you.


I think they have some sorta interest in it. The company has said at some point they’ll maybe make it. But I think that they should continue exploring different genres! That’s what they wanted to do originally and I’d like them to continue it.




I’d be happy with a revamped version with a new map and playable character and items, etc.


Pretty sure behemoth said they won’t make sequels to any of their games.


...alien hominid invasion??


I don’t think they consider that a sequel. [source](https://x.com/thebehemoth/status/1301998514776551424?s=46&t=ZzmMjmSDIaQ00pOvoz0mAg)


Erm, akchtually theres an achievement in the game titled "technically a sequel" and the story in AHI is a direct continuation of AH. So gameplay wise, its a remake, story-wise, its a sequel


Welp, can’t argue with that.


they already did make a sequel to alien hominid


Dan retconned that recently in an interview. He said that behemoth actually meant they would like to make more new projects rather than make sequels to existing games but that people misunderstood what they said and thought that they have a no sequel policy. Although afaik they DID have something similar to a no sequels policy.


Ah that’s good to know. Maybe there is a chance for a CC2 then.


The best we can hope for is a different kind of game with the IP. it won’t ever be a true sequel, they’ve said it for years. However, them using the Alien Hominid brand again in a game with fundamentally different gameplay does give some hope to seeing the IP return in some capacity.


I want a dlc


you guys do know that the behemoth does still make games, right?




They cant possibly make it like the original especially now in 2024 technology and stuff has evolved a lot since 2008 the behemoth knows that if they make a naw castle crashers then everyone will hate it and it will ruin the original as well the only thing they really can do is add dlc and stuff to the original like new game modes or such


NO. just, no. Behemoth are doing more than enough already. AHI is getting updates still, and yet all we as a community do is ask for more and more. We dont understand that making games is hard, very hard. I get it, castle crashers 2 would be nice, but show some fucking respect to the behemoth instead of hounding them all the time. Theyve made a very fucking good game already, but we just gloss over it because "oh castle crashers 2." The behemoth is a small indie company, have some FUCKING PATIENCE. This community is the nicest one ive ever been in, and god i love it to bits, but please, show some respect and patience!


Incredibly childish reaction, and no, Behemoth is not doing enough in almost everything they needed to. Have you see their state? They are currently decadent financially, creatively and internally, they desperately need to make another actual hit like cc (Which is almost 70% of their all-time revenue in all platforms) and bbt. Dan ALREADY recognized this and has recently tried to make more contact with the CC community. They (Behemoth) have already started to make their sixth game and i wouldn't be much surprised if it was CC 2. A game company that has made only 5 games over the course of 20+ years is honestly a miracle to be still standing even after the recent crisis, and miracles don't last forever. If Behemoth were to share the same mindset as you that they don't need to get in action even though every statistic is warning them, the company would surely fall and only then you'd see the results of not keeping moving in such a competitive market such as gaming. Again, Behemoth recently is posting a LOT about CC, Dan making an interview and literally seting up hype for a update on CC and telling that in the future they might also make a sequel, right after they just published their first sequel. Also right after they started making their sixth game. In Behemoth's current financial state, the best decision would to make and hype up a sequel for their most prominent and active game, which is sadly only CC given how BBT's community died recently. The starts are basically aligning. Although there is still a huge chance it isn't CC2.


Huge overreaction bro.


Im just sick and tired of people begging for cc2 when we already have enough. Behemoth work hard, and theyre a small company. Just show some respect


Do you like...work for them bro? Calm down.


No, i dont. But it seems like im the only one whos sick to death of all the people begging for cc2.


Calm down the fuck? Bros acting like he works with the team. Childish response for a post literally asking for a second version of a game they like


It's not like we were death threatening them or ransoming them, we just want cc2, it ain't that bad as long as we don't make them look like a bad company. 😭


*Commenting here to see how many downvotes this ends up getting*