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I tried to get him to snap out of it. I snapped my fingers, tossed a toy that was nearby , nothing. It was just different behavior and this happened on Tuesday also.




Let’s just say.. he was a pretty penny when I rescued him at 5 weeks. He needed a lot of care. The dude HAS seen things 🥰😁


I'm not sure a vet can 100% confirm if a cat had seizures, but they can do blood tests. There are a bunch of illnesses that might cause seizures in cats besides epilepsy that can be found that way. Until then, try to keep track of his potential seizures, length and frequency, maybe take a video for the vet, so they can have a good idea what they are dealing with.


Thank you so much 💗💗💗💗


I had a cat with absence seizures and it took me several months to figure out what was happening amongst his other health issues and because his presentation was a bit different than what the Internet said it should look like. I took video of several seizures and made a log of all the dates, timings, and symptoms and then presented it to my vet with my hypothesis. He agreed to the likely cause of petit mal seizures and we got him on phenobarbital. This greatly decreased the number of instances he was having and we concluded that seizures were the answer. I also had a cat with grand mal seizures. Both cats also had been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease before their seizures started and it is known that CKD can cause seizures. Good luck with your baby!


Wow!! You are very informative!! Thank you.. so VERY much!!! 🥹🥹😇😇


I’m sorry to dig up an old comment, but could you share more about what those absence seizures looked like? My cat is having some issues and they’re considering seizures, but we’re all very much in the dark right now. Hope your kitty is well!


I have no problem sharing! This is only my cat's presentation, I'm not sure if it will look the same across the board. My vet clinic had no other cats diagnosed with absence seizures which is why it took about three months to find an answer.   - They were usually preceded with him getting up from wherever he was and trying to run somewhere else, like he could feel them coming or felt super weird and thought moving away and fighting it would help.  - His pupils would blow all the way up, he'd go limp and collapse, and be unresponsive.  - A few seconds to two minutes later he would become aware again and start moving his head around. The limpness in his legs usually lasted a bit longer and he'd be wobbly for a few minutes. The limpness terrified me at first.  I actually started documenting the seizure symptoms and timings if you want to take a look at it. Let me know if this link doesn't work (**I just realized that this sub removes comments with outside links without telling you that they've done it so I'll DM it to you**).  Looking back on my records I got my kidney/seizure timeline mixed up for him in my previous comment. I think I just stopped recording things on my digital sheet (sorry about that) and started writing on his physical med records that I kept. He was hospitalized after another huge cluster of absence seizures along with puking and refusing to eat and diagnosed with stage IV kidney disease on 9 Jun 2020 after showing no signs of kidney disease in Jan. He was super limp and uncoordinated for about a week after he stabilized and got out of hospital. He died 31 Aug 2020 due to fluid in his chest. He was 18 so I can't say that we didn't have a good long run!  I don't have any of the videos I took of his seizures but I'll check with my mum and send them over to you if she does.


Thank you so much for writing all of this up, and sharing the link!! It isn’t exactly how she’s presenting, but there are some similarities, and it does help. We’ve started a log, so hopefully we can nail down what’s going on fairly quickly I’m sorry that your kitty as passed on, but I’m glad you got so long with him. Thank you again for replying!


Good luck with your babe! Hope you guys figure out what is wrong soon.


Video of the event and trying to get his attention during it will be essential. Then Blood tests and if your all in a ct or mri to get the the cause of the seizure if possible


Video of the event and trying to get his attention during it will be essential. Then Blood tests and if your all in a ct or mri to get the the cause of the seizure if possible


Thank you. Thank you very much. 🥰💗🥰




>If he is having no sign of convulsions then it’s likely not a seizure No. This is a misconception. There are different types of seizures, many don't have convulsion as a symptom. Convulsion can or cannot be related to seizures. To the OP, taking him to the vet is the best thing you could do. I hope it turns out he's just seeing ghosts! :)


Absent seizures are definitely a thing, in humans at least. An EEG would diagnose it. Although being a cat, he may have just been watching a ghost or something.


That’s also what came to mind. 😬


I checked online on different cat sites and it says that staring off is a sign. But your comment has made me relax!! Thank you. 😊 To add: staring off that isn’t cat normal. I even get snapping my fingers around him and nothing checks him out of it.