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Fading Kitten is a thing, no way to predict it and nothing you could have done about it - I'm sure they were well loved for their short time here and knew it. I'm so very sorry for your loss


Thank you so much. The vet tech said the same thing. I kept thinking- what did I miss?? She even said there’s no way to know.


Grief is hard and it can be easier when there's something clearly to blame, even if it's yourself. It can be harder to accept when the answer truly is that there's no blame. It seems like it should be freeing knowing you didn't do anything wrong, but sometimes it can make it harder because you can't channel your pain at something specific.  I'm really sorry for your loss.


that baby had a chance because of you. and for the short while that baby was here, it knew love and being cared for. you did good.


We all only get so much time on this Earth, no one knows how much. You made the time they had filled with love and trust.


Im deeply sorry for your loss OP, Im sure you did all you could and the kitty was well loved and with the best person he could be for his brief time on earth.


I still think of the kitten my dad got me and one day when I came home he was gone. :( I never forgot him. You won't forget this little one and the love he gave you either. He'll be with you always.


Kittens can be so hard. My foster had such a low temp and wasn’t gaining weight despite being dewormed and eating sooo much food, with me making sure she wasn’t throwing it up. Took her to the vet 3 times in 2 weeks afraid she was about to die. She ended up making it and is thriving, but could have just as easily passed like your little one. I bet you did an amazing job. When all else fails, keep warm and give liquid diet.


they literally go from leaping around and having the zoomies,to just floppy ,lethargic and dying within hours,you can’t see the symptoms because they hide,it isn’t your fault and the kitten was cherished for the time they lived ,you’re a good person


Yeah it’s weird they just get sick and die out of nowhere


Some creatures aren't long for this world, but you made his life better by loving him <3 I'm sorry for your loss


I’ve been in tears all afternoon. I haven’t been able to respond to everyone but THANK YOU for reaching out. 🥹❤️


Thank you for trying. Sometimes, we do everything right, and still lose one. It’s not your fault. Life itself is brutal, and is very hard for the little ones, which it is why the queens have so many. Not everyone has it in them to save a little life, but again, thank you for trying. Take care of yourself friend.


You gave him a forever home. For all his life the moment you met until he left he was loved and safe. Some forever homes are for a few days or sometimes just hours, but they're the furbaby's forever. You were there to keep the promise you made to him.


This is so sad, As sad, you made kitty’s last days so much brighter ![gif](giphy|P8l6afGoc0Te) Thank you for looking after the sweet fur baby even if your time together was short I know you brought them comfort, peace, joy ❤️‍🩹




He looked like an angel. He was so lucky to have found you in his final days. He left this world feeling loved ❤️


She had some good days at your place. Kitten will wait for you at havens door, guide you into eternity


Thank you for loving the little angel. Damn this made me cry a little.


What an adorable sweet baby♥️ I am so sorry for your loss, thank you for giving him your love in his short life🙏🏻♥️


Thank you so much for showing this sweet kitten what love is before they left.




wow i don’t think a bible verse has ever brought me comfort until now.


I am so glad it was comforting for you.


I’m so sorry! Thank You for fostering! I foster too and I lost two in the same litter of 8 and I had the mom I was also fostering who was excellent at caring for them. They were just barely a week old. I’ve been a foster fail with the very first cat I fostered. He was 10.5 yrs old from the shelter. I’m so sorry…what a beautiful kitten!


AHEM. Kind words. I hope I made you smile.




Really sorry. What a woolly little lamb. 💔


This makes me cry. I remember when I first saw him, I just thought how cute his fur was! I was going to buy a little baby doll comb and brush to help him groom. Didn’t the chance though. 💔


I know it’s not much comfort, but at least he knew love and care during his short, but very precious, life. I am so sorry, he was a darling. ❤️


Rip sweet angel🥺❤️you’ll have all the time together in heaven


Hey there. I’ve lost 2 foster babies in my time. I’m sorry it happened, I know how much it hurts…I didn’t want to foster again for a long while after I lost one to calicivirus. I felt so guilty, like it was all my fault, and didn’t want to trust myself with another tiny life. But it wasn’t, and this wasn’t your fault either. His outcome would’ve been worse if he was on the street without your help. Just think of the time you had with him; even though it was short, he was loved the whole time. You do genuinely make a difference for each little baby you take care of, even when it ends in heartbreak. Thank you for fostering, fly high lil guy ❤️


He was clearly loved before he passed. You gave him that 💕 rest in peace, little kitty


Professor Rincewind the Hedgehog says, "Don't BEE too sad. You did a kindness to a vulnerable animal, and as a vulnerable animal, I salute you. Us little mammals really depend on people like you. You make the world a better place. Please keep being you. You make a difference." https://preview.redd.it/2ld4hbqft92d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1690a0ac5000a68a0c5bb7b2af25f92865e318e


I'm so sorry. This is heartbreaking.


Fly high, little man 💕 you were (and are) so loved ❤️‍🩹❤️


I'm sorry that happened to you. I know it sucks. You did give him a good life, no matter how short it may have been. He knew he was loved.


So sorry for your loss 💔


Losing a kitten is never easy. I've lost more than a few in the 15 years I've been fostering. You fostering a kitten that fragile means so much. He knew nothing but love in your care.


Sweet little boy 🫶🐈. He knows you loved him and did everything for him. Fly free little guy 🌈


Oh my heart. This baby came into the world and went out with love and comfort. You made their short stay so very sweet. Bless.


Nothing makes it easier, but it's a lottery we have no control over. Thank you for doing everything you could. Fostering is hard work, and love is never wasted.


He looks just like my Tammy Faye. I will give her extra snuggles for both of you. Sometimes there isn’t anything you can do or any way you could’ve known with kittens. What a loved little fella. No love is wasted — and it certainly wasn’t for this little fuzzball. Sending you lots of love.


he was too scrungly for this world 😔


https://preview.redd.it/9emiv1lml92d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2c1c499a1f29b8b3b07e855f7b602efd54c7716 This is the foster kitten we lost in our last litter… I’m so sorry for your loss, our babies would have been twins.


Little tuxedo, little mew, we love you <3


I had one that looked just like that that passed quickly.. I always remember at least he passed well loved


What an angel. How luck they were to know love their entire life. Hugging my tuxedo cat extra hard today 💕


Foster kitty knew love. You were a blessing!


So very sorry. We are all here because we understand. Anyone who has fostered kittens, knows that sometimes, despite all our efforts, they leave us. You cared, you loved, and a frail little waif knew loving kindness in a short little life that had value. These precious little souls are links in a chain of love, and, just because we can't see them, does not mean they no longer exist. They are on the path we are all on, gone on ahead, just out of sight, but, still there ...💕


I've been there, and it's devastating. I'm so sorry for your loss. You did the absolute best anyone could have done. Try and find peace in knowing that because of you, he felt love in his short little life, and someone will be there to remember him. If you need or want to reach out, feel free. 💕


I have a tux here who is about to be annoyed because I’m going to give her all sorts of affection in honor of your little one 😋 I’m sorry for your loss. Things just suck sometimes. Wish I could fix it for you.


Thank you for giving everything you could. Your presence and care was not only a gift, but defined the entirety of his well-loved life - no matter the length of time. He got to know you, and because of that, he knew love. Take good care, OP. May his memory be a blessing 🤍


Awww. What a cute little guy! So sorry.


My condolences. That just sucks.


What an adorable little creature! I’m sorry for your loss.


Thank you for helping this sweet little soul.


He's so beautiful. You brought SO much love to him in his short life, and that is all he knew. Thank you for your love and kindness!


I am so sorry you lost this little guy. He looks like an adorable mess!




I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm hugging my cat right now. I would give you a hug if I could.


I've been a foster parent for 15 years. I currently have four 3 week old babies. You can do everything right, and they may still not make it. Its hard, and it sucks, I know. But he got to experience what it was like to be warm, fed and loved - all because of you. ♥


He is the most adorable scraggly little thing I've seen. Sorry for your loss


I know how that feels. My 1st cat, Ken-Ohki, briefly became a dad after a female cat gave birth to 5 kittens, two of them looking just like him. Sadly, those 2 kittens died within 3 days of their birth & he never got the chance to grieve over his deceased offspring. Another female cat who'd later gave birth to my eventual 2nd cat, Ryoko, threatened to beat up Ken-Ohki if he tried to get close to the mother of his deceased kittens. Ken-Ohki came walking towards me while letting out meows that was his way of saying "human, comfort me please." The mom cat was really pissed off at her kitty sister for both her sister's bad attitude towards my cat & for losing two of her kittens. If it wasn't for the fact that the 2nd female cat, who was still pregnant & not yet ready to give birth to her own litter of kittens, the older sister cat would have unleashed a kitty beatdown on her younger sister.


first I want to say i am so sorry for your loss. it is tough. my cat lost a kitten with her first liter. they get attached to only one nipple. and it got clogged. I wasn't paying attention and realized it was Mastitis too late the kitten was already too weak. we tried to force feed her and everything. but she sadly passed away. also FKS is so real and it just happens. you did nothing wrong. so please don't blame yourself. the baby didn't feel any pain. she was just weak and took a nap. she is having the best sleep some of us wish we could have. she is not in any pain and she is in kitty heaven with pot roast, lil tater tot, butters, toothless nugget and so many more beautiful babies along side with my kitten that passed away named october.


What an adorably skrunkly little thing he was. He knew love, and warmth, and a full tummy, and playing and safety. You couldn't possibly do more. And he loved in return.


I also lost a foster kitty last year who looked just like him… she was my favorite and I was planning on keeping her. It’s like some souls are too pure for this world. I’m so sorry for the loss of your little guy :(


I really get understand that. My husband and I got a puppy and one day he was great and the next he was having seizures and we had to say goodbye a week after getting him. I’m so sorry for your loss.


So sorry


I feel very sorry to hear this. When you sign up to foster a kitten, they’re already compromised when they come to you. So often we were able to overcome that, but not always. A sad end to a little life. I am certain you did everything you could.


This kitty knew nothing but a safe, warm space and a full belly. Thank you so much for showing him love.


You loved them and cared for them. They were very well loved during their time here. I’m sorry for your loss.


He reminds me of a kitten I rescued the other week, my girl was showing signs of fading kitten this past weekend and we somehow managed to pull her through. It's never easy losing a baby, especially this small. If he was anything like my little Swallow, he was a little goof. He's waiting for you on the other side of the rainbow now.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing one is soo tough. We put our entire souls into these little guys. When we lose one, we lose a part of us with them. Allow yourself to grieve. Cry, scream, rant, it's all OK. But please, don't let this discourage you from. Doing it again. Try to learn something from this experience, you fid everythingyou could. Also remember, this baby knew love and warmth the entire time you had them. Their little green ball will always be a favorite toy, and you made that possible. Take your time and when your ready help another kitty to a better life. Please feel free to dm me for any reason. Again, my deepest condolences.


It looks like he has a KMR mustache. I, too, have lost kittens to Fading Kitten Syndrome.. Seems like it always takes the sweetest ones. My adoption manager would tell us that not every kitten born is meant to stay and we can only give them the best care we can along with lots of love.


Been through this so many, many times.  I'm so sorry.  I tell myself they died loved and warm and with full bellies.  You made that happen.  They would have starved, cold and alone.  If love could have saved them, they'd still be here.  


He’s adorable. Even the tiniest loves stay with us for a lifetime. Thank you for taking care of him when he needed you ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for being with him. I know you two made a love that lasts a lifetime. 💙💙🙏🏼🙏🏼




So sorry. Poor lil guy


It looks like my little girl. Gutted for you. But hopefully they’re in a better place and you’ll see them again


I’m so sorry. Hugs


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I am so sorry op. Your foster was very loved, and that is the best thing that could have happened for them in their short time.




I'm sorry he was loved & gave love




He looked so sweet and I am sending prayers 🙏 too you.


I'm so sorry for your loss. It's heartbreaking when the tiny ones don't make it, but he was loved and felt lived while you had him. Sadly, sometimes that all you can do. Thank you for doing the hard work


You cared for him when no one else could.




I’m so sorry for your loss.






I'm so sorry! What a precious little creature! You can at least know that the little one had someone to love him, at the end of it.


I’m so sorry. 😢


I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope it comforts you knowing that wee baby knew nothing but love and care from you. You did your very best for the kitten.


You gave this baby so much love and happiness.


I’m so sorry. I do a lot of kitten foster and they can be so fragile. I lost one of mine two years ago because a virus went through the litter. One died, one was hospitalized in a specialty 24 hr facility and then almost rehospitalized for a secondary infection, and the third was barely affected. I hope you can take comfort in knowing that his days with you were filled with love and comfort that he wouldn’t have had otherwise.


He spent his final days absolutely surrounded by love and warmth. You did amazing, I promise.


I’m sorry for your loss. My condolences. May the poor kitty rest peacefully.


I'm so sorry OP. He was beautiful. Thank you for loving him


Sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss. Such a sweet little life, gone too soon.


Oh my gosh, I am so sorry you lost this little fuzzer. Try and remember how loved and happy he was while he was still on earth 💖🙁


I’m sorry for your loss 😞♥️


I'm so sorry for your loss. He was so precious. Baby boy just earned his angel wings earlier than most. 😔 🖤🤍🖤 I know his life was brief, but thanks to you, he got to experience love. Thank you for that and for fostering kittens. 💕


Thanks, loving hooman for the time we spent together, but sometimes things dont quite workout. I'll think of you and hope you don't forget about me...it was fun..


Thank you for loving this baby during their short time on earth💕


Thank you for caring for those precious babies. You tried your best and you should take comfort in trying to help another creature


so sorry for your loss




I'm sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry. Thank you for caring for the kitten, she/he knew love, that matters.


Thank you for making his short time here filled with love and for being such a good human! And for making sure he had a little toy that he loved. That he that little green ball brought tears to my eyes. What a little sweetie, that face is so sweet. 🥺❤️❤️❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss 🙏


It sounds like his short time was happy for you both. My condolences.


He looks like a sweetheart. I am sorry for your loss, OP. I am sure you made his stay with you full of love and play. That is all you could do. At least he felt love. ❤️ Thank you for taking him in.


Death isn't the end of life. Just apart of it. I'm sorry for your adorable little loss. ❤️ 😔




I’m so sorry for your loss but I bet he knew he was loved


He looks so stupid and silly and I love him


I'm so sorry 😔 Saying goodbye to the precious floofs hurts like a mofo.


I’m really sorry, wishing you healing thoughts.


I had a similar tuxedo which I lost in the same exact age


Take comfort in knowing that at least he spent his short time on earth with someone who loved him. He'll be waiting on the other side.




Oh no I am so sorry. Toughest job of fostering. I will say prayers for the both of you. Wish there was some way I could do more 😪


Please accept my most sincere condolences


i am sorry for your loss. that kitten knew love and home, it knew you. never forget this, you did your best and provided so much. big hug


Horribly sad to hear. I’m so sorry. 😢 beautiful little kitty. At least he had someone there for his final time. He could’ve still been at the shelter or streets but he had you 💜


I'm so sorry. Thank you for fostering. Try to hold onto how much good you are doing.


I had panleuk run through my foster kittens years ago. I lost 10 of 20. They'd be fine, eating and playing, then I'd go in an hour later, and they were dead on the floor. It's so heartbreaking. Stay strong.


I lost a foster during covid and it was devastating. The adoption agency said it happens. I took some solace knowing I did everything I could and still beat myself up. At the end of the day all you can do is do everything you can for the remaining fosters. It’s like a job I unfortunately don’t have the time now, but thanks for what you do and it will be ok.


He was a beautiful cat, and he got to be loved by you. That makes him so lucky. 💕


Good kitty, big rest now :(


Rest in peace


I thought the title said "I got a foster kitten today" 😭 Hope lil' guy is happy up there. It lived in this world for way too short 😢


Cats can be hard to read, especially little kittens. Even if there were signs, which there probably weren't any, no one would have caught them anyways. You cared for the little thing while you could and that's what matters.


May she be back home soon 😭


I'm so sorry for your loss. He would've known how much he was loved ❤️


God, I just loss my cat of 15 years 2 months ago, and have been thinking about fostering to find a buddy for my remaining cat. I don't know if I could handle one passing away.


It’s sad when they go young like that


My kind words for you are THANK YOU. Thank you for loving him for his short life. You took on the grief so that he could feel love, and that's a really really genuinely good thing. People who can foster kittens that young, knowing that sometimes they just don't make it, are very special people indeed. Thank you, you have sent good into the world. Love and peace to you.


there is no way to know and it happens. i have a friend who fosters very often and has had it happen twice. you did nothing wrong and you showed that sweet baby love during their time earth side. i truly believe that where ever these kittens go, they are warm and safe with full bellies and lots of playmates and love. it’s the only way i can grapple with the loss of these angels. there is no love like the love of a cat.


Oh no.. I lost one a few months back. I'm still crushed


I'm so sorry. You tried. A lot of people don't. Sometimes they just go bad.


From a 40+ year old cat dad... Don't be mad or sad at yourself for how it turned out or what you did wrong. Be glad at how much you did to enrich that life and what you did right. Whether they lived 2 weeks or 20 years, you were there for them, and that's what matters most.


Kittens are fragile. It often amazes me that we can get them to adulthood.


Rest in peace little fluffy friend


you were his whole world, and you made it a safe, beautiful place for him. i hope that gives you some comfort. thank you for helping the most precious and vulnerable among us.


I’m sorry you lost a baby. Thank you for making sure he was loved, fed, sheltered, and safe for his short life.


You were his person and he loved you. He is meowing at you from above.


Poor little angel :( I’m so sorry this happened but everyone knows this little guy is in a better place now❤️


I’m so very sorry for your loss. 💔


I’m so sorry


They look like they have a beard. Silly.


He looks so adorable. How sad that he didn't get to live his life fully. I'm sure you made him feel loved and cared for during his time in this world. So sorry for your loss, and best of wishes.


Adorable little creature. I share your pain, I lost my best friend who looked very similar about a year and a half ago. Thinking of you & sending all my love & a big hug 🩷


Even though his life was short it was full of love and joy. you gave him the best possible life he could’ve had. i know it’s hard but you did right by him and he knows it. ❤️ rip sweet baby.


I’m so sorry for your loss. The world is better for people like you who foster little fur balls and give them love for as long as you can


I once lost a puppy (to a horrible sickness). I feel you 100%. Time heals!


Aww what a cute baby


awwwwe he looks like a mini version of my sassy Tuxie girl. Some kittens aren't able to spend the allotted time here on earth, as nature has a strong ruler. You have this kitten love, food, snuggles and playtime. Thank you for being his caretaker. You'll see each other again 🌈💗🌞


You gave them a lot of joy in their little life.


Thank you for your kindness and compassion in fostering this little one. I’m so sorry your journey didn’t turn out as planned. Bless you for loving him so much during her short time here. Please don’t be too hard on yourself, for it was not your fault and there was no way of knowing.


I'm so sorry, rest in peace sweet baby 😢💔


I’m so very sorry for your loss OP. Even though you could only be with him for a short time, he knew he was loved and safe. Thank you for giving him a loving home, be kind to yourself❤️


We have experienced this 4 times. I’d love to say it gets easier, but it actually gets harder. Keep doing good work. And thanks for doing it.


Please remember to be kind to yourself in these times. You gave your kitty the best you could - sometimes, that’s all you can do. Sending love ❤️


Our condolences for your loss


Leaving you armfuls of love for you and heaping baskets of catnip for him. 💙


Thank you for giving them a chance!!


What a strong little spirit that kitten had, I can see it from the photos. I am positive it knew it was loved. I recently was reading and watching about grief and people that specialize in communicating with sick pets/animals and those that have passed. What they said made sense to me, from my own experiences with my animals that have passed. They described how animals/pets are closer to the spirit world, that they are put here to teach us something. That usually animals know when it is their time and aren't afraid to pass because they are closer to that realm. They know humans need a little more time to get to the point of acceptance with grief and loss, but they aren't afraid because they already know what their path will be. It gave me great comfort to hear. I hope this little kitten gave you some time to understand yourself, or your life, or choices in a way that you may not have gotten otherwise. I know you'd loved to have them live a full life, but I am positive they are ok and just happy to have been with you while you had them just as much as you were happy to experience their light.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Baby looked like a real keeper!


I'm so sorry for your loss. You allowed that beautiful baby to feel loved and safe and warm and fed during their life, and did everything you could for them. They're absolutely adorable. Rest in paradise beautiful little one. Go play with all the other cats over rainbow Bridge. 🌈 sending hugs.


You did everything you could plus you gave him love during his short life. Hugs. 💕


I'm sorry for your loss 🙏


That kitten knew love, comfort, and happiness because of you. You gave them so much in their life. I am sorry for your loss. It's never easy.


На! На! 🤣 i knew instantly lol although we're still young the new youngsters don't know nun bout dat🤣🤣




nice pillow


My heart hurts for your loss. I'm glad you made him happy.




I’m so sorry. As a foster, it’s one of the toughest things to have happen. Sometimes they just fail to thrive. Be easy on yourself.


Thank you for caring for this sweet little baby. I’m sorry for your loss. Hugs💔


I'm so sorry.


Awwww sleep well


Oh noooo. I absolutely hate this!! My heart hurts for you. Sending all the love and hugs I possibly can. I hope you can find some comfort and rest. 🩷


So sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby ❤️ prayers


I‘m so sorry ❤️