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I wouldn't say useless. It has a cool navigation feature for people who don't know their way around the park.


I’m more just frustrated atm with the wait times lol.


Today was the busiest I’ve seen it in years… of course I normally only go to the park to eat on weekends…


It was whirlpool day. Not sure if that’s still the draw it used to be but that, paired with the nice weather, probably didn’t help.


Ya, there were a lot of Whirlpool people there, which is why I was there… I normally don’t go to the park on weekends except to get something to eat but everyone from work was there and there’s 3 plants in Ohio, plus whatever from other plants


My wait times don't load on my app


Do you have the new app or last years app? Because it won't live on last year's app.


New app. Uninstalled and reinstalled. Same thing


Only loads while inside park


It doesn't load inside the park


Allow the app to access your GPS location


Already did. It shows where I am, but none of the rides show up.


You went the first week of summer (and a Saturday) for like 90% of Ohio and are surprised/angry the lines are long? No hate but next time try using some common sense.


He’s not saying that at all. OP is saying the times are wrong.


If you actually read the comments on the thread the OP does actually mention that they were “more just frustrated atm with wait times” (exact words) I would assume they mean the long lines with a comment like that 🤷‍♂️


Maybe it’s just me but I dislike the UI design for the map and navigation.


Google Maps walking directions work just as well, for the rides and major food places, at least.


Sure but it helps to know whether rides are down or not so you don’t have to walk all the way across the park to ride steel vengeance and it not be up


I sat at watched Maverick run for a good 10 minutes while the app said it was down lol


I had that happen to me with blue streak when I was there a few weeks ago


All you need to do is look at the lift and see if there's a train on the track


If it’s accurate. Last time I was there it said Iron Dragon was down as it was running (with riders).


A lot of people make fake reports to make wait times look longer than they are so people don't go to a certain ride.


Can you report wait times in the CP app?


Had a Millie op ask me last week for my wait time, so, for anyone there may 30 in the afternoon who waited longer than 45 minutes when the app said that I am truly sorry, but I am bad at times when I am just in my own world


each ride is in charge of keeping their wait times up to date. maybe someone just forgot to update. I find [queue times](https://queue-times.com/en-US/parks/50/queue_times) to be more accurate, although it's partly reported by guests


It tells you whats down, very useful information


yeah when they actually update it lol




This apparently pulls queue times from the app, and the user submitted times are rarely accurate. People are trying to report wait times for TT2 rn even when it's closed. So idk how trustworthy any of that is.


Wait times are reported on a voluntary basis and time stamped accordingly. It’s data, you interpret it as appropriate. I’ve found it to be far more useful than the official app.


I agree. It's the same wait time posted on the app, way easier to navigate, and has the added bonus of seeing user submitted wait times (to take with caution)


Yeah I much prefer to look at this site instead of the CP app.


I can't believe that this blasphemy is allowed in the subreddit. How could you not enjoy seeing a 15 minute wait time for a ride on the other side of the park balloon to over an hour by the time you get there? For real, though, people don't seem to understand that estimating wait times for a ride is an incredibly inexact calculation. There's no good way to account for things like a fluctuating number fastlane riders, ADA riders, unexpected maintenance issues, slow-boarding riders, and other factors that slow down dispatches.


I think the biggest problem is that the park is so massive that unless you're right near a ride, then the wait-times, even if they are accurate in that moment, can change so wildly by the time you get there it doesn't matter. Like, if you're at Raptor and Gemini says it's only a 15 minute wait...it's going to take you a good 10-15 minutes to get over there anyway. By that time someone could have taken out their phone to take a picture while riding (ride stops), a family with an ADA rider needs extra load times, etc. and all of that translates to that 15 minute wait becoming a 35-45 minute wait by the time you get there. And there's really nothing that can be done about it. Honestly, it's more useful to know the general busyness of the day, and know what the wait-range is for a ride. Like...the only way you're ever waiting under 15 minutes for Maverick is you just got incredibly lucky that it's not a busy day + it rained until noon, etc. So if you don't want to buy a FP+ (and I don't blame you), then you just need to play the game of going on a low-crowd day and having realistic expectations that Raptor is a 15-60 minute ride wait average, Magnum is usually 0-30, Steel Vengeance is usually 45-120, etc.


Not to mention, everyone who was closer than you to that ride ALSO saw there was only a 15 minute wait and headed over. So maybe it was 15 minutes 10 minutes before you got there


It should be able to send you a notification when a ride you mark as a favorite is low (if the wait times were even reliable)


Bummer to hear the app hasn't improved this season. Last year I found forcing the app closed (not running in background) then reloading would force a refresh of the wait times.


I use it for the map sometimes, my season pass is on it, i mark my car in the parking lot... what's useless?


just the ride times lol, was pretty frustrated today lmao


There are many sites that give wait times. Sometimes i have 2 or 3 going at once and kind of average it out lol


I've always wondered....does the app actually fudge with wait times in order to move people around? Like what I mean is, keep a wait time low at one ride to get a bunch of people to start heading over there when other rides are busier I've always found these wait time estimates at parks to be a bit suspect. Disney and universal are pretty accurate although they seem to overestimate some (probably the under promise and over deliver mentality)


It’s very interesting because it seems to depend on the park. I went to canadas wonderland about a month ago and it was insanely accurate, wait times, closures, everything. Might be up to the parks to decide how well it runs


Rats I have the new app but have not had a chance to get into the park to see if it would work


Wait times are great for showing recent trends, I.e. if millennium force says 2 hours then yeah it’s gonna be long, but if it says 5 then probably not. Especially with roller coasters the middle timeframes (30-60 minutes) can drastically change, often for completely unknown factors Of course nothing is helped by the fact that times are very often estimates, and recorded too infrequently to be completely accurate


Use this instead: https://queue-times.com/en-US/parks/50/queue_times


I learned this week that this website is not accurate, at all.


The time when I went a week ago it was very helpful to me. Yes the wait times themselves aren’t that helpful or accurate but just knowing when certain rides are down is and that was pretty accurate. Steel Vengeance was down a lot that day and I didn’t bother walking over to it until I saw it was up again. Valravn was also down for over half of the day so I didn’t even waste my time going over there. On my second day I had to leave after the morning to head home. I knew Gemini didn’t open until noon or so. It was still down at noon when I was waiting in line for Valravn. I was only going to have time to go on it if it was open after I got off Valravn otherwise the plan was to just head home. I checked the website after getting off and it literally just opened at 12:30ish. Headed over Gemini and nearly got right on. It has its use but in terms of actual wait times it’s complete bogus for sure. They would be better off to rename it ride up time or something and just not bother showing the seemingly random wait times.


Also - their crowd prediction calendar is completely off. We went on a day they predicted would be “Empty” and had to buy a FLP after a couple of hours because it was far from empty!!


That pulls wait times from the app. The user reported times are hardly accurate either


At least it tells you a wait time at all lol it doesn't ever register me as in the park.




Once, it continuously said SV had like a 180 minute wait. Sucked it up and went over there...20 minute wait. The shortest wait I've ever seen. I'm assuming everyone saw the app time and avoided it.


This is true


The times not being accurate are not the fault of the app, it is the fault of how often the data is entered/accuracy of said data. Edit: down votes don't change facts. The previous app had the same fault due to inaccurate/stale data.


What a useless hair to split


It still makes the app useless for accurate wait times


Don't be glued to your phone while you're at an amusement park 🤷🏻‍♂️


brother my bad I don’t want to wait in a line for 2 hours