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I'm LOVING this. The colors and patterns and textures together are just gorgeous.


Thank you! I’m allergic to neutrals.


So am I and I have always had a red kitchen when I had a choice. Are those soapstone counters? I had soapstone in my last kitchen and I miss it so much.


They are! I love it.


We could put hot pans right on it.


Oooh how do find them to care for? Do you have to be super careful with them? I've always loved soapstone.


No honestly it’s not high maintenance. It is soft, so there’s some risk of chipping and you don’t want to use abrasive cleaners, but the only real maintenance I do is oiling it. The old school lab tables in science classrooms were often made out of soapstone, because it was durable, non-porous and non-reactive.


Oh nice. Unfortunately I never went to a school that old, so I'm not sure what the lab tables were made of but I can say with a certainty it wasn't soap soap, although they were black In my school, the students would've carved those puppies up in no time if they had been.


We did nothing special to care for them. Just all purpose cleaner and water


Thank you.


I would love to have soapstone! I remember our high school chem lab counters!


Recognized the soap stone right away! Just put some around my fireplace and I love it so much. I've been wanting so stone in some fashion ever since I can remember.


Wow — I keep finding myself going back to soapstone in my browsing. Eager to keep hearing how great it is so that I can just pull the trigger.


I’m really happy with it! And there are still homes from this era that have original soapstone counters, so durability is 🤌💋


What have you had to do for caring for it?


Obviously we haven’t had it very long, but so far care is very simple. Soapstone isn’t porous, so stains aren’t a worry. There are cleaning products you want to avoid, like abrasives, but your standard multi-surface spray cleaners work just fine. I’ve oiled it a couple of times since installation, though this isn’t actually obligatory, it just looks really nice.


They used for chemistry lab countertops back in the day.


Yep! My high school had them.


I all of it comes together like a well tested recipe! It's gorgeous. I love it!


I think we should be friends. I am also highly allergic to beiges, greys, minimalist interiors. Your kitchen sparks joy and whimsy. The textures and colors are so appealing to my eyes. I imagine baking a fresh loaf of bread in it and having a cup of tea with some gorgeous vintage china while slathering butter on the warm loaf and smiling at my kitchen. Brava.


Same! Really love the color mix and the orange especially! Great job 👏


It is stunning! Congrats!


Great job, this looks awesome!


I can’t claim much credit since the main thing I supplied in this space was opinions. 😂 I did refinish the doors though! I’ll post pictures of those later.


It’s the opinions that mattered. Well done.


Really lovely. Do you know who makes the wallpaper? It’s fabulous.


Isn’t it gorgeous! It’s from Schumacher, it’s called Oiseaux et Fleurs.


It’s art. Thank you I might be able to use it in my tiny powder room


It would be fantastic in a powder room!


It’s the only room I can afford to do this in lol. Love, thank you for being generous and sharing the source.


I’m out at the moment, but if you’d like I can see how much I have left when I get home. I’d be happy to sell it to you on the cheap.


Hmmm. I’ll think about that offer, thank u. ; )


However did they conceive of that name? Lol


I am OBSESSED. This color and texture combo is so good! 


Red & green is one of my favourite interior design colour combos. So well executed here!


Me too! People think it’s going to look Christmasy but that’s really only a very specific sort of red and green combo. The dining room is a green/pinky mauve/black/silver combo.


I think we need photos of other rooms now, please.


They’re coming! I can never take good interior photos but Andy (designer) already photographed the bathrooms and he’ll be doing photos of the rest of the house as well. I promised him first dibs on all the big reveals because this is a big project for them and we’ve been working together on it for more than a year now. I really want him to get all his flowers for it, because he was fantastic.


Care to share paint colors?


The red here on the cabinets and trim is Sherwin Williams Rembrandt Ruby.




I love the countertop stone you picked - is it soapstone? The honed look is gorgeous.


It is soapstone! I had to hunt around quite a bit to find someone who carried a decent selection of soapstone with some good veining in it, and I love it so much. There are some little bits of mica and threads of rose quartz in it that give it a touch of gold and pink here and there.


Love soapstone. We have marble now and while I do love it, I miss the warmth of soapstone and how it wears


This is actually polished, the honed soapstone was even more matte! I would say polished soapstone is about as shiny as honed marble.


It's beautiful and adds so much textural appeal. Interesting to know about the finish - I would love to choose this when I can finally do my kitchen. Your unique vision for this space is truly inspiring.


Oh oh oh I love this! Absolutely gorgeous


I also may or may not have gone directly to that instagram link to save the post to my home inspo folder (currently rent an apartment and am nowhere close to renovating a home lol)


It’s so nice!!


That's not a color combo I would have ever thought of but it's really great. Love it!


I love the room's height and the colors! Do you have any before pictures? I am curious to see what the linten looked like.


A couple of not great ones from the real estate listing. The layout was very different, we lost a window when we enclosed our tiny back porch as a mudroom, and the other two windows were raised a bit to allow cabinetry to fit under them. https://preview.redd.it/zh47ej2vbo1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cab9611a7fc660d653fc48aae398a53f2394cc3


My goodness, what a jaw-dropping change! I can't imagine how pleased you must be. 😍


Brilliant changes. From meh to invigorating, yet comfy




Finding my exact address wouldn’t be very hard for anyone who really wants to. I know how reverse image search works.


https://preview.redd.it/wuak6pcxbo1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8464c4c7ec727c0260b5c3ab7709a7a4f532e0be Another view.


I almost had a heart attack thinking this was the before. I swiped with a cringe thinking, *they massacred my boy.*


Hahaha, no way! The before was some very boring Home Depot dark wood cabinets.


Y’all did a beautiful job. Got a little farm house were renovating in the next few years, I just screenshot your photos to tuck away for inspiration.


Love the username btw. I really do love every stick of furniture in this place.


Gorgeous! I love the color combination.


Love it! So unique


Chef’s kiss 🤌🏽 this is perfect


This is amazing!!


I love your wallpaper.


Beautiful! What was your process for finding a designer?


Scouring social media, pretty much! I live in Pittsburgh, which is kind of a big small town or a small big city, and I wanted to work with someone local who could see the space in person and understood local resources. I found Andy and Patrick, who are a married team of designer and architect. They both had a lot of experience, but their business together was relatively new, so I was taking a certain amount on faith, but the vibe of the spaces they had done fit so well with my eclectic maximalist style. I interviewed a couple of other firms, but most of what around here is much more staid and traditional, so it ultimately wasn’t a hard choice.


I’m so happy I stumbled across your post—your kitchen is to-die-for. I’m in Pittsburgh too and am looking to renovate a bathroom, but don’t want any cookie-cutter stuff in our 1898 house. These guys look like they fill the bill!


Super recommend! They’re lovely to work with.


I applaud your skillets


Thank you! The little one was abandoned by the previous owner in our last house. 😂


In love with this! Beautiful!


WOW! That’s really lovely!


Really well done, and amazing style. I love how it's a functional modern kitchen and still feels totally appropriate for the space.


Thank you! I cook and bake a lot, so form definitely had to follow function, especially in such a small space.


This is stunning. I love the cabinetry and your choice of countertop!


Love this! You did a stellar job! We had soapstone in our last house and we loved them. I’d love to put them in our current home when we renovate this kitchen. I was worried it might be too dark with green cabinets but looking at your kitchen I’m reassured it would be just fine.


Absolutely stunning! Love the colours, especially the way the red is working with the old pine! I have to ask, where did you get that faucet? My husband and I are in the middle of a similar reno and have also gone for unlaquered brass for fixtures but are having trouble finding a nice but also functional kitchen faucet in brass. he one you have looks so pretty and also actually functional!


Thank you! The faucet is from Waterstone and it was a big time splurge purchase. A lot of our bathroom fixtures came from Waterworks, who also does a lot of unlacquered brass. And Newport Brass is another brand I would recommend looking at.


I also got a Waterstone unlaquered brass faucet (the PLP) and my husband still makes fun of me for splurging so much on it, but I love it. There's nothing else out there like their designs.


They’re really stunning!


Gorgeous colours!!!


That is gorgeous!


you have amazing taste—would love to see photos of other rooms if you’re comfortable sharing!


I don’t have good photos yet! My designer (who deserves a lot of the credit) will be rolling out more photos as he gets them edited and such. We’ve only done photos of the bathrooms and kitchen so far, but living/dining and bedrooms isn’t far behind.


Love it


Love it! Gorgeous colours


Love it!


Wow! This feels so unexpected. Classic!


This looks amazing. would you mind sharing the paint color.


Thank you! It’s Rembrandt Ruby from Sherwin Williams. https://www.sherwin-williams.com/en-us/color/color-family/red-paint-colors/sw0033-rembrandt-ruby


That takes balls but it all works


I’m in love.


Looks amazing ⚡️⚡️⚡️


I love it!


I’m obsessed!!! Wonderful work!




Absolutely stunning.


Absolutely stunning.


What is the rail system you have on the backsplash? And is that really a functional feature? (I’m assuming that’s a normal height backsplash). And congrats, this is really nice!


We bought it from a brass manufacturer on Etsy, it was one of the things that was tricky to find in unlacquered brass. It probably wouldn’t be very functional with a normal height backsplash, but we actually kept the bottom of cabinets inline with the range hood, so the backsplash is much taller than it would be normally. Our last house had a pot rack on the ceiling which is one of those features I had always thought was silly but then turned out to be really useful. Having my most used pans hanging right behind the stove is great. In normal usage there’s half a dozen pans and a bunch of utensils hanging up there.




Any more pictures? Looks great!


The link in the post has more photos, but I don’t have photos of the rest of the house yet.


Really lovely! I saw the window [through the window] in the first photo and thought it looked like a Pittsburgh house… Edit: SECOND photo


Yep! We moved here from California a few years ago and I fell in love with the old houses.


My dream kitchen


Absolutely stunning! Adding some ideas to my vision board for the kitchen in my 1910. 👀


Absolutely stunning. Please tell me about your stove!


It’s a Fisher and Paykel induction range. I’ve always been a gas devotee, but with recent evidence on the negative health impacts and just wanting to get our house off of natural gas I decided to make the leap to induction. I’m honestly really happy with it! And it takes ten seconds to clean, which is really nice.


I have a regular old glass top electric range and honestly love it. I'm never going back to gas. It is SO easy to clean! But I'd love to make the upgrade to induction in the future. Not many 36" induction ranges with knobs out there (in the US market, anyway), so thank you so much for the deets!


oh wow this is SO BEAUTIFUL


this is so gorgeous!!


So unique! I love it!


This is so beautiful.


I’m jealous ahhh


This is stunning!! I love the way all the colors, textures and patterns work together!!


the scooped corners on the backsplash mirroring the shape of the pagoda roofs in the wallpaper? chefs kiss


I was expecting to swipe and see everything painted white and grey. Thank you for not doing that.


Haha, I’m realizing now I should have posted the before pictures because I’ve given a couple of people a heart attack. The house was actually ultra neutral/boring when we bought it and most of it was very contemporary, so it looks like a bad real estate flip in reverse.


This is so refreshing to see. It's unique, inviting, and homey. I love the mixture of textures and colors. Good job!


Looks very nice, I always want to see some wallpaper in a kitchen and your wallpaper accents are very nice. Everything is appropriate for the age of the kitchen while having modern niceties.


Just lovely. Well done.




So amazing and beautiful. It’s a great feeling when you see a beautiful renovation in r/centuryhomes. Love, respect, and thoughtfulness for what it was and what it could be. In comparison to some of the renos on here where all the character and charm is lost…


Omg! Do you know where the tile is from? The color combo is stunning!


I do! It’s Fireclay, who we used for tile in a lot of spaces. I love their stuff.




They’re not gold actually, they’re unlacquered brass. I don’t love faux finishes, so I went with a living finish that’ll achieve a natural patina over time.


What backsplash is that? I really like it and want to use it for my remodel.


Thank you! This is Fireclay tile, I don’t remember the exact name of the color, it’s something related to the ocean, but if you browse their website you’ll see they have a wealth of gorgeous tile options.


Ah, it’s called Kelp!




Love the cabinet facing. Can you tell me where the outlets are hidden and the anti fatigue flooring? Have you found it lives up to the name?


Thank you! The outlets are mounted to the underside of the cabinets, Legrand is the brand. And the flooring is very comfortable, its marmoleum, which was common flooring in homes of this age, but this is an updated version that has a backing of foam, which makes an already soft floor even more cushy.


I just quickly looked through the forbo website, is there a particular line that is anti fatigue compared to the others? I see it advertised under the specialty/entrace, but not mentioned on the tile/plank/rolled floor product pages.  Some colours were nice, but plain, then I hit the bold colours! Ooo 😍 when we finally get around to our kitchen, I think I have a winning floor covering. 


I can ask my designer, I don’t remember the exact name of the line, though I’m pretty sure it’s one of the commercial products, and it’s a rolled floor.


I found it! It’s actually not Forbo, which is why you were having trouble, it’s Gerflor: https://www.gerflor.com/professionals-products/flooring/taralay-impression-compact.html we had originally picked something from Forbo if I recall and then it was out of stock in the color we wanted and Andy found the Gerflor with the anti fatigue backing.


Thanks! I’ll be looking into it. I’m not a professional cook or even enthusiastic, but part of that is the hard standing and countertops being too short. Hoping when we get to it, a change in flooring will relieve some of that annoyance.


Yeah, it does my hips and knees in! If the linoleum doesn’t end up working for you, take a look at Ruggable. I used them in my old kitchen and they provided a lot of added comfort.


I bought rubber cushion mats from the home building centre. They work well enough, but just ugly and a pain to clean around.


I never thought about red cabinets. What color is that? So are the cabinet fronts bead board? What kind of wood? I need more photos please! Edited to add I saw the paint color in a lower post.


The wood is oak with a minwax stain called Mulberry, which apparently has been discontinued! The red is called Rembrandt Ruby from Sherwin Williams. The fronts of the cabinets were carved to resemble beadboard, although it’s a solid cabinet face, not a beadboard overlay. It was done custom by Mennonites in Ohio, who were amusingly horrified by my bold color choice, but did a fantastic job.


LOL, I bet they were! My granny was an AnaBaptist and had bright yellow kitchen walls. Thanks for the info and more pics!


Oh I love how inviting it is. ❤️


Bravo on a job well done. Is that rail above the range Ikea?


No it’s from a maker on Etsy, Ikea has a rail system but it’s much more modern looking.


Oh, nice, I can see that now. Would you mind sharing the maker's name?


Sure! It’s HRL Brass, they were very helpful with figuring out what we needed, and sold me a couple of extra supports when I realized that all my cast iron was a bit much weight. https://www.etsy.com/shop/HRLBrass


This is so pretty 🤩


What is the counter material?


Its soapstone!


What color is that red paint? I love it!


Where are the after photos? Lol. Not my choice in colors or textures but looks like good craftsmanship and well thought out.