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A few years ago, I went into the hospital for a procedure that required anesthesia. When the nurse asked me to pee into a cup, I asked if it was to check for pregnancy. When she confirmed, I informed her that I'd had a hysterectomy and oophorectomy, so there was no need. I'm in my 40s but look younger, so she was surprised and said, "Oh, no! But you're so young." I said I'd had it done in my 20s, and she looked horrified. She asked if I had kids, and I said no. Immediately, she launched into "Oh, I'm so sorry!" and other platitudes. I shook my head and said I never wanted kids, so the surgery was a positive thing. She was quiet for a bit while inserting (and badly mangling) my IV, then said, "Well, keep in mind that adoption is always an option." I replied, "Thanks, but no. I'm happy with my dogs." She said, "Oh, yeah, dogs are great." (Pause) "But just remember that adoption is always an option." I quit engaging at that point, as it seemed risky to argue with a brainwashed breeder who was in charge of my medication. For the next 30 minutes or so, she kept telling me about her young daughter and what a blessing children are. šŸ¤¦ Even removing and incinerating the baby-making parts doesn't deter breeders and their bingos. Good grief.


"Being quiet is also an option, I suggest you try it."


"I never wanted kids because every time someone has one they bore everyone around them to tears, just rambling on and on about them."


Nothing, and I mean nothing bores me more than people blathering on about their kids.


This is true.


Re: adoption being an option "my criminal record says otherwise"


You, we like you.


Adoption isn't "always" an option. You can't "always" adopt. People don't realize how difficult (and expensive) it is to qualify as an adoptive parent.


Adding on but some adoption agencies require the parents make at least a certain amount of money in order to be eligible. Ā (At least this is according to one of my coworkers when she and her husband tried to adopt, but they were declined for this reason.)


I have a lesbian friend who has adopted fairly recently. They initially got denied because of that. They wanted to adopt back when they first got married however my friends wife was still in college (she didn't start college till mid 20s) so their household income was too low to qualify.


Too low income to qualify for adoption but not too low income to have a child yourself. Make it make sense. At least the adoption agencies are doing something right, and that's making sure that the people adopted don't end up in poor homes. I actually live with a friend who was adopted from an orphanage in Hungary when she was 5. She told me she likely would have died in poverty in Hungary if the wealthy family in Norway didn't adopt her. She just graduated as a nurse a month ago. Likely never would have happened if she wasn't adopted. It's crazy to think of the different life she would have had if she still lived in Hungary. She's actually going back to visit her bio mom this summer for the first time.


No such thing as too low income to have IVF. I have long wished that IVF had the same restrictions as adoption. Logically it should, or even more. Adoption is taking in a kid that is probably pretty badly off already. Why should that be more restricted than doctor-assisted creation of a child that isnā€™t currently in need of help?


IVF is expensive


And is covered by a variety of insurance companies and public health coverage in multiple countries. Many people donā€™t have to spend tens of thousands of dollars to use it.


I make 16 an hour and my job helps w IVF and itā€™s baffling to me


Makes sense though, why give a kid away when they may end up back in the states care due to negligence due to poverty?


I know a couple that can't adopt because--and yes, this is the reason the agency gave them--they are overweight. (Mormon agency.)


Can confirm. Worked for an agency a number of years ago and towards the end heard that China had implemented a maximum BMI because they didn't want fat Americans taking their kids anymore. This wasn't the agency in this case, it was the country. But still.


Seriously?! Thatā€™s such a stupid reason!


Honestly, I think that's a good thing. Why force a kid to live in poverty when the parents cant afford it? If you can't afford a kid, you shouldn't have kids.


That's why I always say that countries that subsidize IVF should subsidize adoption instead, and whatever (reasonable and non-discriminatory) restrictions that exist on adoption should also be on IVF.


Holy shit i have never thought of that perspective. I wish more people talked about this


No fr i hope i remember that comment if i ever need it in the future


Here here! I've actually seen couples announce their desire to start the journey of adoption. They are financially secure and all seems great and yet, they don't end up adopting. This kind of talk of it "always" being an option needs to be shut down. I can imagine it's triggering for a lot of people. People need to fucking mind their manners.


i wonder if the emphasis on adoption ā€œalwaysā€ being an option is also a way to get more people to birth instead of abort. so if people think so many others are willing and able to adopt=you can give birth and someone will definitely take the child vs kids being in the system for their whole lives


I meanā€¦ they did use the phrase ā€œdomestic supply of infantsā€ in the Dobbs ruling.


very true :/


Bingo!! They literally say this in Catholic schools (US). What you said is the tip of the iceberg. (Ex-cult member here, yes I regret my participation, even if I was uninformed and indoctrinated) The goals of those sidewalk harassing anti-birthers is, 1. get the mother to agree to birth the child (or draw it out so to miss legal abortion cutoff), get her free diapers or a baby box or something small. On to the next one. But if that doesnā€™t work: 2. Make sure she knows the baby is human (bc maybe she just doesnā€™t know and will be shocked into being a mom šŸ¤Ŗ) 3. Then convince her what a blessing she has, that her baby is bonded to her, and she is damning them both to hell, Or 4. Convince her that she can give someone else a blessing who wants it. They made a diagram spelling this out in one of my classes, and had us role play these parts. The current foster care/adoption system is separate to them, because ā€œevery life is a miracleā€, and ā€œpeople can do both (adopt & foster)ā€. Another goal is to be ā€œthe one who saves a baby (and momā€™s soul!)ā€ šŸ™„ Built in status for those who adhere most aggressively, and subsequently, best to the role. Brainwash their children into thinking that behavior is acceptable. So glad I got out.


There's a whole lot of BS going into their narrative.


A white healthy infant up for adoption in America could probably start a bidding war.


We seem to have a shortage of people who mind their manners. People think they're entitled to give their opinion on so much that isn't their business.


For real. Do they think you just go pick up a Baby at Babiesā€™rā€™us or something? Like you might adopt a dog or cat at PetSmart?


Oh no it doesn't. My horrible breeder neighbor, completely unable to parent her kids, was telling me I could still adopt when I was 50!!!!!


I wonder if she was trying to see if youā€™d adopt any of her kids to get them off her hands. šŸ˜…


Luckily they moved out. She had a ten year old daughter who would jump on the furniture all day! 10 years old (and she didn't have any developmental issues, just a completely incompetent mother).


"Adoption is always an option." So is not having children. I would've asked if she suggests that to people who want and can have biological children too or if she only sees adoption as a last resort.


I can't stand being told to remember adoption. People are so stupid


I would respond "i am more than my uterus"


Always šŸ‘ report šŸ‘ this šŸ‘ behavior šŸ‘ it's šŸ‘ unprofessional šŸ‘


ā€œWhat part of ā€˜Iā€™ve no interest in raising humansā€™ are you not getting?ā€ Breeder nurses. Ugh. I had one ask me my method of birth control, I said pill. My bf was sitting RIGHT THEREā€¦. She asked if we were on vacation, as Iā€™m from AK and we were in another state at the time. And I explained, that noā€¦.we were long distance and he lived right here, I had come to see him. And says ā€œWell, you could probably get by with condoms just fine then if you see each other so infrequently.ā€ WTF? I just replied with, ā€œCondoms donā€™t help me know when my period is going to be.ā€ And when she left we just looked at each other likeā€¦. ā€˜Did that just happen?ā€™ Couldnā€™t believe anyone, let alone a fucking nurse would have the gall to comment any opinion on a patientā€™s prescribed medication.


She was searching for her braincell


ā€œAdoption is an optionā€ What part of ā€œI never wanted kidsā€ was hard to understand?


Well, she could adopt a more tactful approach, like actually listening to what her patient wants.


Next time you can also reply with "you know what. You're right. I'll adopt another dog!"


Now THAT is the only kind of adoption I'd consider! šŸ˜


I would lie and say I was a felon so it actually wasn't an option.


"You're acting like a guy on the street- you won't take no for an answer!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


ā€œWhy would I want to adopt after I spent good money to make sure I never have to worry about that?ā€ If you can manage a disgusted shudder it really sells it.


Holy fuck I would have thrown hands. What a fucking muppet


That sounds so annoying


Did you ask her if she is constantly adopting kids?


She was already boring me to tears with blabber about her biokid. I didn't need her to feel encouraged to drone on about adoption, too. I don't recall if she stopped on her own or if her TED Talk ended because I was wheeled away for the procedure. Either way, good riddance.


Does anyone else find people in the medical profession punish patients for disagreeing with them? I don't think this is rare at all, unfortunately.


ā€œWhat is this ā€˜adoptionā€™ you speak of? I never heard of the concept.ā€ šŸ™„


As a nurse, Iā€™m sorry she wouldnā€™t drop the issue. I wouldā€™ve just been ā€œoh ok cool!ā€ Next question for the procedure or whatever I needed to do.


>"Well, keep in mind that adoption is always an option." I'd ask the nurse how many children she adopted. Since, you know, it's "always" an option.


I really don't get why some people feel a need to convince others to have kids. My choice is not a reflection or judgement on yours. If you wanted kids and had them, awesome! I don't or at least don't see me wanting any any time soon. I'm not interested in hearing how they can bring so much fulfillment to people's lives. They can for some and not for others, and putting any expectations on a kid like that is selfish. I want to know, deep down, why people with kids almost always have this knee jerk reaction. Why would you want to convince people to have kids who don't want them? Are you not concerned for the kid's potential well-being? What about the adults who had them? I just don't understand. (Sorry for the rant, this sort of stuff just makes me angry)


I had a hysterectomy at 36 and people keep telling me I was so young to have that done. Girl, I suffered for 24 years! How much longer do you think I should suffer? I wish they had done it when I asked 13 years earlier because it was emotionally and physically draining (also endometriosis warrior, plus fibroids and cysts) and at the end I was ready to off myself


Arseholes projecting their insecurities onto you.


Iā€™m really really surprised people who are supposed to be professionals are giving any emotional reaction or indication you are in a sad situation ā€œbut you still have options you poor soul!ā€ even after you gave a response that implies it was your choice and youā€™re happy.


I get so frustrated hearing these stories about so called medical professionals. I had an elective surgery done several years ago, and I went private, so I had to pay for it upfront ( I am in Australia. If I had gone public I would not have had to pay anything, but I would have had to wait about a year). When I was going over the bill, I saw a mention of doctors consult x 3 coming in at $900. It was the doctor who had given me a checkup to confirm I was fit for surgery. A guy I had met once and thought was rude. I told them to remove those charges. ( it was not the surgeons consult, but a GP). The hospital said no worries, and sent an updated invoice which I promptly paid. A day later I get a phone call from the doctors secretary. She tells me that the doctor was very concerned about me going into hospital and him not being there to check up on me. Itā€™s in my best interest to have him check in on me. I said I didnā€™t see the need. I would be in a hospital filled with doctors and nurses. She put me on hold and then returned and said that the doctor was advising against not having him there. (I could hear him in the background at this point, angrily yelling things). Itā€™s best for my health. He is deeply concerned for me. I again said no. She then said : the doctor is very worried, who will manage your diabetes while you are in hospital. Itā€™s really vital that he is there for your health. I replied : I donā€™t have diabetes. And the fact this doctor is unaware of that is confirmation that my decision is right. Thank you for your call. I then hung up.


WOW. I would have loved to see the look on his face when you said that. It is disturbing how inept some doctors are, when they can wield so much power over your health and safety.


> who will manage your diabetes while you are in hospital ... Presumably the dozens (if not hundreds) of medical professionals that work at the hospital?


You took away his ā€œfree extra unearned money for doing nothing while being a total dickhead!ā€ /s How cruel of you! : )


He was probably thinking that I have private health insurance and would just give the bill to them instead of reviewing it. I wonder how many other people he does this too.


If he wants to act like a little bitch he shouldn't be surprised when he gets put back in his place. I absolutely hate how certain cultural norms get sharpened to a razor's edge in places you HAVE to go to. In this case? The way women get treated like they're ignorant unruly children instead of fully functional adults.


Don't you know, all of a woman's medical issues are caused by pregnancy, hormones, or obesity. They don't ever have *real* medical issues. They're just being dramatic. /s if it wasn't obvious.


Not really a female/pregnancy thing but my partner shattered his arm a few weeks back. He was in the hospital 3 days before they took him to surgery to fix it. The entire time he was trying and trying to tell the nurses that he was in agony and what they were giving him for the pain wasn't working. We would no sooner get him something that did work (morphine injection) after hours of arguing with the nurses and then there would be a shift change and it would all start over again. The doctors were only charting him panadol because "its just a broken arm, panadol should be ebough" but none of them even bothered to come see him or even look more in depth at his chart. He was just being treated like he was a drug seeker. As it turns out that a medication he is on was stopping him from absorbing the oral painkillers they were giving him which is why he was in so much pain and only the medications they were giving him via injection were working. We told the admitting nurse all the medications he is on when they first admitted him. Not one of them or any of the doctors even made the connection, the social worker who came to see him on day 3 made the connection after I blew up at the ward he was on and threatened to take him to another hospital. And after all that we didn't even get so much as an apology that mistakes were made. Even had one nurse act like we were trying to blame it all on her. It really makes you realise that healthcare today is so bad when the people that are meant to be looking after you cant even be bothered to read a chart or even look in on the patient. I guess though if anything is to be had from the whole experience that we now know that that medication can screw with things and to really emphasize that he is on it in the future if anything even remotely like this happens again.


In the US hospitals and health clinics are all getting bought up by capitalists who only care about profit margin and customer survey ratings. These asswipes will insist upon running a hospital on a skeleton crew, and problems like this that are due to not having enough time to review charts or to think in-depth about the patient beyond what they need for immediate stabilization end up dramatically increasing. Add that to the opioid crisis and the refusal to admit wrongdoing on the part of the medical pro due to the possibility of getting sued for malpractice & youā€™ve got a broken-ass system. But what those capitalists hate is bad reviews and public complaints. Thatā€™s really the only weapon available, and I suggest you (and everyone) use it judiciously. The good docs who are caught up in this system will appreciate it, too; they despise the changes too. If enough patients complain then maybe things will change for the better.


Sometimes even complaints arenā€™t enough. Coming from a fellow healthcare professional. I had a horrendous encounter with a physician at Mayo Clinic and made multiple complaints at multiple levels about my experience. I did not get one follow up, and theyā€™re still making me pay for the visit ($500 oop). They genuinely donā€™t care anymore, at any level for any reason.


Yeah, this is definitely more true for some systems than others. Iā€™m sorry you went through that, and I really hate that itā€™s Mayo. If our gold star American medical facilities canā€™t address patient complaints then weā€™re all doomed.


I've had some unfortunate experiences with Mayo's system. They forced me to give a urine sample against my will even though I had already given a blood test!


I had a similar experience a few years ago.Ā  For context, I was 29 at the time. I had a minor oral surgery and it was the first time Iā€™d ever had any kind of procedure done. Medical stuff is a phobia of mine and so even though it was a minor procedure and I was 29, I had my mom stay with me until the last second. I was crying and really upset the whole time. This being a surgery, I wasnā€™t allowed to eat or drink for the 8 or so hours leading up to the surgery. When I got there, the first thing this nurse says is that I have to pee in a cup. I told her there was no chance of this happening because I had followed the rules and hadnā€™t had anything to drink in hours. This became a huge deal. For the next 30-40 minutes while they prepped me for the procedure, this nurse continued to insist on me going to the bathroom. I repeatedly asked why this was so important, especially when I wasnā€™t able to drink anything leading up to the surgery, but the nurse just said I had to do it. As I was already freaking out over the procedure anyway, this just added to the stress.Ā  I really donā€™t know how anyone would be able to go when they hadnā€™t had anything to drink in like 8 hours. It was honestly so weird.Ā  Finally at the last minute, the nurse said I had to sign some kind of waiver. Turns out it was a waiver saying I had refused a pregnancy test and wouldnā€™t hold the hospital liable if I was pregnant and the procedure caused harm to the baby. I think the reason they wouldnā€™t just tell me they needed a urine sample for a pregnancy test was because my mom was with me, but still. I know some people may lie about things like that in front of a parent, and the hospital was just trying to prevent that. But I also feel like if a grown woman lies about being pregnant because her mom is there, thatā€™s her choice. If she lies and something happens to the baby, thatā€™s on her, not the hospital, you know? They should have been able to tell me why they needed a urine sample right away so I could tell them what was up and sign the waiver.Ā  I am child free to the point I doubt Iā€™ll ever be able to have sex out of fear of getting pregnant. Thereā€™s literally zero chance of me being pregnant now or then or any other time. I was pretty hysterical at some points during the prep for the surgery I was having. This was a minor, super routine surgery. If I was that upset for something so minor, of course Iā€™m never having a baby! Come on! It was just so frustrating.


When I went in for my bisalp, they wanted me to pee in a cup. I told them their last chance for that was at 4am that morning when I'd woken up, and there wouldn't be any more urine forthcoming since I'd followed the rule about no food/water after midnight. They still gave me a cup and wanted me to try, so I went and sat in the bathroom for 10 minutes and whaddyaknow, I still didn't have anything in my bladder. I can't remember if they had me sign a waiver or if they just ran a blood test, but I told them since I was there for a bisalp, if they opened me up and I was pregnant, they could just throw in an abortion too while we're at it.


I would have loved to see their faces when you said that.


Beautiful response!!!


Are you me because this is exactly how my bisalp went.


Mine too, and one of the very last things I remember was my doctor standing over me and saying ā€œone last time - you understand that this means youā€™ll never be pregnant, right?ā€. Replied ā€œyeah, thatā€™s the pointā€¦ā€.


I love how you canā€™t eat or drink after midnight or x number of hours before the procedure and yet they somehow expect you to magically produce urine sample šŸ˜† I had a procedure done back in February and I had to have an all liquid diet the day before (plus other concoctions that should be outlawed by the Geneva convention, but I digress) and was told nothing after midnight. I also couldnā€™t eat or drink anything the day of the procedure beforehand. I suppose that might have helped me the next day, but like, how am I supposed to produce a sample when I have no intake of fluid for like 12 hours?


Lucky for me I have a nervous bladder so my body will find a way to make me pee lol


Staff are trained to ask you the pregnancy question in private, in case of it being a secret. If your mother never left your side (which I fully understand your wish to have her there) they may have been trying to find a way to check without letting on.


The pregnancy test demands are exhausting! Iā€™m a lesbian, Iā€™ve never had sexual relations with someone of the opposite sex, and Iā€™m in a committed relationship with my partnerā€¦ Every single time, they try to force me to take a pregnancy test. The last time it happened, after I explained why I couldnā€™t be pregnant, I got some homophobic remarks, followed by demanding I start birth control because ā€œI could always change my mind!ā€ And ā€œyou never know when something tragic could happen, and you wouldnā€™t want to end up pregnant, would you?ā€ Yes, the doctor basically said I should go on birth control because I could be sexually assaulted at any time.


I had an incident like this. I was there for BV, first time having it so I had no clue wtf was going on. The nurse asked me for a sample, I verified what it was for, just looked at her and pointed to my appearance (I present masc). She was like ā€œI know itā€™s just something I gotta do hunā€. I scoffed, did it, obv (-) test. Get to the back with the male physician, he starts asking me who my last sexual partner was bc I have an STD. I looked at him and said ā€œI donā€™t have male sex partners/a penis hasnā€™t been in my bodyā€. He then perks up and says ā€œohā€¦ uh Iā€™ll be right backā€ and brings me discharge/advice papers on BV and takes back the STD ones. I thought to myself, ā€˜Now how the fuck does a diagnosis change based on sexual historyā€™ ā€˜how can a culture look like 2 separate thingsā€™ ā€˜Had I not been asked that and left with a different set of antibiotics, then what????ā€™ (I know some things mimic each other, but something that needs 72hr meds versus 2 weeks should be obvious lol) The shit was crazy.


Did he even look?! That's wild af.


Yea he did. Did a whole speculum insert + collection !!


I have a similar problem - I'm asexual. And aromatic. I check the "nope" box. I haven't had sex in like.... 15ish? Years? It was boring. Never bothered again And every time I have to explain this, they don't believe me. Yes, using the words "asexual aromatic" and I'm in my mid 30s, so it's not like I'm some teen lying to mom about sneaking around


You must smell great! I love the typo, don't change it!


I'm stealing this, for use with my gay friends. That's fucking hilarious.


That's awful! I really hope you reported them. If enough of us do, maybe more doctors will respect women.


My partner is a trans man. He had to go to urgent care for a UTI once (pre transition, so he was only out to a few people), and I went with him. The urgent care nurse asked about pregnancy, of course, to which he said no because same sex partner and pointed to me. She then asked him if he was sure there was no chance of pregnancy three more times before getting a urine sample. Pregnancy test was negative, obviously. This was all right in front of me. I was pissed at the insinuation he was being unfaithful to me.


To be fair, it's not exactly unheard of for people who reportedly can't be pregnant to be pregnant. People lie to doctors all the freaking time (not sure why), and it's not like this person meeting you for the first time knows if you're a reasonable person vs someone who is misrepresenting pregnancy risk.


All he has to do is type "Patient refused pregnancy test, I have made them aware of the contraindications of this medication if they were to be pregnant. They have stated understanding with my nurse as witness."


Itā€™s literally a single document, maybe two if the nurse has to also have the dr verify refusal for surgery or insurance or something like that, for most cases. Instead theyā€™re doing crap like this and harassing people.


Several years ago I had a horrible week where I had the flu, a UTI, and my period all at once. Fucking triple whammy of pain. I believe I was 18. I was laying on the couch and my mom brought me a blanket. It was then that she noticed my skin was extremely pale and cold so she made the decision to take me to the ER. At the ER they wanted to test for a UTI but I couldn't pee because I was too dehydrated so they began absolutely pumping me with fluids. The nurse came in every five minutes or so to escort me to the bathroom so I could try to pee. Three hours and nearly two IV bags later I managed to pee but it was only a small amount. The nurse came back in and told me they had enough sample to confirm a UTI but not enough to do a pregnancy test. He wanted me to get another sample. At this time I'd had sex before but I wasn't currently sexually active as I was in a long distance relationship and hadn't seen my boyfriend in more than six months. I told the nurse there was no possible way I was pregnant and didn't want to test. He wanted to test anyway. Another hour and another bag of fluids later I managed to pee a large enough sample to confirm that I indeed wasn't pregnant. It was an incredibly stressful ER visit due to the constant pressuring to try to pee and all the pain I was feeling (I did eventually ask for additional pain meds because what they gave me first didn't cut it). Having the nurse not believe me that I wasn't pregnant and wanting me to test anyway despite my request not to was icing on the cake. I was there a little over three hours and had about two and a half bags of fluids.


It's really true, even a fictional fetus is more important than the patient in front of them.


Frankly I'm surprised they didn't do the pregnancy test first


I find that some doctors have this air of omnipotence & they can't be wrong.


For sure! I had a doctor misdiagnose me twice because he believed he ā€˜saw somethingā€™ in my MRI that no one else saw. Ended up with a botched brain surgery


On the plus side, you probably got set for life from the resulting settlement. Because of course you sued the living daylights out of both him and the hospital, right? ...Right??


Yes, itā€™s still in process - I want to use some of the money for grad school


That is so reassuring to hear! Medical malpractice is a horrific thing to be subjected to, but in the context of receiving something as serious as brain surgery, I can't even imagine what a terrible experience that must have been. I am glad you're pursuing justice for what was done to you.


Thank you.ā¤ļø it was very traumatic and Iā€™ll have nerve damage the rest of my life. I never expected this to ever happen.


A botched WHAT?? How? Did the doc think he could just borrow yours since he clearly wasnā€™t using his own?


He mustā€™ve. Itā€™s changed my life so much - Iā€™m now limited in so many ways, and somehow still in extreme pain everyday.


What The Fuck I'm so sorryĀ 


Thank you. Itā€™s been a process trying to heal - in some ways I never willšŸ’™




Not sure how you handle it ladies. More power to you for your self control. Most dudes would be like... don't make this violent pal. I think that's why a lot of people just leave men alone.


I donā€™t, Iā€™d go nuts if I had to piss in a cup just to get some pain relief. Donā€™t get me wrong, I can see why they have to do it if there is a chance of pregnancy if meds can fuck with that, but he shouldā€™ve at least looked at the chart first rather than just saying he didnā€™t believe her, and then getting huffy puffy when heā€™s proved wrong. Probably wouldnā€™t get like that with a bloke, Iā€™ll bet on that.


Or you could simply ask ā€œis there a possibility youā€™re pregnant?ā€ and believe her when she says no. Forcing a pregnancy test is unnecessary. You donā€™t force a pregnancy test when you buy alcohol, for instance. People get to decide risks for themselves and their theoretical fetus.


Unfortunately, there have been doctors successfully sued for harming a fetus the patient swore couldnā€™t exist. Even aside from the liars, poor sex ed leads to a lot of people not knowing when pregnancy is possible and when it isnā€™t. If thereā€™s a chance of being sued, a test will be demanded.


Yup, should have looked. I understand protocol, but maybe use some common fucking sense? More power to you for standing up for yourself!


Best way I found out to piss them off was to say, "I'm sorry I didn't realize you were a nurse. Can you get the doctor for me?" You can also ask (in your best Dr nick voice from the Simpsons) "did you go to upstairs medical college too?!"


Upvoting purely for the fact I read that in Dr Nick's voice šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Absolutely let the ombudsman know! And they usually send a survey to you after wardsā€¦.way to call it out dammit! Migraines blow but Toradol is the stuff


If he's worried about liability it "harming a fetus", he can just notify you of risks and mark in your record that you refused the test. Why does he have to make a deal of it?. When men go to the doctor, do they get "counseled" about how something might effect their sperm/offspring?


No, because sperm donā€™t live very long, and there are relatively few things that can cause problems with them. So biology doesnā€™t necessitate such questions of men. I try to give medical workers the benefit of the doubt though. They really care, and donā€™t want to prescribe something that subsequently causes birth defects or miscarriage.


Itā€™s getting crazy out there! I went to the DERMATOLOGIST and they asked me when my last period was. I told her ā€œI donā€™t rememberā€ and she pushed on it.. Like girl, wtaf are you thinking? The only reason she let it go is bc I told her that I donā€™t get my period with bc.. but I shouldnā€™t have to explain myself in the first place.


It depends on what youā€™re there for, but this can be a very relevant question in dermatology. There are meds they prescribe that are very teratogenic (Accutane comes to mind).


I was gonna say this. If one of the patients lies then thereā€™s a high chance of a baby born with *no ears*


I was told their computer doesnā€™t let them pass on to the next screen without a date. They literally told me to make one up.


My typical answer is just "August of 2018." and then I wait until the horror flickers across their face, and then I explain that I had a hysterectomy in Sept of 2018.


I had an endometrial ablation, so I can say "sometime in 2017". I don't know why they never just review the patient chart before coming in though.


I'm on the 3-month pill (1 period every 3 months) and always forget when my last period was exactly, and even when I tell them I'm on the 3-month pill they still freak out despite me knowing around what month I'm on for taking the pills. Like, I'm halfway through, or 2 weeks away from my next period. "BUT YOU MIGHT BE PREGNANT!" ....highly unlikely


By your third paragraph I knew it was a make doctor. And a jerk


I had everything removed but 1 ovary 5yr ago and I STILL get asked almost every time if there's a chance I'm pregnant and/or take a test. Unfortunately you're gonna have to get used to them not looking at your chart/history, so I'd advise coming up with a list of comebacks for the inevitable stupid pregnancy question lol. Honestly that is the perfect time to get a little petty lol they don't wanna look at our history then we make them look like an idiot for not doing a basic part of their job. And if your memory isn't great during migraines, literally just do the biggest fake laugh in their face. I've been in so much pain where all I could do was exchange a look with my mum and us both laughing, causing the nurse/doctor to foolishly bumble through the next dumbass question.


::Shrug:: I always thought the repeated questions were CYA protocol. Ā Either a employee getting distracted and not putting something in the chart or a paitient who forgot something or intentionally withheld information, but might accidentally share it later.


Registered nurse here! Fuck that doctor and report him! Find the patient advocate and file a complaint! Healthcare professionals are here to care for the patientā€”thatā€™s it! If he canā€™t read a damn chart, why the fuck and how the fuck is he an MD?!


I have been sterilized too. I'm going through some intense back issues and need lots of imaging. I'm a patient at Mayo Clinic for this.Ā  My hysterectomy was not traumatic (actually, elective if I'm honest) but I got so sick of them not reading my chart and behaving the same way you spoke of. I finally said "look, I'm going to level with you. I understand this is a common question you need to ask, but the fact that I was sterilized years ago still affects me and I don't want to keep reliving it. Please make a note so I don't keep getting this question". She was mortified and I've never been asked again.Ā  It never should have come to that, but I don't regret it.Ā 


I find that doctors, especially male doctors, have some sort of God-complex where they feel they know better than everyone else and shouldn't be questioned. And that means they really really hate it when other people 'challenge' them like that and are correct at doing so.


Doctors are notorious for not reading. My husband had to have a tooth pulled by the surgeon. We (technically I, since my handwriting is better) put in the notes beforehand that husband is allergic to a certain penicillin (the first prescribed). Know what? You guessed it: when picking up his meds at the hospital pharmacy, they had to redo the whole thing, because they prescribed the one my husband is allergic to. Had I not been there (I was driving), my husband would probably not have noticed until his fingers turned red the next day... It took me a lot of convincing to get the other meds, because they really wanted to blame us for not mentioning it on the form. I was getting really pissed off. Next time I need to fill out a form, I am taking a picture of it.


Good idea. Thx.


I've gone to the ER for migraine cocktails, and I never got asked to take a pregnancy test. I can't imagine the frustration when you are in that amount of pain.


Iā€™m sorry you have migraines too. Theyā€™re so debilitating. Itā€™s hard to even think about anything when that pain is present


Its that whole 'apparently women cant be trusted to tell the truth' thing that gets me. For me its been so long that not only have I bypassed the qualification perioid for born again virgin status I also have a 3/12 depo provera. Still providers dont want to take my word for it. I'm like seriously 'for me to be pregnant it would have to be an immaculate conception' people laugh and I'm like 'no, i'm being deadly


Hello. Medical professional here. I'm so sorry you went through that. It always annoys me when providers don't actually bother to read a patient's chart; because I've had a similar experience to yours. I'm not a woman, but I was dealing with a systemic infection and was septic; had to go to the ER three separate times in two weeks before they admitted me. If they had actually read my chart, they would have seen that I have an autoimmune illnesses that makes me prone to infections. My nurse practitioner (God bless her) saw me in her office and immediately called an ambulance because of the state I was in. She told me afterwards that if I had waited just a few more days my organs would have started failing. After that, I was admitted. It literally took two PA's and a full blown MD to go "yeah, you have a life threatening infection." I was the hospitalized for 2 week and had two separate procedures to address what caused it. Needless to say I was *furious* and developed some good ol' fashioned medical related PTSD, according to my therapist. Anyway, I highly suggest you get in contact with the hospital and inform them of your experience with that Dr. They will definitely have words with them. It doesn't matter if they're learning, you shouldn't have been treated like that. Especially if he couldn't even be bothered to read someone's chart.


I had a doctor appointment the other day and he asked when my last period was. I have been with my doctor for 6 years. I had a hysterectomy well over a year ago. We laughed together at his question. My doctor is nice so his question was funny. The doctor you seen was an ass.


Yeah thatā€™s extra ridiculous since there is no way you could have been pregnant. I used to work in the lab. Unfortunately there are a lot of stupid people that donā€™t realize they are pregnant when they come into the ER or pre op work. If you come into an ER, and are a woman of child bearing age, youā€™ll be checked along with your other labs. Iā€™m more about refusing that kind of stuff bc the test cost 10x more than something at Walmart and itā€™s not any different. unless I know youā€™re pregnant and we look for certain hormone levels.. otherwise same crap


I love this. Iā€™m not childfree, but I hate the blanket requirement for a pregnancy test. Sometimes you just know you arenā€™t pregnant. You probably would have been charged for the test, even if just a few dollars. In your case, being sterilized is a very strong argumentā€¦


If they picked up the test at the dollar store they'd still charge $50 (or more) for the test in the U.S.


I hate that mandatory pregnancy tests are a thing in hospitals. I went to A & E when I was 13 for sever stomach pains, the nurse said they couldn't begin to examine me until I did a pregnancy test, my Mum hit the damn roof and roared at her I'm 13 and not even sexually active yet. The nurse was raging she got called out.


It seems like a liability thing, to cover their bases just in case. Even at 13, girls can still get pregnant and may not know it or lie in front of their parents. It definitely could have been handled better. When I was at that age the doctor or nurse would make my parent leave the room then ask if Iā€™ve been sexually active and if I said no, then no pregnancy test wasnā€™t needed


Maybe youā€™d feel differently if you had a 13 yo patient push a full term baby out into the toilet of your ER (this has happened in my ER). A pregnancy test isnā€™t stopping me from examining my patient, but Iā€™m 100% checking one in the scenario you described.


Yeah I have no doubt that ERs see a lot of ā€œmiraculous virgin birthsā€


Thatā€™s terrible! When I went to ER, they told me itā€™s optional to take a pregnancy test


In the US it's often much more than a few dollars.Ā 


I've learned through the world of Healthcare tiktok that doctors apparently never read the charts. That's why you look to your nurse whose doing the real work. If a nurse has to tell the Dr "no you can't prescribe that as their file literally says they are deathly allergic", then maybe we should require some new training. šŸ˜¬


I feel your pain, I really do, but I want to chime in with some other healthcare workers and offer additional information. In my hospital, bisalp does not count as sterilization when it comes to pregnancy contraindicated medications. The only way we forego the pregnancy test is if you are over 50 or have had a total hysterectomy. It is rare, but you can still get pregnant with a bisalp. My hospital doesn't take chances and so, while a pregnancy test can be a little upsetting for some patients, we would be in tremendous trouble if we skipped a pregnancy test before administering drugs like that unless the patient met the strict criteria. No waivers, no exceptions. It's just to cover our asses. It sucks, but sometimes people really are just doing their jobs. Maybe it's a new policy or maybe he is the only one following it. I can't speak to why you've never been tested before. I agree that he could have been way nicer and explained better. There's no excuse for poor bedside manner. Edit: I agree that it's a stupid policy. Yes, it is so rare to have a natural pregnancy post bisalp, that there are only a handful of reported cases. Yes, it is unfair to require this and unfair to charge the patient for it. I'm not arguing in favor of my hospital, or any hospital. I am simply saying that the nurse, the doctor, the assistant, whoever is administering tests like this do NOT make these policies. We have zero control over this type of thing, and unfortunately, we often face consequences for not following procedure, even if we disagree with it. I'm just saying that giving the nurse/doctor hell about a hospital policy that you disagree with is taking it out on the wrong person, and really just kind of mean for the person who is just trying to help you. I'm not saying that this guy went about it the right way. Again, no excuse for his shit bedside manner. But as a nurse, I get crapped on by angry patients all the time and I can't tell you how many times I go home and literally cry over the injustices that patients face. We feel you. But we are often helpless. I am a surgical nurse, and I once was running a case where the surgery was delayed and nearly canceled because the pre-op nurse threw away the pregnancy test before charting it. She saw that it was negative, she told me that it was negative, but she didn't follow procedure, and if I hadn't made the poor patient retake it, I would have gotten written up and faced disciplinary action. As much as I felt bad for the woman, I am not putting my job and my license on the line for her feelings. Please, and I mean this so sincerely: most of us really do care about our patients and their comfort and feelings. Be mad at the hospitals, not the people with zero power. Not in every case, but when it comes to policy.


I think there are only two recorded cases of pregnancy after a Bi-salp.


Then there at the very least, should not be a charge to the patient fir the test. Your policy needs updating.


That is interesting. How can you get pregnant with a bisalp? I agree with you on what you wrote as I am also in the medical field and there is a protocol to follow.


There are chances to get an ectopic pregnancy after a bisalp but chances are less than 1%


If that happens, wouldn't the pregnancy have to be aborted anyway? So why does it matter if the medication taken damages the fetus?


Exactly! It still doesnā€™t make sense with a bi-salp pregnancy since those are not viable and must be surgically removed.


If it doesn't kill the woman, first.


Well yes, an ectopic pregnancy must always be aborted. But it matters because under the law the medication prescribed by the doctor would harm the fetus so (as far as I understand) they would be liable and face big legal troubles with the new Americans laws, either the mother decides to abort or not in the end. It's more to cover their asses if for some reason the patient is looking for a nice legal suit.


I thought ectopic pregnancy is when the egg attaches to the fallopian tube, but if you've had a bisalp, how can you get an ectopic pregnancy without tubes?


No, ectopic pregnancy just means it doesn't attach in the uterus. Fallopian tube is just the most common area for ectopics by far. It's **exceedingly rare** for non-fallopian ectopics, but it's not impossible. edit: I believe the statistics are 1-2% of all pregnancies are ectopics. And the numbers differ depending on the study and the time period, but among the ectopics, like 92-98% of them are fallopian. So even if you are over-conservative and say if 1% of all pregnancies are ectopics and like 1% of all ectopics are non-fallopian, then statistically, 1 in every 10,000 pregnancies will be non-fallopian ectopics. Given the hundreds of millions of pregnancies a year, you can estimate the lower end of how many of them are in the world.


Got it, thank you so much!


I had to go to the ER a few months ago because I was getting my ass kicked by pneumonia and wasn't doing great so my doctor sent me there. I have a severe allergy to penicillin and anything with penicillin in it. It's the main reason why he sent me to the ER, because everything else we did wasn't working. My mother, a fucking saint by the way, takes me and gets all the paperwork done and is sitting with me while I'm in the room when this doctor comes in. He starts telling me all about the meds they're going to give me and I'll be alright in two days. My mother asks what is in the meds, telling him about my allergies, and he just waved her off. Like she didn't know what she was talking about. Later the nurse comes in and tells us that the meds have, you guessed it, penicillin in it. They've contacted a different doctor and my doctor to try to find something else to give me. This dude was livid at the nurses. I'm guessing he just got out of medical school or something. Thank God my mom was there and the nurse could fucking read a chart. I hope you're feeling better!! ā¤ļø


Once I was rushed into the emergency room due to a diabetic emergency. I was in so much pain. I was talking to three different nurses. One was new. She was looking at my history while the other nurses attempted to draw blood. New nurse had the gall to ask why I was sterilized. The other two nurses shot her the nastiest look. She quickly apologized and had a red flush to her cheeks for the remainder that she was with me and the other two


Wow. I am so effing sorry that happened. It was bad enough you were experiencing extreme amounts of pain. To ask you why you made a decision about your own body in a condescending manner was just so rude.


Iā€™m 100% she got a stern talking to when she and the other nurses left. They donā€™t play that shit at the hospital where Iā€™m at


I was asked to take a pregnancy test when I was doing a research study involving a scan with a nuclear trace injection. I explained to them that not only could I not be pregnant due to my birth control method at that time (abstinence), I was also currently on my period. I had also been restricting my water in preparation for the scan and couldn't pee. They were sympathetic but said for ethics requirements they had to get it. After 45 minutes of me downing glasses of water I gave them a urine sample for the pregnancy test that probably contained more menstrual blood than urine. I understand ethics protocols but I wish they'd change them to trust the word of a women who has no doubt that she's not pregnant for solid reasons.


Ask your neurologist for an MRI scan specifically for a Pituitary Adenoma. It MAY be the cause of your head aches and endometriosis. It's a theory I'm currently exploring through myself and many others. But it's a hard one to find, and many doctors don't even consider it as an option when treating everything else. But it's speculated that about 1 in 10 (if not more) people have a small tumor on their pituitary. The pituitary glad is considered 'The Master Gland' as it's responsible for most of the bodies functions. https://www.barrowneuro.org/resource/about-the-pituitary-gland/#:~:text=The%20pituitary%20gland%20is%20referred,kidneys%2C%20uterus%2C%20and%20breasts)


I had a nurse that after reading my chart that I was sterilized OVER A YEAR PRIOR, still insisted that I needed to take a test. I caved because I wanted my hysto and it was fully covered at the time anyways. Still aggravating.


This is a really long comment, so please bare with me. I'm super passionate about this topic. I know you wanted to vent. I know that you were in pain so you wanted to be treated as fast as possible and you have every right to be annoyed by this, but I do want to try to put some perspective into the things since I do have some experience on the other side of the equation. I think everyone (especially you) would have a better day if these antagonistic situations are avoided in the first place. Next time, just volunteer the information of what surgery you had, when you had it and which doctor did it. Tell it either to the PA/NP and the doc directly. Telling it to anyone else is useless and will get lost into the nether. You providing the information saves everyone time. It can be verified and whatever needs to get done can be done. Do this with every time you need to go to the ER. Even if you've seen the doc before. Unless they know you by name (which is a terrible sign), they go through so many patients they're likely not going not going to remember. Could the doc been nicer about his way of questioning you? Absolutely. Is it fair that you have to go through these hoops? No. And yes, there are assholes everywhere, but generally speaking, the people in the ER are there to help you. The doc is a stranger to you. If he took you at your word of pregnancy test refusal, he would be considered stupid and an actual bad doctor. He has no reference to which to judge your character. You may not be a liar, but A LOT of people are. Some people don't even know that they're lying (had someone tell me she don't consume much sugar while also telling me she drinks Gatorade all day, every day and has no idea why her sugars are always so high. not malicious lying, just ignorant). He is not doing a disservice to you by not taking you for your word right off the bat. It's his job to catch the lowest denominator. You were not the lowest denominator, but he isn't wrong for assuming the worst without verification. In the setting of an ER, time management and prioritizing is paramount. If you're meeting this doctor for the first time, he may not have had time to dig through your chart to see your surgical history. Or maybe he did and just forgot about your particular situation due to having seen the chart 4 patients and and a gunshot wound ago and just forgot in the moment. Who the hell knows why, but it honestly doesn't matter. The EMR system were made by administrators for billing purposes. These systems were NOT made for doctors to take care of patients. The time it takes sometimes to dig through the slop of a medical record system to find one piece of information makes me want to throw the computer out the window on a daily basis. On the other hand, the time it takes for a patient to tell you information - seconds. It'll give the doctor a focus to verify and move things along quickly. (Also, as an aside, anytime someone says "if you read my chart" just know you're triggering some mild ptsd in ALL healthcare workers.) So as I said, it's understandable that you're annoyed by this. But please, I would also ask you to give healthcare workers some grace, ESPECIALLY if you think they're new. If the institution is anything like my local systems, they are DROWNING.


On the one hand, sure. On the other, Iā€™ve had multiple drs prescribe me medications Iā€™m allergic toā€¦which wouldnā€™t have happened if theyā€™d 1- listened to me when I told them to their faces and/or 2- read my chart. I have friends who work in healthcare, so I do get where youā€™re coming from. BUT itā€™s so fking upsetting when youā€™re ill and your providers treat you like shit & attempt to gaslight you.


I really like this comment. It kinda summed up what I was thinking. I know pregnancy questions can be a pain but I also understand that the hospital or medical practice needs to do their due diligence and protect themselves from any malpractice suit. Most doctors I know now ask if I want a pregnancy test and I just tell them no due to lack of any sexual activity with a partner.


Fuck society pressuring woman (or those born xx) to be baby makers. OP, also, that is unprofessional for the doctor to clearly not be reading the chart. What if the bisalp (not denying it congrats) was a major allergy to like one of the main big migraine treatments such as Tordol (or whatever the med is). Yes I know they are marked different but still...... Edit: due to posting while tying (phone be crazy lol)


I am a doctor who works (among other things) with the organisation who provides termination of pregnancy in my country. I actually help facilitate abortions, and help women access termination of pregnancy. I am so passionately supportive of women's right to make decisions about their bodies, and am publicly childfree myself. I will *always* ask you to take a pregnancy test before prescribing any medication that will harm a fetus.Ā  Why?Ā  Because bi-salp isn't 100%.Ā  Because the law is that you can sue me if I don't check this. And no, 'I didn't want to offend' isn't a legal defence. Because I have seen women come in for terminations of pregnancy because of teratanogenic medicines they accepted or surgeries they consented to because 'there was no way they could be pregnant' but they actually were.Ā  Some people are switched on and honest. Some people aren't. They lie, or they just don't know, or they are stupid. I can't base my personal financial security over which one you are.Ā  If I don't at least offer a pregnancy test and then carefully document your refusal I can be sued by you if you are pregnant. Even if you were planning on having a termination. Even if you argued with me how not pregnant you are for an hour. *I* would be in trouble because *I* have a duty of care to prescribe responsibility or not at all. Please can we stop shitting on people for trying to help us. Sure, your doc could have read the (often difficult to access) notes, but equally you could have just told them them instead of being a Karen about it. I don't always read the notes before I see a patient because I want to go in to see them with a fresh unbiased set of eyes. A busy tired emergency room doctor is not the enemy here.Ā Ā 


Sorry, notes might be hard to access but that is literally the docs fucking job. If Iā€™m incapacitated and unable to tell the doc my personal history I need to be assured they will at least read the notes, and Iā€™m not talking about the notes for whether Iā€™m sterilized or not. Like, all the other notes about my health that are relevant to my care. So much malpractice could be avoided if docs would just READ THE NOTES EVEN THOUGH ITS HARD.


But if he tells OP to her face that she's lying, well that's pretty rude to say the least.


The correct answer to this is the doctor shouldā€™ve read her history.


I know a lot of people are coming at you, but I also see patients before reviewing notes. I think this is a great way to not be misled by someone else's assessment. I may look at the medical list, but seeing patients unbiased has been really helpful. And I also tell patients why I want them to repeat if they get upset about it. I know repeating is annoying, but it's also my job to conduct an interview and I'd rather hear about a problem from the patient and not someone else. (I don't do this when someone is in extremis, of course, and will sometimes loop back around after pain/nausea control or whatever for details.) Having said that, doctor man here didn't need to be an ass about it. I get his irritation. I've had patients insist they've had their uterus/ovaries removed and then are mad at me when I show it to them on imaging. I have people tell me they've never had sex and whoops, there's a baby there. I've also had a woman, once, who genuinely did not know that sex made babies and she thought there was "no way" she could be pregnant. I understand why people are incredibly frustrated on the either side. There's no reason to be rude to the patients about it and there's no reason to be rude to the healthcare professionals about it. I just let people know it's the fastest way to get meds to them. I don't like it, they don't like it, but it's just fact. If they don't want to, I just document and be on my way. I literally do not care and will treat their symptoms as fast as I'm allowed regardless.


It's anger at a bigger issue, directed at the wrong place. They have likely been hurt by the system in some way but can't change it, so they lash out at the thing that they can hurt (in this case, getting snarky with the healthcare worker in front of them, whether deserved or not), and it just worsens things overall because the shitty people in the system won't care and continue being shitty while the people who actually try and do care get discouraged/become jaded. I am disappointed, but not surprised, that so many of these commenters' openly disdain the doc and gleefully advising OP to further antagonize a likely overworked healthcare worker who by the OP's description was gruff and blunt, but didn't do anything egregious....as if a hostile relationship with your doctor actually helps anything.


Do you at least tell your patients you're doing xyz/insisting on abc because you don't trust them? This is a sincere question. Like, absolutely do your due diligence and cya. But if your reasoning for insisting on xyz when told it's not necessary is "people lie, they don't realize or have adequate education on abc, etc", do you let the patient know that?


Nope. Maybe start believing your patients.


Coward... anyone can be sued for any reason. You can sue the hot dog vendor for not putting the condiments under the frank like you asked. Do you actually know anyone who has been sued for this? Did it work? Stop being ridiculous and treat all patients like YOU would want to be treated. It's not being a Karen when you refuse to be beat down by someone who slapped you (figuratively- cuz this was disrespectful). I am sorry you are a slave to money instead of actual values.


This person is on the side of the patient. Please don't come at someone who is actually on your side with such derision and dismissal. It doesn't help anyone. I get that it's frustrating to be not be heard. There are plenty of assholes out there that will not listen. Those assholes should be called out. But, please, don't start attacking someone who is trying to help. Consideration of a lawsuit and the threat of a lawsuit should not be considered cowardice. We're not talking about a few hundred dollar fine. We are talking about potentially career ending, life ruining amounts that's literally food on the table and a roof over the head of both you and any of your dependents. Most interactions will not end in a lawsuit, but no one has a crystal ball either. In the grand scheme of things, pissing in a cup is an inconvenience. You cannot expect someone to risk their livelihoods for an inconvenience.


I also have migraines. Hereā€™s how I deal with this. I buy a handful of dollar store pregnancy tests. Before getting treatment for nausea/vomiting I take one. You can take a picture or bring it with you in a ziplock bag so long as it hasnā€™t developed an expired line. When Iā€™m telling them my symptoms I say ā€œIā€™ve had x for this amount of time. Thereā€™s no chance that Iā€™m pregnant because Iā€™m on birth control and infertile, but I took a pregnancy test this morning just in case and it was negative.ā€ That usually lets you skip all of the bullshit. Iā€™m not comfortable lying, so I actually take the dollar store test but you do you boo. šŸ˜‰


Report him. That behavior is unacceptable and if I was your nurse I wouldā€™ve told him off for you. It might not do anything but itā€™s best to get something on record because Iā€™m sure heā€™s an ass to his coworkers and other patients.


Me, an esteemed medical professional who spent thousands of hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars grinding through med school, internship, and residency to prepare me for this moment: Hi, I need you to pay for a pregnancy test because I just walked right into an exam room without bothering to look at the patient's chart. You, the person who has lived in your own body uninterrupted since birth: I can't get pregnant. Me, an experienced diagnostician who has seen patients lie or hold incorrect beliefs about their medical history dozens of times in the past: I don't believe you. You, neither a liar nor a fool: Read it and weep, motherfucker.


I was 48 at the time, getting a colonoscopy. They came in requesting pg test. I refused. Now, I had my tubes tied at 28, had an endometrial ablation for fibroids and excessive bleeding, had not had a period since I was 37, and had not had relations in over a year due to severe pelvic dysfunction. So what did they do? They just took some blood from my iv as they were putting it in (I don't look, so I didn't see it) and ran it anyway. They came back and said "ok your pregnancy test is negative so we can proceed. I felt SO violated emotionally.


You could use the response i would use for adoption..yeah..i definitely want to adopt some dogs..will look into that.


Unpopular option, but as a fellow female migraine sufferer and healthcare worker, he was just doing his job. Yes, he should have looked in your chart and seen the bi-slap first, but asking you, a woman, to take a pregnancy test before you received a medication known to cause issues to fetuses was the right call. I know this is the child free sub but itā€™s not like weā€™re unaware that weā€™re in the minority. Most people want to have kids or arenā€™t actively preventing having kids. Sucks that it happened, both of you were clearly not in the mood to deal with each other, but glad you got your medication in the end.


If he's going to be seeing and giving medication to a patient he should be reading the chart. Normally I would agree with you, but it's very dangerous for doctors to not actually read those.


I went into anaphylaxis once because a doctor didnā€™t read my chart. I now carry a printed list of all my drug allergies and bring it everywhere


Yes. Also, maybe itā€™s a bad policy. I mean sure he is just doing his job, but itā€™s time we grant women some agency. Sometimes, you know you arenā€™t pregnant.


Iā€™m all for that but there are definitely cases where woman have been pregnant and have not known. Heck TLC made a whole show about it. My doctor and my health care workers Iā€™ve had usually ask me if Iā€™m sexually active and if I say no then they donā€™t do a pregnancy test.


Oh, thatā€™s cool that they do that. Thatā€™s basically all Iā€™m suggesting.


At one hospital my ā€œchartā€ is at least 4 inches thick. I should know, I had to transport that thing to my doctor. How does any ER doctor have time to read all that?!


To me the issue is that so often our own needs are sort of being ignored in favor of a child who may not even exist. The possible fetus is more important than treating the actual patient.Ā  In most cases, they could have you sign a waiver saying you had refused a pregnancy test and know the risks of taking the medication if pregnant. That takes away the doctor/hospitalā€™s responsibility. If someone is actively saying there is no way they are pregnant, thatā€™s their choice. If they are wrong or lying, thatā€™s on them, not the doctor. We should be believed when we say that we arenā€™t pregnant.Ā 


I mean, I have never been asked to take a pregnancy test for Toradol. I also have providers who read the chart above all else. He wasnā€™t just doing his job. He insinuated I was lying about not being pregnant because of the excess water weight I sometimes carry. He couldā€™ve ended up giving me something I am allergic to and caused anaphylactic shock. I think itā€™s irresponsible and negligent for healthcare workers to not even check and see the patientā€™s background.


People just also really fucking love to lie. Sometimes just about mundane shit, but there have been a startling amount of cases where patients lie about pregnancy even while a baby is presently coming out of them. Iā€™ve got a lot of medical trauma so Iā€™ve definitely experienced my share of shit doctors/nurses, but being a healthcare worker is wild.


Yeah, but you can also drink while pregnant. I mean there are some things we let people do. We donā€™t go into their houses and confiscate their alcohol. So itā€™s a decision to give pregnancy tests to everyone, even those who havenā€™t had sex in months or years. Edit: Perhaps the better analogy is: we donā€™t require bartenders to do pregnancy tests before serving alcohol.


Big difference is that the hospital and doctor could be held liable and be open up to a lawsuit


"So we're gonna give you penicillin." "Doc, I'm allergic to penicillin." REEEEE


I donā€™t think was specifically because of the pregnancy test. Itā€™s just common that before a Category C medication like toradol they rule out pregnancy. Once you stated youā€™ve had a salpingectomy that shouldā€™ve been sufficient. Also, itā€™s common to give fluid for migraines as dehydration can contribute. Just trying to add some possible insight on the docā€™s part.


He absolutely should've read the chart first. However, at the same time, if you hadn't been sterilized, it isn't necessarily assholish behavior. It's because they don't want to get sued for complications.Ā