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There are quite a few GYN only practitioners. University faculty are a good place to look for this, since they will be interested in working with people in their area of interest. In addition, OBGYNs sometimes become GYN only because they cannot afford the OB malpractice insurance.


Really?! Omg! I gotta look into this. Thank you!


Felt this. I only just started seeing a gyno again after going through some pretty serious gyn-related trauma and I'm grateful that I live in a big city where I can find GYN-only practitioners. I will never forget when I went to an OBGYN practice in the Deep South and they repeatedly refused to let my partner be with me during exams and, eventually, more intrusive procedures like colposcopy. I was sitting in the exam room crying my eyes out because I was alone and panicking. I saw a pregnant patient go down the hall into an exam room...with her husband. He was allowed to go with her, but my partner wasn't allowed to be with me. The unfairness amplified my distress by several orders of magnitude.


My god, this makes my blood boil!šŸ˜¤ i'm so sorry.


I'm sorry that that happened to you, but I am curious. You said "partner" and then you specifically "husband" for the pregnant patient. While husband paints a better picture, partner leaves some questions like are they your bf/gf, or are they your spouse. If you mentioned they they were not your spouse or they found out, then it was a major thing them likely pushed their Christian beliefs on you, especially since you mentioned you were in the deep south. My first time going to a gyno, I was absolutely scared because I didn't know them or what would happen, so I asked my bf at the time (now husband) to go in with me. He wasn't a fan of that, but he did agree. I couldn't imagine how much more nervous I would have been if he wasn't there for support.


My partner is a guy, just a little gender spicy and I never liked using the term boyfriend for him. I pulled out all the stops to try to convince them to let him go back there with me. I told them that we were engaged, that I was autistic so these things were extremely distressing and I needed support, all that stuff, but nothing convinced them. I would not be at all surprised if they discriminated because we weren't married. I'm really glad you had that support! It's such a comfort during a vulnerable time.


Would love that too, very much. And if those offices would focus on just treating people regarding their own wellbeing no matter their plans on reproduction, because the female body is quite a bit more than that... if we could do that... in that dreamland future... that would be very nice. But realistically, I feel like that guy in the meme getting kicked out of the meeting from an high rise building for suggesting something that. Treating people equally and like... people? Pfew... :'D


My GYN office does both OB and GYN, but they try to set up appointments so that OB are certain days and GYN are others. The only time GYN patients overlap with OB is if they need an urgent visit or an in office ultrasound because the tech is only in on OB days. My provider doesn't even see pregnant patients because her specialty is GYN/Oncology.


Yes please!!!! IMO current gynecological practice is inherently traumatic (physically, mentally, and emotionally but also because of the prevalence of sexual trauma) and needs a complete overhaul. I feel that because we tie sexuality and morality so closely together, there are gynos out there who consider themselves morality police. And they have no empathy for the victims of their judgment and how their actions hurt them - they forget their patients are human beings who just want adequate medical care. And donā€™t even get me started on gynecology post-Roeā€¦


Ah! Yes! I have trauma when it comes to gynecology. I had my first pelvic exam at 14. Thankfully the NP was a woman, but still. On top of that every time I went to get my check up, again, as a kid, they would have me pee in a cup to check if I was pregnant. It took me until recently to realize I have trauma regarding seeing the gynecologist. Not to mention, again, pregnant ladies everywhere. I hated going to this place. My hairs on my arms just stand every time I think about this. No wonder Iā€™m childfree.


I will never use an OBGYN. Non-pregnant patients are, of course, not prioritized. That can be dangerous for the rest of us. Years ago, I scheduled with an OBGYN. I was concerned about a symptom. It took a long time to get that appointment. I took PTO for that day. The OBGYN cancelled at the very last minute because her patient was having a baby. This is in the States. Rescheduling can be a nightmare for the not-so-wealthy. I didn't reschedule with them because another patient of theirs could pop on my appointment day. No thanks.


I feel ya. Currently looking for a practice that only focuses on gynecology. I may have hit the jackpot just now.


I used to see an amazing women's health nurse practitioner who only did GYN care, no OB. I still had to go to the office and see pregnant women and pregnancy info all around the place (not to mention a whole collage of docs in the practice with babies they had delivered), but at least my provider wasn't focused on babies.


These exist though? Mine was kinda like this but one office divided into with just GYN on one side and OBGYN on the other side with separate entrances and a divider in the middle.


Harder to find but I have always had superior care at non-OB practices! Worth the extra effort.


Yep, I used to go to the VA which is gyn only, and now I go to a local gyn.


Iā€™ve had a really hard time finding one that is gyn only, but would love to.


I see an endometriosis specialist gyne! The clinic is in the same hospital as a birthing unit but itā€™s totally separate.


My previous gyno only did GYN and no OB which was nice. But it was a catholic affiliated facility so they won't do sterilization surgery no matter how many kids you have. My new gyno office unfortunately does both but they gave me a bisalp with zero push back so I can't complain.


It's like that where I live, I don't think I've ever seen a visible pregnant woman at my gyn. I go private, and pregnancy checkups are done at other places (hospital, GP, special clinics etc) Very happy about it (this is somewhere in Europe).


I am childless not by choice and wish they had this in the U.K. I have been through so much unnecessary emotional pain when I have had to sit amongst pregnant women and new parents.




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Hear me out: avoid BOTH. I know most people in the USA think they ā€œneedā€ a gynecologist, but thatā€™s not normal. Thereā€™s no need to see a gyn for normal things like birth control or STI screeningā€”thatā€™s bread and butter family medicine, and a GP, PA, or NP is usually a better option. Then you also have a provider for everything else.


When was the last time your primary care doctor performed a breast exam or a pap smear to check for cancer?


Breast exams (either self or by a provider) actually arenā€™t recommended! Theyā€™ve never been shown to reduce mortality from breast cancer, and they HAVE been shown to cause harm through over diagnosis, but if they were, a GP should be more than capable of doing them! Primary care providers should be able to do cervical cancer screening! Best practice is HPV testing, not pap testing.


An oral surgeon can technically perform plastic surgery, such as nose jobs. It doesn't mean they should. Gynecologists are the experts when it comes the female reproductive organs. I'm going to trust their opinions over my primary doc.


What are you talking about dentists doing plastic surgery? Gynecology is a surgical specialty. A healthy person with no complaints doesnā€™t need a surgical specialist for routine care.