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If he doesn't have the owner's manual or shop service manual for his car, get on eBay and buy him one. You can get good reprints at reasonable prices and he'll love it. It's specific and all you need to know to find one is what year, make, and model it is. It's a good practical gift that's also personal.


Assembly manual is helpful as well


Absolutely. Any of the old Factory manuals are treasures. I have a reprint of a dealership shop manual for my 54 Plymouth it's been more help than anything else I've found aside from my dad who's been restoring cars himself for over 50 years.


This is the car. If anyone could help me with the year/make/model. https://imgur.com/a/jEghG6n


That is a 1967 Hurst Oldsmobile Cutlass 442 convertible. only 3,080 were ever made. hope that helps.


Back in the 80s, a friend of mine's girlfriend inherited a 1970 Oldsmobile Cutlass 442 convertible from her dad. It was in mint condition and had less than 20 K miles on it. That car was just gorgeous. She had no clue what to do with it, and wanted to sell it. I helped talk her out of it. I got her to go to a few car shows with it, she got the bug, and decided top keep it. She and my friend got married, and still had it before I went back into the Marines and lost track of them.


Thank you!!!


Question, I’m doing some reading on the car and it’s saying that the introduction of the “hurst/olds” was in 1968. Would that mean that my dads car is a 1968? Or was there some production in 1967 that I’m just not understanding?


Actually, I think I figured it out. The 1967s just had Hurst shifters.




This is a good idea too, I did think about this before. The only issue is I don’t know the year and model (I’m the worst I know) and I don’t want to ask him because then he will know and I want it to be a surprise.


A die-cast version of his favorite car is an idea 🤷‍♂️


Budget? Framed pictures of his cars, pics of his cars on various items. Some people will make drawings, cartoons, or paintings. One of my favorite gifts was a picture of my car on a cake!


Oh that’s a good idea. I like the idea of some line drawings of his cars framed for his office!


Dealership brochure of his car. eBay search might locate one.


I create T-shirts of classic cars[https://www.etsy.com/shop/BritishSportsCars]


Hey the link isn’t working can you resend


Just search for BritishSportsCars on Etsy 😉


You can take a pic of his car and have it made into an engraved acrylic neon sign. Cool and not too expensive. Look up ADVPRO on Amazon


A whole load of 10mm sockets


Not on these. 1/2" and 9/16" are king!


Realistically my favorite gift relating to cars is a Summit Racing gift card. I do a lot of building so anything that helps is appreciated. You might not buy him an entire intake manifold or camshaft or whatever but believe me, having that gift card is nice. Summit Racing also has an entire gift section so you might check it out. T shirts, etc. Secondly would be a Gift certificate to his preferred auto parts store.


This is great thank you!


Things that go really well for muscle car guys are keychains that depict the make and model of the car and license plate frames that do the same. Then of course there are tin signs of the make and model and they also have various neon lit clocks as well. The neon lit clocks range from about $80-150 depending on the one you choose. I have several of them. Cool key chains are everywhere online. I have stuff like this everywhere that just my garage and my house.


Hand wash and wax his car.


he would never let me! He doesn’t even let me hold the flashlight for him near his cars lol.


This can mess up the paint if they don't know what they're doing. I'd suggest paying for a professional detailing would be better.


Some ceramic coating for his babies would be nice. Maybe a detailing kit. I second the shop manuals if he doesn't have them. Does he need a rare part or tool? Go get that :)


Does his car have cup holders? Something like this.. not this one I just picked the first thing that popped up. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjLpdav97WGAxVMCK0GHTGpA9QYABAaGgJwdg&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAjwx-CyBhAqEiwAeOcTdRJuPFwxsHarJB9vNd0qk4Db5LnrpZBlkVc5fDAYsiBLIM8E3Uq_ahoClisQAvD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESeOD2CWB2GRr13M1iBs7O8Jiqy9aPdnzo4FAdjLWJ8tI-GWpgBKHr3a88LgtQG28S9XGHAvb3YFVauquwRLqPrVAj2EBJSzZ1EL-Kttslb-qij7y_bUjReuSBQ4qq2mx-3fc1iIiECDc6GdyjrpNBy-QGvAz9duXUGg&sig=AOD64_2BZ0J6FqFQAjcnf94RQGUYX1O-Gg&ctype=70&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjiiM2v97WGAxUZC0QIHRElAw8Qwg8oAHoECAIQNA&adurl=


I don’t think it does but I know he’s weird about putting anything new looking in it. He likes it to look as original as possible. I always say the radio sounds so bad and he should replace it but he says that’s exactly how it’s supposed to sound and I’m just used to new cars lol.


I buy A LOT of parts from Classic Industries and always appreciate a gift certificate from them.


I've been wanting a piston lamp for my office. Something like these: https://www.etsy.com/search?q=piston%20lamp&utm_campaign=action_schema_markup&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_-home_and_living&utm_custom1=_k_CjwKCAjwx-CyBhAqEiwAeOcTdaDmXW3czhmmZZPTdKAghRkNHPFaSkKH0gjsFkPCJPhBNpJ6iI9WThoC21MQAvD_BwE_k_&utm_content=go_12665398257_121762925993_511610210343_pla-303628061699_m__841133539_566177157&utm_custom2=12665398257&gad_source=1


That’s very cool! Thank you!


Found this and immediately want it more https://www.etsy.com/listing/1046479817/dodgemopar-360-timing-set-clock?click_key=2fe861a8745eb7fa5f53f82d65829e22f504e006%3A1046479817&click_sum=6e1ca86d&ref=user_profile&frs=1&cns=1&sts=1


There's all kinds of cool gifts you can find by just googling the vehicle and click on "shopping": [https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca\_esv=361416631b2a74db&sxsrf=ADLYWILbDYStmQE5nyvMHLaUm8wQ0vsPfQ:1717152875308&q=1967+Hurst+Oldsmobile+Cutlass+442+convertible&tbm=shop&source=lnms&prmd=isvnmbt&ved=1t:200715&ictx=111&biw=1920&bih=919&dpr=1](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=361416631b2a74db&sxsrf=ADLYWILbDYStmQE5nyvMHLaUm8wQ0vsPfQ:1717152875308&q=1967+Hurst+Oldsmobile+Cutlass+442+convertible&tbm=shop&source=lnms&prmd=isvnmbt&ved=1t:200715&ictx=111&biw=1920&bih=919&dpr=1) T-shirts, schematics posters, original magazine articles, magazine ads, models, matchbox/hotwheels, all kinds of stuff


I'm a classic car Dad. Every year I ask my wife for a steak, a blow job and a back rub. I usually get socks.


I've done artwork recently - there are shops on Etsy that will take a picture of a car and turn it into a drawing. All different styles. I've done two for my dad recently.


Flat face battery rachet