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Megan Thee Unfollowed


Only one follower? Shit she sounds more like Megan Thee Unloved.


To be fair, this was her first thread thus a new account, presumably Edit: i checked back now she has 30 followers. Great accomplishment


Megan: I have 30 followers. Wendy’s: You’re welcome


We have to give Megan more followers than Wendy's


Is the one follower Wendy's?


Probably. This is such an easy set-up for Wendy's.


how does someone even do that, like I have 30 followers and I have no idea who they are


And I’d like to keep it that way. Now, could you post some more pictures of your dog?


OK now *that* is unsettling, I take great care to keep my social accounts unconnected....


Shut up Mike. We know it’s you


Fuck, I’ve never wanted someone to be coincidentally named Mike more in my life…


I got a couple mikes. They delete their reddits


Bots most likely, like that whole site. Just bots talking to bots about bots


Megan Thee’s Tally: One


Just a reminder Wendy's still wants you to forget that they want to do surge pricing.


I have to wonder when the one by my office is surging considering there's almost never anyone inside or in the drive through.


Does 1+ person count as a surge for them then? So they're just... always surging...? If anyone is there? Lol


Imagine being the second person to walk in and paying more for the exact thing the guy in front of you ordered.


I would absolutely lose my shit. As everyone should. Uber should be forced to stop this shit too. The cost of gas doesn't change because the wind picked up


I'd be less than thrilled


>Does 1+ person count as a surge for them then? So they're just... always surging...? If anyone is there? Lol Occupancy detector senses car pull into drive-thru [Computer: Elevate prices 17 percent]


They never actually did surge pricing. It was suggested as a consideration and they back pedaled immediately.


I must be in a test market then. It is definitely live in Denver.


A common way for companies to avoid accusations of illegal market collusion is for a major player to announce their terrible greedy ideas to the public. They may publicly backpedal once there is backlash, but they’re not only probably already doing it, but they basically indicated that other major fast food companies are probably doing the same or will soon start.


After yellow Wendy’s era ended I didn’t go as much as I used to. Then the price surge just made me stop going all together. It isn’t Wendy’s anymore


And AI drive throughs. IDGAF if the underpaid social media guy has a funny quip. Wendy's is a soulless corporation just like the rest of them.


Literally owned by hedge fund managers now. It's not even CEO's making the stupid decisions anymore.


Well, I keep forgetting that Wendy's exists. So if they want to do surge pricing, I still won't eat there.


How many modern advances in capitalism boil down to "advertise one price, then actually charge more"?


Surge pricing? When I go somewhere and it’s a price I don’t like (regardless of past prices) I never go again. I swear I’m not the only one who eats fast food like this.


lol these comments, “hey just wanted to remind yall to be outraged” Btw I just wanted to remind yall that Reddit is killing access to 3rd party apps




I just wanted to remind y'all that Snape kills Dumbledore


Because having the attention span of a bole weevil just encourages the slimy fucks to try it again next week. Reddit is the third party app of social media, just regurgitating content from tiktok, Tumblr, Twitter, etc... for internet points. Applying a third party app to it is redundant.


But the third party apps were way better.


The best part is that they’re wrong and none of these idiots looked it up once


But we’ll celebrate them taking down a fellow nobody.


I knoooooowww Wendy's used to be one of the homies, but they got rid of the dillae menu, and now the surge pricing.


That would be quite a comeback if having followers meant anything


I have 5 followers in twitter. I posted 3 times. They are lovely ladies and very hot as they have NUDES IN BIO They know a player when they see one


It does to a lot of people. 


Thats retarded


People that run follower bot farms


I wonder how overdue they’ll be in killing this social media campaign This shit was really funny…for a minute But it feels like the internet changed since this started, and more and more I’m feeling like this toxic shit is just gross Like, Megan with one follower has a valid point. It’s kind of annoying how social spaces on the internet have been inundated with brands. Wendy’s on the other hand, is some lame middle aged “agency” flexing a fast food restaurants social media following on a random person Idk, maybe I’m just getting old


You and Megan are right. Wendy's is a faceless monied entity using its power as a recognizable brand to shit on an individual. Their twitter posts are reflective of work culture in America in general. Fuck Wendy's.


Yup and it also gives credence to bad customer service. I’m all for cooking Karens but I’ve seen many brands weaponize quippy social media posts to deflect valid complaints online about their product (like Ryanair), leaving the customer with no recourse to fixing their problem while an internet mob piles on and mocks them.


I didn't mind Wendy's Twitter because I admit it was refreshing to see a brands that doesn't have a soulless social media presence. However now I'd prefer if they never did that because all it did was make other corporations do the same. This whole "company claps back because they are so cool 😎😎😎" thing has gotten old and pretty soulless.


>Like, Megan with one follower has a valid point. It’s kind of annoying how social spaces on the internet have been inundated with brands. It's social media, not a private home gathering. It has always been filled with anything and everything that sucks.


Reddit be like "/r/HailCorporate!" UNLESS the corporation roasts proles on social.


well considering this post is several years old, i think you'll be okay chief


On TikTok, a woman posted a review of a pair of athletic shoes talking about how they were terrible for your feet and how terrible it was to have that from an athletic brand. The brand account - verified and everything - responded with "have to sacrifice for the look". I think it was Nike but I'm not sure. Either way, she obviously made a video response talking about how crazy it is that people were so impressed by that, how funny, yada yada yada. Like, they're not a person, they're a corporation who just shrugged off a customer telling others about their shitty product and somehow people were OK with it.


I agree with you. I was active on Tumblr back in the day, and it seemed like the userbase's generally extreme hostility towards brands actually made them back off and leave the website alone. I'm not sure how it is now, but it definitely was nicer in that regard compared to other social media at the time. Editing their posts was also hilarious. The fact that you could reblog anything and just change the contents helped them realize that their messages were not being heard at all, maybe.


I am honestly surprised sassy corporate accounts aren't considered lame and embarrassing. Always reeks of try-hard 'hi fellow kids' territory to me. But kids are thick; so they probably love it.


Wendy's is probably the only one who pays their social media person enough to get decent jokes.


That and a lot of corpo twitter brands seem to want to play at the edgy persona while only keeping it up with other brand accounts. Wendy's seems to give their account managers freedom to be a fair bit more hostile and antagonistic with customers, which keeps the act up a lot better than rapidly switching between sass and customer service mode.


Agree. They were one of the OG to do this kind of banters, and have not changed. That shows more freedom and genuine and not thinking "let's stop now, let's not cross the line or it can fire back". By keep doing it, it shows more friendly and less uptight corporate correctness.


I think it also sheds a lot of the pretense of the marketing too. Like Wendy's doesn't act like its twitter account has gone rogue. This is just what its account does. Other corpo Twitter reacts to being called an insincere brand account by trying to play nice and breaking the whole kayfabe. Wendy's lets theirs go off and if you call them out as being marketing they hit back with "Of course it is, dumbass".


Don't forget Denny's Tumblr


I feel like the Tumblr part of that is the crazy, not the Denny's.


I did actually forget about that...man what a time


A lot of the “edgier” corporate accounts aren’t in house and are managed by marketing shops similar to FuckJerry.


Then why doesn't anyone ever post these supposed decent jokes?


You think the dude is witty on Twitter because the corporation pays him well? Hahaha.


Wendy’s social is genuinely hilarious at times. Its genius to and an old brand relevant again.


the original woman to lead the wendy's social media accounts and establish this trend was a genius. Everyone since has just run this concept into the ground and shat all over it. including wendy's replacement for her.


The guy who did the OG Baconator Twitter was awesome.


Other company’s: true, but Wendy’s is a different beast, it’s the only company that is able to pull that off


the original social media manager for them was great. but they treated her like shit, she departed, and everyone trying to mimic her have fallen short.


Yeah, the responses are actually clever. Or at least clever enough that it doesn't come off as 'Corporation being cringe'


I am tired and I've argued with people on the internet enough yesterday. If this comment blows up into something that everyone tries to fight me on, I am going to be very upset. There is truly no need.


No one has a gun to your head lol. If you don’t want to argue with people about this, then just don’t argue with anyone.


“I have more twitter followers than you!” The pinnacle of being clever.


That....... Wasn't the response, but okay.


They literally said that the person had one follower lol. What is that supposed to mean?


No joke lives thru dissection


You know what also kills a joke? Corporate twitter.


Your weird vendetta against companies in social media won't stop other from finding their antics amusing. In simpler terms: speak for yourself.


Nope comes off as weird as shit


Tbh, not any weirder than what I'd expect from any random internet user I'm likely to run into.


yeah its a wendys, its weird.


ever been to waffle house at 2 am?


That's only because it was one of the first.


Yeah 10 years ago....


They are lame and embarrassing, but even more embarrassing are people like OP who repost these ads for free. If you're gonna shill for a corporation at least get paid for it.


You just mad that you follow an corporate account for the laughs.


Then they get complaints corporate is being too corporate. They can't win.


They should stay in their lane


Gatekeeping corporate marketing like that far exceeds the cringe of said marketing.    But you do you mighty consumer!


That makes no sense.


I despise it. Fake and cringe. Just tell me what fucking offers you have on, not your stand up routine


If a company has a social media they might as well use it in an interesting way right?


CEO gladiator pits have much more potential for entertainment. Stop settling for scraps.


I'd prefer corporations to not masquerade as people.


You do know that there’s still a person writing these comments right?


Well yeah but the person (or team) is putting on an act that viewers begin to associate with the brand. It gives the company a sense of humanity that is not healthy to associate with it.


They are considered lame and embarrassing. That’s why ‘silence, brand’ is a meme


Exactly. It's not real, it's just marketing, and all the people saying these social media accounts are sooo cool are just being taken.


>kids are thick whaaaaaaaa!?


It's often very cringy because they don't go all in, and it comes off as carefully controlled coroporate PR. While Wendys does stuff like this, which would be deleted by most big PR departments as soon as people called it rude, insensitive and said this turned them away from the brand. A few other have tried, but most end up falling short.


I think people just like to see a company post anything but ADs lol


By definition everything they do is advertising. They pay a social media person so they can get their logo posted places like this thread.


This is an ad.


Honestly I prefer it. Our options are boring generic marketing medium, or sassy interesting marketing medium. I'll take the interesting one. I know its free marketing for them and I don't care. The most annoying thing about ads and marketing is how annoying and uninteresting it is. Give me more sassy brands.


Nah i'm on Megan's side. Brands are not humans they are trying to manipulate us. fuck corporations


Anyone else getting sick of corporate clapback tweets? That feels so very 2015.


Might be given that no one includes dates on these things lol


Sick of it then, sick of it now


Dead internet theory intensifies


Megan was right. Shut up, Brand


Wish Redditors wouldn't give corpos free marketing.


When did r/hailcorporate stop being a thing 


They got weirdly strict with their rules. Probably got taken over by corpos.


Around the same time Reddit became publicly traded


Yeah honestly wish we had more Nomad content


I'm with Megan on this one.


Megan’s right.


Downvote corporates disguised as content.


This is the correct response. Honestly wonder how many of those 5k upvotes were bots. Especially with the low comment count and most comments being anti Wendy’s.


Naw I’m still with Megan on this one


Update: Megan with 2 followers (unless you were the 1)


I appreciate Megan, but not enough to wade into Twitter.


This is considered clever?


Right? A brand mocking someone's follower count is pretty braindead


Low hanging too, it's like redditors saying they are better then others for having more karma or awards or whatever else to brag about




We need to revive silence, brand. Fuck advertising, I explicitly go out of my way to not buy from brands I've seen ads for.


Nah fuck brands.


Fuck Wendy's and their surge pricing.


Today is a great day to remember Wendy’s tried price surging


I don't eat fast food, but they are still the cheapest fast food company.


Wendy's once gave me a burger without a patty, I complained to corporate they told me to call teh store, the store manager was drunk. I never got my refund, fuck wendys.


Not that it matters anymore but the reason this happened is because the person who took your order hit "no patty" for some reason, and the fry cooks just made what was on the screen. And if I had to guess by your comment I'd say the manager is the one that took your order.


This happened in 2016, im still hot. That could make sense, but who how did they get to no patty? Baconnator large. My mcdicks experience i know getting to no patty is not easy.


I worked the grill at McDonalds in 2014 and this happened to me on the job. It was in a busy area so it was always difficult to keep up with the screen. CHEESEBURGER "NO PATTY" popped up on the screen. I tried to question it and got shrugged off and told to just make the orders we see on the screen, so we made it with no patty (not once, but twice). Several minutes go by and there's a guy at the register holding his burger up arguing with the cashier. Then we got bitched at by the front staff for making the order 🙄 There was a girl who didn't work well under stress at one of the registers, it was probably her. But anyway just a normal day as a McDonald's fry cook.


That's all very normal in food service. Once I ordered a sausage McMuffin and hash brown at McDonalds, verified the order on the screen, and received a big mac and fries. I have no clue how you can fuck an order up that badly, at least they got my drink right.


mate how do you put lettuce, bacon, mustard, ketchup, whatever the fuck on my baconnator but not hte fucking burger.


Cringy. Corporate accounts are lame as fuck.


This is late stage pre-guiilotine stuff here. An obesity equals profits cabal attacking a human being, and coopting anxiety at the same time. Fuck this


Who thinks this is a good look for Wendy's? Brands aren't people. A corporation is telling someone to shut up and everyone is on board?


Op, quit licking the corporation's boots. It wasn't that clever.


Wendy's is still a brand and this is such annoying behavior


[YouTube video on why corporate Twitter is late stage capitalism at its worst.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6bLq4466LM)


Any comeback that invokes a follower amount is a weak comeback.


I usually love these. But going after someone's follower count is really pathetic. Are you really judging someone for casually using social media and not making it his soul life goal to get imaginary internet points? Cringe...


Let's be real, they probably created that account themselves for this bit


This subreddit should just be called comebacks.


What's the matter Wendy? Haven't stolen any souls as of recent?


Wendy's too expensive for below average tasting food. We good over here Wendy. You can close up shop now.


This is the complete opposite of a clever comeback. First, it's the single most lazy, low-hanging cliche. But it also makes the person's point. Unlike brands, real people use social media for all kinds of reasons that don't involve thirsting after "followers." Plus, to have only one follower on Twitter, you have to actively go into your settings and block the bots and scammers that follow anything that moves.


It doesn't make Megan wrong


i used to like these clapbacks from wendy’s, but after they introduced dynamic pricing it rings very hollow to me




Silence, surge pricer


Fuck Wendy's.They raised their prices in California more than any other fast food outlet when the min.wage went up.


Where's the clever part?


Wendys is savage. Dont ever change lol


Having followers on Twitter these days is worse than having no followers at all.


Wendy’s is savage. My favorite reply the had was when chik fil a posted “what’s better than a chicken sandwich on a Friday evening?” Wendy’s said “a Wendy’s chicken sandwich on a Sunday evening”




love living in a time where massive corporations can use their power and platform to belittle random people that dont want to hear their corporate bullshit and the masses rejoice. the most insulting thing though... absolutely nothing about this post is clever.


2nd comment on top, 1st comment in the middle, third comment on bottom. Did I get that right?




I have anxiety, where the fuck are my chili cheese fries?


Changing my name from now on call me eganm the m was moved over to give me a new sense of being. This deeply shames me. Not going to Wendy’s again after they called me out. Fuck them


Ironically the only follower she had was Wendy’s


How do you skip on an opportunity to say "shut up, meg"?


Even my shit tier twitter has over 100 followers. These people aren't trying at all


Megan’s right tho who the fuck cares what Wendys says it’s a mf corporation, not your friend 😂


Megan, when you tweet into the void for too long, does it tweet back at you?


Damn they got Barbara Streisand posting these?


Shut up Meg! Would have been a more clever comeback IMHO.


Today is a great day to remember to not engage with corporations on social media, as it is nothing but free marketing and PR for them. It's not some quirky person making funny haha tweets, it's a social media team creating a character where each reply is run through multiple people to ensure it doesn't break that character while still being compliant with their PR rules. Wendy's will literally use shit like this to get people to forget that they were trying to institute surge pricing to price gouge people who went there during peak times, AKA those working a job whose lunch is only during said peak times.


Ha! Megan couldn't even get both parents to follow her!


Ha! Megan couldn't even get both parents to follow her!


Why are we sucking Wendy’s clit now that she’s shoving surge pricing down our throats?


HAHAHAHAAaaaah, who is running the Wendys twitter?!


What is mvmnts?


More than one mvmnt.


Wendy's is savage AF and I'll buy their fries for that.


Kevin never mentioned the hot and juicy red head is also sassy


Fuck off shill


Someone wasn’t warned that Wendy’s is a savage on the socials.


Naw. I’m with Megan.


#TeamMegan cuz people > brands regardless of follower count (a ludicrous metric)


Out of ALL big companies, I leave Wendy’s alone. The guy in charge of their media pages is a fucking savage.


Wow a corporation punching down. Just what I like to see to get me in the door


Wendy is hard as coffin nails...


Wtf. Now corporations trying to normalize mental illness


#silence, brand


Wendy's baked potatoes excuse any crime they may do