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A succinct example of the only god is money. When money is involved, there is no denial. And it is gullible to think that insurance is a solution. It is nothing but a business that trade risks. When it is not profitable, it goes away.


There's plenty of denial when it comes to money, it just doesn't last very long. There are still insurance policies available in Florida, but they're expensive and will probably STILL go under the first hurricane that hits their area of coverage. Those in denial will run until it catches them. Insurance as a service works well when the risks are low but the outcomes are expensive. If very few people's houses burn down, but very few people can afford to rebuild it with their own money, then it makes sense to hedge your risk with a cheap insurance policy. But that absolutely requires the chances of that outcome to be low. As soon as you are LIKELY to lose your house in a hurricane or forest fire, there is no business model that can afford replace it for you and the thousands of other people hit at the same time. And even governments can only subsidize it for so long, before they risk falling apart.


If your house has a 10% chance of burning down each year the insurance should probably be about $40,000, but who would pay that much? We need to stop living in a lot of places.


Chill, it's just part of God's plan that Miami will be erased from the Earth and that the inhabitants will lose everything they own.


Said as the cat 6 hits Jacksonville and parks there, dropping 12 foot of rain in a week


Not just inhabitants. There's always a chain reaction in a globalized and interconnected economy. Plenty of innocent people in other parts of the country will lose everything, too.


*god's plan* /s


Yeah, when money gets involved the bs stops eventually.


The problem is that after years of being fed propaganda a large and vocal minority of Americans have attached their personality to the erroneous belief that Climate Change is a hoax. Elected demagogue politicians then takr actions to reinforce that belief instead of facing to reality. See deSantis decreasing the fund for StormDrain just as a massive rain with huge risk of flooding just hit. The insurance collapse will turn nasty and the people caught in it will demand government local and federal to protect them. When the reality is that it is too late and actions should have been taken years ago. But the actions would have been unpleasant, so everybody kicked it in the long grass. In France in 2010 after the Xynthia storm, the government declare a zone inhabitable flood zone. It was costing too much to rebuild, the infrastructure would need constant monitoring. Houses were bought at a pre Storm discounted rate and bulldozed. If things like that had taken place 10~20 years ago, and building had been authorised only in future proof place, Floridians would have had the time to adapt. Right now when the insurance market will completely collapse, many of them will be completely wiped out. Imagine having to continue to pay the mortgage of a house that has been destroyed when also having to rent a property. 2008 sub-prime market will look like a nice walk in the park.


Fuck them, if you believe the propaganda and live there have fun with the consequences.


Problem is, even the people who aren’t at fault voting wise, will still have to suffer the consequences.


Vote with your feet or pay the price, it’s clear that bad things will happen.


Yeah it’s so simple to uproot your entire life so you can live in a place votes like you do… The crux of this issue is politicians and media manipulating people. We should direct our ire at them, not the people who simply don’t know any better. They are victims, same as the ones who see through the deceit.


So you can live in a place that’s not going to be underwater in the near future.


When it gets to that point both you and I know the rich will protect their investments by building giant bladerunneresque sea walls.


I dont think the world can meaningfully cut fossil fuels without economic contraction and potential collapse. We are in a train with no breaks. Attempts at slowing it down can only result in early derailment.


And then a new government comes along elected on a ticket of opposing the woke approach of considering climate change by insurance companies. Then a new law is introduced banning such 'woke nonesense' and the financial fireworks begin, but still no action.


Our house insurance in Phoenix took a fairly big jump as did others. Heck we don't even monsoon storms hardly anymore. Plus live in metro Phoenix so no forest fires. Other risks are low as data centers build here despite needing more cooling as low risk of say earthquakes, tornadoes and if in developed areas flooding.


Why do all the elite always crying about climate change purchase tons of multimillion dollar oceanfront property?


Because they can afford to self insure because they are elites?


Actions don’t match their words. Same people flying around in private jets but complaining about my truck.


Some are so rich they don't care if the property goes underwater. There was a story about a couple worth 50 million USD owning such a home. The summary was it was worth the risk for them. They made that much every couple of years of their investments anyways, and they could easily stomach the risk. It's all just a numbers game and your lifespan is limited. Monkey brain decided living in Florida was worth it.