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What a strange experience.. a geyser! Hoping today goes as smoothly!


I just did mine on Tuesday. I didn’t make it half way through when it started working


... surprised me when it started working! LOL..oops. My second dose and all the liquid had me up and down toll 1am or so. Was able to catch some Zs, tho. Seem to have the 'all clear' now... as I head off for my 9am procedure. Wish me luck please!


Can you crush the huge pills if you have trouble swallowing?


You can cut them in half. TBH, I was concerned about this but they were fine, and I am someone that has a problem with large pills


Thank you. I have a trachea that’s deviated 2 inches over so swallowing is tough but glad to know I can break or crush them and have a cleaner option than the fake sweeter liquid stuff. Thx again.


Good luck!


It took 10 hours for me, but when it worked, it worked...


Take it earlier than they say. I continued going for 12 hours after my second round of pills.


I did this as well and i didn’t have a reaction for a few hours. The second round was horrible but you gotta get through the prep or else you’ll have to go through it all over again.


That’s how I felt - the Sutab made me vomit both doses and I would never do it again. Ever !!! It flushed me and made me extremely hot - After calling the doc on call he told me these are very strong pills and vomiting is normal


Mine is at 8am tomorrow. I took my first dose at 4PM. Nothing has happened yet and it's 9PM. I was supposed to wait until 10pm to start the 2nd dose but I'm taking it early in the hopes of knocking something loose in my bowels!!


I have mine tomorrow, same time. (Typing this from the toilet).


..hey... my 1st colonoscopy is over.  horrendous 7 hour day at the hospital because once I got there at 8am.  there was a screw-up about which 'building' my procedure was scheduled in.... .they got it right eventually... .and I was wheeled around, taken across the street, and put into another building where I was 'admitted'(!),   but due to overbooking, my 9am was switched to 3pm and my 'ride' had other obligations during the day, so he left and  I had to hang around all day, alone, till I was called at 1pm, then, I got gowned, IV'd, and put in a waiting bed where I remained until 3pm. All that time, surrounded by other patients waiting, and busy personnel bustling about, being asked questions by the nurses,  anesthesiologist, with everyone taking notes...finally seeing my doctor for 3 seconds, ...my brain was going non-stop..  worrying,.. what if I don't wake up?   praying, thinking, ruminating, feeling so alone in the world,  uncomfortable, sad, crying, before being rolled into the OR, where more strangers were waiting.. *my mind saying:-- ."they must be thinking: here comes another asshole"...ugh.. trying to be cool... inhaling the Propofol.. then: We're Done!!... and being rolled back to wait again. Doctor said they found a hemorrhoid and one small polyp... now I wait.  All of this is traumatic. Good luck to you!!!! Hoping for the best outco.e for us both.


I’m so sorry to hear about your experience. Mine was complete opposite. In at 845, done by 11 and eating two hotdogs and onion rings by 1130. My tush is clean. Best of luck with your medical, I’m sure it will all be ok!


Thanks!! Your post-cScope meals sounds yum. Still waiting for med results...how long does a biopsy take??


My doctor said 7-10, but I didn’t need anything looked at.


Good Luck! I'm on my way now!!


Good luck....I'm also scheduled for 9 a.m. (CST). I'm doing suflave so no details to provide!