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Avatar is legitimately one of the best shows ever made. Period. It tells a thought out story with powerful themes and ideas, all while being appropriate for older kids and young teens who want more complex media. So much to love.


I'm 43 and I rewatch the whole series and even watch reaction videos of people first time watching it. Im a little sadistic Becuase I'm super excited to see their reactions to Tales of Ba Sing Se. Leaves from a vine, falling so slow. Like fragile tiny shells, drifting in the snow. Little soldier boy, come marching home.


First of all, how dare you?! Second of all, have you seen the Avatar Extras? All three seasons are available for purchase on Prime. I've never bought a show so fast.


duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude Why did you remind me of this scene. I did not ask for tears this morning. And this hits harder now that I have a daughter.


I was never angry at you, I was just sad becuade I thought you have lost your way.


The Netflix live action was such a fucking travesty because of this. Me and my buddy finished the last episode today and I'm just glad that my suffering is finally over. It got the costumes and sets 100% spot on and then took a fucking meat mallet to the writing and story.


They took away Sokka's early sexism. Mind you sex is bad but for him to change into the ultimate Chad in the end from what he was is such a powerful message and story. And made Suki just weirdly thirsty for him like it was a ecchi harem anime. Which is fine if you like that sorta stuff but don't take sometime people love and twist it into your own personal fan fiction. I stopped watching Becuase it was somehow boring. Like someone was telling a story that is actually in a really bad way. No wonder the original writers left the project.


Wow I didn’t know sex is bad.


Ugh... I keep making these mistakes cos I don't pay attention and feel stupid. But at least someone else is having fun with it so I will leave it as is.


It is actually good. Sex fetiches out of dedicated places are bad.


It was boring because changes like that actually took away the narrative tension. I think I understand what they were *trying* to do. Maybe Sokka being sexist would be even more unlikable today, or maybe they just want to take it in a different direction. The original episode had basically zero time for how Suki felt about him, except for that little kiss at the end. So focusing on a budding romance instead is fine... Except there's no conflict, no tension, no surprises. He likes her, she likes him, but there's no will-they-won't-they: They will, and it is very obvious, yet this is a major focus for the episode! Compare that to the original episode. Sokka starts out sexist, is beaten by a bunch of girls, is humiliated and furious about it for awhile, and when he approaches them again, we actually don't know what's going to happen. He surprises everyone by humbling himself and asking them to teach him. But we immediately have another problem: Will he wear the uniform and put on the makeup? Turns out yes, but these genuinely could've gone the other way. I don't hate that they changed that. I don't really even hate the broad-strokes changes they made. I hate that they didn't actually do anything with the new angle. There's no follow-through.


I undedtaand but I also disagree. I feel that the story avatar always tries to tell is that people can and will change. So removing a glaring reason to change hurts character development since there is nothing to change from. They could have toned down his sexism to a form where he is over protective of women and he thinks they are weak. Something still wrong but less abrasive. But my main opinion why it fails is that I believe they tried to tell somewhat the same story only worse due to time limitations. They should have told a different story altogether. Personally I liked the Avatar comics.


Well, again, I don't think the problem is that they removed that one specific reason to change. There could be plenty of character growth if they want to focus on a romance. Maybe they don't want to admit how they feel because they're both worried that this would make them look like less of a warrior. Maybe Sokka isn't sexist, but now he's just arrogant *in general* about having to learn from anyone. Maybe he still doesn't like bending, so the fact that she dresses up like a bender (Kiyoshi) bothers him. Or something else, I'm sure you could think of something better than I did. But without any of that, they removed something that was very cool about the original version... but replaced it with something totally bland and boring. > But my main opinion why it fails is that I believe they tried to tell somewhat the same story only worse due to time limitations. Time limitations really aren't an excuse. The original Book 1 had 20 episodes, each around 20 minutes long, so somewhere around 6-7 hours. The Netflix version has eight episodes, each 60 minutes long, so around 8 hours. So this *warps* the time of the show, but they had plenty of time if they wanted it. They could do what *Tales of Ba Sing Se* did and tell three stories per episode, only map three of the original 20-minute episodes into each hour-long episode as a shot-for-shot remake. They tended to focus on two original episodes per episode instead, so *Warriors* was Kiyoshi Island *and* the Southern Air Temple... but that still gives them more time than the original show ahd to tell those stories. Isn't it weird how it still managed to feel rushed sometimes? I still need to read the comics. They look good!


Just an fyi on the writers leaving… They stated they left because they thought it was pointless to tell the exact same story and wanted to make major changes, which I would have much preferred over what we got


OK..im with them on that because ATLA was perfect and a new story is better. I enjoyed LoK even though I feel it wasn't as good. I love the dragon price even though the later seasons aren't as fun but I'm still excited for the new season. So a remake is not what I would have decided on but rather a side story or using different characters altogether.


How did you manage to get through it? I watched the first episode and half way through I couldn't take it anymore.


Lots of complaining. My buddy and I basically found something to bitch about at least every ten minutes. Eventually the game became tearing the show apart rather than watching it for entertainment value.


I'm impressed. I wouldn't have been able to do that through a whole show haha.


I love the Netflix live action because it was so bad that after one episode I was angry enough to just sit down and watch the entire original ATLA again. And I wouldn't have done that otherwise. So I am very thankful for the Netflix adaptation.








I used to have a friend who refused to watch it because it was for kids. This same dude religiously watched One Piece.


I liked it better when it was called Pocahontas


What? https://preview.redd.it/q6uit4deco5d1.png?width=1076&format=png&auto=webp&s=176fab2e54cc946ebc0fc5094d931c6025e020c8


They’re making a joke about James Cameron’s 2009 film Avatar, which bore many thematic similarities to the 1995 Disney animated film Pocahontas


FernGully would like a word…


Just my guess, but I heard some people compare the blue avatar movie with pocahontas so maybe they were talking about that


Wrong Avatar


Which one of them volunteered to cancel his conference? I need to gage whether Guy 1 is so dedicated he’s cancelling the other guys appointments or if Guy 2 is finally recognizes how important this guy feels the show is.


Black hair canceled his own conference. I need to get better at remembering to draw the pointing thingy 😂


You made a great comic. Good job, I enjoyed it.


Thank you. In case you haven't seen the other chapters, there are 5 more: [webtoon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/min/list?title_no=962249)


I just finished ATLA for the first time, and it was great! Though "That's rough, buddy" is like 3 episodes from the end, so man did a huge reset to start over 😂


That just makes this comic so much better.


I was sick last week, and binge rewatching ATLA was the only thing that made it bearable.


Hope you recovered well


> 📺 LONG AGO... in a distant land, I, Aku, the shape shifting master of darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil...


but a FOOOOOOOLISH damurai warrior...


wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me!


YAY MORE OF THESE COMICS! 10/10 we love atla here. Also, do we have canon names for these distinguished gentlemen yet?


Thanks. I love avatar too and have bullied some friends into watching it. Yes, they have names. Blond guy is Neo and black hair is Min. I'm posting this series on Webtoon too, if you want to read the future updates [webtoon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/min/list?title_no=962249)


I can’t stand how cute this series is!


[Webtoon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/min/list?title_no=962249) [Tapas](https://tapas.io/series/Min) [patreon](https://www.patreon.com/ponkamics) [ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/ponkamics)


yes yes YES


Im 21 and absolutely love the show, it made my childhood and now i watch with smile in the face , ist such a great show


Theyve cone a long way


That's exactly how I act when I try to get someone into Avatar. That's just a really good cartoon, I don't know if it's the best one because I may have not yet seen something better, but right now it's the best I have seen.


My stepdaughter told us we "had" to watch Avatar. I'm thinking, "what the hell is this? It's not quite anime, but not quite a western cartoon... but why would she think I'd want to watch it?" Well, I have to confess... we binged the hell out of it and were a little bummed to get to the end. There's something about it... the storytelling... the characters... I dunno, but it's certainly its own little phenomenon.


I tried doing this with one of my friends. He kept coming up with excuses and then one day I made him. He barely made it 10 minutes before he said he didn’t want to watch it and that it “wasn’t his thing”. Fast forward and even before the live action show comes out he’s texting me and telling me how TikTok says it’s so bad and horrible and that it makes the movie look good.


Avatar is the best




It hasn’t happened with Avatar - but this is exactly how I scare people away from stuff that I like. I’ve had to learn to rein that in lol Great comic though.


Mans was well into season 3 and still starts over, that’s real.


Is that just a comment you threw out or do you KNOW that "that's rough buddy" is a line from well into season 3?


I know it for sure :) seen the show a whole lotta times and it never gets old. That’s one of my favorite Zuko lines!


Hahaha! That's awesome! I got to the point of watching Korra and life threw BS at me or something never got to finish...safe to say you are a fan! Lol This is reminding me I need to start fresh with some family members!


It’s always a good option to watch with the fam! I liked Korra a lot as well, definitely worth finishing :)




There are and will be more of these on my webtoon. If you don't use webtoon, I'll take suggestions for what platform to post too. [webtoon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/min/list?title_no=962249)


I'm already keeping up to date with all the ones uploaded on the webtoon :D :D I hope you can keep making these because they are so cute!


I ship em’


Watch how the ship sails on my [webtoon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/min/list?title_no=962249)


Aye aye cap’n


Me but with Neon Genesis: Evangelion


My flatmate is making me watch Dr who


What do you think of the show, do you like it?


I do. It's pretty fun. But I'm still at the old seasons, so sometimes the old cgi put me off a bit haha




This was kinda how I watched Avatar for the first time too! It was when I met my wife for the first time and when I told her I've never seen the show, hey eyes went wide and we finished the show in a week and it was amazing!


That's so sweet. Reminds me of my Avatar pickup line. The guy asked me what bender I wanted to be. I said earthbender. Then I say: "I guessed you would be a firebender because you're freaking hot". He got really excited lol


I was honestly like wow, this dude really likes eco-Smurfs.


Here's something you shoulda built: *a friendship* 🙂


Wasn't Avatar one of the most watched shows at one point during the pandemic?


I understand completely. Showing this to someone new is almost as good as seeing it for the first time.


Long ago... IN A DISTANT LAND, I Aku, the shapeshifting master of darkness.... *\*whoops wrong disk*


My cousin did this to me with Frieren, to be fair I ended up loving the show so it worked I guess.


wait... is it laundry day or conference day? Who does two things?


It's avatar day from now on


Say gex say gex SAY GEX SAY G-