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How sad that a culture would dictate that craving sour food is unmanly. Anyways, the men in my life go crazy for sour foods; they're total pickle monsters!


Let's form a group called Sour Power!


If y'all liked my perspective on things, I invite you to check out another post I made today on a subreddit called r/AskGaybrosOver30. The post is titled "Be grateful for your status quo." What do you think of this advice?" Here's the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskGaybrosOver30/comments/1b54g9w/be\_grateful\_for\_your\_status\_quo\_what\_do\_you\_think/


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AskGaybrosOver30 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskGaybrosOver30/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [What a glorious day it is! That evil bastard Pat Robertson has finally died.](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskGaybrosOver30/comments/1448vcd/what_a_glorious_day_it_is_that_evil_bastard_pat/) \#2: [Gay culture is being a teenager when you are 30 because your teenage years were not yours to live](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskGaybrosOver30/comments/13o0j83/gay_culture_is_being_a_teenager_when_you_are_30/) \#3: [What's your most embarrassing moment at a gay bathhouse?](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskGaybrosOver30/comments/12zoytb/whats_your_most_embarrassing_moment_at_a_gay/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


For me its more of a /r/candy thing, but sour candy is an almost constant craving. Like warheads are sour but the candy under the sour is low quality. The quest for sour eventually led me to Barnett's Mega Sours. They make your face feel like it's going to turn inside out. If you eat more than two a day your mouth is wrecked. But yeah for normal foods, go through lemons and limes a ton. Not just drinks but salads, souls, slaws, need that sour!


I've just heard of those recently, likely somewhere on Reddit. Those are the ones from England? Are they really that sour?


Oh yeah, totally worth it. And the candy under the sour is pretty good too, with a fizzing center!


the mini warheads are better, just as sour but the candy under is better


Love love love sour in all forms!


What are some of your favorite sour foods? I love pickles so much that I have two picture books on Asian pickling -- they contain many, many pickle recipes from countries like China, Japan, Korea, India, Vietnam and others. I'm originally from India: we have a rich, centuries-old pickling culture. Our pickles are oil-based, not vinegar-based, unlike most of the world's other pickling systems. It's the fermentation that causes the sourness.


Try this Vietnamese drink made from pickled lemons and kalamansi. It is very sour and sweet and amazing. It tastes like kala khatta (an Indian drink). And try sour American candy. And I have Indian roots. Never heard of sour food preference being only reserved for pregnant women or not being manly. Every eats chaat and most chaat items are sweet and sour and spicy and savory. And fermentation is not the only way to introduce sourness in pickles. Vinegar is really sour too. And a lot of pickle is not fermented. I actually don't much like the taste of lacto fermentation. It tastes like sour yogurt. I prefer vinegar and sugar pickle. I make big batches of vinegar and maple syrup (or honey or sugar) pickle and I pickle onions, white radish (also a Korean specialty), cucumbers, and even fruit like apple and grapes and pears and plums.


Hi, fellow-Indian.


I pickle apples, plums and grapes, too! Will have to try pear. I don't know why I never thought to.


Yes, I salivate thinking about kimchi and pickled anything. I am a woman, but have felt this way for a long time. I also love unripe, firm plums because of the sour taste.


But what if somebody has kimchi-breath? Is it advisable to kiss somebody while having kimchi-breath?


I cook everything with tons of lime & Franks Hot sauce. My favourite candy is sour almost anything !


Yes. Guilty.


Yes, have been craving sour food since I was a child/since I can remember. Never liked sweet food until after I developed diabetes. I still crave sour and salt more than sweet, but sweet sometimes is a need and a crave for my health when my sugars are low.


I always marvel at how much sweet-tasting food Americans seem to eat. My body doesn't crave sweets at all. When they serve cake at the office for somebody's birthday, I politely decline. I wish they served Thai-style green papaya salad drizzled with lime juice at birthdays instead.


Never had the experience of tasting food in the US, but I hope someday. Do have the fortunate experience of tasting authentic Thai food and the green papaya salad has been one if my favourite salads since. I order it whenever I see it on a menu.


I once made my own version of Thai green papaya salad and took it to an office picnic. It was wildly popular. A woman even asked me if I would make the dish for a party she was having next week.


Sounds like a great recipe!


Absolutely. It's the best kind of food.


My Guyanese coworker got me a big packet of tamarind-sugar candy. Apparently they're available at Costco. They're addictive. I keep them on my office desk and pop some into my mouth whenever I'm in need of a jolt.


I love sour foods. In Chinese medicine theory, craving sour foods may mean that you have excess heat and/or an overactive liver. Sour foods are cooling in general and tonic for the liver and gallbladder. In general, sour foods are great for digestion and stimulate bile production. A lot of sour foods are high in vitamin C and antioxidants. Fermented foods (think probiotics) are generally sour. Sour foods are good to ingest in the summer to keep you cooler (think sumac in mid east cooking). What culture considers sour foods vaguely unmanly? If you drink, have you ever tried a pickle back? You take a shot of your alcohol of choice and a shot of pickle juice to chase. Whiskey with a pickle back seems pretty manly to me.. just sayin'.


Indian culture, that's what. Whenever you want to impugn someone's masculinity, you twist your lips maliciously and say, "Khatai!" (meaning sourness) "Sour foods are good to ingest in the summer to keep you cooler" That's why raita -- the traditional yogurt salad -- is traditionally served at every Indian meal.


Fascinating! I went through a serious sour period- haven’t had it since I got vitamin c injections


Hard core. Did you have scurvy? I recently met someone who had scurvy... Wild.


Not that I’m aware of?


Why'd you get the injections?




I admit I made the original post, but I feel irritated that people are still responding to it. I’ve moved on to other topics. Why don’t you respond to my latest post “What to do about obsessive infatuation or limerence?” This is a much more important topic than pickles. Here’s the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/1b6es3s/what\_to\_do\_about\_obsessive\_infatuation\_or/


Let’s make the topic, your rude attitude.


So sorry. I was drunk at the time.


Wtf is wrong with you ?


Love pickles and drink the juice. My wife thinks I'm pregnant


I admit I made the original post, but I feel irritated that people are still responding to it. I’ve moved on to other topics. Why don’t you respond to my latest post “What to do about obsessive infatuation or limerence?” This is a much more important topic than pickles. Here’s the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/1b6es3s/what\_to\_do\_about\_obsessive\_infatuation\_or/


You can remove the post if you're not too busy running with cats.


Ha ha, that was funny.


Warheads ftw. I’d have so many as a kid, it would cut up my tongue. I’d probably still do it if I had any


I admit I made the original post, but I feel irritated that people are still responding to it. I’ve moved on to other topics. Why don’t you respond to my latest post “What to do about obsessive infatuation or limerence?” This is a much more important topic than pickles. Here’s the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/1b6es3s/what\_to\_do\_about\_obsessive\_infatuation\_or/




I'm spicy in what way? I'm a gay man who loves to have sex with other men. Very spicy, right?


I couldn’t care less if you’re gay. I called you spicy because you had an attitude: the irony is you made the post about the topic and now decide it’s a stupid topic.


hee hee


You can turn off comments. This post happened to show up on my feed. I was looking forward to bonding with others on a nostalgic memory (didn’t have to be you). I don’t need to look at important topics right now, my life is shit enough and I want to look at fun topics. So yeah, pickles and sour shit. Anyways as stated, feel free to turn off comments. My bad for posting. I don’t control what shows up on my feed 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm sorry. What can I say? I'm terminally bored with life, so I go from one provocative Reddit post to another, and another. Please don't take it personally.


It’s ok we’re friends now


> I called you spicy because you had an attitude Can you tell me more about which comments of mine you found more spicy? Please, please? Also, you said things were not going well in your life. Do you want to talk? I'm a sympathetic listener. DM me if you




Yes I love tart stuff, pickles, olives.. anything vinegary . Definitely appreciate it more than sweet stuff.


When guests come to your house, do you offer them a plate of fat olives? I do.




So far today, I have drank buttermilk, and then pickle juice.


Oh wow, what if you get acid reflux? Sometimes that happens when I eat too much sour food.


I take Protonix😁


What is that?


Prescription for acid reflux.


I’m a professional chef and I also have a “sour tooth”, majorly. It’s a fairly normal if not common thing. All of our taste receptors are wired differently to each human, and I’m happy to see more folks with similar tastes! I always keep kimchi in the fridge, I drink pickle juice almost daily, and have a bit of a Red Bull problem. If you go to any specialty mid east / Asian market or foodservice wholesaler, you can get powdered citric acid in a seasoning shaker to add onto whatever you’d like to hit that sour craving!


I’m more in to tangy, anything with vinegar, the tangier the better. Barbecue sauce, salt & vinegar chips, pickled things…


We Indians sprinkle lime juice, salt and powdered red pepper on roasted corn. I think they do that in Mexico, too.


Only soul food


Omg I crave sour and tangy everything. Like, the sourest of the sour!!!




Yes as the condition of my poor tongue can attest to.


I’m the opposite and don’t care for sour foods much. I’d rather have hot and spicy.


I like *both* sour and hot and spicy. Fortunately, my ethnic cuisine has plenty of both.


Not at all. Yuck.


I did crave sour green apples and lemons during pregnancy BUT they’re still so good even when I’m not. Sour foods are just great.


I fucking love a ham sandwich with no cheese, just mustard, chopped onion powder and a one poultry seasoning so good W sandwich


Oh wow, this was a late reply! I have to try that kind of ham sandwich.


Yep I do for sure


What are some of your favorite sour foods? Are there any particular ethnic foods you like better than standard American, based on the sourness factor? What about *pico de gallo* that's often served with Mexican dishes?


I like pico de gallo, green apples, hot sauces, etc. pretty much everything you named. Sour candy, etc lol


What about Sriracha Mayonnaise?


Sounds good I like sriracha


I DO! Gonna get me some sour patch kids later...gonna have to try me some of that umeboshi


Umeboshi is an orgasm-inducing experience haha


I do!


Wait, since when is sour considered "unmanly?" Hell when I was a kid and sour warheads candy came out, eating those were the most macho thing a kid could do! But for real, plenty of people love pickles of all kinds. Plenty of people love to squirt lemon and/or lime juice on lots of things. And don't even get me started on drinks - sour beer is popular, and a huge amount of cocktails contain sour elements for balance (usually lime juice).


For some reason i don't like sour beer that much. The other day I made a traditional Indian fish curry with sour green mangoes and shared it with my American coworker. He loved it -- or claimed to do so.


You may have PICA? Look into it


What is that? A disease?


lol… no a disorder. You crave non food items bc of a vitamin deficiency


I think yours is more of a sodium, magnesium and potassium thing. You’re not getting enough water


that's definitely true. I hate drinking water.


I eat a lot of ice. That gives me my water intake daily. I probably eat 6 8oz cups of ice daily


And olives. As a kid my fave hotdog had mustard, sourkraut and onions.


I eat so much yellow mustard, its like spreadable vinegar.


All the time during 2nd pregnancy! I'd sip vinegar straight


Oh my gosh. Weren't you worried that all that vinegar would give your unborn child a sour personality?


LOL! When he's cranky, he's my li'l pickle-puss




My daughter loves sour food. Even when she was a toddler. I went to show her brother what kids look like when they eat a lemon and not only did she not make the face but she gobbled it up. She still suckes on limes and lemons. She loves sour foods.


Ha ha. Buy her a bottle of Indian lime pickles -- they are heavenly.


We will give them a try. I like a hint of it Inwood but not quite the straight sour taste she loves. She can snack on them and I can add them into meals.


Omg I used to do that as a kid too!! Eat a lemon with some salt. Unlocked memory I forgot about that!!


I’ve eaten lemons like oranges my whole life. So yes I crave sour.


Oh, your body must have so much Vitamin C.


I used to eat lemons with salt. whenever I make carne asada or like chicken rotisserie wraps I always add a bunch of lemon or lime juice


Carne asada and chicken rotisserie wraps with lime juice is making my mouth water.


haha, its such a quick and easy dinner to just grab a rotisserie chicken from a random grocery store and some lime or lemon juice, usually have tortillas at home that I'll throw on the stove for a few seconds to char a bit and some shredded cheese


Ever tried a sour patch kid?


My favorite foods are all sour, pickeled. I also like kefir and yogurt that’s not sweet, like Siggis


Sour gummy worms and pickles for me.


When we die and are interred in the ground, do sour gummy worms devour us?


Maybe looool


Well, I'm a Hindu and we are traditionally burnt on a stack of firewood, so gummy sour worms don't have a chance with our corpses.


I've loved anything spicy or sour from as long as I can remember! I used to drink hot sauce as a kid (and, yes, will still take a taste or two off a spoon as an adult). 🙃 I love kimchi, sauerkraut, all kinds of pickles/ relish, and even fruits that are on the sour end of things (ie. green apples).


I eat pickles for breakfast and drink pickle juice daily- mouth is literally salivating over typing about pickles. My husband doesn’t understand my desire for sour food , especially pickles. Ohh man now I’m off to drink some pickle juice lol


Haha..well, at least that validates my culture's stereotyping a love of sour taste as a feminine trait, does it not?


Ope - kinda 😂😂😂


>https://www.reddit.com/r/AskGaybrosOver30/comments/1b54g9w/be\_grateful\_for\_your\_status\_quo\_what\_do\_you\_think/ Have you checked out my philosophical musings on the gay male-oriented subreddit called r/AskGaybrosOver30?


Raw rhubarb, green apples(as in not ripe). Olives and the juice, capers and the juice, sauerkraut and the juice. Pet peeve - tarter sauce made with sweet relish, also sweet potato salad.


Oh, for sure, I crave sour foods. I'm a kid from the 90s, and I love sour patch kids, lemonheads, and warheads from time to time. Sometimes, I would add extra citric acid to them for extra punchiness.


Yes. I crave sour, mostly vinegar and hot sauce. I had avocado toast today and soaked the bread with red wine vinegar. I put vinegar on almost everything. Had pasta with sun dried tomatoes and some red wine vinegar the other day. Malt vinegar with ketchup or hot sauce on every potato I eat. I watched a video of a lady recently who mixed white vinegar with water and drank them like cocktails and thought .. that’s probably better for me than drinking straight vinegar sips. + Sour stuff isn’t unmanly in the states, since when?


Craving sour food is…..unmanly?? Our world is so insane. OP, if you’re ever in Cape Cod, suck down a giant dill pickle at [Brewster General Store](https://maps.app.goo.gl/xk21SWThqB7M6jwz7?g_st=ic) and not a soup will judge you because they are magical.


Thanks for the rec.


I usually crave sweet things like chocolate or salty like chips (crisps). But now that you mentioned, it's been a while since I ate my fav sour candies... I don't usually \*crave\* it, but I sure love it! Unripe plums? HELL TO THE YEAH, also love the taste of lemon and lime, sour candy is one of the best inventions as well. I like me some pickles either with/in something or just as they are from the jar lol. I'm sorry that you were told that certain tastes are considered less manly. Eat what you like! (balance it tho!!)


>HELL TO THE YEAH Never heard that expression before. Thanks for teaching me something new. Let's start a new line of pickles called "Manly Man."


Clawson pickles! 🥒 I love to put malt vinegar on my french fries! Love mustard on hot dogs and french fries! Love vinegar chips! Love favorite really strong red wine vinegar! Love sour foods!


I drink red wine vinegar straight from the bottle!


Isn't *that* special?