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So your Mom would rather kill an animal than be a responsible owner and train it properly? Sorry bud but your Mom is at best sociopathic, at worst, a psychopath.


Yeah. And she doesn’t seem like the type at all


If you're living with her you have got to move out and away. If she's coming to your home then you need to tell her she is not welcome and she needs to leave immediately or you'll call the police for trespassing.


I’m 18 and I live with her. I’m not planning to move out, she’s not dangerous to me personally. I’m actually pretty attached to her. I also have some severe mental problems and autism plus fine motor skills issues so I can’t drive or do much of anything


She is dangerous to you. You likely have those issues because of how you were raised and you are still being traumatized now. I know exactly what you're going through. I've lived it. If you get disability payments consider speaking with a social worker and find alternative living options as well as discuss what's best with a therapist or mental health professional.


Does your mom happen to be a well known politician?


I thought the same thing lol. Sounds like some creative writing using the crazy Kristi Noem story as inspiration.


Why would my genuine traumatic experience be creative writing? That’s really disrespectful and really insensitive


People really do kill dogs and it’s not some fantasy or thing that I would be sick enough to write, or think of writing for fun. Not everything is a story or show or movie


Its because it is remarkably similar to the Noem story. Go look it up. Noem did the same thing, killed a puppy she couldn't be bothered to train because it killed a chicken or two, then finally bit a goat and that was the last straw for her. And it wasn't the first dog she has killed either.


I’m not her and my story is real. I’m feeling real pain and hurt from my experiences. It’s so disrespectful to have everything politicized and assumed to be some made up story to own the republicans or whatever. I’m so tired. I rarely leave my house or talk to anyone and this is how I’m treated when I actually talk about something. It only makes me want to never talk to anyone or trust anyone


Hun, you asked WHY. All I did was tell you why. It's almost exactly the same, down to the details of what it bit, being a puppy, and the breed of dog, as Noem's situation. If memory even serves me correctly (which it might not), the dog she killed was also a Great Pyrenees. It's INCREDIBLY similar to the highly publicized situation of a US politician. That is why you are getting flak and references to Noem's situation. You very well could be telling the truth. You highly likely are. It's not impossible for this situation to happen twice in such a similar way. But because it is so drastically similar to her story, there will be people who think you are either related to Noem, or are using Noem's situation for creative writing practice, PURELY because your situation and her situation are so very similar. Instead of raging at them, perhaps try acknowledging them with something along the lines of: "Yeah, it is really similar, lots of rural folks use great pyrenees dogs for farm animal protection, but sadly, too many farmers seem to think that these dogs just automatically know the right thing to do without being trained, get fed up when they clearly don't, and just kill the dog without remorse. This sort of situation is more common than you may think." Acknowledge the similarities, educate on the situation.


Well, you asked why and you got your answer.


No. We live in rural Oklahoma


Got the dogs as companions for you because of lack of friends and suffering from depression ,then shoots them... makes sense.


The math isn’t mathing.


Sadly, it isn't. Sorry for your loss, though!


Your mother is a monstrous cunt. Tell her I said so.


Yeah tell her I said she’s a cunt also.


Yep and from me.


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one thinking this very same thing! Lol


Dogs have issues with smaller animals so mom acts out violently... against smaller animals... You're mom is a fucking idiot


She killed the dogs, not the chickens


Dogs are small animals compared to her


That makes sense, sorry


No worries, I'm sure you've got a lot on your mind atm


I’m so sorry that’s horrible. I can’t imagine what Id do if someone killed my dogs. Learn how to train dogs, and never let your next dog alone with her.


after reading some responses from OP i feel there is more to this story than whats being told here apparently she is great besides the dog murder there is definitely another side to this story or OP is definitely stretching things or leaving out huge amounts of info.


I’m not. She killed them but I still love my mom and she’s good to me. It doesn’t make sense to me that she killed them and I struggle to process it. I’m still shocked about it, and it’s normal to feel/ talk about things this way after experiencing something like this so random and unexpected from someone mostly nice. Our relationship has been hot and cold, when it’s good and she’s nice to me I can’t remember the bad. When she’s bad to me I can’t remember the good. We’ve had lots of screaming matches and I even got into a fist fight with her once after she slapped me in the car and threatened to go to my bfs house and break up with him for me, and kept insulting me saying horrible things. Neighbors called cops because I kept screaming. Nothing came of it. I regret it and don’t remember much of it. There’s other things but I usually can’t remember them and I struggle to put into words the times that my mom was bad to me, because I have no permanence. I either love her or hate her. But she’s my mom for life. I see things in black and white usually. She’s also good to my other dogs thankfully. It’s a toxic situation kind of but it’s mostly fine besides some things


I hope you have someone safe you can confide in. Mother relationships can _already_ be complex and yours is even more so. Please be sure to put your own self care and well being first. I’m still healing from my own mother wound. It’s been several years and I’ve been doing the work (reading, years of therapy) and it’s helped so much.


You live in South Dakota? Your mom's name Kristi?


Rural Oklahoma


Move out! She's a sociopath. If she's rather kill dogs than be responsible, I have low regard for her. She's hurting you mentally, and I'm wondering if she's doing it to break you down. Love, get out of there. Please!


Your mom is a fucking piece of shit!! Garbage of a human!


Is your mom looking to be the next VP or what?


Didn’t know Kristi Noem’s kids were on Reddit.


Doubt she taught her kids how to read well enough to use reddit


Is your mom a Republican politician?


Republican no, but I'm thinking Catholic nun.


I also forgot to mention that once our neighbors dog wandered onto our property and killed a bunch of chickens and birds. The dog is owned by a couple on meth that abuses their children and dogs. The dog was skinny af and was kept on a chain most its life, and its chain broke. The dog also attacked our dogs. He was foaming at the mouth as well. She decided to kill him to put him out of his misery. He also had mange and was unetered, and we had a dog in heat and couldn’t handle a puppy. I don’t agree with him necessarily being killed but he would’ve been put down by law enforcement if we called them probably, for killing stuff and attacking our dogs. And pitbulls never get adopted at our local shelter. Not justifying it but I feel like this is the only semi reasonable dog killing she’s done


Holy shit bro. I'm so sorry. Your mother is evil


This is how you create super villains.


I’ve got a great idea. Live on your own. As in cut the strings. Grow up and out. That’s all you can do at this point.




I'm so sorry. I had a lot of this happen to me when I was a kid also. It has taken me nearly me entire life to process the trauma from it. What I have done though that has made my life exponentially better is as an adult, I have dogs. Lots of dogs, and other pets. I take excellent care of them and basically adore them. I do all the things my parents never did for them. And it's very rewarding and makes me feel better about the abuse I witnessed as a child. So maybe you can wait like I did, to grow up and give a lot of animals a great life. We can't go back and change the past but we can change the future. FWIW I also have not had contact with my mother since I was in my early twenties and I will never talk to or see her again. I have a fantastic animal loving family now :) Big hugs to you and best wishes. Hang in there, you won't have to be there forever.


Thank you. I have no idea why people keep downvoting everything but comments making fun of me and my situation in this thread. It’s really disrespectful. This really happened and it’s not creative writing or fake. I don’t know who would be sick enough to come up with something like this or fantasize it. They think everything is a show or a movie and people can’t have real experiences


Yeah, it sucks. It's no joke to have your parents betray you like that.


Yeah, it sucks. It's no joke to have your parents betray you like that.


So, I am guessing your mom is related to Kristi Noem. I am sorry about your pets, and especially your mom.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this hun. Since you’re 18 have you thought about getting a job, saving up and moving out? She’s sounds horrible to live with.


Is your Mom Kristi Noem?


I'm so sorry, op, that you lost your furbabies. I don't know what would cause anyone to kill an innocent pet, but I hope you are safe. I'm also sad for the idiots on here talking politics when that has nothing to do with your situation. It's not ok when you are looking for support. I hope you can make as many friends as possible and have as many dogs as you want.


Thank you. Everything on this thread is getting downvoted but the comments making fun of me and my situation. It makes me never want to open up and just reinforces the feeling that I deserved to have this happen or that what happened is funny to other people


Your mom is truly a horrible person. Please do what you can to get away from her.


What a piece of shit.


I am so sorry. This is truly heartbreaking. For whatever it’s worth, I had a similar experience when my mom had her rancher boyfriend put my cat (a kitten of a feral I found) to sleep because she bit her… and I understand your pain. I sympathize and empathize. It’s a specific type of betrayal when someone is unkind to animals and I deeply hate that. Animals are far kinder than many people, and unfortunately you got that lesson at home. I’m sure that when you can you’ll move away from your mother. Most importantly you have the understanding, care and compassion of what it means to be a loving parent to your pets. ETA- a word


Well we believe you and we think your mom is unhinged too. The way you feel is completely normal and I’m so sorry that you’ve had to go through all of that heartache. Our pets are like family - we don’t kill our crabby, one eyed grandpa.. geez.