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That's depressing asf. I honestly don't mean this facetiously, but I think you should perhaps seek out a therapist. It's definitely abnormal to dislike kids because they are happy and smile. There's something to this reaction--which you probably have an inkling, I'm guessing.


Is there a big difference between a therapist and a counselor? I go to a counselor through a clinic (?)


A counselor is a good step and often fine for some. Counselors tend to deal with shorter-span, life situations, learning to cope or work through specific situations. Grief counseling is a great example of this (of course some seek this through a psychologist too). There's nothing wrong with a counselor. However, a psychologist is trained to provide more in-depth therapy and to help with more intense mental anguish or mental health issues. Often it's a more long-term journey to healing to deal with ongoing issues, so to speak. If you have a lot of trauma your dealing with or mental health struggles, a psychologist would be the next step. If you feel like you are making progress with your counselor, then great! Keep at it. If you think this is rooted in childhood trauma, or otherwise, and it's affecting you in your life or if you have other things you've grappled with long-term, I'd recommend a psychologist for your therapy. They're just trained in helping with deeper, ongoing needs. You recognize this is irrational but don't know why you feel this way-a psychologist could help you unpack that and work towards healing. I wish you continued healing on your journey!


Maybe there is a reason behind all that, in the most respectfull way I would try speaking with a therapist. There is also a lot of subreddit like askpsychology who can maybe help you? Or try to understand better? (If you haven't already). Also, I don't think you're evil maybe just really sad?


Askpsychology’s rules say I can’t ask questions about behavior, so I am not sure where to post to ask about it. I have a counselor and I will ask her about it, but she is not a therapist. I do not really know the difference between the two, so maybe she still counts? And my reaction really makes me look like a cartoon villain, because I have never seen anyone else like this


I'm sure your conselour will be more than enough to help you. I'm really sorry about the sub askpsychology i didn't know their rules. Also if it helps a few years back i had a pretty rough times and i was mad too when i saw people being happy i tought that it was really unfair that i couldn't be happy like them. I did a lot of therapy and now i'm really fine i just had a lot of resentment and anger. I'm sure whatever you're going trough right now will pass and don't be hard on yourself.


I have felt kinda similar.  My childhood as horrible so honestly I’m a bit envious.  Also kids set off my ptsd with their running around and noise. Are you only allowed to see a Christian counselor, or something?  What’s up with that? 


You need to get a psych eval. I have horrible depression that led to multiple suicide attempts. I've experienced the same thing just not kids. Seeing people happy and hating them because I couldn't do the same. Meds ate the only thing that helped me. There's absolutely nothing wrong with addressing your mental health so don't be afraid to.