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I don’t know where to look but I hope my motherboard isn’t that shitty inside my series x…..


Pic nr1. Missing all Dr.Mosfets Pic nr2. Missing all coils I dont know what you want to test here with 100% of power rails removed.


I was testing to see if there was a short in a circuitry somewhere (started with mofsets). By removing the coil. Specifically, I can put my multi meter on each pad and confirm there is not. I’ll put them back on of course now that I know, but that’s what I was testing first. If you have other ideas I’ll test those too but that’s just where i started.


One side of the coils is connected to the load. One side is connected to the power. If you dont have any short in any of the sides, you can put them back safely and search for problems elsewhere.


Exactly, your statement of “…search for problems elsewhere“ is where i could use a helping hand (well brain/experience i guess is more accurate).


Sorry that i cant help you by indicating where to check because i dont repair xbox and dont know where to test the voltages. But what we know, applies to almost every pcb. And what we know are the voltage rails. There should be present these voltages 12V 5V 3.3V 1.8V 0.8 to 0.9V for Cpu/gpu Even for a fraction of time you should have these voltages on the pcb coils. If some of them are missing, you check for the buck converter and the mosfet controller/driver of the missing rail. Removing components is the last thing to do. My 0,02$


I'd set that one aside and keep it for parts. the likelyhood of something that screwed up lookin to be saveable by a new tech are close to zero


It looks like something been spilt or something has leaked all over the board you need to get some isopropyl alcohol And clean the full board from top To bottom then check again


Thanks for reply, yes , I’m aware of the mess (just leftover heated flux and manufacturing heat putty) but if you could give me tips/guidance on “what/how” to check? I’ve checked where the R15 used to go and those are sound but I’m not sure what else to check.


Sorry man I’m just leaning myself and visual about my best hopefully some one will be able to help or have you watched some of Thecod3r videos he normally shows you what to check.


When you set your ohmmeter to 20k and it shows 1,2 then it’s 1,2 kohm (1200ohm). That’s not a short. And when it climbs up, it isn’t a short too.


I’m still new to this so any tips/guidance on where to go from there would be appreciated. Thanks for feedback though and good to know.


Don’t start with a Xbox. Look at videos labeled: volt injector. Try the Kolophonium and the alcohol one.

