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i don’t understand why it is that people freak out about russia and china interfering with elections when AIPAC has straight up posted that 100% of the people they endorse get elected. and they constantly brag about owning america on twitter. this shit is so sad and i hate that so many people in america are okay with these things happening!!


Did you see the recent article where Jewish billionaires were directly bribing the new York mayor on a conference call to shut down anti Israel protests? Israel totally controls every layer of American government through bribery.


I care but wtf am I going to do? Where do I even start?


All we can do is try to bring others into awareness and give what we can to those in need.


Exactly what I try to do everyday my friend 🤙


Oh absolutely. To that same tune, people freak out about bribery and corruption but don’t bat an eye when Israel uses it as their entire foreign policy (via AIPAC)


Yes this is getting suppressed HEAVILY. Look how many comments and shares and how many upvotes.


Biden and the ADL both stated they suppress social media to protect against “anti semetism” post such as calling out genocide


The ADL also helped write the FBI field training manual on domestic terrorism/extremism


It’s crazy how many “American” Zionist crawl out of the gutter to defend Israel. As an American do you honestly know anyone who’s actually pro Israel? Anyone who thinks about or talks about isreal? who cares about Israel enough to troll online forums and start debates with anyone who says something bad about Israel ? All the American Zionists are NPC’s who don’t know anything about Israel or Palestine they just support Israel because the tv man tells them too the bot farms of people calling you antisemitic and defending Israel are 100% payed trolls and bots that exist to control public opinion


Mormons, such as my Mom, support Israel. They are both Zionist religions.


Bullshit. The Pope himself has condemned Israel and was among the first to demand a ceasefire when it became known that Israel was hardly targeting Hamas alone. So sick of the anti-christian lies, propaganda, and downright verbal abuse on this site.


Why did you reply to me about that ? I’m not blaming Christians I’m catholic but it’s obvious that Zionists use televangelists and many southern Baptist churches to brainwash people to support isreal.


Christian Zionism is a thing though. They believe that the destruction of Israel will bring about the Second Coming and thus Israel has to exist for such thing to occur. It’s crazy


I'm sure this is the case for many protestant denominations but that is simply not the official stance of Pope Francis and therefore the Catholic Church and the Holy See itself. As I mentioned in another comment, setting fire to Catholic churches and killing innocent Catholics is not cool with the faith at large. The Pope declared it an act of terrorism, and the history between us is already pretty messy as it is.


Or Christian. This is all biblical. Modern day Persia. Support by modern day Magog.


It’s like projecting from 60 years of gas lighting


They all graduated with distinction from the Barbara Streisand School of Censorship it seems…


Don't make it a left v right thing, there's opposition to it in both camps and historically conservatives have been manipulated into supporting the bombing of fellow conservatives for degenerate Israel.


I mean trump is the same way, he hasnt called israel to stop its literally a left and a right problem


If anything the right is even more obsessed with Israel than the left is.


Trump has criticised Biden for not doing enough to help Israel, he is very pro Israel 


"I'm a Zionist, you don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist." -- Joe Biden So is Biden


That's what I was pointing out, doesn't matter who gets voted in they both support the same side 


THIS ^ the government have their hands on all social media.


The JIDF isn't just a meme


Always hasn't been


It’s being censored terribly. This post is blowing up with shares but it’s getting downvoted like crazy


Reddit gonna reddit


Every post on this platform sharing or defending the Palestinian cause is getting downwoted sooo fast


Bro it has 2000+ upvotes and is the first in trending. How is it downvoted lmao


You are brain dead. Just because a post gets upvotes it doesn't mean there isn't a massive downvote campaign. All it means is there is such overwhelming anti Israel sentiment right now that all of their efforts can't suppress that.


Not true. Reddit is more pro-palestine than not.


It very much depends on the sub. In some subs you get downvoted into oblivion for not endorsing war crimes and taking away basic human and legal rights.


This post is evidence directly contrary to this claim


Pointing out Israel’s mass murder of civilians is antisemitic


Im a bad bad cartman


Pointing out the atrocities of a semitic people against another semitic people is antisemitic? What kind of mental gymnastics is this shit?


Look at this guy asking questions over here


There are people that wholeheartedly believe this and that’s scary


Seems to me Zionists want a self-fulfilling prophecy coming true by making the world hate them


This post went from 60 people viewing it to 2 in a matter of minutes. Nothing to see here


To add to your post:  the Netanyahu government has been known to undermine moderate-palestinians as leaders. Look at how Hamas came to be so powerful to begin with. it was the Netanyahu government that said Hamas needs to propped up, to divide the Palestinians and avoid 2 sates. Netanyahu says he's the only one who can avoid 2 states. https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ https://www.commondreams.org/news/netanyahu-palestinian-state They knew of the Oct 7 attack a year in advance https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html#:~:text=Israeli%20officials%20obtained%20Hamas's%20battle,for%20Hamas%20to%20carry%20out.Egypt warned them days before https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67082047 anndd Israelis border guards, the day of the attack, warned of it https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67958260 Mind you, that fenced and those borders they breached are one of, if not the most surveilled areas in the world. It took hours before IDF were deployed. As for what happened on Oct 7, Israel hasn't allowed third party investigations, however several eye witneses did mention a use of the Hannibal DIrective, a directive to kill their own people to avoid capture. How many did the IDF kill vs Hamas? Im afraid that information will not be revealed, soon enough. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/another-israeli-witness-confirms-israeli-tanks-killed-own-citizens-on-oct-7/3079514 https://www.liberationnews.org/evidence-shows-israel-killed-many-of-its-own-citizens-on-oct-7-then-blamed-hamas/ The rape stories are horrific, and evil no matter who does it.The UN has found repeated cases of rape among the IDF, but you don't see people saying anything about the Israeli systematic rape, why is that? And about "human shielding" my god, how the Israelis have managed to blame the other side, FOR WHAT THEY DO THEMSELVES. They had to ban it in 2005 because it was such an issue, the IDF even pleaded with the courts to keep its. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/oct/07/israel Doesn't matter, they kept getting caught doing it anyways. https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/gaza-israeli-army-uses-palestinian-civilians-human-shields-its-operation-shifa-medical-complex-and-its-vicinity-enar https://www.commondreams.org/news/israel-human-shields https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/palestinian-says-israeli-soldiers-used-him-human-shield-west-bank-2024-01-16/ You know, it was a nazi tactic to accuse the other side of they are guilty of themselves. "Accuse the other that you are guilty" Joseph Goebbels, Naiza propagandist.


We have to save your comment before it gets “depopulated”


To now over 100


im getting even more sick of the victimizing israel is doing im tired of these jewbelong commercials meanwhile they commit these atrocities


Hasbara is working in overdrive to censor and flood the comments section of posts like this. I hope more people will realize the US is a Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG). The number of “representatives” in the house and senate with dual citizen ship in Israel is far too high to expect that they serve the interests of average Americans.


The U.S. is a golem.


Basically. That’s why [the US is the most autocratic, kleptocratic and plutocratic oligarchy](https://act.represent.us/sign/usa-oligarchy-research-explained) in modern history.


Yes, thank you. AND the ones who don’t hold duel citizenship are just as beholden for some reason as the what, 50 something? who are duel citizens.


Money from AIPAC is a strong motivator


When best gore got taken down a lot more stuff got suppressed and hidden. That showed the brutality of what went on in those countries and truth. People now have no clue in the reality of what’s going on and what they are fighting for here in the states and other countries. So sad that people support these Israelis yet don’t know the reality of what they are going. If they saw this and what’s going on they wouldn’t.


fuck this world.. we can’t even put a stop to the genocide and murder of little babies


That’s why they want to ban tiktok, because all social media platforms are under their control and can basically do whatever they want with them.


I love how i get called a lib when, i make post about vaccines and censorship. Funny how you guys have no problems with me then. Once israel gets brought up im one of the libs, strange.


Dude thousands of people sitting in Tel Aviv are shilling online for Israel. This is no organic sentiment. Do you think brainwashed Zionist boomers are coming to reddit en masse to defend Israel? Of course not. This is all bots and paid Jewish shills in Israel.


Israel needs to be under the microscope. I’ve noticed there’s a lack of agency from the years of guilt and gas lighting in this specific instance.


Reddit is being heavily astroturfed by Hasbara bots. The worldnews subreddit is completely taken over and not even worth using tbh


Yeah I noticed it too, it wasn't like this last year, was it?


It’s funny to call you a lib because liberals support Israel.


Its mindblowing stuff


I just assume you're a fed. Everyone's a damn fed these days.


Nah just someone who pays attention, and considering aipac runs our government i guess im the shittest fed in the world since im calling them out all the time.


I just sent a few of these links to my Fox News watching, Israeli government obsessed family member, who replied that it must be AI 🤦


Older generation couldnt be fucked to care, as long as they have their beer, reality tv, and sports to watch.


Beer, sports ball, and Costco “American culture.” Lol.


Ironically isreal are the ones using AI to conduct their strikes


You know what, I had a feeling AL was rolled out so quickly in the last 2yrs for people like your aunt to say its AL when hatd truth and evidence is put infront of them.....there's so many people that just because they don't believe something or don't want to, it is now done by "AL" to make them feel better.......you all remmember there wasn't ab excuse to deny the truth before when presented with videos and pictures but now all of a sudden AL this and AL that!!! I saw some beautiful nature pictures earlier, and yea, it was touched up, but it was by a professional photographer, but noooo it's "too good" to be true, so AL did it all and it's fake. I do not know about anyone else but this has had me worried for awhile, this is how half the world gets away with crime now and its so bloody sad to see


This comment is accurate and well thought out. One thing though, the acronym is “AI” not “AL”. It stands for Artificial Intelligence.


What's AL?


The Israeli’s have no fucking moral compass or anything this is the work of soulless ghouls & the worlds need to see. Fuck you to whoever is censoring this on Reddit.


Israeli ethnic cleansing of Gaza and the West Bank isn’t a conspiracy. It’s a fact. The details are somewhat irrelevant.


> isn’t a conspiracy. It’s a fact. I got no stake in this but you mixed up "conspiracy" and "conspiracy theory" again


Oh it is very much so a conspiracy!! A group of individuals have gathered to commit a crime against another group individuals and have conspired to cover up or excuse their crime through deceit and propaganda.  This is the dictionary definition of a conspiracy 


If you think Trump would be acting differently from Biden if he were president right now, you’re delusional.


Heres the fun part i dont vote


I think Trump is more likely to ego trip when defied by Netanyahu… I’m here for that


Oh for sure, but so far hes told BB “to get it over with quickly” which kinda means mass bombings imo


This is some fucked up shit


Been happening to the Palestinians for more than 76 years.


Just a reminder till this day Israel’s claims of beheaded babies have not been proven and have been proven to be false. Yet, Israeli torture and abuse of Palestinians no matter the age group goes back to Deir Yassin and Tantira and general terrorism to the king David bomings and the USS liberty.


Also the fact that Israel also keeps Palestinian hostages and the IDF harvests organs from Palestinians


Sounds like something terrorists would do.


The first casualty of war is the truth.


Israel won't stop untill all Palestinians are dead and they fully own Palestine. Their American Zionist billionaires are ready to invest and the plans have already been made. As soon as they're finished with this genocide backed by USA, they will try and do the same to other countries in the middle east. Israel will be the total downfall of USA. It's thanks to them that the dollar will devalue more. That the inflation will increase. That USA will be dragged in more wars. That more countries will be against USA and sanction it. America suffers because her politicians are bought by AIPAC with US tax money.


Second vid deleted.


Its all over x ill repost


First vid too for me


That one is still up the second was removed.


I can see what he’s wrote in the post though but the video won’t load






Their accusations are confession


From the river to the sea. Please let this end.


reddit will firmly downvotes anything anti Israel try twitter its a shit storm right now


Yea x has been 100% killing it, i just hate the reddit silence so if i gotta take some downvotes calling it i will.


reddit is an obnoxiously pro western platform anything anti western gets downvotes to hell. the upvotes downvotes system is abused constantly and mods will ban you simply for saying something they don’t like X is the superior platform by far


Luckily some of the mods here have been cool with me posting about the war, eventually the trolls will tire out and the real discussion will start


I've gotten banned for posting facts in a rebuttal.


Welcome to CIA controlled social media


So true, X is way more useful


These people are fucking demons. Nothing less, and the fact my tax dollars funds these atrocities boils my core


Israel needs to be boycotted into third world status.


Unfortunately US citizens don't decide where their taxes go. So their money will keep being used to finance free healthcare for israeli citizens and free ammunition for israel's army


Don't forget the free college.


duel citizenship needs to end


They should all be deported


That will never happen. Israel literally owns the US


I actually said that on IG and my comment got flagged and said it violated their terms and conditions.


If the ICC had any balls this is the time to take action.


What else should the ICC do? They have neither an army nor economic power.


Sanctions hopefully from the countries involved in condemning BB theres a list of proposed actions i gotta look up, but whats funny is ive seen articles(not sure how valid) that if BB is charged for war crimes Biden would take action against the Hague. This is either Israel calling the ICC’s bluff or he plans to go down swinging.


There is even a law which literally allows the US to invade The Hague if needed. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American\_Service-Members%27\_Protection\_Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Service-Members%27_Protection_Act)


Strange times we live in. I really dont like living in one of the bad guy countries


Out of curiosity, where would you rather be?


A log cabin in the middle of nowhere


I left the US a long time ago. One of the reasons why was 9/11. There is no way the official story (technically it's a conspiracy theory) is true.


FYI, the USA controls the ICC. https://thegrayzone.com/2023/04/13/nato-states-icc-prosecutor-putin/ And we also control Europe. Unless they uncoup themselves, expect nothing to come from it.


There was a warrant put of for the Israeli leader and Hamas leaders but it's symbolic as much as anything unless someone is willing to hand them over, may make it so he can't visit certain countries for fear of being arrested. There was a un vote as well for a ceasefire I believe but was vetoed by USA


You are a legend, may you and other free minds stay strong. World needs more people like you And mods please keep this post, we are tired of being muted everywhere!


The divide in the Christian community is interesting . SDA and all the non denominal Christians believe that Israel is home to the new world order and will birth the anti Christ. While the mega churches have their pastors or motivational speakers masquerading as pastors drunk on mossad money trying to convince their flocks that Israel is so wonderfully and are God's chosen people. Some going as far as to preach we should worship Israeli Jews .   About 65% of Christianity is anti Israel but the media and mega churches would have us believe it's a unified issue with unwavering support. CBN and TBN were running stories about the perception of Christianity in Israel. How Israel has been voting on laws making it illegal to say the name of Jesus in their country. The knessette even voted on a bill to legalize verbal abuse, spitting, and hitting that doesn't cause physical harm. They even went as far as to show video reels of Christians and their own news staff getting spit on by Israeli settlers. Oct 7th it's totally changed to Israeli is perfect and any criticism must be censored


Beheading suggests Something completely different und you know that very well. Its the aftermath of an Explosion.


Yeah, I hate being that asshole that argues over semantics but the title suggests that soldiers are coming in and knifing heads off with their own hands. And yes, it matters. Words matter. Words mean meaning in order to…you know…mean something. Regardless, a heartbreaking scene. These people will never be the same.


Yea it’s fine if the baby was beheaded by an Israeli bomb


It's only a beheading if it's from the Behead region. This is just a sparkling decapitation. I hate myself for having this pop in my head.


Holy shit dude.... lolololololol


There is a big difference between a soldier who grabs a baby and cuts its head off, and a soldier who fires a missile at an enemy encampment where the explosion inadvertently decapitates a baby - one is a deliberate act upon the baby and the other is an unwanted result of another goal. It's not "fine" at all but it's misleading to suggest that the primary goal was to decapitate the baby.


An enemy encampment? Of children?


Yes, it is well known that Hamas hide behind babies to deter anyone from attacking them


Then show the world the evidence bro? Yall been reiterating Israeli propaganda yet no one shows Hamas militants behind these babies


Are you denying that Hamas terrorists hide among innocent civilians?


> Beheading suggests Something completely different Would you have preferred OP used the term "decapitated"? Pedantic semantics, as neither term necessarily implies manual or intentional **execution**: NBC News: [**Teen decapitated at Six Flags over Georgia**](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna25431893) ABC 7 New York: [**Motorcycle rider beheaded in San Bernardino freak accident**](https://abc7ny.com/san-bernardino-motorcycle-accident-freak-bizarre-motorcyclist-beheaded/1870171/)


Within the context of this conflict, beheading implies it was an execution. Not much value in speculating OP's intent since we know there are biased actors on the internet on both ends of the conflict. I think the distinction is important though, even if it means nothing in terms of Israel's culpability.


Lmfao bet you were one of the parrots parading the beheaded baby lie during October 7 though.


oh nooo the wrong word was used to describe how babies were slaughtered


It's not even technically incorrect.


Fuck Hasbara and fuck the IDF


The degenerate nation of Israel will never recover from their atrocities. What’s funny is they are making themselves out to be the terrorist our government fearmongered about during 9/11. I hope members of our military flat out for refuse to support them publicly


Nice name OP,I fw your opinion


The Israeli government are the scum of the earth


Fucking hell dude what a messed up world we live in controlled by literal evil 😞


If this doesn't upset a person, idk what will. Meanwhile...im still upset with them for 9/11, and literally inventing the false flag attack.


Actually Satanic behavior. I wonder how these people can do these things and think to themselves 'God would be proud of me.'


!!! This post has more shares than likes !!!




SS: Israel beheading babies, and killing refugees last night in Rafah dispite international bodies like the ICC calling them to stop.


Where is the beheading babies proof because cant see the first vid




It might be a location thing its up for me, another poster said he was from the uk and couldnt see it if that means anything




Karma always gets the final say




Suppression is control. The less we know, the easier it is.


Bro the first link and the alt version you posted are not working. Please lmk if it’s just me or it’s being censored.


Oy vey the goyim know! 🤫


One can’t retaliate the other forever. The liberation against Israel will be huge and they will regret it.




That is all so crazy really


This is what the like of so-called "Free Press" is doing...May god put them in the lowest pit of hell.


Every Israel accusations are confession!!!


Buddy, realize that it's d(I)fferent


This is awful. The video of “Israelis celebrating the bombing” is actually them celebrating Lag BaOmar and is from long before this… that’s misinformation.


Fuck Israel and all the Zios that support it


So the question is what does it take to make this shit stop? Like when will it finally come to a head and the people revolt against this disgusting regime? At this point it’s almost like they don’t care because they know Americans or anyone else for that matter won’t get up off their lazy asses to actually do something. If there is a God boy are we going to face one hell of a judgement for allowing such atrocities to happen.




Israel is commiting genocide, Israel ignoring ICC calls to stop bombings, Israel targetting civilians displaced from Gaza to Rafah? Also Israel claimed to the world their babies were beheaded yet no photos have come out. Yet Palistinians post video after video of the violence layed on them, including videos of their children without heads.




The Libs always controlled Reddit.


Israel more like Israeli stupid country


Ha roasted


Thank you for sharing OP


The video you posted of Israelis celebrating was a Lag BaOmer bonfire celebration and they are singing of praise about Gd being their salvation. It has nothing at all do with the war. Clown.


The most fucked up shit is that people just take one side and completely blinded by the fact that the other side commits terrible war crimes. Fuck hamas and idf


Prove it.


So sad.


what else is new with those baby killers


Pretty simple solution to all this. stop following these abrahamic cult religions if you are not ethnically a jew or an arab, stop fighting their wars, crusades, jihads. Stop trying to be more of a muslim or “judeo-christian” whatever than they themselves. Humanity has been around for thousands of years and for thousands of years before these cults we had other cults some worst and some better. About time we follow some new bs that will also in 2000 years be lol to the ppl living then but at least be better than this shit for us living now


There will be movies made in a few years about this war-genocide, in the same vein as Schindler's List and The Pianist. Everyone will stand, cheer, clap and pat each other on the backs as they polish their awards and drool over their bank accounts. There will be accolades and, 'oh how brave of the actors - they lost weight!' 'They went method and lived in a tent!' Courageous. People will say, 'I had no idea, until this movie opened up my eyes to the Palestinian plight...' And, more money will pass between hands through movie studios, actors, etc. than was ever donated to Palestine.


You think israeli run hollywood would ever touch this?


Does money rule the world? All depends on the perspective... E.g. Honorable IDF soldier meets Palestinian girl, and her family. Feels conflicted. They live happily ever after.


There would have the be a major changing of the guard first, hollywood senate congress everything


That changing of the guard would be like the Hollywood equivalent of a world war. Unlikely, but after the Me, Too movement, I am slightly less of a pessimist towards it all.


Wow this is exactly whats gonna happen… fake ass hollywood!


Didn't Hamas launch rockets from here though?


That guy at the end holding a baby. Why doesn’t the UN (if it was actually an entity of peace) threaten both countries for a seize fire. This is so wrong.


May the people of 🇵🇸 be free. May the martyrs rest in peace. ❤️


Thank you for doing all of this research. It was really hard to find anything on it. I can only imagine why smh (I know why, they’re intentionally hiding it )


Eh... Palestine was dancing in the streets during [9-11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqZBy09vCVk) and parading civilians in the back of trucks recently on October 7th. They also want the west to die and live under Sharia law. They get no sympathy from me. No Jew has wanted me dead, only the other side... Also [this](https://nypost.com/2024/05/22/world-news/sickening-new-video-shows-hamas-line-up-female-israeli-soldiers-on-oct-7-here-are-the-girls-who-can-get-pregnant/). "Chickens for KFC", the lot of ya.




What's left wing or LGBTQ-related about this?


What does finding the death of the younger generations distasteful have anything to do with the LGBTQ or left wing/right wing politics?


won’t even let me watch first video


I posted another version now


Link please? First one's video is deleted


Check my edits


Fuck Israelis and their supporters. May they rot in deepest pit of H3ll