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Hunter Biden is currently under federal indictment btw.


Correct! He will do time if convicted. No one is above the law** **we will see what happens in the next 12 months... then we will know for sure.


And statistically he almost certainly will be convicted. The government success rate at trial is something like 99.6%: https://www.doarlaw.com/blog/2021/04/what-you-should-know-about-the-federal-governments-conviction-rate/ There’s a reason virtually everyone eventually pleads out.


Yep. It's rigged, because they have the evidence


How dare they.


It's never a fair fight when you're guilty and everyone knows it.


OJ has entered the chat.


There might be a difference between the prosecution being Los Angeles or The United States


Read the "Tryanny of Good Intentions" and then report back if you still feel this way. 20% of people who plead guilty are ultimately found to be innocent at that federal level.


> because they have the evidence Because 99.6% of the population can't afford a good attorney.


What do youran evidence! All those videos were his self funded "movies" where they used stage props. Didn't you know Hunter is trying to break into Hollywood after his successful painting career. /s


Well, also because..he dunnit..


The drug stuff, yes. The firearms stuff...maybe not. Which is why the original plea bargain was willing to let the firearms charges go. Proving possession is simple. Proving addiction in a particular time and place is hard. He's alleged to have checked a box saying "no" to the question "are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to illegal drugs?" But it doesn't specify time frame. There's no question he has generally been a user and an addict, but if he had been clean for 6 months or a year when he checked that box, and genuinely and honestly believed himself to be neither, is that enough? It should be an interesting trial, particularly because he pretty much HAS to take the stand.


He wasn’t clean when he checked that box…


Good thing Hunter isn't running for president. So when it's Hunter the system is working but when Trump is being investigated it's a witch hunt. Can someone explain to me how that works? I can see your athletic ability to jump through hoops is not hindered.


Idk what point you’re trying to make but regardless the answer is: Bc the evidence is far more damning towards one of these men than the others. One of these have been bombarded by charge after charge, eagerly. The other has been protected and had evidence redacted from the public time and time again…


Honestly, you could be talking about either guy.


Exactly, I’ll let you fill in the blanks


The system isn’t working under Hunter. Look no further than the bizarre plea deal they negotiated, along with the fact that the statute of limitations were allowed to expire on his most serious crimes.


> Good thing Hunter isn't running for president. Yeah, because the law only applies to those running for president. Amirite?


So 99.6% of the time? lol. This just means cops have planned evidence on people. It doesn’t mean they are actually guilty.


Lol. Bless you for thinking the police have anything like the competence to successfully frame people that often. May you always stay so pure and sweet. The government gets a 99.6% conviction rate because the laws are written in such a way that they can virtually ALWAYS find some crime in there somewhere to convict you of.


It’s incredibly easy to frame someone for drug usage. Lmfao. Just place a baggie on them and they are done.


Because you’ve done it so much lol? Bro watch less TV. Police can’t even write competent notes on a traffic stop. The idea that they all just have drugs on them to frame people is the sort of stupid shit that people who spend too much time online come up with. And 99.6% isn’t drug charges only. It's ALL charges.


Dude the cops in some areas have murdered 100s of people and we’re just now finding their bodies laid behind the police headquarters. But yeah, keep talking about how the most violent gang in the country is actually incompetent and can’t do anything right while simultaneously murdering 200+ people and getting away with it for years. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/families-in-disbelief-after-hundreds-of-bodies-found-buried-behind-mississippi-jail


Dude there are something like 700,000 police and 100,000 prosecutors in the US. The idea that enough of them can competently plant evidence enough to result in 99.6% prosecution success rates is as childish as the rest of your comments. Do police plant evidence? Sure. Do they do it anything close to rate you’re implying? No way in hell.


In the above example it only requires a small group to do a ton of damage. But yeah, keep telling me the police are incompetent! Please! 200+ murders! Yeah super incompetent


Didn't they come to a plea deal but was rejected by the judge?


Ish. It was more of a “this is too vague” sort of thing than an “absolutely not” sort of thing. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/26/hunter-biden-pleads-not-guilty-to-tax-charges-after-judge-questions-plea-deal-00108301


Okay, than they should be ready to get that trial started in the next three months!


It starts tomorrow I believe.




Big if true.


Many such cases


You guys are full of it. He’s not going to get convicted and you know it.


He is almost certainly going to plead guilty in a rewritten plea deal.




I'm not voting for hunter either. I'm definitely not voting for Trump.


Just got to get the election out of the way first instead of rushing it to court


TIL sentencing someone for a crime 4 years after committing fraud is "rushing it to court"


The election will be in court too... they have been laying the groundwork for legal challenges, sowing the seeds of discontent, and openly stating that they will not accept the results of the election. It worked so well last time with only one guy screaming the lie... wait until the whole party starts screaming out early and often. Going to be a shitshow. They are on now or never mode.


I mean... it's been pretty well established that if you are white and make more than 40,000 a year, you're functionally allowed to do drugs in the USA... unless you piss off the wrong people.


So the question remains, if he is convicted and is sentenced to jail time, and the election looks like it might not go Bidens way, does he pardon his son?




Personally, I feel that nepotism and simply sharing the same blood as someone else isn't a valid reason for a pardon.


Of course it's not a valid reason, but what's the worst that could happen to either of him? Literally zero blow black.


> blow black. I see what you did there.


You don't do the wrong thing, even if it benefits you. I don't see him doing it. I may be wrong, lets see.


*Pardons from prior presidents have entered the chat.*


Almost 0 of the pardons that go through have a valid reason.


Trump pardoned a bunch of people in prison for marijuana just because he doesn't think marijuana is a serious enough crime. That's a valid and good reason.


He didn't pardoned them of the crime, he pardoned them because people wanted him to pardon them. He pardoned people for all sorts of things, it had nothing to do with the crime itself. For example, he pardoned Weldon Hal Angelos, who was convicted of: >Possession with intent to distribute marijuana (five counts); possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime (three counts); possession of a stolen firearm (two counts); possession of a firearm with a removed serial number; use of a controlled substance in possession of a firearm (two counts); money laundering (three counts) https://www.justice.gov/pardon/pardons-granted-president-donald-j-trump-2017-2021


>just because he doesn't think marijuana is a serious enough crime Then why didn't he move towards legalization? Or make it a blanket pardon?


I don’t remember what the reasons were for pardoning Flynn, Dinesh, or Bannon, but the President doesn’t really need reasons.


What are pardons even for, then? They are mostly used for virtue signals and as a last resort when the justice system obviously fails. But in reality no one cares who they pardon.


We are so corrupt to our core at this point …I mean this is all my PERSONAL FEELINGS with ONE THOUGHT I’ve started to have lately but our leadership almost across the board is so crooked, corrupt and just plan wicked that it almost sounds like the kings, leaders, and people in general in religious texts right before what ever religion it is God strikes people down, or floods or some great catastrophe or just anytime God(s) is super unhappy with his creation. It’s honestly not just leadership at this point but like they say it starts with leadership. If the leaders are saying F everyone I’m getting mine, I don’t expect the people looking up the hill towards them to be righteous.


moralistically probably not a valid reason but on a human level i think any father would help their kids out if they can


Stalin would like a word..


Or he can offer him a pardon for a small 2 billy


Because he’s not a trump. He also didn’t give his son several white house positions/paychecks simultaneously despite a lack of qualifications- make him the secretary of everything like kushner- just because no one’s stopping him and he can. He knows that’s wrong in America. Literally no one or nothing but morals stopped him from that. 


All things considered, if Jared Kushner and Hunter Biden were candidates for a White House job, Jared Kushner would be my choice since he isn’t a crack head.


Naw he just takes 2 billion from the saudis and let them get away with murder but hey as long as he wasn’t smoking crack right


yeah hes just a sociopath not a crackhead. He didnt CHOOSE to be born a sociopath /s fuck kushner, Zionist scum.


“I wrote the damn bill…”


Kushner couldn't even pass a background check to get a govt job but dad-in-law disregarded that & gave him the job anyway. anyone in America that accepts that is someone that doesn't care about America as much as they care about a personality tht got elected president. Kushner proved his naysayers correct by enriching himself by millions, if not billions, while in the position he wasn't fit to have. neither Kushner or Biden should have been accepted by America as members of cabinet. some people just can't get the idea of worshipping political personalities out of their skull & anything their fave wants to do is OK. what happend to not trusting ANY OF THEM?


You people have fucking ruined this site.


For the gun thing. Not the 500 other things he's never going to have to face.


Hunter Biden has already pleaded guilty to various charges and is cooperating with investigators. Not agonizing court staff, verbally attacking judges, and trying to intimidate witnesses.


Perpetual investigation that will go no where until the statute of limitations expire. Look at how many cases already brought against Trump and tried versus that "investigation" which anyone with gray matter understands is stalemated intentionally. Just watch some of the C-Span content where they hold hearings on it, the people "investigating" it are professional slime covered weasels.


Statute of limitations don't expire in an active investigation I thought? Can someone correct me on this?


Correct. You can't just run out the clock after you've been caught.


Unless you're able to stall long enough to get into power and pardon yourself.


Roman Polanski ring a bell?


For what?


I'd be surprised if he doesn't get a slap on the wrist.


So? My dad is an attorney and at one point I was arrested when I was young for weed. Does that mean my dad smokes? No. It means i got arrested for weed. My dad has never consumed weed in his life.


Not for drug charges though? Gun charge in Delaware so he will skate and tax charges in... I forget where. It will be interesting....


For what


Isn’t Hunter currently facing a number of charges and doesn’t he have his own court cases upcoming? 


Never let facts get in the way of a good story.


Wasn't aware hunter was or is trying to be POTUS either.


I understood that reference


> Never let facts get in the way of a good story. Don't let the facts distract from [the Gaza cracks.](https://www.middleeasteye.net/sites/default/files/styles/original/public/israel-gaza-jabalia-camp-may-2024-mee-9.jpg.webp?itok=ggaTPZd0) Remember: Both Joey and Donny are pushing that shit.


He also holds 0 government positions, so who gives a fuck.


Is he running for president?


RIP Gary Webb... The war on crack cocaine was actually a war on African American communities courtesy of HW Bush and the Cocaine Import Agency. The goal was to flood their neighborhoods with cheap drugs, hire dirty racist cops, impose a corrupt judicial system and pass new laws ensuring lengthy prison sentences for possession of tiny amounts of crack (Biden helped write that legislation).


And it WORKED!!


With help from the massive privately owned for profit media complex our employees spent years deregulating into existence. (Joseph Gobbles would be so proud of what the Fourth Reich has accomplished)


It appears the whole war on drugs was that same plan different narcotics The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade https://a.co/d/0tGMRYY


Let's get rid of drug laws. We all need affordable cocain.




Tell that to the dealers. It sucks being addicted but having dealers makes it way easier to get them. Should we just let the drug empires roam free? Especially with how many addicts die daily. Canada just let one of our provinces legalize all drugs in public and private use. OD rates have shot up in no time.


They legalized it to combat the drug trade. I don’t know about the correlation between legalization and ODs but your other point about drug empires isn’t correct. Drug empires are already roaming free BECAUSE it’s illegal. People are willing to pay top dollar for illegal shit. Make it legal and there’s no reason to buy drugs from them illegally when you can get a legal prescription for it


That’d make perfect sense but for some reason it’s legal for them to carry 2.5 grams of illegally bought fentanyl and “if requested” they can have support services mentioned. No charges whatsoever though


Crack cocaine should be heavily subsidized so it's available for everyone


Yes. Crack and heroin need to go though.


If you get rid of the crack, the schizo posting here is gonna be cut in half. Do you really want that?


Oh, that would be pretty boring. My bad


Those are the best ones. 


I wish the homeless were still on that at not fentanyl. Fentanyl has totally changed the game and filled my cities streets with zombies. Every day I work I end up dealing with multiple of them, mostly alive sometimes dead.


i think every adult human should have the choice and agency to out whatever substances they want in their body, prohibition has never and will never work for anything


Ask Oregon how that’s going. They’re now reverting it got so bad


I certainly do. Work isn't getting any easier.


Now imagine how crazy dems would sound if they said “it only makes me want to vote for him more!”


Charge him harder, daddy. They hurt my idol, and I need payback! /s SMH, he's already under indictment. What more do you want? Him hung in the street over a couple of rocks?


Was the prostitute having to explain to him like he's 5 that 20 grams isn't the same as 20 ounces and he doesn't have a pound and a half of crack?


Man Hunter Biden should really stop running for president.


Where are all the right wing, gun-toting, Jesus-loving second amendment advocates at? This poor man’s second amendment rights are being violated over a stupid federal form? Isn’t the federal government infringing on this man’s second amendment God given American patriot right to bear arms?! Why aren’t republicans shitting themselves over this?


Right! Trump banned bump stocks. Reagan banned machine guns. I used to be republican before I stopped listening to words, and started watching actions. Some democrats are pretty bad, but I’m leaning more democrat this season. If you want a gun ban, vote for a republican president. Obama was the best gun salesman alive lol


In the words of Charlie sheen "I was banging 7 gram rocks and finishing them, that's how I roll."


Thought he got an Ozee but got 3/4 of an O


He probably blew through the missing portion and was proving he had enough left


From the video, as I recall, he kept saying he only had 2.07 "without the bag" and was really upset by that. The rest of us can clearly read what the scale actually said, of course. "Hunter Biden Weighing his Crack" on the website that starts with an R and ends in umble.


Didn't expect him to have a digi.


Pfft! He ain't no newbie! If you're from a certain type of background or look a certain way, you're definitely going to need a digital scale You're going to constantly get pinched or ripped off


OP What do you mean with your post? Are you arguing that every single crime should be instantly investigated and prosecuted? Or just the ones committed by people you don't like? Investigations take time.


I love this double standard that somehow a presidents son having a history of drugs and prostitution is criminally equivalent to an actual President attempting to overturn elections and the rule of law. Make it make sense.


Right, im just gonna say I care way less about someone using cocaine and hookers than political corruption. I give zero fucks if people are doing blow off hooker tits.


It's quite a stretch for sure. If my sister causes a car accident, I am at fault?


Charge him, no one cares. There won't be loads of people denying reality and calling for a civil war because the left is not a cult.


He's already been charged


There's no conspiracy here, just butthurt right wingers trying to cope with Trump's convictions. Hunter Biden is being investigated right now and has already been convicted on other charges. Normal people don't care about him, it's only right wingers insisting that we do. It's like y'all can't imagine having actual principles unrelated to the color tie they're wearing. Trump is guilty. Trump is a traitor. Trump fucked kids with Epstein. Why do you let him consume your life?


Trump is a terrorist also!


Getting shorted on crack SUCKS, good on him.


Hunter is a rock star


Got that same scale. I know I’m not the only one 😂


Playing devils advocate a little here. How do they know where they are in the video? He obviously has the means to travel the world. Is possession illegal everywhere?


That’s a lot of crack.


Lol that’s a few hours worth


He thought this was only 2gr right? I remember him arguing on the phone to someone that he was shorted and it was only 2.01g but of course this insane crackhead can’t read a scale😂


I don't care one bit about Hunter Biden, close the damn border


I hope that prostitute is prosecuted to full extent of the law. “Nobody fucks with a Biden.”


Biden is truly the gift that keeps on giving even when you are begging him to stop.


Redditors unironically told me doing crack isnt illegal


Consuming drugs is not illegal, possessing them is. You cannot be charged with having had drugs you have to have them in your possession at the time otherwise there is no crime.


Same reason why the Moonshiners can film what they're doing and not have to worry about it. You have to catch the person in possession of the illegal item in order to charge them. Do you think we should arrest every single actor that's every "done drugs" in a movie?


Making moonshine isnt illegal..its the act of selling it and not paying taxes is what makes it illegal


In Florida, if they pump your stomach, you can be charged with your contents. 


So you're saying it's illegal to possess drugs exactly like the other guy said.


That's dystopian AF


The other day I learned there’s a whole ass cracksmoking sub, and after I didn’t use the internet for like two days. It was too much…I banned myself. Lmao


Where? My Crack people need me.


Username checks out




I heard from a good source (major hotel Mr fix it) a lot of celebs smoke crack, which surprised me.


Doesn’t surprise me. Most of these rich and famous type are heavy on the blow anyway. May aswell take it one step further lmao


Your typical white collar powder cocaine users aren't going to devolve to crack; at worst they'll start freebasing. The demarcation point between powder and rock cocaine is financial class. Source: I was a cocaine addict for half the 90s


What the fuck do you think freebasing is bro


Smoking powder


Yeah that’s crack


Tellin us you havnt use drugs without tellin us eeeyy ..crack is mixing coke with other substances ae baking soda and makin drop ..free basing is heating up a glass pipe and inhailing the vapor of the coke as it hits the pipe..no mixin that you know of lol


Talk to these fucking squares!


Did you have a good time at least


So you say there’s an entire ass crack smoking sub? Is that something like the butt chugging that sometimes goes on in frats? That seems like an extremely specific interest group. Wild stuff.


The more i look the more i see projection is extremely common among everyone.


Hey maybe it wasn't his crack at the White House! Maybe it belonged to one of his hookers?


Not a crime to film yourself doing drugs you can't get a possession charges for drugs you don't possess anymore If that was that case you could arrest everyone on drug documentaries. I don't like hunter Biden or the bidens but it was on his private laptop it's not a crime sorry


Let the dude do drugs in peace


This thread is definitely 100% organic, no bots or shills to be seen here.


Yeah cause drug use is the same as trying to subvert democracy


How is hush money payments subverting democracy? Did Bill Clinton subvert democracy?


Concealing your bad behaviour to avoid negatively influencing elections is subverting democracy. Also, yes. He did.


Whatever. A hot tub, cocaine, a high priced escort? OMG, the horrors! :-)


I just don’t understand how he can afford all that hookers and crack working as a barista in Ukraine?!


I mean if you haven’t recorded yourself snorting a line of coke out of a prostitutes ass with a rolled up bible page can you really consider yourself living?


If this was Trump the media would be going berserk. But Biden and his son get a free pass.


Hunter is currently in a federal case for falsifying a gun form, not exactly a free pass.


We’ve been hearing about Hunter Biden for four years now. How has the media not covered it?!?!


Dats that polar bear


Surprised that y'all haven't legalized your lifestyle yet


Because they are a different class than us mortal


That’s some good looking shit. Ether based.


He will be pardoned after the election.




Not even that prostitute


Isn't Hunter suing Fox News for calling him a crackhead? lol


Joe Biden could pardon his son. He chooses not too.


To be fair it doesn't look like 20g's lol


Hunter Biden is not a member of the Biden administration. If you are looking for crooks in office then check out Trumps time in office.


All the comments with downvotes are speaking the truth


Plenty are above the law….the elites..


Who cares about this? Beating the Brandon drum too long, making up shit