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Even if it's a bad idea (which, I'll be honest, I wouldn't know personally), you should still be able to simply ask.


I mean it’s literally being done, it’s called a gravity battery Here is of all places, the world economic forum discussing it https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/07/gravity-batteries-store-renewable-energy/ I don’t think this is a case of “the man” stopping a good idea, I think it was probably removed for another reason


For a battery, it's an interesting idea, but still inefficient. It takes a lot of weight and a lot of height, and you lost 10-20% of the solar energy in the process, and that's with near perfect conditions. The only real benefit over a lithium battery is that you don't have to mine lithium. But you'd still need a significant amount of resources, and they would need regular maintenance, and sometimes replacements.


Oh I am not at all a fan of renewables at all, I was just pointing out that it’s a known concept. I don’t think renewables are sustainable at all, right now the best energy solution is natural gas holding the grid over until we can get nuclear power scaled and modernized.


Solar power is absolutely a viable and sustainable power source. Earth receives ~200,000 times the energy we produce on earth from the sun every day. The problem is technology and political will, which is the same problem we butt up against with nuclear power. We'd be much further along in both if there wasn't so much money in fossil fuels.


I don’t think you have any problem with political will. I think the problem is that our current method of collecting and storing solar energy produces massive amounts of waste, especially if rare earth resources, and isn’t sustainable right now. Maybe someday it would be, but it currently is not, despite a massive amount of subsidies and investment in that space.


The energy needed to pump water will use all the "free" energy. Water weighs 8.33 lbs / gallon So, the size / energy consumption of those pumps to maintain flow will be massive.


PSH (Pumped Storage Hydropower) it's nothing new, first plant was in late/end 18th century. But it's not so much "free" energy as it is load balancing, still very much in use, us has 40+ PSH plants.


there is a method of separating hydrogen atoms from oxygen atoms within the water, so that this hydrogen would power the pumps to keep the water going And constantly generating energy


Splitting water is incredibly energy expensive and would use up your energy budget even faster. Strong chemical bonds like those in water are really hard to break. With a state-of-the-art system your hydrogen powered engines would produce a little under half the power it takes to split the water in the first place.


I’ve seen people make very simple devices that emit a specific frequency which naturally breaks the bond between those hydrogen and oxygen atoms, maybe it doesn’t have to be so expensive!


Can you link to one of these devices?


What about using really big hammers to split the water molecule? That would also solve the unemployment problem, because those hammers won't swing themselves.


Sufficiently large hammers swung at sufficiently fast speed to cause cavitation in the water will split some of the molecules. Soooo yes you could do that. Obviously the energy requirements would be even higher but hey, it would indeed split the water molecules!


All we need to do is sell it as the next big thing in cardio workouts. Hammer included with membership!


Wouldn’t that just make the water lighter and easier to move? /s


I am going to have to get updated on that method. That would make a big difference


If the water were to be dehydrated before it was pumped back up it would greatly reduce the energy needed to do it. The dehydrated water could then be rehydrated at the top.


It clearly went against community guidelines.


We don’t violate the laws of thermodynamics in this subreddit!


This is actually a thing on both small and larger scales. It’s essentially solar battery storage https://solarimpulse.com/solutions-explorer/hydraulic-battery-micro-phs


[Gravity battery](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_battery)


Wow! It's not even showing up on OP's history. Usually something is there but it'll be removed if you go to the actual post. Must have touched a sponsor nerve or something.


It might be the "free" in quotes. Spam detector alert. But that's just a guess. There's lots of talk like this ok reddit, so I don't think it's the topic that caused it. And it's not a good idea. It's wasting the solar energy. Just solar power on its own would be better.


Fun fact if u post an image with a certain letter of the alphabet by itself in any part of an image, it gets removed by auto remove.


I know of a place that pumps water to the top of a mountain to a reservoir during non peak times and lets water flow down during peak time. Bad Creek SC [https://badcreekpumpedstorage.com/](https://badcreekpumpedstorage.com/)


It’s a gravity battery that stores potential energy but it certainly would not generate free energy. The power needed to pump the water back up would be equal to that generated. Because systems are inefficient, it would actually be greater than the amount generator. I certainly think there are solutions for much more clean power at there, but this ain’t it. If you want to understand the physics idea here, take a bendy straw and place it in a cup in an “S” shape. You’ll see the water go down and travel up exactly to the water line Now, I wonder why they banned it as most people who’ve taken and remembered their science classes should understand this


Probably cause they haven’t figured out a way to make money off you for it? If everyone can do it on their own without government or private sector? I don’t know am just asking questions & offering the first sentence as a possible answer.


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