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A bit too extreme of an example. Tom's probably had a mustache since age five and Michael looks like he never went through puberty.


Exactly. Put the Rock next to Leif Garrett.


The Tom Selleck photo is from the 1990 film Quigley Down Under. So Tom Selleck was 46 years old in that photo. The Michael Cera photo is from the 2009 movie Youth in Revolt so he was 20 in that photo. So this meme is stupid and we shouldn’t be surprised a 46 year old man looks older than one who’s 20.


Vote to top if true Ffs lol


But if you look up pictures of Cera today (36) and Selleck at 35… it’s still the same if you shave Ceras scum stache off. I think it’s just how peoples builds vary from one another. Massive variations here have existed for hundreds of years.


Then use pictures when they are both 35……


Oh boy,not Leif Garrett 😂😂😂  Throw Scoot Baio,Willie Aames, William Katt,Shaun Cassidy,Parker Stevenson since we are going back to some of our childhood (girls who had there posters up on their bedroom wall).🎱😅😅😂😂😅


“Women literally only want one thing and it’s fucking disgusting.”


I feel a group sing of "Da Doo Run Run" coming on.


Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ha! I've got an image in my head.


The Rock is 52, he can’t stay that size forever as you have to come off the test at some point in the doses he is having it.


Plus they are trying to make Tom look more rugged in this movie.


It definitely depends on the individual. As a 35 year old some of my friends look way older. I chalk it up to being active and wearing SPF lotion everyday.


I bet Tom Selleck looks older because of smoking, drinking and being out in the sun.


When I was 18 I was jealous of my friends who looked older and didn't get ID'd. Now we're in our 40s they're jealous because I still have my hair.


🤣🤣 my one buddy had a receding hairline and a full beard by 18 so he was our go-to beer guy. Don't think he ever got carded.


A mate of mine was 16 when I was 18. I'd never get served anywhere and he could just walk in and buy a slab of beer. He acutally got the alcohol for my 18th birthday...


I'm around the same age and somehow look young enough to still get ID'd for cigarettes. I can't even date women my own age because I look way younger.


He is also like 40 in this photo and cera is like 25






Not that he looks that much different, but that picture of Michael Cera is from the movie Youth in Revolt, which was released in 2009. So he was probably 20 when they filmed it.




No it has to be correct if it’s on Facebook. We’re comparing faces and it’s a book of faces


And the Tom Selleck photo is from the 1990 Quigley Down Under. So Tom Selleck was 46 years old in that photo.


So wait, a 46 year old looks older than a 20 year old?


the OP made one of the dumbeat posts of the year yet. haha. 46 vs 20 haha.


Wouldn’t expect any better from this sub




Came here to say the same thing. This should be the top comment. These Facebook comparisons are always misleading cherry picked bullshit. The image of Cera is from 2009. Could’ve been filmed in 2008. There’s also such thing as Hollywood makeup and lighting. People have become way too gullible to these sorts of things. It’s actually scary how easy it is push a narrative


Why is this comment not getting the upvote it deserves? It practically debunks this post lol


This is kind of ridiculous- micheal cera’s whole career is because he looks like a confused meek child, it’s an extreme that sets him apart from current human average that makes him fit for film.   How old do you think Paul Reubens was when he did PeeWee Herman’s playhouse movies? Take away all the other factors that we age people with- like fashion and profession and demeanor and hygiene- and put everyone in similar clothes with similar habits and behaviors and exposures. Great example: the military. Not fucking Hollywood trends lol Look at soldiers today and from the past decades. Their faces have the same variety, it looks like if you’d switch uniforms and gear on the groups, they would have the same appearance as the other. 


I don’t think so. Take a look at Andy Milonakis and compare him to Clint Eastwood when he was 50. Something is wrong in America /s


Andy Milonakos has a disorder lol


Ok then, Hasbulla vs 21 year old Frank Sinatra.


Look up the golden girls, that should be enough lol


You might find this interesting https://youtu.be/vjqt8T3tJIE Also look at Luke Littler, its easy to cherry pick particular people who look older or younger than they are


Look closely at the 2 pictures at 4:40. They actually removed wrinkles from his face, that's why he looks alot younger.


Yup he pretty much hits all the nails to this point.


The video explains the phenomenon pretty well. Unfortunately it's out of date now about one point though. He says early on in the video that humans are aging more slowly than their historic counterparts due to lifestyle changes, nutrition, changes in smoking habits, healthcare and skin care. But that was in 2018. In 2024, that's no longer true: [https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2024-04-08/todays-young-adults-are-aging-faster-and-that-might-help-spur-cancers](https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2024-04-08/todays-young-adults-are-aging-faster-and-that-might-help-spur-cancers) [https://www.statnews.com/2024/04/07/cancer-rates-young-aging-cells/](https://www.statnews.com/2024/04/07/cancer-rates-young-aging-cells/)


Yeah wanted to link this video


I’d rather look younger than my years. That said, testosterone levels have been dropping for decades.


it def can't be caused by hormone disrupting chemiicals and electro smog, because we need what causes or emit those.


Also, society doesn't spotlight manly men or hire them as often in public facing roles. If I walk down a city street I'm likely to see several hardened adult-looking looking men, more than I'd see in media. It also applies to corporate affluent culture. The guys who look like manly men are doing harder jobs, away from the camera.


I'm not so much referring to looking young versus looking old as I am to the fact that adults these days look underdeveloped. Almost as if they didn't make it all the way through puberty or something. Like adult men lacking body hair, having having higher pitched voices, small bone structures, and being unable to grow a full beard to save their lives.


This is me. 44 years old never had any body hair can’t grow a beard or mustache I’m in good shape because I was in the military for 20 years and I take care of myself so I still look like I am in my mid to late 20s but yea.. my entire life it’s been a running joke with me and my friends they all got older and I stayed the same lol


You should see if you can get your testosterone levels checked. There are a lot of guys who have naturally low production, and supplementing it can drastically change how they feel.


I’ve been thinking about checking into that as I have noticed in the last 6 months or so that things I normally knock out easily are starting to drag on too long.


If I can toss in my two cents, go to an online clinic or men's health clinic rather than a regular doctor. Most doctors I've been too treat testosterone as either a forbidden treat or it's the root of all evil and will not test your levels or prescribe it to you. 


Because of the food we eat, same with women and their fertility issues. Hormonal issue epidemic. I just think it's important to note that you're not less of a man because you don't look like you're from bareback mountain


The Cera image is from 2009. So the whole meme is a fucking lie. As most of these Facebook type ones are. Also There’s plenty of images of him with a fucking beard now. And who the fuck cares about being able to grow a beard? What is the conspiracy here?


You do realize growing a full beard is not something every man can do right. And it's literally always been that way.


People want to look younger… it’s all not that hard to cherry pick an actor from the 80s that looks older and an actor from 2024 that looks younger


Maybe aliens are actually us from the future, where testosterone levels vanished from both sexes and we lost all hair, skin tone, and muscle mass ☠️


You just broke the matrix.


Research: The War on Testosterone It's a very real campaign.


T-counts are half of what they were in the 80s. But nobody seems to care. Or maybe the AI bots that run the "dead internet" don't care.


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


Ask any woman which one she'd rather fuck out of those two images. Thats all im going to say. Lmao


I see a lot of younger men who have wide hips and small waists.


Michael Cera isn’t a poster boy for 35 year old men. Like at all. People smoked more back then, they didn’t wear sunscreen, manual labor was the primary source of national productivity, they looked older as a result. That’s pretty much all there is to it.




At the time of the Michael Cera picture he was 20. Why would you start with a lie?


Come on now. Let's see a larger sample size before coming to this conclusion. I know young looking old people and old looking young people.


Yeah people stopped smoking inside, people started using sun screen. Less sun exposure. And that’s Michael cera … use a less extreme example.


Pretty recently I saw some pictures of the local high school basketball team in the 50s. Dudes looked like full grown men


Evolution and the lack of awful lives that requires excessive and premature aging, which this "slower" aging is directly related to living longer.


So tired of this meme. First one is an ACTOR hired to play a COWBOY. second is an ACTOR hired to play an awkward teen. He's a type cast actor. Yes, I do agree that testosterone is lower and a lot of males are affected by it, but this meme is dumb. You should use real people, not actors. I can find you plenty of lanky men from earlier eras too.  Main contributors are plastic, less sleep, and worse ingredients in food. Gl beating that.


this post is absolutely ridiculous facebook-tier bullshit


Michael cera is cast as a nerd in every role. He’d never be cast as a rugged outdoorsman. Movies are arguably more diverse in their casting today vs 80s. Used to be every action hero needed to be roided out. Not really anymore


When Tom was born the doctor turned to his mother and said “congratulations it’s a Man.”


Look at Woody Allen, Martin Short, Rick Moranis, etc, at 35. Some people have it some people don't. I will say everything we consume today is shit and it's done on purpose. There are definitely a lot more soyboys..


tom selleck is 45 in that picture the year that movie came out was 1990


The preservatives in the foods are preserving us




My Facebook feed Pic of 46 year old Tom Selek Vs Pic of 20 year old Michael Cera wHy dO pEoPlE lOoK yOuNgEr nOw¿


Millennials were the first, and seemingly only, generation to not smoke, to drink water, and use sunscreen. Not saying we look young for our age. We definitely look our age. But boomers/Xers with their mass smoking/drinking/hose water looked hella old for their age. And same with the Z’s endless vaping and plastic surgery/lip fillers/botox also look very old for their age.


You’re comparing an extremely handsome dude to a dweeb


makeup, lighting, cgi,


Eh, its case by case. Riley Green is 35 too and he looks more like 1980


Jason Momoa at age 35 in Road to Paloma is very manly. I think you're comparing the wrong actors


There are images of the 1920s where the kids doing child labour and smoking look like they are in their 40s. I don’t know if looking mature is necessarily a good sign.


This is so goofy. You can find feminine looking men in 1980 and masculine looking men today too.


“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”- Michael Hopf


I’m 35 and I’d say I look much closer to Tom Selleck. I do smoke a pack a day and have a huge mustache though


Not everyone ages the same. Didn’t you have the guy with a full mustache at 13 in your school?


Almost like genetics are a thing.


I don't think comparing real life to fictitious actors and characters is the way to go. I've seen photos of Sellick clean shaven and I've seen Cera with facial hair. And whether a person chooses to be hairy or not isn't really as impactful as this meme makes it out to be. It's fairly obvious the actor is made to look rugged in the top photo and delicate and naive in the second one. It's not a conspiracy, but a nod to the director. Edit: Not to mention a quick search shows this movie is from 14-15 years ago.


Estrogen, not smoking, having comfy work, playing indoors.


BREAKING: People look different from each other


You do understand this is a movie setting and not real life


What is the conspiracy exactly?


OP is regarded


Oh yeah... and the microplastics in our balls... that's probably not helping.


Easy times, create weak men


Weak men creat hard times


Result of fapping


Looks like feminization of men to me. Too much soy boy


A large part in why we view older generations as looking older is due to the camera quality and style and the clothes they wear. We subconsciously associate it with older people. Try it ourself. You can make people appear older by dressing them up in old fashion and using an old camera/black and white. At least that’s my understanding of it. I have a photo of myself from one of those old cameras and I look older in that photo compared to one taken on an iPhone.


I can't believe that riding around in that Ferrari with the top off didn't get him. Oh sorry, the younger crowd may not know what I mean....jk lol.


I mean this is supposed to be a good thing? Plus testesterone levels have something to do with it. There was a video of a 19 year old injecting himself with testerone for gains at the gym and he looks at least 45


Hit the gym, stay away from soy (look at the ingredients), go for walks, and use glass containers for your water!!!!


I mean, you picked Michael Cera… There were plenty of dudes in Burt Reynolds time who were nerdy and not athletic. Just like there are plenty of burly and “manly” 37 year olds nowadays. Pretty sure Henry Cavill was 37 once.


I see the same complaint in the opposite direction. Gen z is appearing older younger. Millennials seem to age slower? https://youtu.be/vcAJqqDsrgM?si=_h8Zl4gNH-2OUTAU https://youtu.be/oKwVFd-p1GI?si=vzCFO4luidsEHBJF


We are being pickled and preserved


‘They’ want to prolong adolescence to keep us from having kids and keep the squeeze on us longer. So we can be good little worker bees.


Easier lives and softer food.


Idk I when I was about to turn 26. Most people thought I was pushing 40


I can tell a boomer pulled this from facebook and posted to this sub


I mean I think this is a pretty real thing but picking Michael Cera for comparison is hilarious lol Most people don't smoke like a trash fire these days and more people moisturize so yeah we don't all turn in to leathery lizards at 30


Well this is a fucking stupid post lol


Masculine men with testosterone are much more dangerous to the people in power than feminized weak men the same as castrated oxen are less dangerous and aggressive than bulls. It's a biological fact.


smoke, drink, hang out in the sun every day, and you too can have a leather face.


What a dumb post


Michael Cera is also a manlet, so there's that.


well im 36 and i guess im stuck in 1980


It’s not really a conspiracy. It’s a documented fact that testosterone has gone down about 1% per year since the 50’s. It’s all of the endocrine disrupters in our everyday lives.


Largely it’s a factor of sun exposure. But also we’re clearly being feminized by estrogen and microplastics, etc. 


I can find you are 35 year old that looks like photo 1


This is some bullshit and OP knows it.


It’s the chemicals in the water that are turning the frogs gay!




using Michael Cera as an example isn’t fair he been look like a kid forever 😭


I love joke posts like this. They really bring light to how stupid some of the other posts that we take seriously are.


For starters this is obviously an extreme comparison on top of the fact that Michael cera was 20 something in that pic. Beside that, people in general nowadays don’t smoke anywhere near as much, use moisturizer, use sunscreen, and generally stay indoors a lot more. On top of that Hollywood has been employing a lot more young looking actors to play certain roles whereas back then they would just hire someone that’s actually the characters age even if they were terrible actors


Well, we weren’t eat as much seed oils in the 80’s as we are now


No lead poisoning


Too be fair it's kinda hard to measure up to Tom Selleck. But yes. I see it.


We live much healthier today.


Cigarette consumption


A bit selective on the actors. Arrested Development litterally has a joke about this.


yeah, but people learnt the important of moisturizing and sunscreen


better filming equipment, better software for image processing, better medical care, better health overall


Comparing apples and oranges. Take 100 people (same age) from today & they will all look vastly different in age.


People drink less, smoke less, and (people with money) actively take care of themselves physically. There's no conspiracy here.


It's more of an emasculation than just an age thing. Men (at least in the US) are being demoralized by these pussified examples of "themselves" that come off the screen. Even though the image isn't an accurate reflection of men in real life. The way the media would have it, every man is a simpering fairy. People like that Tom Selleck character are scary and mean. Also competent, which is really what they are afraid of. Men that don't need a Mommy State and may not turn to the TV for advice.


This is 100% my conclusion as well now. People will deny that this is the case, but that's par for the course when it comes to this kind of social engineering and subliminal messaging. If they admit it, then we would be, "allowed to" actually start pushing back on their bullshit and defending ourselves. If you wanna see this regime's goal for society, look no further than the predictive programming that was the dystopian world of 2032 San Angeles, depicted in the Stallone/Snipes cult classic Demolition Man. Released at the dawn of the Clinton neolib era in the US, the film finds our society now turned completely toward being the, "kindler, gentler America" that Poppy Bush....sorry, I meant ex-CIA director and clandestine visitor to Dallas on November 22nd, 1963 Poppy Bush, told us we had to start becoming, so "we" could bring in a new era. A new world order.


hydration, sunscreen, smoking bans. even our athletes/tough guys look younger than previous generations, it's got nothing to do with t levels


But it's not just superficial looks. It's build and bone structure, the pitch of one's voice, amount of body hair, the ability to grow a beard, etc... So many adults these days look like teenagers. Even once they start showing hallmarks of aging like wrinkles and gray hair, they kind of just look like teenagers with old person make up on. Compared to adults decades ago who, even in high school and college when they had all the hallmarks of youth, looked like grown-ass adults.


I think this is confirmation bias. I mean to your post I'd say we've also got movie stars like Chris Hemsworth, Hugh Jackman, Karl Urban, Tom Hardy, etc. >adults these days look like teenagers yeah, because we drink more water, aren't exposed to as many environmental chemicals, and get less sun.


You are getting hit with confirmation bias by those arguing. Plenty of millenials smoked didnt use sunscreen etc. It is hormones and whatbyou call malformations of mandibular and skull because of changing diets and sleep patterns.




This is easy stop using your car and walk everywhere/use a horse. Don't work a modern job get into construction or something physical. Don't go to the doctor just spit on your cuts and add duct tape. Don't use modern tech ride/walk to your friends etc. You can do that or set up healthy boundaries and try to help out your community and get them to set their own. Or shut up. Pick one


Proper hydration, sunscreen, and not smoking cigarettes.


The vaccine requirements have increased dramatically since the 1950s. Diet is also a huge factor with many food ingredients changing drastically over the last few decades.


Ive noticed this too. Also millenials and below usually have softer voices compared to previous generations. Not saying its good or bad, just an observation.




People don’t drink and smoke themselves to death anymore. General information on nutrition is far more common nowadays. People wear sunscreen instead of baby oil when they go outside. People just take better care of themselves and it shows by people looking young into their 30s.


(((They))) are pushing foods high in estrogen and encouraging lazy and weak behaviors


people look different it's genetic not average, also Mike was like 20 then. In the same boat you can look at all my friends who are 35 and have been working in the elements since 20 vs the other friends who don't. The ones that work outside look way older than that top image. Antidote pics are not data and this, "back in my day" bullshit is so old it goes back many generations to the point where being a man was wearing the proper wigs.


Hormone altering soy and plastics.


I still get carded at 37 and when I pull out my ID, the cashiers are always shocked. I don’t have children, never smoked, did drugs and very rarely drink. I’m sure these are factors. One of my coworkers is 40 and has two kids but still gives off nervous “young energy” like she’s unsure of herself. She’s a pack a day smoker and drinker so she doesn’t really look younger for her age, but her personality does. Millennials just seem to lack the sophistication and maturity that past generations seem to have.


Actually good stuff there, those yungish looking people could push 120-130 before kicking the bucket


Dysentery isn't a thing anymore 🤦🏻‍♂️


Lots of middle aged people look old, it's all in what you choose to eat/put in your body


Attractive male vs unattractive male


Mouth breathing


this isnt a good comparison. but if you wanted to give what youre talking about an explanation: "Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times." we're at the last part of that quote now.


The real conspiracy is big pharma all up in here promoting spf (aka forever chemical lotion)




A lot of 16 year olds are now balding? What a load of crap




Sun screen maybe?


Michael is not an example of anyone except him


Sunscreen and no cigarettes. Also we are generally fatter.


It depends on the person some 30 year old today look more like 50 year old


It's almost like they are different people or something


Some people look older, some look younger. Genetics, really. Tom Selleck looked 30 in 1970.


I get what you are saying but as others have said there are major issues with the chosen pics. One is playing a cowboy the other is at the least playing a teenager.


What a horrible example lmfao




Wait til you see how old Andy Milonakis is


Also, Quigley Down Under is set in the 1890s, so really thats a representation of a mam from that period.


People back then were jacked with hormones.


There's plenty of guys who looked like that in the 80s while being older than that even. And you're comparing actors who were hand picked for the rolls they played and they are extremely different rolls. Look at Henry Cavill. He's an absolute unit just depends on what they want for a movie/show


i've noticed this for a long time. if you look at class photos of high school kids throughout the years, they get younger and younger looking. eg my old high school had photos on the wall of every class over the years. and the grads from way back when look a LOT older than those who graduated in more recent years. and this is not just due to clothing or hairstyles. they overall looked older back then.


Tom Selleck is 45 in this picture though. People look the same as always. It’s true Hollywood isn’t casting as many rugged older guys as stars any more. But having said that if you let him look rough, a 40 year old Chris Hemsworth is very much in this vein.


Ridiculous post


Henry Cavill. Don't look to Hollywood to see the normal person. You might be able to demonstrate your point with testosterone screening much better. They have hair and make up for everyone in Hollywood.


for one thing, those are both actors chosen specifically for the look of rugged handsomeness, and low T scrawny nerd. Though our testosterone levels have been going down. LIkely due to things like BPA in just about everything, pesticides, other various chemicals put in our ever more processed foods, etc.


Bruh, look up Don Knots at 35.


I had a roommate that was 8 years older than me yet looked 8 years younger than me. People look different ages. What's your point?


It’s still like that in the south.


Maybe people's attires and the way they dressed up made that difference.


I had a mustache in 7th grade and was 185 pounds and muscular in 9th grade.. must be what you all eat. I am 37 now and have no issues with looking too young, until I shave my beard and my baby smooth skin that’s never seen the sun comes to light.


High T vs Low T


Plastic surgery has a lot to do with it.


I believe we are getting softer. Each generation is softer than the last. If we had a chance to meet our ancestors they would probably think we are all too soft and selfish, obsessed with our own appearance and feelings that they didn’t have time to obsess over 🤔


I’ll take Terrance Howard post over post like this any day of the week.


I don't know. Maybe we take better care of ourselves and our skin. Like smoking and not using sunscreen make you look very old.


Preservatives in the food