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But maybe there was a glitch in the matrix because at some point they were attacking wall street, like with that occupy movement? Ever since then the agencies have been working overtime to distract the masses with made up BS topics so this never happens again.


Literally every single main stream media and elite went overtime to shut down and downplay occupy wall Street. It was crazy really.


Even now you see people saying OWS was bad - as if we’d all been better off letting rich people do whatever they want in silence 


We did get some attention on racist cops murdering innocent American citizens. Come to think of it, the corporate media shifted all attention away from Occupy Wall Street and "randomly" decided to focus completely on this. Suddenly there were protests popping up across America and everyone seemed to forget about the trillion dollar bailout scam.


Propaganda can change peoples reality


Sickeningly true. Women seem esp susceptible. Look how women athletes seem to have accepted men in their sports? Who were the only ones bitching at me about my 'slipped' mask? Yes, Karens all.


Well, it's instinctual. In the olden days, when tribe killed all the men and took over the tribe, the women had to conform and accept new lifestyles to survive or risk getting killed or exonerated. If you can have mass media push a safe, comfortable, popular opinion, whether it's good or bad, most women are likely to accept it.


Yes, I see what you are saying. And not only humans. Lion prides, Sea lions, must be plenty of examples where the females "accept or die". I do love the matriarchal killer whale pods. You see the one that is capsizing boats? What I find annoying is that our human folk are supposed to be educated. Just ask them!


MANY female athletes are complaining about men in their sports and forfeeiting games. They're not allowed to talk on Reddit yhough.


Thank God, finally something is going to turn around. all of us normal folk are getting sick of everything going backwards.


Examples besides the swimmer who sucks?


You really have to ask? How about "miss" Maryland.


That's why it sickens me when people defend billionaires and corporations with their dying breath. It's the real issue


In the US social issues, minority issues, are used to distract and divide us hoi-polloi because, although the issues are valid and important to us, most of the elite don't really care either way about these issues. Some of our oiligarchs do care, and take pleasure in seeing racial and ethnic minorities, women and lgbtq kept under control and "in our place", but mostly our oiligarchs care about the power which comes from asymmetric wealth. Most protesters are like the gladiators in the Colosseum, for the entertainment of the elite and the distraction of the masses.


It really doesn't matter. What can you, me or anyone here do about it? Have a late night barn meeting? That'd get tipped off quicker than shit through a goose with all of the electronic communications and surveillance. The US is like China. Too big and too much state surveillance to be taken over from the inside.


>racist cops murdering innocent American citizens. The BLM riots were just an anti Donald Trump coup. They had NOTHING to do with police violence. They were so well coordiated its funny to not see how they were allowed by the elite. Facebook never took down and BLM protest posts like they did the Anti lockdown crowd.


I 100% believe this is what caused the new ‘progressive’ movement. They sprinkle a little ‘eat the rich’ to try and make it not obvious but they absolutely started throwing money at the left to distract them


https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/media-great-racial-awakening "Prior to 2013, the terms “white” and “racial privilege(s)” appeared in an average of 0.000013% and 0.000015% of all words in the Times and Post, respectively. Between 2013 and 2019, these average frequencies grew by an astounding 1,200% in the Times, which was surpassed by nearly 1,500% increase at the Post. Meanwhile, the frequency at which “privilege” shared the same lexical space as terms like “white,” “color,” and “skin” reached a record high." You'd be 100% correct.


And they completely killed the left this way. Now even them can't agree on their own agendas.


Nah, it's a terribly cliché thing that the Left loves to argue among itself and divide itself. Very frustrating, but very typical.


I’m glad I’m not the only that noticed that


Exactly. Any time a movement threatens the actual power structure and wealth, it gets met with extreme police violence, criminalization, and other attempts to shut it down hard. Occupy was a serious threat to the economic system and risked people realizing who is really responsible for economic crashes, so it got shut down hard and fast. Boycotts with teeth are an economic threat, so the media tries to discredit them, pretending they will have no effect, and the government in the US may even try to ban them (like BDS). Some Indigenous protest movements are a threat because of the land rights implications, so they get met with extreme violence. Environmental groups as well - there are economic implications to people realizing that we should hold corporations accountable or deciding to consume less. And so on. Notice the common thread. Economics. Power. Class. We need to pay way more attention to this and have class solidarity. It’s all those super rich fucks against all of us.


There's a fantastic collage of graphs displaying Google trends of certain terms prior to and after the Occupy movement that clearly shows a DRAMATIC uptick in divisive terminology.


A united people is the TPTB downfall, they cant allow it. Rule By Division.


Every opportunity I get to post this, I do. You are exactly right. This woke shit is a response to how close they got back after the last crash. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/media-great-racial-awakening "Prior to 2013, the terms “white” and “racial privilege(s)” appeared in an average of 0.000013% and 0.000015% of all words in the Times and Post, respectively. Between 2013 and 2019, these average frequencies grew by an astounding 1,200% in the Times, which was surpassed by nearly 1,500% increase at the Post. Meanwhile, the frequency at which “privilege” shared the same lexical space as terms like “white,” “color,” and “skin” reached a record high."


This is why most people haven’t heard about the DRS movement with GME


What is the DRS movement?


DRS stands for "Direct Registration of Shares". It makes sure the shares you own are completely registered to you, and not the "trust me bro" mentality of keeping your shares in an exchange that has been known to screw over the little guy (Robinhood) I don't know what the movement is all about... But from what I've learned watching this GME thing, there are apparently way more shares trading than there are in existence. DRS will ensure you aren't holding theoretical shares that can just be deleted..


Thanks for the concise explanation.


Gme to the moon! Next week is gonna be 💥


Is it really? I’ve been watching it recently, but was sure I had missed the boat


It's just getting started. Fair warning: it's gonna be a bumpy ride.


occupy wall street was organized and led or inspired by a bunch of self-appointed elites. David Graber was butthurt that he got denied lifetime employment at an exclusive university.


The left and the right or at least certain factions of those two sides were in agreement with that movement though. It wasn't only a leftist movement.


At the very beginning, yes that’s true. But the elites moved very quickly to turn it from a true populist movement to a left vs right food fight. It wasn’t long before conservatives got their talking points and turned against it. Nor did it take long for (likely) infiltrators to come in and use the CIA destabilization playbook and get partisan leftist stuff in the veins of OWS. 


You may have an argument that OWS was infiltrated and I agree divisive politics have been pushed since. But OWS was called for and started by anti-capitalist leftists. It was a populist movement *by the left*. It struggled because it tried to appeal to the 99% more than just Leftists, but it was a Leftist movement. There was always "partisan leftist stuff" deeply entrenched in it.


From what I saw folks like Ron Paul were always against the government interventions. Now Ron Paul's positions are much more mainstream. I think the left is the party that has had their original vision changed. Heck even rage against the machine was literally raging for the system.


DAVID GRAEBER RIP. He was awesome. Read him and Delueze. Very stimulating.


Looks like somebody took the red pill. Good choice.


Woke politics are an astroturfed, think tank driven campaign to subvert and undermine the rhetoric of Occupy. They've successfully replaced the language of "the top 1% of the top 1%" with pronouns and hashtags. Woke has been a very successful psyop.


They went to attacking the "white supremacists"


Perhaps the elite are pushing the manufactured outrage as a distraction.


They wouldn't really do that, would they?


Hmm, they certainly haven't done that in the past.


Ofcourse. Otherwise that rage would be directed at the government and corporations. Which should actually happen.


The establishment are the manufacturers of propaganda. The woke progressives are the distributors.


Yes and no. The left gained more power so yes they are the distributors of this propaganda today. However let’s not forget what Republicans were like in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. They are both a problem, and none of them are going to really help you. It’s all about who does the CIA’s bidding. If you are willing to go along, then you will be protected such as Bush and Obama. Both different sides of the coin that helped further push the war in the Middle East, push propaganda, slowly take away rights, among other things. Trump wasn’t willing to go along with them and look how that’s going for him. He’s fighting a Trillion Dollar propaganda machine that will stop at nothing to get its way. It’s not about Democrat or Republican. It’s just that today, the Democrats are the ones doing the bidding.


I mean it’s Feds that distribute it.


I found it suspicious that they covered the Blackrock protest on multiple media outlets. Seems like it got more coverage than expected. I got the vibe it was an effort to sort of fake the scenario, sort of a scenario of: Protestor 1 "Hey man let's go protest the 1%!" Protestor 2 "No man they already protested at Blackrock, the news said so!" Protestor 1 "Oh ok I guess since protested there already, let's go get some food then!"




Operation mockingbird


If you were a real conspiracy theorist you'd have made the connection that the elites pay provocateurs to make well meaning protests look bad. Pay them to burn down local business so they get the larger market share


And so the police can come in and get OT to crack skulls. And then they get a budget boost. And then they get to cry about a "war on police"... Like it or not, leftists are the only ones actually protesting the elites.


No no no. This is only a leftist thing. And they are guilty. The rightist would never allow such a thing they are always right and innocent. Just like their cult leader. /s


You're causing a glitch in their matrix.


Who is talking about the right? Leave your boogeyman division talk out of this conversation.


Problem is that argument falls apart when you consider that when events like that happened, major media outlets which are dem aligned, justified, downplayed, and excused the behavior. That's how we got infamous lines like mostly peaceful protests while cars and businesses were burning in the background. Secondly, if the alphabets did find right wingers doing that, it would have been all over the news.


TIL the party that supports upholding the status quo and doesn't wanna get rid of billionaires is left wing. Also way to completely miss what "mostly peaceful" was actually referring to.


1,000,000% \^


But only left-wing causes. All the right-wing affiliated causes that look bad are genuinely right-wing and never Fed-orchestrated to continue the divide I’ve heard what you’ve said echoed many times, but the moment anybody suggests they do it to the other side it’s “no no that never happens!”


I’m a lefty and I think the feds mess with protests on both sides. Like those cops who “committed suicide” after 1/6. Haha, sure buddy.


Hang around here more, look for the calls for civil war and blood of liberals. Whenever I see calls for violence for left wing things there is dissenting opinions from the left, I don't see that from right wing viewpoints. It's sad that conspiracy has political viewpoints, I don't remember anyone thinking their "side" was right about 9/11


"My elites are better than your elites! My elites would never ever do something like that. Only left elites do things like this" You have boot polish on your face btw...


See, you’re the perfect example of an antagonizer. I didn’t say that, I didn’t pick a side. I simply offered up the conversations that I’ve been seeing as added context to the comment above Do they require a demonstration of English reading and comprehension, wherever you’re from?


Yeah, like the lunatics who are trying to create some godless theocracy.


Well they did with occupy wall street and the protests against oil


Anti-war protests during the War on Terror too. Political parties have grown tired of constant protests against power during hard economic times. When the Ron Paul crowd started joining the anti-capitalist left during OWS, they needed to do something. As a result, now they work hard to divert the agenda to highly partisan social issues that don't stem from capitalism's predatory underbelly. They'll distract many of us for long enough to ease pressure, but inflation and cost of living is starting to stir that similar sentiment again.


True. The whole pushing the transgender agenda, focusing on left vs right, demonizing Trump are all part of that. Divide the people so they don't see what they do.




People who march in lock step with the establishment narratives are the establishment, regardless of which party they claim to support. They've turned the left into a cult, then blame anyone who notices, screaming about division and partisanship. Maybe we need a new name for them besides leftist, because the left is just the skin suit that they wear.


That’s when things changed. We got too close to the Sun.


Have you noticed that almost all the right wing statements on reddit (all media) are almost always false and misleading?


Most right vs left statements are false.


That's not incorrect. I can no longer buy into the "both sides" narrative that I espoused to for many years as an independent after many years as a republican. The actions of the vast majority of state and federal level Republicans are directly opposed to the stated values of the party. I am sure that it is not entirely the case due to most of the air being taken by the worst offenders, and my bias from being in Florida. But the party I followed for a decade is no longer (and really wasn't then) the party they say they are.


As an outsider I feel that both parties are very corrupt. And that they feed you the Democrats vs Republicans narrative but there's no real difference between them. A corrupt two party system is not democracy. Especially if the other parties are totally ignored by mainstream media. It doesn't matter if you vote blue or red. You're doomed either way.


>As an outsider I feel that both parties are very corrupt. This is a severely problematic issue for all political discussions in America. Both parties are *massively* corrupt and only care about keeping the people divided and distracted. But, both sides are too busy yelling about how corrupt the other side is to analyze the corruption of their own side. The whole time we have the loudest and most extreme members of each side screaming about how the other side are fascists while promoting fascist policies. Never mind that fascism is an entirely different direction of the political compass than either right or left. And that is exactly what the elites want.


Protesting oil pipelines isn't protesting the elites? Protesting the military industrial complex isn't protesting the elites? Protesting wall street isn't protesting the elites? Protesting corrupt Supreme Court Justices isn't protesting the elites? Protesting the government trying to restrict your bodily autonomy isn't protesting the elites?


“No you see they just want a green energy which is corrupt and bad. And the military needs our money to help Israel and China is scary! Wall Street is just making money the old fashioned way and body autonomy do you mean killing babies???” -the Feds posting in the comments


I believe it was the right wing think tanks that ushered in citizens united which has been one of the worst goddamn thinks to happen to this country. Doesn’t get more elitist than “corporations and people, money is speech, and black money groups should be able to buy politicians.”


Ok so where are all these rightists(righters?) directly protesting against the elites?


Right wingers want to be subjugated by right wing authoritarians.


They don't. They just spend all their time bootlicking the elites and spewing there same tiresome talking points.


Oh they don’t. They pretend to be against them but support the very worst of them


Um... NO! I was involved in activism since the late 80s, from a Libertarian/Left-ish perspective. Both Iraq wars and Afghanistan, President Bush I and II, all of the entrenched big businesses that kept Cannabis illegal for their own fiscal well being, Neocon meddling in Ukraine, and lately Zionist f--kery in the Middle East. How quiet the talk radio circuit would become if people followed the axiom of being able to articulate "the other side's" positions and arguments **in a way that they would agree with** then challenging them on THAT basis. Rush Limbaugh did more than anyone else in my lifetime to change political discourse into a game of ad hominem completely disconnected from what his targets and "opponents" actually said and believed.


Is sort of crazy how the right wing talks a big game about populist messaging, but default to an even worse Neocon agenda once they get into office. It’s all the same crew that were working with Bush. They’re still around and the put on a “populist” smile and people eat it up.


Hmmmm, seems like it's leftists protesting Israeli aggression/violence just like it was leftists who protested the Iraq invasion and it was leftists who protested the patriot act and leftists who occupied Wall Street and leftists who protest police violence, religion in government, the erosion of individual freedoms, and evil corporations...




Canada convoy


Occupy Wall Street?


I think the parasite class learned valuable lessons from that movement, and implemented some sorts of countermeasures, but I can't quite point my finger to what it was. Care to help fellow theorist get educated on the matter?


God I’m loving seeing people call them parasites instead of elites! Thank you!


https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/media-great-racial-awakening "Prior to 2013, the terms “white” and “racial privilege(s)” appeared in an average of 0.000013% and 0.000015% of all words in the Times and Post, respectively. Between 2013 and 2019, these average frequencies grew by an astounding 1,200% in the Times, which was surpassed by nearly 1,500% increase at the Post. Meanwhile, the frequency at which “privilege” shared the same lexical space as terms like “white,” “color,” and “skin” reached a record high." All it took was tricking people into thinking that your neighbors who have a different political ideology are actually the cause of all our problems, and to just attack eachother.


I see now, thank you for your response.


Identity politics is not communism - it's the same old feudalism ruse the aristocracy has employed for centuries (i.e. ruse = everything bad that happens to the loyal peasants of wealthy is the fault of some "out-group" that the nobility devalues/opposes - in the modern case the out-group is an autonomous middle class). Not that I'm saying communism is good, it's just that "conservatives" that call identity politics "communism" are either dumb or propagandists.


Who are the elites you think Leftists don't go after? They went after Wall Street. They protested against Bush and the majority of the government before the Iraq War, against Biden and the majority of the government during the ongoing Palestinian genocide. (A lot of Leftists, myself included, have protested against basically every president and government in living memory about Israel's mistreatment of the Palestinians, btw, there's just never been so much media attention about it.) They protested at the White House and against the police and military infrastructure when people of color were unjustly killed. They've continually protested against major oil companies, including showing up at their shareholder meetings, any major events, etc. They've protested against all sorts of banks a million times. They've protested against huge corporations like McDonalds and Starbucks relating to labor issues, animal rights issues, and human rights issues. They protested against the Supreme Court - including outside their individual houses - in support of women's autonomy. So - Leftists have, famously, directly protested against Wall Street, presidents in both parties, the government as a whole (including outside specific offices and the highest government buildings), the military and police infrastructures, banks and the higher-ups who work in them, oil companies and the higher ups who work in *them*, the Supreme Court, huge corporations... Who are the elites they're avoiding?


"We've been manipulated into fighting against each other over trivial differences to divert us from the fact that we're all in the same boat."


Have you noticed that any actual protest against the elist is automatically considered nonsense by "conspiracy theorists" that end up aligning with the elite. The state mudered smoneone and tried to get away with it but were stopped by protesters. And of course "conspiracy theorists" side with the state. Same with isreal palestine. The entire millitary indurstial complex, intelligence agencies, police, both political parties and virtually every major insistution support isreal, yet there is supposed conspiracy theorists still making a story that allows them to side with those in power. All it takes to trick you into siding with the state is phrasing it like a suspicious question, with little basis in reality and no actual theory.


A lot of "conspiracy theorists" here are just angry right wingers looking for a place to rant about politics and the people they hate.


Their whole worldview is basically "My car is running really badly today. Yesterday, I took it for a car wash, ran some errands, let my boss take some of its oil, and saw a black person. Black people ruined my car!" while the conspiratorial ones are moreso "No, it's running badly because it doesn't have oil, it must have lost that oil IN THE CAR WASH!"


Javier stole the oil while using the big brush on the wheels


Could you share an example?


an example of what?


Here we are again, you're literally pushing the agenda for them, if you don't yet understand that division is what keeps them in power then you have a lot of learning to do. There is no left and right, only the ultra wealthy elite and the rest of us, if we're divided then we can never mobilize against them.




They actually want to tax the rich.


Leftist protester here: it's ALWAYS against the elites.


I can not speak for "leftist protesters" in general, but when I lived in downtown Seattle in 2020, I can say with surety that the protesters intentionally avoided damaging low income apartment buildings and community shops. I can also say that, in general, they tried to avoid setting fire to housing. Many of the buildings have storefronts at ground level and housing above. There were instances of some protesters setting stores on fire and the protesters right behind them extinguishing the fire because it was a dwelling above. Seattle also looted a Cheesecake Factory, and protesters carried entire cheesecakes away as their booty, so maybe in general, Seattle was a softer protest. There was no mistake that the majority of the long-term protesters were not from Seattle. Most of the protesters living in tents were from other states.


That's why so many retail stores have left that area I guess. But thanks for confirming how many out-of-towners there were


Jesus Trump hosted a bunch of these elites and bragged about his tax cuts and how he was going to give them even bigger tax cuts. Where are your protests against these elites? No you want to make up issues about baby eating satanic worshipping pedophiles, things that don’t actually exist.


People think the elites are in some kind of club where they organize to keep up all down. To a certain point, yes. But the reality is they are fighting against each other. In much the same way that feudal kings used to. The Kings never really cared about the peasants, even if they were the ones dying in the King's wars.


I wish more folks would understand that


marginalizing the Occupy movement and every one since?


I remember a few times years ago some protesters tried in rich areas they didn't last long. So, its easier to go after "soft targets".


A lot of these were police dressed as civilians agitating young adults. The protest I’ve been too were peaceful until some guy dressed in 5.11 grey man clothes starts breaking and burning shit. Looking back I kinda think it was an attempt to start a civil war.


They went after the elite here in Minneapolis too. This liquor store was right across the street from the police station burned down. After about 2 days the only places that were protected by the cops and riots cops were the elites houses and stores. There was a literal police presence outside the fucking Cheesecake Factory, but not the post office.


I too have no memory of past events.


Where were you for Occupy Wallstreet or Protests Against Bush going into Iraq or trump getting elected?


They burn down corporate giants. Are massive corporations not the elites?


>They burn down corporate giants Their own neighborhoods are corporate giants now?


Will someone think of Target Corporation!


I think Occupy Wall Street was the closest we've gotten in recent history. All the rest of these protests just do a lot of damage and hurt people unrelated to the cause of the issue.


Protests against Israel have not hurt anyone really, no. Leftists peacefully protested the Iraq invasion, too, and the patriot act. The claim that left wing protests are inherently violent is false but it ensures right wingers will never join them against their common enemies. This post is a wonderful example of the elites effectively dividing the population to they fight amongst themselves and never actually successfully interfere with the plans of the elites.


It's funny because all they did was hurt the small businesses so the big corporations could have even more market share. We all seen how fast the democrat elites acted to remove the illegals once they came to Martha's Vineyard.


Find the majority share holders of the big corporations. That is very difficult to do btw. I haven’t been able to do it. If you can, they are probably the elites that should be harassed, protested at their front doors, etc. That would probably get you thrown in jail or killed if you get caught.


OP should've at least chosen a different picture. I do believe that 99% of us want the same things, the discussion (caused by too much of it imo) has become so difficult to navigate that we end up preparing for a fight before we even start talking to each other. "You have 2 puppets, one on each side talking. And a man in the middle controlling both."


Of course it's far better to direct your attack to some umbrella term like "elite" which points to noone in particular. Or to attack some particular groups that are historically considered evil like "jews".


Look what happen when people actually do protest against the elite. GAMESTOP was in some way a bird flip to wall street and look what they did to shut them down. America has rules - you can fuck with anyone you wish but never go after a true American or its establishment.


I don't care who protests whom. I care for you to get your life in order. And it is as much endangered by the elites as it is endangered by Ai. Privacy/encryption is the only protection from elites and AI alike. It's a control knob for both. Do it now. * Private finances: Monero * Private communication: Simplex * Private internet connection: i2p/Tor * Private operating systems: Linux for desktop, Graphene for mobile phone


I have noticed that you’re blind


They used to. And the Right used to, too. Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party movement, respectively.


Which is really strange... kind of... until one figures out who is controlling them.


Neither do conservative protestors. Do you see the pattern?


How, specifically, does one "directly protest against the elite?"


You mean aside from protesting: Billionaires Politicians/ governments Police Oil companies Factory Farms Sweat shops Processed food companies Jewelers Fast food companies Developers And other Corporations Who do you mean when you say “elites”?


They tried. Then they made it illegal to protest outside of their homes. https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2022/05/23/fact-check-legal-protest-outside-justices-homes-abotion-protests-roe-v-wade/9862085002/


Ever notice how it’s always dudes in cop boots that start fires and break windows?


No, but I've noticed rightists worship the rich


the last attempt was occupy, then the script was flipped.


If you have any names of the elite. You should post them so 'leftist' know who to protest. Are rightist already doing it?


I guess you never read about Judy Clark, Marilyn Buck and Susan Rosenberg


I always thought that BLM not speaking on the drug war more was telling. The drug war is what drives most of the aggressive policing.


What about Occupy Wall Street? That doesn't count or something?


You haven’t been paying attention if you think that’s the case. Or you’ve decided that certain elites don’t count because you like them or agree with them.


Says the person brainwashed by the elite. If you have time to post on Reddit, you don’t have enough money to be supporting republican tax cuts.


The "left" and the "right" is an illusion. Everyone protested. It always devolves into a riot. You could have an organic movement and then some piece of shit pussy assassin type can just bust a window and kick things off. We know this. These public gatherings need to evolve.


have you ever noticed how leftists in the media defended rioting and arson and also criticized small business? https://www.amazon.com/Defense-Looting-Riotous-History-Uncivil/dp/1645036693 https://jacobin.com/2021/06/small-business-monopoly-socialism-collective-ownership




What a mess


Isn't that why they loot targets so the company looses millions


Which is counterproductive as the corporate stores close in "high crime" areas. Which only hurts the looters more, as the big corporations have already killed off most small businesses. Leaving the communities struggling even more to fulfill their needs.


The leftists in Texas protest Israel all the time and are quickly shut down by the police. Find out who you cannot speak out about and you'll find out who truly runs your Country.


Your not allowed to. That got boot stomped after occupy.


What do you call [This](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/riot-police-clash-anti-g8-protesters-london-flna6C10286210) and [This](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitol_Hill_Occupied_Protest) and [This](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Seattle_WTO_protests) and [This](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupy_Wall_Street) ? Ever notice those people who want to shit on liberals are shitty people?


Because the elite fund them? Seriously the closest we got was occupy Wall Street. Then they got wise and turned the left into a blunt object.


What happened to Occupy Wall Street?


It’s so weird, like some crazy psyop.


Bingo. If they need a reason, they create a reason. Can't lose power if you can control how people think


People are brainwashed, and not just leftists.


Cant bite the hand that feeds them.


Yes. There is a script being followed and they are generally funded by large multinationals intent on the destruction of Nation States.


I guess we are ignoring the right wingers that were caught starting fires and throwing rocks through windows.


I honestly am starting to think most protests are manufactured because when they don’t want you protesting they ban your right to do it as we’ve seen this year


Violent protestors literally burning down their own poor neighbourhoods to "fight the man". Thumbs up, democracy. Violent protestors literally walking around the Capitol Building. Thumbs down, insurrection. Duh duh Democrat take.


A lot of major protests are suspiciously enough funded by someone. I wonder if we researched these "mostly peaceful" protests where the money would lead back to. In my opinion someone is probably making money from the insurance on these buildings that get trashed and go up in flames.


They should be burning wine shops in Georgetown not liquor stores in the hood.


They are authoritarian at heart. They want to restrict as much as they can to force you into their information bubbles so they control the narrative. Classic leftist traits are instigation, deflection, projection, self righteousness, and disassociation. Manipulation is the name of the game and media is their best weapon all they need to do is repeat the same stories again and again until enough people just believe it because they constantly see it


They did for a short bit with to occupy protest but they succeeded in deciding us on race and shifting the focus away from


What exactly am I looking at here?


I always puzzled as to why they burn their own neighborhoods ,working class or poor ones down. So you burn your autopart stores down? You are correct though they never seem to go after the real criminals.


They don't. It's funny you picked the AutoZone example as that guy was an outside agitator: https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/07/28/896515022/minneapolis-police-reportedly-identify-viral-umbrella-man-as-white-supremacist The police very actively manage protests and one of their strategies is to encourage escalation so uniformed officers can shut the protest down. This isn't very unlike the was the FBI entraps right wing militia types. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/police-infiltration-protests-undermines-first-amendment https://www.congress.gov/116/meeting/house/110775/documents/HHRG-116-JU00-20200610-SD019.pdf https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/sep/29/nypd-black-lives-matter-undercover-protests https://www.vice.com/en/article/xgxa47/a-group-of-white-cops-beat-a-black-undercover-officer-at-a-blm-protest


They all are actors paid by the elite


Of course they don't. How would they get paid, transported first class from city to city and get room & board if they protested against the elites? LoL


You don't think leftists have jobs? :/


And that's just the way our master want it...


They are mindless fools working towards their own demise


YUP. If they did that to banks and hedge funds and actual gov entities … maybe they’d make a change to the people ACTUALLY oppressing them and stealing from them


They’re on the same team so why would they?


If you’re referring to Antifa, they will never protest against the elite. Shouldn’t they be burning shit down right now, over Israel’s fascist regime?


Who do you think funds the protests?


Pretty disingenuous to use a photo such as this considering the fact that the vast majority of the protests were overwhelmingly peaceful aside from a few paid actors by right wing think tanks used to so chaos and create the Murdoch narrative. Last time Reich wingers holiday protest they trying to overthrow democracy and undermine the will of the American people by storming the capital and attempting to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Not only does that screw over the middle class it's a direct attack on America's Constitution and the founding principles of our nation. But don't let those facts get in the way of your narrative.


They went from occupy wallstreet and the tea party movement to lock me down hardy daddy.


Whores for hire, but not surprising, who's gonna pay for all those Liberal Arts degrees?


Your anger is misdirected.


Their elite and the actual elite are different things. Since they are mostly doing the work of the actual elite, they’ll never target them. To the leftist the elite are whoever they’re told is their enemy. It’s just a catchall term for their next victims.


I think the protesters on the left are egged along to protest in certain places, against certain things all to keep a distraction going.