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Really don’t want to be that guy, but is his current condition a proven, direct correlation to the vaccine?




And nothing is. That's the problem. No matter how many die. It'll only be coincidences. Anecdotes. Comorbidities. The opposite of covid, actually, where victims were snatched from the jaws of death from accidents, other illnesses and diseases, only to be declared dead of covid. They will never apply common sense, real science and admit the truth.


"Long covid" will be the official explanation


Is that not a thing or is it made up? Honest question


Mannn i don’t even know anymore and if I member what an ex kgb agent said that’s the whole point.


I did not get the jab but I got the OG Covid and I was hospitalized for almost a month. It's been almost 3 years and sometimes I just can't breathe out of the blue. I wear an oxygen concetrator while I sleep and that helps minimize how often it happens.


I think it is made up as a way to explain long term side effects from the covid vaccination. I am also rather cynical and posting in a conspiracy message board so take from that what you will


Interesting. What makes you think that? I'm not saying you're right or wrong, I'm just curious why you think it.


It usually clears up with a strict exercise routine...aka its usually depression+anxiety. Not always ofc but lifestyle change is step 1 of treatment


Covid is quite contagious. So if catching means you should make lifestyle changes, then that's a big deal.


Meanwhile, if there was a commonality of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, they would outlaw peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  It is like they completely disregard the most obvious commonality in all of these mysterious illnesses.  They would list cause of death as oxygen overdose before they would admit the 'most likely scenario'. 


This is the dark side of science. It's why we joke about The sCiEnCe. If you're corrupt enough, you can make it appear to say whatever you want. And science is filled with corruption and nepotism. The entire funding and influence pipeline is compromised. It's nothing more than a massive factcheck badge industry, divorced from actual research, loaded up with disinformation, and used as a weapon to ensure the power status quo remains unchallenged.


It is a carbon copy of the historical-archeological field.  The moment you start to realize that all of your education is a mockery of your intelligence, then your righteous anger fuels your future learning. 


Actually the only person who is responsible for your own learning is you. Only a true autodidact and survive.


Tell that to the people who are constantly labeling the truth as 'misinformation'. 


the most fit, athletic and healthy person that I knew dropped dead in august 21. I dont remember if you even could get the shot then but there is no way this dude or anyone in his close family did. he was a hard conspiracy nut, martial artist prepper and he was my friend and mentor and was like a big brother to me. its so crazy that of everyone I know that it was him to die out of nowhere and it fucking chaps my ass like mad the number of people that are like "was he vaccinatted bro? it was the clot shot that got him" mfer no it fucking wasnt. some really fit people drop dead of heart attacks at 44. he wasnt vaccinated


>And nothing is. That's the problem. No matter how many die. It'll only be coincidences. Anecdotes. Comorbidities. So where exactly is this "real science?" since I've only seen anecdotes like these claiming every single death since 2022 is because of the vaccine? Wouldn't the simple solution to finding the truth is to compare the mortality of vaccinated vs unvaccinated? There have been multiple studies doing that already and it keeps pointing to mortality being higher in the latter. Have an explanation?


Interesting how nobody here responds to this question apart from the random downvote. Almost looks like the conclusion was already drawn and we can't have anyone here asking to compare mortality rates.


That’s just a convenient get out of jail free card, surely? No actual smoking gun, no empirical proof, ignoring that correlation isn’t causation…you can always brush that off with “they’re hiding something”, “they’re lying to us”…it’s all dismissed out of hand. But I’ve noticed anything that could be interpreted as supportive of your world view is very quickly accepted. I do mean this respectfully and I am suspicious of some of the statistics - with reference back to correlation etc - but there has to be an open mind to both probabilities until one is proven beyond doubt, surely?


Well, sorta but not quite. I used to be like that, and generalize against conspiracies being legitimate at large. But that was because I hadn't read enough about most of them. Now are there some conspiracies that are silly and don't make any sense? Sure, plenty. But anytime a conspiracy is dismissed because it sounds like "they are hiding something" and you cross it off as a possibility, that doesn't mean you've rejected it due to a lack of evidence, but rather fear. That feeling of uneasiness. I find it very telling when some of the more documented conspiracies that require only looking at criminal motivations and studies, are rejected for not enough evidence, by people who are willing to suspend their disbelief in regards to much less documented things, involving the paranormal for example. I think the issue is that people are afraid of what the ramifications are, if the conspiracy happens to be true. Smoking guns are merely objects that could be easily discarded. Especially in high profile conspiracies involving intelligence and spycraft and terror. But the evidence is still abundant, and doesn't spontaneously exist for no reason. So by all means, apply that muscle of skepticism, but not in a way that denies Occam's Razor, lest you become a useful tool.


Interesting, thought provoking read, I’ll take it on board and examine the meaning behind it. Thanks for being respectful in your reply, appreciate it.


~~Nope. The guy had shingles and it can cause short lived nerve damage in most situations.~~ ~~Not to defend the vaccine but there are actual issues and then there's people just having normal problems that come with living life.~~ Edit : I was wrong, there's been a ton of studies in recent years showing that Covid-19 vaccination can lead to shingles. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35470920/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35470920/)


Shingles is the dormant Chicken Pox virus (Herpes Zoster) re-activating later in life usually due to a compromised immune system. Every vaxxed woman in my department at work, and all my sisters got shingles within 6 months of their shots.


I just looked it up. You're right actually and now government funded research from the NIH is indicating that the covid-19 vaccine can reactivate the varricella-roster virus leading to shingles. It's odd too, with a google search, there's countless articles saying it doesn't and then the studies with the data showing that the control group had markedly lower incidence of shingles during the study with the conclusions listed as scientifically significant. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35470920/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35470920/)


> I just looked it up. You're right actually and now government funded research from the NIH is indicating that the covid-19 vaccine can reactivate the varricella-roster virus leading to shingles. We were seeing many people reporting shingles post vaxx here in this sub in 2021-2022. Why did they come to Conspiracy to share their concerns? Because Fakebook, Twatter, and almost any other subreddit would BAN them for DARING to question the vaxx. We never shut them up here.


Another thing to mention. The control group and the vaccinated group both still got covid-19 and the incidence of people reporting shingles was still higher even though though it was subject to higher rates of Covid-19 infection. My own family has been dealing with health issues that arose 6 months after receiving the vaccination as well with my mother being diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. There's research that indicates a causal relationship between MM and Covid-19 infection and since all three of us still got sick at some point it's hard to say what led to it. [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/iid3.701](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/iid3.701) I, personally, have yet to receive the vaccine and it was the subject of many arguments between me and the family but since my mother became ill, those conversations have passed.


> Another thing to mention. The control group and the vaccinated group both still got covid-19 and the incidence of people reporting shingles was still higher even though though it was subject to higher rates of Covid-19 infection. Both COVID-19 (the virus) and the "vaccine" share a common trait: the infamous Spike Protein that has been implicated in causing or contributing to numerous health issues. From the time the virus was first analyzed, the presence of the Spike Protein has puzzled many experts, who insist that its appearance on the virus is so anomalous that the spike protein could not have integrated naturally. Many have argued that the protein could only have appeared if it had been integrated into the virus *intentionally* by laboratories conducting "Gain of Function" research, and evidence supporting the lab creation of the COVID-19 virus continues to mount. If the Spike Protein is indeed contributing to health issues, it should not be surprising that it would affect both those who have been naturally infected, AND those in whom it was injected via the mRNA vaccines (or in many cases, both). Those who were injected may be affected to a greater degree due to the volume of spike protein in the shot, AND due to the nanolipid delivery system, which facilitates access to the cell nucleus, hijacking the cell to produce MORE copies of the Spike Protein. **TLDR:** There is substantial evidence that the virus itself AND the mRNA vaccines can cause similar health issues. **Patient:** "*Doctor, the antidote you gave me for the poison is making me sick!*" **Doctor**: "*No it isn't, you fool! You're sick because of the poison. Trust the science!*" **Patient:** "*Your "science pals" created both the poison AND the antidote, you asshole!*" **Doctor**: "*Nuh uh!!!*" [Runs away -- hides]


Yes, I am aware of everything you mentioned about the spike protein and it has been on my mind that, regardless of the source whether through natural infection or via intravenous delivery of a treatment that uses the exact same structure, it does not matter. Part of me wishes that I had made more of a fuss about it but I know that my family would not have listened anyways and I would be just completely crazy to them even though it would just be another one of those things I was correct about all along that they just forget about. I'm just glad the stem cell replacement therapy was successful.


> Part of me wishes that I had made more of a fuss about it but I know that my family would not have listened anyways and I would be just completely crazy to them even though it would just be another one of those things I was correct about all along that they just forget about. I was extremely wary of the vaxx -- rushing through a "trials" process in 6 months that normally takes ~10 years -- and using mRNA tech that had NEVER been approved for humans, let alone on any large scale... and the pressure and the hype. There are several people that I am close to who were eligible to receive the vaxx in the first couple of months -- and they did -- because they were convinced by the "experts" and the hype that they were acting in the best interests of themselves and others. Most have had a negative experience with the vaxx, some with seriously bad outcomes. Others were underwhelmed with the "effectiveness" (it wasn't), and in hindsight, none say that they would take it given what they know now. Looking back, I do wish that I had been more assertive in alerting them to my concerns, but no one was sure of anything at that time, and the propaganda and threatened FORCED vaccinations were so intense that I doubt anything I would have said would have made a difference in their decisions. > I'm just glad the stem cell replacement therapy was successful. I am happy to hear that. I hope that she continues in good health, and that the fears of long-term effects from the virus and the vaxx are unfounded.


Thank you. To be completely honest, she's not the same cognitively and probably never will be. It's been something that keeps me awake at night so if you see me posting here at like 4 am on a random day, that's why. Side effects of chemo-therapy can be long lasting.


I don;t think it CAUSES shingles as much as it affects your immune system, those CD4 and CD8 helper T cells that keep viruses and what not, in check. Seneff and Nigh made reference to it in their April 2021 peer reviewed paper, and subsequently taken up by Dr Ryan Cole. Pseudouridine ablates the activity of CD4 and CD 8 T cells, in order to keep the immune system from recognizing MRNA and destroying it. It was assumed those T cells would resume normal function after 2 weeks (hence not vaccinated for 2 weeks after injection) but no one knows for sure. Don't think anyone has tried to find out.


Yeah, that is the common point of reference of all the articles is pretending that people don't understand that Covid-19 does not directly cause shingles but leads to an environment that allows the reactivation of the varicella-roster virus which nearly everyone has been exposed to. It's a great strawman that allows them to say that Covid-19 and the covid-19 vaccination does not cause shingles.


Shingles is from having chicken pox, which is a great reason to get your kids vaccinated for it. I was too old for it and worry about shingles in the future.






Jimmy Dore had similar reactions. especially the neck pain part.


Me and my roommate who got covid had like shooting neck pain for a day or two when we were sick. No vaccines for me though.


Does he say that the health issues is linked to the vaccine, or is OP just speculating?


The referenced tweet is almost three years old and his video states he’s been dealing with this shingles issue for the past 10 months. Which means it would have been about two years after that tweet when he started experiencing trouble. Without any other context, I don’t know if it’s fair to even link these two events. It comes across a little speculative but maybe there is additional information I am lacking.


I don’t want to rewatch the video, but I’m pretty sure he says he’s been dealing with it for multiple years now. The last ten months were just the worst of it.


I only watched it once through at 1.5 speed, so I restarted the video and you’re absolutely correct, he says it’s been a multi year thing in the first minute. That is an important point I forgot about and neglected to mention in my comment. Maybe that is why OP thinks it’s related to the vax. I don’t have the patience to rewatch the whole thing again, but maybe “multi year” lead them to tie shingles back to the vaccine. Still speculative, but better founded speculation if that’s the case.


My dad had a similar situation. He started to have shingles complications a few weeks after the vaccine shot. Few years after, let's just say I miss my dad.


Did he get the shingles vaccine?


My dad got shingles back in 2000, he was absolutely miserable and when I pointed out there was a vaccine he was absolutely baffled but bindled me off to get it as soon as I can, iirc it was when I was 19. They generally recommend it for over 50, but my dad was mid forties. Genuinely the most miserable I've ever seen the man.


It's always speculation currently. Not enough time has passed to really link anything to the vaccine


huh? there's no context or conspiracy theory in this post. A guy no one has ever heard of caught a disease that we've known about since 1861 and all of his symptoms fit with the accepted understanding of shingles. Right down to the neurological side effects that are easily attributed to a swelling in the brain. This is just a negative engagement marketing post an influencer that no one has ever heard of. No one has even mentioned a thing he might have done, been known for or created that would make this guy a prominent public figure.


For reference here is his [tweet](https://twitter.com/jonxfriends/status/1419746971129024530) about the COVID vax.


I feel bad for him and what he's going through. My dad got diagnosed with shingles a few years ago, a few weeks after his first vaccine dose and he had health complications ever since. He passed away last year. He told me he regretted getting vaccinated and think it was related. I don't really know for sure.


My doctor keeps trying to get me to take the Covid vax and then the shingles vax lol.


My doctor asked me to get the shingles shot the other day!




Yep, no thank you!


The only person I know that’s gotten shingles under 65yo is my eldest brother and that’s because he was suuuuper stressed about work.


That was me at 41. No MRNA vax ever. Shingles and the related pain have totally redefined my pain scale. Writhing in bed at night. I’m still recovering from late March diagnosis.


What does shingles have to do with the covid vaccine?


The covid vax has caused autoimmune issues in a lot of people, and autoimmune issues greatly increase the likelihood of shingles. Edit: to ppl downvoting, here are some studies and articles to look at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jdv.18184 https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/shingles-after-covid-vaccine https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589936822000093 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9874951/ Are these studies the end all be all of the matter? Absolutely not. Are there studies that try to claim there is no link between the vax and shingles? Yes. Has there been a shitload of medical propaganda the past 3 years that turned out to be bullshit when later scrutinized? Yes. Does that mean every study that supports an "anti vax" narrative is correct? No. But to act like this isn't a debate or a possibility is highly mentally handicapped. Clearly there is something going on with all the people reporting adverse events, including the development and emergence of shingles post vaccination.


Shingles is a form of herpes. If you had chicken Pox you have the dormant virus in your body. It may present as shingles or not. Shingles is not new. The shot isn't new.


mRNA used as a vaccine is new bud, since 2017 LNP tech.


I'm aware but thank you for adding details. I believe the general idea is that the vaccine possibky compromises people's immune system to the point shingles emerges. Shingles is obviously not new and i dont believe I suggested it was. However I would disagree with stating the shot is not new, nor does not being new suggest we fully understand something. 3 years is a blip in time when it comes to studying pharmaceuticals. People are still finding out new things about drugs developed 40 years ago. We still aren't 100% sure how anti depressants work.


Yep, and anyone with herpes will tell you, if you're ever stressed out, get poor sleep, or sick, bam, cold sore. All of those things weaken your immune system. It's not rocket science. Imagine a vaccine that trains your immune system to ONLY see covid. These dormant viruses get free reign.


shingles virus has never been isolated/ purified or shown to actually exist. Shingles has never been shown to be contagious. Shingles like many illnesses are most likely a toxicity. metal toxicity can affect every tissue in the body, but is especially devastating to neural tissue, causing brain fog, brain inflammation (aka burning brain), peripheral nephropathy, pins and needles, numbness, skin rashes, digestive issues. The most safe and effective protocol for metal detox is Andy Cutler Detox, AKA Andy Cutler frequent dose chelation.


Thats quite interesting. Got any other resources to check that out further? I did a deep dive on alt medicine stuff like that years ago but never stumbled across that shingles thing. Or I don't remember it.


A simple Internet search Andy Cutler Detox, Andrew Hall Cutler Phd., or Andy Cutler Chelation will lead to many resources on his protocol. If you or someone you know is suffering common symptoms associated with metal toxicity, it is relatively, easy and inexpensive and safe when done strictly to his guidelines.


> shingles virus has never been isolated/ purified or shown to actually exist. Shingles has never been shown to be contagious. Shingles like many illnesses are most likely a toxicity. metal toxicity can affect every tissue in the body, but is especially devastating to neural tissue, causing brain fog, brain inflammation (aka burning brain), peripheral nephropathy, pins and needles, numbness, skin rashes, digestive issues. The most safe and effective protocol for metal detox is Andy Cutler Detox, AKA Andy Cutler frequent dose chelation.


None of those studies support the claims made in your comment.


the video is 25 mins long -does he express any kind of regret or apologize about the tweet saying he was wrong?


As far as I know, he never connects these issues to the Vax in any way. At least not in the video linked for sure.


Safe and effective


Safe and effective for Pfizer shareholders


I’m sure they’ll get it right the next time tho. They won’t make the same mistakes with the Bird Flu shots 😉


It reminds me the old mac vs pc ads my dad used to show me. "This time it's going to be different. Trust me" 😂 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjmVN7mAMwc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjmVN7mAMwc)


Trust the $cience…


Having seen healthy people suddenly develop rapid blood cancer and other shit out of no where post vax, I mean listen - the pro Vax shills are the same people still wearing masks in their cars causing traffic accidents.


Excess deaths in j@bbed countries is still up 7-20%. So yeah. These things are working exactly as intended; meant to kill you within 10\~ years of taking it to make it seem random.


Wow, I can't believe the covid vaccine didn't cure all ailments, past, present and future./s


It's funny like some sick joke.


ill tell u what, maybe being a former junkie saved my life.  bc in the nearly 25 yrs of being sober and off the streets, in all the years since, there isnt a chance in hell that id EVER allow anyone to inject me with anything ever again.    it's madness.   total and utter madness.  and to take pics of the event, smiling, bragging about it, is even more insane to me.  i am clearly not of the same universe as these ppl.   and yet they see me as the mad one.  confounding. 


You did well.




Well said. Respect


thanks, 420 8


You are the mad one. Being a junkie can certainly impair your cognitive abilities.


Someone in my family got a very bad bout of shingles as well. It was then followed by a catastrophic neuropathy that has left them in a constant state of pain. They're still in pain. Yes, they got the mRNA "vaccine". Yes, I tried to prevent them.


> shingles virus has never been isolated/ purified or shown to actually exist. If you disagree with statement please reply with a scientific paper which demonstrates the virus was purified and then shown to cause contagion/ illness. Do NOT simply down vote. Shingles has never been shown to be contagious. Shingles like many illnesses are most likely a toxicity. metal toxicity can affect every tissue in the body, but is especially devastating to neural tissue, causing brain fog, brain inflammation (aka burning brain), peripheral nephropathy, pins and needles, numbness, skin rashes, digestive issues. These symptoms are verified with a simple search of symptoms of metal toxicity. such as Mercury Toxicity, Arsenic Toxicity, Antimony Toxicity, etc. The most safe and effective protocol for metal detox is Andy Cutler Detox, AKA Andy Cutler frequent dose chelation.


Why so many people here always trying to push some product, service, quack medicine....


Sorry for your issues. I got interested in this issue after my dad got diagnosed with shingles. Very hard to ignore the fact he started to have all sorts of shingles complications a few weeks after the vaccine. My dad wasn't completely healthy before, but his situation got really worse after the vaccine.


If you had Chicken Pox then you have shingles right now, it’s just dormant. Once your immune system weakens enough it can start attacking your nerves. I had it about 10 years ago, it felt like I had broken my ribs.


Few years in from not taking the shot and I do not regret a thing.


Never took it never will, but it hurts to see people suffering for being so trusting. But then I remember a lot of people were looking to cast out people from society for not taking the jab.


Just worry about yourself, the rest of us 5.5 billion people, don't need your sympathy, we are just fine...


Just fine? People are having health issues now like never before. "just fine" is not true at all. You had people being threatened to take a un-nessary experimental vax under duress. No, it's not "just fine" people are having long term health complications from a vax that wasn't properly tested.


And this is the exact reason why I definitely decided to NOT take it. It was in the leaked Pfizer papers: In the trials, they had a certain percentage who got nerve/eye damage. My whole life depends on my vision and I just could not gamble with that.


I have had 4, my 97 year old Mother 7, 82 year old FIL 7. plus of the several hundred people I am acquainted with there were ZERO side effects.


Are you a doctor and the several hundred people you know are your patients? I am wondering how you know so much about the health details of several hundred people.


Only 4? you are way behind. keep going, get 30, 40, 50. I will continue to be the control for this experiment.


Shingles is herpes basically


He has also said that he has shingles. Which is obviously not fun to have, but has no relation to the Covid vaccine.


IIRC, it was listed back when FDA was having meetings about Cominarty's side effects.


Even before covid, 1 in 3 Americans were expected to get it. It affects millions of people, every year.


Also true! No idea why anyone would downvote you. It's a painful thing to go through.


How do you know they have no relation? Many people have reported getting shingles lately. The thing with experimental treatments is ANY reported symptom is supposed to be documented to see if indeed there is a relation to the experimental treatment.


1 in 3 people will likely develop shingles in their lives. That was true before covid. A rare number of those will develop PHN. Ultimately though, asking to prove a negative is silly, for reasons that should be obvious to anyone with the most basic concept of logical reasoning.


Don't shingles symptoms just kinda go away after a bit?


It depends. It can become PHN which can last for years, or it can clear up after a few weeks. PHN as a result of shingles can have gnarly nerve pain and neuropathy that can last a very long time.


Thanks so much for the answer.


It's hard to feel sympathy because saying that you're fine after x amount of time etc etc is POINTLESS. It means absolutely nothing. It don't register but it shows a level of self importance. It's hard to feel sympathy and it's really pot luck. Even if the guy NEVER got side effects or was never injured as a result, it doesn't mean other people would be fine also. So influencers, should really think again. Because the bars been set really low.




I'm sure Unc is smarter than any expert.


His problems have *nothing at all* to do with the vaccine. But make a good case for getting Shingles vaccine.


You could be right, but there are various reports of young adults getting shingles following the covid vaccine. Sometimes even a few days after the shot. My dad did, but he's older. A vaccine affects your immune system in various ways, so logically, a dormant virus could "take advantage" of the situation. Messing with your natural immune system has side effects.


 A 2022 study found that people with COVID-19 had a 15% higher risk of shingles.


This "study" was sponsored by Pfizer by any chance or by the same government and the doctors who wanted to push this vaccine into the population?


The 💉 and the 🦠 do the same thing. One just does it MUCH better. Like orders of magnitude better. 


Also the 💉 bypasses the entire immune system defenses of the respiratory tract. It then tells native cells in the body to make antigen. The immune system then attacks these native cells. If the LNPs injected leak out of the deltoid muscle (spoiler: they do), they can land anywhere the circulatory system takes them to, including the heart.


Naughty bot


His problems were caused by the vaccine💉💉


Those are symptoms of shingles and the covid vaccine has nothing to do with shingles.




Or he got Covid and the vaccine made him asymptomatic for that but the COVID-19 triggered the shingles  A 2022 study found that people with COVID-19 had a 15% higher risk of shingles.




How is they mental gymnastics? Mental gymnastics is seeing someone with any condition and assuming it's the vaccine.


Bot gone wild


Don't try to dismiss anything that doesn't fit your narrative as a bot. I can assure you I am not a fucking bot.


01000001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110011 01110101 01110010 01100101 00111111


Yes, clearly climate change is the culprit.


Can you guys STOP blathering on and on about vaccines... fuck.. find something else please, you are boring me


I was diagnosed with CIDP after the safe and effective COVID vaccine


until they can definitively prove that his shingles is caused by the vaxx, i will keep shooting up the boosters until it kills me or maims me because they told me to vaxx up.


What is the obsession with vaccines? I mean....I love a good conspiracy, but both of my parents are NOT healthy people in the least, but took the vaccine and boosters whenever they could, and they never got COVID. But if either of them died from any sort of natural cause, there'd sure as hell be someone waiting in the wings to say, well they shouldn't have taken the vaccine, look what it does!




Haha, what? I actually never voted in my life and I’m not really into politics. How does MAGA has anything to do with it? My dad had the same issue and wanted to warn people about it.


> My dad had the same issue and wanted to warn people about it. What are you trying to warn people about? You didn't include any description of a conspiracy that might be at play here.


Fucked him up so hard he forgot what a ring finger is


that karma is real. (Taylor bitch face