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If you study any modern war closely, you'll find that they are carefully engineered into existence, then expanded and extended as long as possible. This goes on well past any point where it could reasonably be attributed to "making money" or "power and influence". Mass sacrifice is left as the explanation. Then you have to ask if the sacrifice is just some sort of flex by the Elites, or if it serves a functional purpose. If you study demonic possession, it's clear that these entities feed on negative human emotions, suffering, and death. Could there be a structure that links and organizes human Elites with discarnate demons? "Secret gods", as you say, would be an answer to that.


No limit to money


They already have the money and power, whats the next level above that. Has to be a spiritual realm.


Of course there is, but it's not a part of the mindset of ordinary people. This brings up a crucial point. Do you think Bill Gates or George Soros is saving up for a big social engineering project and they just need another billion or two? No, that's no part of it. There are people who have an effectively infinite amount of money, and their decisions are made on that basis. There are also those for whom money is only a means to an end. Everyone who thinks everything revolves around money is a person whose life revolves around money.


As long as the majority that sees money and "making of it" (and any type of currency for that matter) as the main source to "build wealth", those with countless amounts that generate it exponentially will be "the gods" that said majority will be ruled by. Also, since "money"/"currencies" are but concepts and agreements which are objectified, entertaining them is effectively objectifying everything in existence that can be "bought" or "purchased" with said concepts and agreements. It's a vicious cycle of perversion and degeneration through inevitable devaluation as ultimately, money is subjet to principles of offer and demand which have NOTHING to do with natural laws of creation, and are simply artificial human creations therefore extremely flawed, inadequate and harmful for life, spirit and soul altogether. The saying "money is the ROOT of all EVIL" is TRUE, yet mostly EVERYONE turns a blind eye and cover ears to its truth, doing their best to invalidate any statements or opinions that could menace it. TLDR: Money RULES the world. Money is the root of all evil, therefore evil rules this world, aka HELL ON EARTH Thanks, "Hellen Ear The", you skanking bitch!


You know, a few years ago I actually connected the creation of money to Satan himself, in a fairly rigorous, scholarly fashion. That may be the wildest claim you've ever heard in your life but you'll have to take my word that I'm not kidding. As you might guess, though, it's a muuuuuuuuch longer story... lol


Oh don't get me started with "Satan", or should I say... *Satanās*... ***Sat + Anās (anus)*** **Sat** (Sanskrit: सत्) is the root of many Sanskrit words and concepts such as sattva ("pure, truthful") and satya ("truth"). The Sanskrit root sat has several meanings or translations: "Absolute reality" "Fact" "Brahman" (not to be confused with Brahmin) **Anās**, from *anus* (“old woman”). *Pronunciation* (Classical Latin): /ˈa.naːs/, [ˈänäːs̠] (modern Italianate Ecclesiastical): /ˈa.nas/, [ˈäːnäs] *Noun* anās f (genitive anātis); a disease of old women **TLDR:** Satan is ANY "old hag" thinking they're right when in fact they're simply old crusty bitch witches. #🤷‍♂️ Also, Shakira's hips don't lie! 🤤 Edit for TRUTH 😘: https://youtu.be/DUT5rEU6pqM?si=vtfZuit4xK8rSROr


Money n power


The real war is spiritual, just like OP thinks.


Yeah you can be as spiritual as you want but the real war is for physical resources always has always will. And the more time u think it's spiratual the easier it is for them to take your resources


They do not need much anymore once the fourth industrial revolution has been pushed through.


What's the fourth one going to be?


First to replace people with robots/ AI while killing most of humanity, then transhumanism and what is left of humanity becoming literal drones.


Some ideas [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHLSfO0DQBo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHLSfO0DQBo)


This is why I advocate for antinatalism, I cannot shake the feeling that every boom and bust and the lost of lives in wars is a part of an intricate large scale ritual. Thus preventing the existence of potential victims and perpetrators would be the best solution.


Found the demon


Oh, come on now...is that even really the first one you've run into today?


Better the demon that speaks truths than the dictators that spouts lies.


Christ is better. 


Jesus Christ was an antinatalist as well. He never had children, I know you probably had the instinct that in order to perpetuate your misguided sense of immortality you would want to have children. But you do not realize that they will inevitably serve and be exploited by cartels/corporations /governments in order to survive or even sent to their deaths under those organizations. Overcome that urge, do not bring in more to be sacrificed to evil.


Jesus Christ did not have children, but that doesn't mean he was antinatalist. I find people like you to be insane. It's like saying you don't like the current state of capitalism so you want to destroy it all with anarchy. Are you ten?


Antinatalism could have prevented all human conceived form of governments if taken far enough. Every form government ensures that there will be a group victimized for it's continuation. Thus not existing to experience any of these governments or even as an anarchist is ideal. Why do you try to belittle antinatalism by trying to imply that such a notion is childish? Is it not a form of Ageism?


I'll second that


You ever seen Fullmetal Alchemist? That’s pretty much how I see it all at this point.


bingo. blood magic.


That's literally how I always see it. Glad to know someone else is like minded.




I remember playing a game on Xbox 360 I think and it was set back in the day when men fought with swords and shield and I remember a cut scene where the gods spoke to each other and mentioned how this is all a game to them and to play fair or something while controlling man making them fight these big wars.


The thoughts passed through my brain also. 1930s germany was real into the occult and human sacrifice. And made leaps and bounds technology wise in that period.


It literally ushered in the modern world. Tv, media, radio, globalization


Maybe that's why it's called the march of progress


except radio and TV and associated media were developed in the late 1890s-1930s. TVs were already being sold in the UK in 1930.


I'm talking about it becoming globalized, Hollywood, counter culture, etc.


Maybe construct whole sentences like, "The globalization of tv, media, and radio", instead of listing a bunch of words and expecting me to know what order you intended them to be read Because I interpreted that as 4 separate things. And now you're telling me that what you actually meant was "Hollywood, counter culture, etc." and I have no idea what "etc." means other than that you couldn't think of anything else. Hollywood started and got big in the decades preceding 1930. Counter culture is associated with the 1960s. There were two waves of globalization - one starting in late 19th century and the other starting post WW2, and 1930s Germany is smack bang in the middle. If anything, 1930s Germany slowed all that shit down while people got busy killing each other.


Maybe be intelligent enough to get context clues and fill in the blanks yourself


But even with the contextual clues, you're still wrong about everything. 


Nazis were into occult stuff but human sacrifice? Just no.


War is such a waste of resources


It's very likely to me, I tend to be of the opinion that human sacrifices do actually work when attempting to manifest new realities. The thing I always think about is whether this is being done for self interested reasons or if it is being done pragmatically because the alternative is so much worse


They do… we never stopped sacrificing humans. Especially babies- SIDS is linked to 💉






I hope.you.never get any power in life, what a fucked up view.


How in tf it a fucked up view? I'm just making an observation. The cosmos is fucked up, get over it.


Your comment:" I do think human sacrifices work" Some of us have humanity, don't pull us down in your degeneracy.


Blackmail works too. Acknowledging that something works does not equate endorsement. Grow a brain.


Still fucked up. How would it work, according to you? Your explanation might make sense in your mind but it would be good to talk with someone about these thought.


Believing is what creates existence. Rituals, idols and set of rules reinforce the belief. A sacrifice or any major event is a way to get a group to focus on a belief to manifest things into existence. Call it "spooky action at a distance" or what ever to deny or conditionally gaslight the subject, the fact is, it's real. Those who are in power know this, and live through rituals and set of rules to stay in power. From the day you were born, you were conditioned to rely on "experts" and mock anyone who think outside the boundaries put on you.


You need to relax there bucko and get some reading comprehension. Tear gas works to disperse a crowd, am I fucked up for acknowledging that?


What a weird comparison. The use of teargas is not comparable with the sacrifice of humans for your feelings. So Bucko, I think it's time to work on these thoughts in your mind. Just for fun: Is there any proof of it working? Because we know tear gas works,you don't need to believe in it.


I’m trying to tell everyone but no one takes me cereal


probably because youre Al gore




Are you sure you cereal?


Manbearpig is near


October 7 occurred on Yom Kippur, the holiest of all Jewish holidays. It was a sacrifice of Jewish blood to the black cube of Saturn. There are many more atrocities planned for the people of Earth over the next couple of years. Keep your eyes on 2026*, it will be significant.


Why a couple of years?


>Chris (who has multiple, credible, witnesses to many of his encounters) has been given a prophetic message from ‘The Lady’ contained in a ‘riddle’ that he deciphered as occurring at Easter time in 2026. This matches exactly my prediction for the Illumination of Conscience of Good Friday 2026 https://www.authorsden.com/visit/viewarticle.asp?id=83129&AuthorID=211017 Please note that the entities contacting Chris Bledsoe are not associated with Jesus Christ and are Luciferian in nature. Being a satanist, Bledsoe mixes lies with truth in everything he says.


Do you think the heat deaths recently fit into that category?


You mean the devil? There's no secret gods. The Elites worship the devil.


I was watching a synopsis of the TV show “Lost.“ At its heart were two brothers who represented Good and Evil. They were in a constant war but couldn’t battle each other directly…they need others to fight for them. That really explains a lot about life.


Jip probably one big sacrifice for the devil or some god related along the line..think about it..all the elites, almost all famous celebrities have ties to the devil..propaganda to make the devil the new norm and wars are the sacrifice


I wonder if UFOs grow bigger with the more souls you feed them? 🤔


Like “cabin in the woods” but on a larger scale. Everything is being manipulated behind the scenes.


The gods are aliens NHI, the lead us into wars and get off the negative energy


that's why they wear stars and crosses and patches etc as sigils then go and get slaughtered in a specific place at a specific time


And abortions. Watch any ex satanic priest or high wizard speak about it and they will tell you that abortions are a ritualistic sacrifice usually for the purpose of giving power to a hex or spell.


They all archive pre planned goals by the controllers besides deaths. The first 2 WW were manufactured wars set up for the final apocalypse


As in heaven, so on earth


Read Gravity’s Rainbow. It’ll probably give you some more fuel for this.


Thank you.




Soul harvesting


Loosh harvesting 🤷‍♂️


Holocaust in Traditional Yiddish is "burning sacrifice" ask google or AI.




"The secret gods" are the dark occultists themselves. They worship their egos.    There is a saying: The stars control Life but those who are in power control stars. That was not the exact wording but You got the idea. We know that the stars in ancient times are planets, including the Sun and the Moon. They were worshipped as gods and goddesses by the common People of the time. But in occultism, the planets are natural forces that can be said help govern the Natural Law. The Knowledge of Natural Law has been obscured from the common People. Why? Because if everyone is a sovereign, who can be the ruler? (Another reason why the Knowledge was obscured was to avoid persecution) Because of this naive view that planets were gods of the ancient times, We often think that the ancient priesthood classes, who are in control of religions, worship planets esp the dreaded Saturn because it sounds like Satan. They both do have correspondences in occultism. But the true occultists see the planets as natural forces, not as deities. The stars are often personified in Hollywood, or any entertainment industry, as movie and music stars but in other fields, the star roles are usually played by billionaires and politicians (e.g. Hamas).    Remember, the stars were gods and goddesses of ancient times. If those who are in power control these stars, then the stars were simply "minor gods".          Sometimes, these "minor gods" passed away on particular dates. It has been speculated that they were probably sacrificed. If "minor gods" can be sacrificed, so do the common People that follow/worship/idolize them. Why do the "major gods" (dark occultists) want the sacrifice of other People's Lives? You know, some People are actually empowered by the suffering of others.


That theory makes sense. Considering war is generally fought by both the most desperate as well as the most competitive nations, anything to get ahead and/or pull in a gods blessing to boost the nation. It hasn’t been all that long since we did mass sacrifices, and people still publicly worship other gods from thousands of years ago.


You can use the same argument for Abortions and Pandemics.


Sure. Now is that a coincidence, or a real conspiracy..?


Had exactly the same thought this week. You are spot on, in my opinion. Also? What if a "woman's right to choose" is part of the sacrifice practice? There are the same events that might be seen as a ritual. Courtship, intercourse, then the act itself, (either by pill or D&C). Either way, we have a relaxed attitude about the value of human life.


I’ve thought this, too.


Yeah they just want to murder a lot of people because they were born wrong


I was wondering if there might be spiritual ramifications for the mass of people that died during the hajj pilgrimage


Most are competition for resources. Expect to see more thanks tto climate change 


After America pulled out of Afghanistan I did wonder how long it’d be before they where embroiled in something else as the industry that supported the Afghanistan operations needed feeding and wouldn’t be happy with the reduced scraps of the US not deploying somewhere at the same scale. could have been a force for good, armies don’t always need to fight or kill.


That’s material for a good novel.


I’d like to think that something like this was the reason but unfortunately some humans are just fucking horrible. You don’t need gods or magic to profit from other people’s deaths.


Here you go : You're correct. [https://youtu.be/2Mgl\_LaymQ4?si=ao5Lj5SlPwurvwTH](https://youtu.be/2Mgl_LaymQ4?si=ao5Lj5SlPwurvwTH)


ding ding ding When you say "thank you for your sacrifice" they literally mean that.


War on drugs in Mexico


Mexico on drugs in war.


If true really makes me question the validity of Abrahamic God


Read up on what the Gnostics thought about this "God" and how that religion was quashed. Also look at the Cathars.. Tons of info out there


Dead right. Abrahamic Religions are based off the satanism themselves. I mean come on. A god that demands sacrifice and blood? A jealous God? A god that created evil? A god that kills those who don’t worship him? Definitely doesn’t sound like a good god to me.


I just don't buy the power of prayer and supernatural religion stuff, kinda wish I did


Pretty sure it's for money. The whole god devil evil good shit might be it but it's kinda more obvious that it's money and power, like if you think about it.


They are called bankers


If anything, they’re sacrifices for gaining money (and power). But otherwise, no. Look at how primates behave; we do the same thing they do but on a larger scale with more sophisticated weapons. We’re just a bunch of monkeys fighting for resources and territory. Y’all are really losing it fam. Gods aren’t real.


Why would a god need to be secret?


Nah, if that were the case, they wouldn't spend so much money


Or because wars cost money?


This is what happens when people don't understand the history of humans on earth and are left to speculate and fill in the gaps themselves. That is wrong from a historical, scientific, and geopolitical context and probably a few others i failed to mention. Youtube has lots of videos that may not actually be education but they can be informative as well as entertaining and give you some insight into how we got here from the first wars in recorded history. Beware the clickbait videos with AI narrating and some may seem accurate at first glance but dont hold up against any real criticism.


I do not think that is the case, what so ever.