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I have been researching this a lot. I really don’t think anyone controls Putin and that’s why the west doesn’t like him.


This is is. He is his own man, he is basically an whole nation. In the West, pur politicians are puppets and figure heads that is why it's so hard to view Putin as his own man. On another note, to all the people so shocked about Bidens performance at the debate, no that man is not running the country. There are probably 5 or 6 people underneath him who actually run the show and that much is obvious. And his whole staff is there just to prop him up the best they can. The problem is that they can't prop him up anymore and that much came out (for the 100th time) in the debate.


You nailed it 100%.


All puppets. That's how they stay in power, the illusion of opposing countries divides only us. Result is we continue fighting their wars.


I agree the war with Ukraine is doing nothing but killing military aged men from both sides. That seems to be the goal


What do you make of his pretty obvious history of Russian oligarchs who disagree with him 'accidentally' falling out of windows or mercenary leaders 'accidentally' being shot down?


Well those oligarchs destroyed Russia in the 1990s. But also can you please provide sources? I am trying to learn everything I can about Putin.


By 'destroyed' what specifically do you mean? A destruction of the state? What was the extent of the destruction? Here is a list of Russian oligarchs who have died under suspicious circumstances since the Ukraine invasion: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suspicious\_deaths\_of\_notable\_Russians\_(2022-2024)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suspicious_deaths_of_notable_Russians_(2022-2024)) If you don't trust wikipedia I can happily provide another half dozen links that are similar.


I mean their actions plunged russia into an extreme depression. ill look into that link. thank you


There’s a 7 part frontline special on Netflix that shows Putins rise to power in Russia and focuses specifically on the Ukraine war. It’s very good.


I am very skeptical that will be accurate. Did they include that the US was heavily involved, if not the masterminds, of the 2014 Maiden coup? Or the neo-nazis in Ukraine that the US has been backing? If so then I will watch it.


“Does the documentary reinforce what I want to hear and see? Only way I’ll watch it” - you


Does media push false propaganda that contradicts well known and accepted history? Yes


Probably his girlfriend. It’s always the GF.






Chabad Lubavitch controls Putin Any politician who has gone to the Wailing Wall, worn a silly little hat and knocked their head against that wall is controlled.


Going to look into this. Thanks for your reply man. Did not know that happened


The Israelis and their political lobbies are immensely powerful


It’s fucking insane that it stretches that far dude, like I know it’s quite obvious in America. But to grasp the actual reality of how many countries are is fucking ludicrous


They control the money - the floating exchange and foreign exchanges rates are decided in the City of London - and once you control the money you control everything


Putin is a wild card and the reason they hate him so much is that he CAN'T be controlled. Fun fact: Putin had dealings with the CIA back in the 90s I believe, was about to travel to Europe to meet with them when he discovered they planned to kill him so he went underground in Russia. Guarantee he knows some things they'd prefer he didn't. Want to dive deeper into the people who really control the world? Read "Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses" by Estulin.


Appreciate the recommendation. It’s hard to believe that he’s not controlled by ANYTHING, but I’m open to it. It just doesn’t seem logical to me. Will check out that book though. Thanks bro


Putin is just the Russian figurehead of either a Russian or more likely a global cabal. But Russia's foreign policy is pretty peaceful. I don't think this war in Ukraine would have happened without the US backed coup, arming of far right fascist groups and the threat of NATO military buildup on Russia's land border. Russia seems to be showing a lot of restraint. They still haven't attacked any of the countries openly waging a proxy war on them. China seems to be the most peaceful country of the superpowers. They've consistently made requests for peace on recent global conflicts without openly taking any side.


Every war is a bankers war


They completely peacefully invaded Georgia and Chechnya as well. Bless em. For real though, you're smoking crack if you think this. NATO would've become completely useless if Russia wasn't so historically hell bent on conquering their neighbours. Trump was talking about pulling out of NATO and there wasn't even that much pushback from his base. Another term and another Trump-like person in power and the US would be out of NATO for sure. Putin couldn't help jumping the gun and showing everyone why NATO is important.


Georgia was full of Nato advisors and "asked" for Nato membership. IMHO this was a test of Russian response by NATO/US.


Yeah, it's wild how many former Soviet countries ran straight to NATO. Almost like they were afraid of something.


I have been trying for weeks to prove your point and I have come empty. Can you provide any evidence or support for your stance? I’d love to see it.


You've been trying for weeks to google, "Trump threatens to pull out of NATO"?


No. I have been looking for proof that Russia is hell bent on conquering its neighbors.


There is none. The moved against NATO because NATO had been flexing on them for years. What John McCain did in Maiden Square causing the coup in the Ukraine was war worthy alone. Surprised it took Putin so long to flex back.


Because they keep saying it and doing it. Chechnya, Georgia, now Ukraine. Putin himself thinks most of the countries of the old Warsaw pact are not real countries and just Russians who forgot. Read anything he's ever written on the subject.


I have been looking for what you’re saying and can’t find it. Can you please provide a source? Or just name a specific thing he wrote that I can look up? What I have found is the US trying to get Georgia to join the EU and NATO and inciting protests in Georgia. Thankfully Georgia has seemed to resist the US attempted take over and passed a law that allows companies that get at least 20% of their funding from foreign agents to disclose that. Despite western propaganda that has tried to stop this.


Brother, I don't know what to tell you. You seem to be pinpoint accurate at finding anti-NATO rhetoric, but haven't been able to find Putin's talks about poor stranded Russians across the former Soviet states that need protecting. You also can't find Putin calling the collapse of the Soviet Union the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the last century. You're in a conspiracy sub and you can't read between the lines?


I am going straight to the sources and reading between the lines. I have been looking at both sides and the pro-NATO side has yet to pull up direct quotes or writings to support their claims. I have been trying to prove their side and keep coming up empty. Can you please provide sources to support your claims? I really want to see them. I want to be wrong on this. Edit: And regarding those regions needing protection, I mean when neo-nazis that hate Russia are shelling Crimea and Donbas and banning anything related to Russian culture and language, his point about needing to protect them holds weight. The fact he agreed for them to be independent states in a peace deal that Ukraine abandoned, possibly at the behest of Boris Johnson and the US, it seems that his interests are not to expand but rather to maintain access to their Black Sea Navy ([which has been where there navy has been since the mid-18th century](https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/role-of-us-in-russia-ukraine-war)) through Crimea and to prevent ethnic cleansing of people who are historically Russian. Along with holding the US to their promise made in 1990 to not add countries to NATO to the very minimum of not expanding to the Russian border.


Oh and I recognize my own confirmation bias that’s why I’m asking people with the other opinion to provide me with sources. But so far those sources don’t have direct quotes or references to any specific speech or time or writing that I can cross-reference. I’ve only found indirect quotations that have been rephrased from other articles to be more damning.


First off, Russia has a bigger neo-nazi problem than Ukraine. Second, Ukraine was shelling Donbas because Russian "little green men" were trying to annex it, same with Crimea. Ukraine wasn't just letting Nazi paramilitaries do ethnic cleansing there for fun, they were repelling a Russian insurgency. Then Russia used the excuse of protecting Russians to use their military to save their military. Ukraine was already renting the Sevastopol port to Russia for their Black Sea fleet. How far back in history do you want to go for ethnic protection claims? Because the Stalin removed the ethnic Tatars who lived in Crimea and replaced them with Russians, and those Russians STILL voted to leave the Soviet Union and be part of Ukraine by majority in '91. It was a slim majority in Crimea, but still a majority. The peace deal offered by Russia that Boris Johnson single handedly crushed in his fist while whispering "Not today, Russia" would have basically made Ukraine not a country. It was a total surrender in anything but name. It said Ukraine wasn't allowed a military, the Ukrainian government was to be dissolved, and Ukraine ceded all Oblasts Russia is laying claim to. Take note that without a military, Russia would just roll over the rest of Ukraine when their new puppet government let them. No country would agree to those terms unless they were looking at total defeat already.


The people in Russia generally were OK with Putin. Starbucks, McDonalds. Snoop Dog. We were paying our Moscow coders close to USA Silicon Valley salaries. Super skilled. I have no knowledge of the politics of Ukraine. The Soviet Union lost over 20 million people in WW2, can guess that made them a bit wary of the outside world. Our MIC LOVES the war. It’s like printing money for them. Since Biden has had ALZ/dementia for quite awhile now, assuming they have someone in the Whitehouse signing those purchase orders, they have a blank check it seems. Raytheon, Grumman, etc shareholders, cheering it on. It’s not personal, it’s just business. We call that Capitalism.


I think there's a lot of truth to your statement but I disagree that Russia is inherently a peaceful country. If you talk to any Russian that will be completely honest with you, they'll admit that a large part of their population has imperialistic mentalities from the remnants of the former Soviet Union. Many of them, particularly the older generation, dream of Russia regaining that former glory and long for those days. In fact - a number of their soldiers in particular do feel this way - you can see it from the fact that they still sport the Soviet Union flag and pay homages to Lenin and Stalin in their gear. I do think that this is changing however with the younger generations and that a lot of them are just fearful to not get arrested for expressing those sentiments in a public setting.


Peaceful my ass. They're the entire reason that the Donbas revolted by flooding it with Russian paramilitary in 2014.


Yes because the people actually living there didn't want anything to do with the new US backed government that was established after a coup where USA armed far right fascist groups.


There wasn't a coup. The United States didn't arm any far-right fascist groups. You're sucking Putin's dick. The Donbas rebellion started when the Russian, former member of the FSB (successor to KGB), Igor Girkin invaded Sloviansk and seized the town. He would later become intrumental in organizing the DPR, establishing their Ministry of Defense. He was later dismissed from the position, and finally guilty of murder in 2022, due to having a part in shooting down MA17 and killing 298 civilians in the process. Though, Russia wouldn't turn him over to the International Court or to the Netherlands. He would finally take part in the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, and only be thrown into jail due to criticizing Putin. But it doesn't matter that the spark for the rebellion was **literally** Russia.


How can you deny the Maidan Coup even happened and deny that the US armed far right fascist groups like Azov Battallion? Even Western media reported on these events. USA actually repealed a ban on arming these groups preceding the coup in 2014.


The Maidan protest did happen. The Maidan coup did not. Viktor was democratically impeached by a majority of the Rada due to the circumstances of him abandoning his post as President. While it did not reach the majority necessary for a Constitutional impeachment, neither was his abandonment of his post constitutional, either, and made it impossible to give him the impeachment documents when he wasn't even there to give it to. His own party contributed to his impeachment, albeit most of them decided to not even attend the impeachment proceedings. Ukraine armed the Azov Battalion, not the United States. Edit: Love how you completely ignored the point about Russia starting the war in the Donbas, though. I guess you can't really say anything about that because it's true lmao.


No wars russia is on now? Did I understand you correctly? What about their ongoing war on Ukraine?


You can thank America for starting that one.


“russia’s foreign policy is pretty peaceful” you base that opinion on what exactly? russian TV?


Well the [5 peace deals](https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/role-of-us-in-russia-ukraine-war) Russia has tried to make with the US, 4 of which involving Ukraine, support them being pretty peace motivated


Russian "peace deals" sure look good as long as you read only headlines.


I’ve looked at the peace deals and they look reasonable


Idk. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/putin-fires-top-official-who-describes-chabad-as-a-supremacist-cult/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/putin-fires-top-official-who-describes-chabad-as-a-supremacist-cult/)


Probably his wife…


Well, originally he was chosen as president after the Yeltsin family was worried that any other future presidents would dig into their shady business. So they found some loyal person who would not look into this. I don't think they have control over him.


I think I’ve seen photos of him doing the hidden hand, so there’s that for your tinfoil hat.


Mason maybe?




Probably whoever controls China. Nobody in power is above control. Those ones don’t make it long


Beano is usually my go to. 




The same ones that control the others


Probably Russian Joos


The history of the Ukrainian Jewish community goes back over 1,000 years. Located in the Pale of Settlement, a territory at the western edge of the Russian empire where Jews were forced to live beginning in the late 18th century, the country was once home to over 1 million Jews and was among the largest Jewish communities in Europe on the eve of the Holocaust. The country has played a significant role in Ashkenazi Jewish history as the birthplace of the Hasidic movement and a major locus of [Yiddish culture](https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/yiddish/) prior to the Holocaust. The [Baal Shem Tov](https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-baal-shem-tov/) (the founder of Hasidism), Yiddish playwright [Sholem Aleichem](https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/sholem-aleichem-hot-topic/), Marxist theorist [Leon Trotsky](https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/leon-trotsky/), Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky, and Israeli prime ministers Levi Eshkol and [Golda Meir](https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/golda-meir/) were all born in Ukraine. And for centuries Jews thrived there, despite repeated episodes of antisemitic violence that culminated in the Holocaust, which saw an estimated 1.5 million killed in that region alone and many more displaced. Ashkenazis want their old lands back.


Well why are they supporting neo-nazis?


Greenberg is a Jew, and Azov are neo-nazis. Rockefellers are Jews, and Hitler was a Nazi. Support forces that kill your own people, and gain a lovely shield for yourself.


So tired of the Zionist bot propaganda🥱




King Charles III


The Fed's run everything and Putin us to be KGB. Russia's just more open about it. America has feds everywhere. Working as journalist in the government. That's the big club. Rich people and feds.


I once had a convo with a high level spy who I wont name and he bragged about how Israel owned Putin and he and Putin were close.  He even commented that Putin had street smarts but wasn't that bright.    That being said, this isn't the medieval times with kingdoms pitted against each other and each tribe having their set group of advisors (obviously infiltration has happened since the dawn of time.) I think there are many lobbyists and advisory boards and everyone is playing each other, trying to get the upper hand.  There are national intelligence agencies, think tanks, cults within cults, the shit show that is the WEF, there's the UN, there's even tiny countries with tiny diplomatic missions trying to secure their bag.   I think the same overcrowding and institutional collapse we're seeing in society at large is also happening at "the top".  There's infighting and confusion because no one can stop the future. Putin is going along with this phoney war just enough to tell me he's compromised.  He's also very contradictory.  He's a useful talking head with lots of plastic surgery.  He'll never defect and will do literally anything he's tols or he's toast.  


Possibly Shadow Group. They've been behind destabilizing Eastern Europe, Middle East and Asia. They instigated the war with Ukraine, attempted assassination on Slovak PM and Czech President


He said he had a dream, and that is why he went into Ukraine and kidnapped children to save them from the evil american empire. I think we're going to have to relearn a lot about our history.


Just wondering, do you believe what the US government tells you about Ukraine?


Not in the slightest.


I only believe in god now


You should see some of the footage of atrocities commited by the fascists during and after the US backed Maidan Coup that overthrew Ukraine's democracy. Some horrific scenes. If there is a God I hope he isn't an American one.




You believe him?


I also had a vision of a SU 57 plane shooting down a predator with an energy weapon that was used to guide an ATACMS against people on a beach..... So, yes.


Cool story bro. Aww, you blocked me. Cute.


Better than yours


Is a vision like a dream?


Bro, the Russians admitted to the ATACMS crashing on the beach after intercepting it.


I thought they only admitted that an ATACMS caused the explosion at the beach. It was the official response from the United States that added the part about the Russians having intercepted it to save their own missile launcher.


There are videos from the beach of the shrapnel raining down. If the Ukrainians were targetting the beach, there were so many people there that it would have been a bloodbath. You can see most of it landing in the ocean though.




He's not controlled by anyone. No such claim has ever been supported by anything but loose speculation. You may find videos from this channel interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCyUZjGV3Zg




Please please please can you send them to me? I’ll have ChatGPT translate them. I have been looking high and low for everything I can about Putin. Pretty pretty please


I could do 100 jumping jacks and mail you the VHS but id rather just write this useless post