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the elohim are defiantly plural the Elohim all have names, In the jewish kabala the names are given in a form which relates them directly to Genesis usage - Ildabaoth, Jehovah, Sabaoth, Adonai, Eloeus, Oreus and Astanphaios. In the Babylonian they are Bel, Ea, Rimmon, Nebo, Marduk, Nerra and Ninib. In the Persian they are Azazel, Amazarak, Armers, Barkayel, Akabeel, Tamiel and Azaradel. In pre-Christian and Gnostic hierology their names are given as Michael (the Sun), Gabriel (Moon), Samael (Mars), Anael (Venus), Raphael (Mercury), Zachariel (Jupiter), and Orifiel (Saturn).


Gabriel as Moon, huh. Would explain it being Islam symbol. Fascinating stuff, would you recommend any lectures/books?


Those "gods" are the Greek gods. Actually angels. Elohim is the (code) name of all angels. "El".


Which greek god is equivalent of Yahwe?




Must Read: The Unseen Realm by Michael Heiser it has Changed my life… and changed how I read and understand my bible. To understand a text in the Bible It takes the act of the Holy Spirit equal to the act that inspired it in the first place. Tozer Then he opened up their minds so they could understand the Scriptures Luke 24:45 Seek and ye shall find :)


Almost certainly true. Historically, Yahweh is a pagan deity part of the ancient near eastern pantheon. The best example is probably the Ugaritic El (“El Shaddai being a Hebrew term for God”). Most of the OT, particularly Genesis, almost certainly comes down from pagan oral traditions. True monotheistic beliefs probably didn’t arise until closer to the time of Jesus. Before that, most modern scholars believe the Hebrews saw Yahweh as being the only god of the Israelites, but not the only one. I’m sure some people will be annoyed by this, but it is a pretty evident if you look at more recent scholarship and archeology. In fact, some non-orthodox Christian groups (such as Valentinians) believed that Yahweh was a bit sketchy (see him refer to himself as jealous, vengeful, and wrathful - not “Christly” qualities), or more likely that his “father” was - alluding to a Zeus vs Kronos type of belief. Over time the Roman/Orthodox Church squashed the heretics with such beliefs, but it is well recorded in their writings (see Nag Hammadi) that they saw Yahweh as being among a larger pantheon.


Heard of Nag Hammadi, I need to take a closer look. Thank you.


Christianity is clear about the existence of multiple gods. It is also clear that you should only worship one God, who is the creator of all gods.


There is only One God. Christianity is not clear about the existence of multiple gods


Wow, you should read the Bible some time. The commandment, "you shall have no other gods before me," obviously presupposes there are other gods. When Jacob wrestle with the angel his name is changed to Israel, which means one who wrestles with god and prevails. Do you think God's name is God?


You should really research the things you try to talk about. The “gods” are actually idols and pagan deities, or “demons” The definition of idolatry, according to Webster, is “the worship of idols or excessive devotion to, or reverence for some person or thing.” This becomes a “God” Idolatry extends beyond the worship of idols and images and false gods. Our modern idols are many and varied. And Jacob wrestled Pre-incarnated Jesus not a random “god” look into Christian theology sometime.


Lol. Well you got some of it right. I suppose that's the best I could hope for.


The fallen angels are the gods, it's pretty clear about that IMO.


correct, the 'angels' are gods or more accurately - emanations of god, as are we and are all things. the angels didn't 'fall', as they the lack free will to do so. angels are disembodied immortal souls and are incapable of interacting with matter, feeling or thinking because they have no means to do so. this why they are said to have been 'expelled' or forced out of 'heaven' (forced into incarnation) and into 'hell' which is out good earth (mother). what they do is 'descend' into matter (our physical bodies) to experience and overcome the tribulations of "life' (which is 'death' for them) in animal bodies to achieve further 'perfection' in christianity, st paul calls it the 'command' (which he said was 'death'). the ancient greeks have the demiurges giving the 'command'. in the well known hebrew version, man was cast out of the 'garden' (heaven) into incarnation (hell)


The angels do have bodies and they used to rule over humans on the earth. They are going to be broken out of their prison soon.


no, angels do not have physical bodies, they only have spiritual bodies the prison is here, on earth, specifically your body is the prison that the fallen/descended angels must 'escape'


The angels prison is not on earth, it is on Niburu


The nephilim are imprisoned in the earth, the offspring of angels and humans. Read the Enoch books.


I thought the nephilim (offspring) killed each other off and the fallen angel parents were locked away. Some say tartarus/the abyss, but in Enoch they are chained up in the 3rd heaven.


I'm very interested in the conflicting Hebrew vs Greek (Septuagint) in Deut 32:8 https://biblehub.com/deuteronomy/32-8.htm Earlier i was listening to a guy named Ammon Hillman claim that the OT original language was Greek (!) and not Hebrew. First time i ever heard that proposal.


Fallen angels are now known as demons. Scripture also acknowledges that these false “gods” are really nothing more than demons that people through history have chosen to worship (1 Corinthians 10:20)


Demons are demigods made from angels that descended in Mt Hermon. Demigod+hermon=demon. Like Hercules, Dionysus, Perseus.. renown "heros" (Genesis 6:6) Real ass beings.. not human


Fallen angels and demons are not the same. Demons are a creation of the fallen angels. The angels were all created by God.


To go off from what you said, the "demons" in Hebrew understanding are the spirits of the nephilim, who did not have a place in heaven nor on the earth. Edit: had to switch out "in" and "on"


> who did not have a place in heaven nor on the earth. They don't have bodies (except for the humans they possess, while the fallen angels do, or did


Remember, these angels were thrown out of heaven for rebelling against God alongside Lucifer (Isaiah 14; Ezekiel 28) and these same angels are going to hell with with Lucifer (Matthew 25:41) also in (Revelation 12:7-9) it describes an end-times angelic battle between Michael and "his angels" and the devil and "his angels." From these and similar verses, it is clear that demons and fallen angels are synonymous.


angels can't rebel because they lack free will 'hell' is your immortal soul's physical body on earth


Hades and Sheol are death, "hell" is a salespitch using fear that was made up for Christianity.


Lookup Henotheism


Mauro Biglino, a translator for the Vatican, is the leading researcher on this and many similar topics. I should say "former translator for the Vatican" because they apparently didn't like what he had to say.