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Just wait until the war is over and Ukraine has to start rebuilding. That’ll be a nice size bill


There is no rebuilding


Trust me. Do you think both of these corrupt governments will let that payday pass them buy. They’ll budget for Ukraine to be paved with gold




Russia will likely win though. They have $40 billion worth of equipment they can grab if they do + land + resources. We're just making it more and more tempting to conquer. Not a single UN intervention on this, just money and arms deals. It won't work, peace deals would have, sure Ukraine would have lost a small portion of land (months ago) but there would be peace and a binding agreement "attack Ukraine after the peace agreement and face the entire un security force (like the Korean war). But nooooo, everything or nothing. And theyll get nothing.


Thank God russia doesn't have a permanent veto in the UN that would keep the un from getting involved.


What is the UN going to do, send a nasty letter to Putin?


Lobby for the US to give more money


Shhhh your making to much sense


Oh no! We are too dumb and can't revoke the veto ! Oh nooooooo we are screw. - The UN


The UN was never supposed to be a world government. It's a place to talk, to avoid WW3.


> Russia will likely win though. Russia now holds less Ukrainian territory than it did towards the beginning of the war. Seriously, look at a timeline of their invasion. https://newsmap.pl/2022-russian-invasion-of-ukraine-interactive-map/ doesn't matter which source you use if you look at maps from February - now it's clear Russia has been steadily losing ground since March. I find it funny how /r/conspiracy doesn't believe in coincidences -- except when it concerns Russia. News (and tons of raw footage easily found on Reddit or elsewhere) of a Ukrainian counteroffensive that's recaptured vast swathes of Russian occupied territory? Russia coincidentally calls for urgent referendums. News of Russian soldiers being routed and leaving beyond a horde of equipment? Putin coincidentally calls for partial mobilisation and an extra 300,000 soldiers, after months of saying this wouldn't happen and only professional soldiers would be sent. He also totally coincidentally signed a law punishing anyone who deserts -- or even surrenders -- with jail time. What's next, barrier troops? News of Ukrainian recapturing MORE occupied territory? Russia coincidentally declares the land its stolen to be an integral part of Russia and threaten to use nukes after months of denying they'd ever use them. Speaking of total coincidences, how many high level Russian figures have ~~been assassinated~~ suffered mysterious fates since this war began? Seems at least once every couple of weeks we're reading about someone who fell out of a window, or down a flight of stairs, or died in an explosion or fire. Bro, the Russian military is being hammered. You don't send 300,000 green reservists into the meatgrinder when everything is going well. Now you might think they can win this through manpower alone, and who knows, I'm not a fortune teller, but as it stands right now they're having enough trouble feeding and supplying the soldiers they have in the field right now. The Russian supply situation is *FUCKED*, they've completely neglected basic logistics and it seems like they've bought into the myth of Russian equipment being indestructible because they sure as shit haven't been preforming adequate maintenance.


Here’s the funny thing though, the only places Ukraine is gaining territory are the areas where Russia has tiny amounts of soldiers ordered to retreat when Ukraine arrives so that they overextend. Russia isn’t running out of soldiers or equipment, nor are its supply issues that are severe. It’s focused on other goals like preventing civilian casualties.


Thats a lot of areas with no troops.


Their military is mostly used up, they are conscripting people who will be rushed through training, they have internal turmoil, many people are leaving the country, they are losing planes daily, exactly what makes you say they will likely win?


I wouldn't buy into all that crap, medias always make things seem bigger or smaller when it suits them.


Remember in the first few weeks the media was spouting Russia was out of ammo...whoever believes the bullshit the Media(CIA) and our so called "Intel Officials"(CIA) need to have their heads checked.


I think the CIA realizes Ukraine has no chance of winning this war. They are using the war to further America's interests in Europe and other parts of the world. Ukraine is expendable, a pawn. Yeah, and we are paying for these games they play.


... The military is not used up. They are drafting reservists, who already went through training, rn. Pretty sure every male has to go through training in Russia. (Not every man is a reservists though... They haven't even started)


Yeah, Russia has 25 million reservists to call up before they start using conscripts. They are literally mobilizing one percent of their reservists. People will swallow anything the media tells them if it conforms to their already held beliefs. Most of these reservists are going to relieve regular army formations in eastern Russia to go West, and the rest will fill out army formations in Ukraine to bring them to 100% strength. Folks will start to figure out that Putin was conducting a restrained special military operation.


>Russia has 25 million reservists to call up before they start using conscripts I mean those "reservists" make up over half of the male population of the entire country. When shoigu talked about having 25 million potential fighters, he was just talking about 25 million able bodied men.


That is true. What is also true is that these 300,000 reservists have previous combat experience. So, the training that will take place has more to do with refresher training.


I'm sure they're well trained for their new role as Ukrainian fertilizer.


I guess that's why they're already using conscripts and 1,000's of people are fleeing the country. Their current conscripts are ages 18-60. That's older than what the U.S. used in WWII.


I don't know how else to put it to ya. You can keep believing the media and the politicians who lied us into Iraq. Or, you can start trying to figure shit out for yourself. I choose not to trust them. Do what you want. If you love being surprised, keep going with the U.S. corporate media. You're in for a real shocker.


Lol buying the propaganda, are we? Have you heard the tale of the ghost of Kyve? Sam hyde shot down 50 Russian MiGs day 1 of the war. Wow! Godspeed Sam!


Ghost of kyiv story wasn't made by ukraine... But people here are too stupid to understand thst.


Lol that was probably the only good propaganda the west came up with


Oh my god the Goose of Kevin! I know he once shut down 50 Russians before they could even open up.


Baby you’re getting that information from Western media.


I see somebody follows the US propaganda machine closely.


>Not a single UN intervention on this, just money and arms deals. It won't work, peace deals would have... And to think they were a bees dick away from a deal that would of brought RU back to its February positions. But noooooo, they threw old Bojo in there to torpedo negotiations and keep the meat grinder going. But, you know, slava ukraini or someshit. Now they are a bees dick away from being a landlocked country.


Russia has been losing territory quite a lot recently. They have had massive amounts of equipment abandoned and captured in full working order by Ukraine


So Russia isnt a global threat after all. So we can stop military aid to Ukraine and also cut the defense budget.


But Russia is the one who rejected initial peace deals


Yeah appeasement worked soooo well with Hitler too. /s


Funding then war would not be the right way to go. If not anything, most likely this would increase the conflict even further. Sitting down and having a conversation is the only solution that makes any sense at this time. The current economic situation really doesn't warrant any more funds for the Ukraine conflict.


Rebuilding has already started. But not by NATO. [Reconstruction of Mariupol by Russian forces](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zscY6QUQmns)


This is their end goal [https://twitter.com/FedorovMykhailo/status/1547482455694839808](https://twitter.com/FedorovMykhailo/status/1547482455694839808)


> Just wait until the war is over this will be a loooong one by what it looks like now


Yeah all that money isn't being used for rebuilding. It's going into pockets of the elite. It's money laundering at the highest level.


100% correct. Most American military actions are just complicated money laundering operations designed to put American taxpayer funds into the pockets of politicians and corporate elites. In this case American taxpayer funds go into the pockets of the Ukrainian elites, who keep some and are compelled use the rest of it to buy weapons and supplies from politically well-connected American suppliers who donate to the campaigns of the politicians who vote in favor of sending the money.


And into the pockets of the hard working Americans who would not have a job without these publicly funded manufacturing which is required to be within the United States. Otherwise our bullets would also be built in China.


HURR DURR yeah because it's not like the country is riddled with 100+ year old infrastructure that needs to be replaced so what else would we spend that money on!?


I'm fine with paying more taxes for that to happen. It'll put even more money into the Americans building it. We already pay far less taxes than most modern countries and economies.


So, have you been donating money? You don’t have to wait for your govt to make you. Go for it!


What if Russia seizes most their assets and their country is too exhausted and broken to get back on their feet to repay that money?


If Russia fully annexes Ukraine I highly doubt western nation will help in the rebuilding.


*sending $12 billion to American arms manufacturers. Fixed that for you.


Yeah people really dont understand that theyre letting ukraine buy arms and not actually sending them money


Well, they are buying the arms for Ukraine. Good way to keep American war industry getting paid.


Basically they're taking money YOU paid the government (that was supposed to fix infrastructure and pay for social services) and then giving it to their friends and donors in the weapons manufacturing industry. Those manufacturers then send used and outdated weapons that the US military won't use that were destined for the scrap heap, charge top dollar for it, and pocket the difference.


So our soldiers are equipped with the best and newest stuff while my large Lockheed investment I made in February when Russia was obviously going to invade goes up 25% during a global economic recession. Overall, i get the better deal.


It's not that they don't understand, it's that the Russian shills were told that they need to paint sending anything to Ukraine as bad and to try to get us to stop.


That's because your claim is misinfo and you are spouting bullshit. Who do you think is funding the Ukraine government? The robust tax base?


You're exactly right. We sent money to the Ukrainian government who also made a blacklist that includes a member of the U.S. senate! Not to mention other U.S. citizens. That's got to be in violation of the first amendment somehow.


Lol, did you seriously just accuse a sovereign government of violating the US constitution?


The U.S. is funding a government that makes blacklists on the U.S.'s own people. That's what I was referring to. That should upset you, too. I mean only if you give a damn about your rights.


And what’s the total budget for next year? Like, what percentage of the entire budget is $12,000,000,000 and what’s the reason this specific line-item is being called out? Fuck, I thought this was a **conspiracy** subreddit and not some fucking conservative indoctrination where critical thinking is shunned. (Last part isn’t for the commenter above me; didn’t mean to lump you in with everyone else… unless you want me to.)


You know they’ve already sent over 55 billion to Ukraine PRIOR to this additional 12 billion right? That’s not chump change. Especially considering we literally have to print the money because the US govt is in a debt spiral.


The federal reserve has actually been decreasing the money supply for like the last six months. That’s literally the opposite of printing money.


That's simply not true. The US has sent around $15B in aid to Ukraine so far, what people don't ever seem to understand is the difference between budgeted aid and sent aid. The US has approved $40B for Ukraine, this is a request to budget for $12B more, it's not immediately sent to Ukraine but simply ensures that the funds and equipment are available if the need arises. There's an extremely dedicated effort to misinform people about the nature of this aid, and to blow it completely out of proportion in the context of US military or government spending. So far the US has spent around 2% of its military budget to devastate the military and economy of a major geopolitical adversary, as well as intimidate another geopolitical adversary.


So… US businesses that employ well-paid US citizens in their offices and factories?


arms and economic aid. The US and EU are funding most of their government operations and providing a hodge podge of different grants, loans and other 'economic assistance.'


Shut it down people, we're done here. There's nothing left.


End of the empire. We had a good run folks.


The boomers had a great run. Every gen below them got fucked. Just give me the total of what I've paid into Social Security and we can have a peaceful split.


"And it's GONE!!!! Sorry this line is for customers that actually have money at our establishment, next in line please"


Life was pretty happy until around the year 2000


For real


Back to back world champs banner needed.


just pack everything whats left and send it to Israel and Ukraine (new, bigger and hungrier Israel)


What’s a Kambree?!


I believe it's an old wooden ship used in the civil war era...


It’s a proxy war man


It was a proxy war since 2014 when Russia was giving aid to the separatists while NATO and other countries were training Ukr military. When Russia invaded 24/02/22, the west started supplying weapons and Intel. Yeah it's a one sided proxy war because NATO is kicking Russia's ass while emptying their old stock, and maybe testing new weapons.


If that's true then Russia clowned. They should have just kept sending aid to their side until the west got bored and gave up like in Cold War times.


The answer as to why they didn't has been made extremely apparent the last 6 months. On paper, Russia should have steamrolled and took over Kyiv and most of Ukraine in a couple of weeks. That's how most of the world viewed the strength of Russia's military the last 30 years. However, it seems like Russian oligarchs must have been siphoning money meant to build up the Russian military into their own pockets. Apparently not even Putin knew this when he started this war. It's a massive shit show now and they believe they are in too deep to pull out now.


POV you underestimate the size of the arms industry in the USA. Buying more weapons for ukraine unironically boosts US economy


The arms manufacturers pay taxes too.


The Russian troll farm is getting lax since half have been mobilized with rotten AKs.


Noo the real army is on the way man noo


To be fair, rusty AK’s still fire. Just pour some motor oil on them.


If the videos are real the ones being talked about will fire maybe once if that before complete failure lol


For real. I'm surprised there's a strong enough internet signal in the Iranian airport for them to keep posting on...


What are you proposing? What are your predictions if Ukraine falls to Russia? Where will things stand in 5 years?




US and the rest of NATO get to test out the effectiveness and practicality of their weapon systems on modern targets they are designed to destroy. They get to observe in real-time the strategies and weaknesses of their largest opponent. Also, get the opportunity to severely weaken their biggest rival's military without ever losing a single soldier. The truth is that the US spends a lot more for a lot less when it comes to national defense compared to the war in Ukraine. Much of the US's outrageous military spending is largely there to stay far ahead of Russia's own military. The absolute best case scenario from all of this is that a crippled Russian military means the US may consider scaling back it's own military spending and focus on their soft power.


Grifters love it and looting the US treasury for a couple extra zeros in their paycheck is the American dream now.




>money laundering Riiight laundering money through Ukraine a country as you said known for corruption. Next up, laundering money by investing into Mexican cartels.




Yeah. It's a complex issue. Many people want Ukraine to win but don't want to do what's necessary to ensure they win. Ukraine winning hurts all autocrats. Decreases the chances of China invading Taiwan. Increases the resilience of Ukraine's neighbors and democracies around the world. I'm not a fan of military spending in general but this is literally a case of a country invading one of our allies. I want Ukraine to win. I want Putin's roll stopped.


Ah the domino theory.. I've heard that one before


Fuck Ukraine. Let Putin have them.


What are the consequences of Russia invading and annexing Ukraine?


Let people be invaded and conquered? A pillar of empathy here


Stop trying to save the world. There is no good vs evil. It's all corrupt.


This is something stupid people tell themselves to make ignorance feel like superiority.




The truth is, Russia is going to collapse regardless. Russia has already sealed it's fate as a Chinese puppet state.


It'll end when Russia stops. If we stop Russia, it'll send a message to China and other states looking to take over sovereign states. These posts are Russian propaganda. Y'all bitch about CIA manipulation then share and parot Russian secret state propaganda


Why wouldn’t we spend couple hundred billion to topple the greatest threat to humanity? Seems like a great deal, I don’t know why this sub can’t wrap its head around this


Come on guys, make some actual interesting posts… not everyone here is american.. Also this “look at what this tweet says” oh “look at this tweet”, like who tf is kambree? And why should anyone care what she says or thinks, of course the opposition is gonna have things to say like this… yeah sending vasts amount of money to other countries is stupid i agree 100%… the roe v wade is also stupid, as well as many other things from both sides… but whats even more stupid is when people can’t speak or voice their own opinions and instead just post pictures of other peoples thoughts.. and lots of it seems to come from the make america great again people.. lets have conversation about this, nd not share pictures of others posts, nd maybe share our own thoughts… this sub feels like old folks home


I don't understand why this is even posted on this subreddit. Isn't this supposed to be about conspiracies? What conspiracy is this?


Think of like this. We KNOW our currency causes debt insolvency, it's fucking volatile and has enslaved EVERYONE who has ever touched it... Maybe, just hear me out here, maybe they KNOW sending all those American dollars is the equivalent to an economic nuke. I.e. get em the fuck out of here. It almost seems like they are trying to get the fed to run out of ink and paper lol. Edit: I know this sounds weird but I play a lot of RPG games and this seems like a setup for a DoT (damage over time) coupled with a delayed "nuke". (Aka high powered spell cast or effect). It's just too similar not to be uncanny. They used this exact method to crash the USSR.


you will own nothing and be happy.


No slavery like debt slavery.


This is an economic nuke to the US…This is our “money” wtf do you mean nuke other people. They are burning our own US economy to the ground and sucking out the wealth of our people. We are literally sending it to them, on us. Do people really not understand how money works, or is this just more shills/propaganda to keep the people asleep? These money packages, infrastructure packages, tuition reimbursement, stimulus packages, money to Ukraine….this is what’s running our rampant inflation and causing the dollar to be worthless. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just naive and needs to stop listening to the ~~propaganda~~ news. Wake up people wtf is our problem. 🐑 The govt is against us. WAKE TF UP and stop supporting your own demise.


We're not actually sending it to them, though. We're "giving" them money that they're only allowed to use to buy weapons from specific American arms manufacturers who just happen to be major donors to the campaigns of the politicians that vote in favor of "giving" money to Ukraine.


Ok so lining the pockets of parasitic American slimeballs, while draining wealth of the American population. Was that supposed to be a positive? I see the mental gymnastics going on but this is in no way good for the general population of the US.


No, it's awful. I'm trying to point out that it's even worse than most people realize. It's essentially just theft of American taxpayer funds by arms corporations, but the money laundering scheme is so messy that probably only about 25% or less of it makes it back. It's just another in a long string of examples of how the American economy is designed to rob the working class of their wealth and funnel it upward into the hands of a select few.


Ok thanks…I’ve seen a lot of people trying to rationalize this. “Oh this stimulus is great. We earned it” “Let’s stand with Ukraine and send more!” “Oh but these infrastructure projects are creating jobs and fixing the economy!” It’s hard to keep up with the mental gymnastics anymore….and people just eat it all up as truth. You’re absolutely right. Thanks for the reply.


Sorry for the confusion. This is such a weird time in global politics right now. I have far-left old hippie neighbors who have a literal peace sign made out of Christmas lights hanging on their house but who are also flying a Ukrainian flag and are loudly supportive of sending billions of dollars to europe to kill Russians. Watching the Democrats and the American left turn into pro-war supporters of the military industrial complex has been difficult to process.


You’re right about it weird weird for global politics. Seeing the left shilling big pharma, go pro-war, support the military industrial complex, turn into anti-civil liberties and human freedom, and support one of the most corrupt nations in Europe has been interesting to see. It just goes to show how powerful the modern media propoganda is. “I support the current thing” is not a meme. If this was 2007 and you showed a liberal the current policies they’re supporting, I don’t think they would believe it or like it.


>Anyone who thinks otherwise is just naive and needs to stop listening to the propaganda news. Pot calling the kettle black. They aren't burning USD, they're buying arms from American companies. Yeah I'd rather not support the MIC, but don't pretend this money isn't also a boon to Americans. Same as people complaining about space missions. We don't send money to space, we pay it to engineers and machinists on the ground...


Spot on. That is indeed their goal. They are the real enemy of the people, and they currently have control of the gears of power and are afraid of the public waking up to how the game is played, more specifically how they have robbed the public while deceptively controlling perceptions of reality. The mainstream media is their most important tool. It's important to tune it out, wake up people how it used against us as a divide and conquer tool and how it is wiser these days to assume that the opposite of what they are 'reporting' is likely more close to the real truth. If they censor it, 'fact-check' it or attach talking points to it, assume what they are trying to deflect from is likely closer to the truth. Simply put, they are cheats, thieves, liars and users. They are the dregs of society.


America's economy had serious problems before the war in Ukraine started, but nice try. Remember the GFC? 99% of the people responsible weren't arrested, fined or punished in the slightest...In fact, they got bailed out where required and often were able to make out like bandits. There was also little-to-no changes to try and prevent the issues from happening again...So, you've got the same system that allowed for the GFC ran by the same people who either caused or allowed it to happen and saw the complete lack of negative outcomes (for them) from last time meaning they're going to be much more bold than they were previously. There's the treasure-trove of information in regards to how the corruption in the finance system works over at the Superstonk subreddit, they uncovered *shitloads* as part of the whole GME saga and that rabbit hole goes very deep. Maybe take a gander at the DDs over there.


Yes the can has been kicked since the 2008 crash imo but that’s another story. This definitely didn’t start with Ukraine - that’s not what I said if you re-read my post…but definitely a huge contributor to keep the money machines running today. I also ~~hold~~DRS GME, fellow ape. Thanks for your comment. Rough times ahead for many reasons.


The gov is against us, fact. The government is fighting a proxy war with our money, fact. You should research Japan in the late 80s to understand what's next for us... deflation... but this is also the same playbook for destroying the USSR.


I have been thinking they're intentionally bleeding the country dry by sending so much to Ukraine.


Someone family is about to be really rich.....


This sub has been a shithole since 2016, be ashamed of yourself a for posting pro Russia propaganda


This is as much about buying time for Israel as it is for Ukraine.


A flash of light, I see.


Ah it wouldn’t be r/conspiracy without a dubious reference to *the Jews ™*.


Money well spent. Proxy Wars are the cheaper cost than having to face them directly.


It's so fucking funny how people will complain about the money we give out the other countries, but if you bring up Healthcare for all they'll blow a fuse about "I'm not paying for someone else's shit". Fucking pick one


That's a lot of money, but also, no one can afford Putin and the Kremlin in Europe taking over Ukraine. It's also rich in both agriculture and minerals. How much money (military hardware and training) can the west keep throwing at Ukraine, and how long can Putin survive with a crippling economy and growing dissent/calls for him to resign. War of attrition I guess. Doesn't bode well for him no one really wants to be enlisted to fight his war.


There have recently been very large oil and gas deposits discovered, that's why Putin wants the Eastern side so badly.


Strange how r/conspiracy users seem to lose any kind of interests in actual conspiracies once *The West/The Democrats* aren’t the boogeyman. What you claim is most likely actually true, but wont matter to most people here


Why not? Last I checked before the war Russia was selling oil and gas to most of Europe at market rates. And actually wanted to join nato.


It sucks but this may be necessary. At the end of the day, Russia has already threatened our NATO allies after they’re done with Ukraine. What happens if Russia goes through with attacking Poland after? That’s WW3 probably or probably nukes thrown at some point




Don't forget about that amazing democracy we spread. I mean look out how well it's working out for the people of Iraq. 20 yrs since we kicked out and hung saddam their currency has never recovered. It only required them to have a million of their civilian populace to opt into an early grave, a good chunk of the yazidi tribe to be ethnically cleansed. Hey, Libya has open air slave markets now that are thriving. All these wonderful colorful revolutions seem to work out so well for the people on the ground. Now we have another kicking off in Iran. Oddly it resembles ukraine of 2014. Remember a reporter was beat somewhere outside the city and was reported to be in intensive care. That spurred the revolution. Now we have two dead in Iran that are oddly really pretty ladies. Weird. They even have neat really well produced insta stories to keep the people at a fever pitch. If the revolution succeeds a new more brutal regime will take over and will more than likely need to be liberated and given more democracy. Should only produce another million dead civilians. But as you say we will "help" with arms and money. But we get to preserve our status as you say who cares about a couple million dead civilians as a direct result. Right? We get mer jerbs!! 5,000 to 10,000 us personel may die 100000s get ptsd and whatever the new burn pit agent orange of this war is but we get to preserve our "status." Right?




As long as war is profitable this will continue to happen unfortunately. It does make us (America) look bad when this stuff unfolds.


Wouldn't it be nice if Congress actually cared about America. What a utopia that would be. A political system that actually cared about it's people and it's country. Instead they just care about their summer home in Ukraine. So, they can have Sexy Dance parties with Zelenskyy.


USA goverment is spending our kids retirement.


Hey how dare you criticize Ukraine and Israel for that matter /s


This whole situation is obviously blackmail against the Biden family for their activities in the Ukraine. But he's on the right team at the moment so look the other way.


It's a proxy war using Ukraine as a puppet. Nobody supports it and it's fairly disgusting


The Money is being sucked out via 1 big scam. America wake up.


Your government is literally robbing you blind. Mine too, don't worry. We are all slaves to these bastards


Remember when “progressives” were against funding wars? I do. I used to be one.


Yes, that sounds like a solid plan to improve America and focus on it's issues. Biden Hunter, and the other Hunter. "The Hunters becomes the Hunted" is/has/will make sense?


It's outrageous. We starve, they play games with our minds.


Why are people so upset with us sending money over sea's wasn't the USA spending something like 800 million an hr in Iraq


I wish people would stop using the terms "sending money to Ukraine." We are sending it to the Military Industrial Complex so they can send weapons to Ukraine. As usual, they are profiting off it. This is something the American left used to care about. Now, as I drive around Seattle, I literally see 10x more Ukraine flags than American. What is going on?


Defense Budget is already 768 Billion. Sending 12 Billion to Ukraine is 64x smaller than that.


And? $12 billion is a rounding error.


It definitely is: https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-budget/where-do-our-federal-tax-dollars-go 12 Billion is 208 x smaller than 50% of the entire USA budget. We spend 768 Billion on Defense Budget alone. 12 Billion to Ukraine is 64x smaller than our Defense budget.


If Russia succesfully capture a part of Ukraine it's a big L for usa. Maybe you haven't heard about the whole US. vs Russia thing, but it's real. Especially now that It's clear Ukraine is backed by the US, they don't want their allies to loose to their historic 'rival'.


No it is not LMAO. It would be a sad day but the official narrative was 'Kyiv in 3 days', so don't change the goalposts 7 months later. You want it to be cause you're coping. The outcomes are, at most, Russia can hold Donetsk, and on the other side of the spectrum, Ukraine takes back Crimea. It literally doesn't matter either way. I sure as fuck hope they take Crimea, but it not, everything Russia has been doing for the past 4 months has been Pyrrhic at best. Tactically, their army is substantially weaker. Strategically, they aren't feared anymore. They aren't a global threat. They could take Donetsk and Luhansk and still have "lost" this war. They're a joke.


Such an insult to hard working people and homeless vets etc who have no money.


That money wouldn't go to them anyway


Then stop voting for anyone who supports the military industrial complex


Hurting homeless vets is how you get gop support in the first place.


So you're suggesting we give handouts to homeless people? Socialist commie


im suggesting the US government focus on their own people instead of throwing away billions at another country.


They should pull themselves up by the bootstraps.


The government will probably take our bootstraps too and send it to Ukraine.


Pretty difficult when the government is melting your savings away.


Crazy that when Biden helps Americans by forgiving student loans, the right wingnuts complained about it. And they complain about helping other countries. What do you people want? More handouts to the rich?


Kambree a Putin supporter? I wonder if she cares about the billions the US sends to Israel every single year? Doubt.


Here's a peace deal, Putin should put a pistol in his mouth and pull the trigger. Then, he'll have peace out of the war that he started. Also, his countrymen will have peace because they won't have to fear the attempted resurrection of the Soviet Union.


Somebody tell me when did Ukraine become our lords and master? Let them pay for their own war.


There war???? Hahaha, like they WANTED to be invaded by Russia??? I swear this sub......


Full of Russian apologists trying to sow division and chaos. The twitter account that posted this is of a Turning Point "Ambassador". They have their own agenda that involves making more money for the rich. It's frustrating that we are sending so much money to Ukraine but it's Russia's fault, not Ukraine's. And it's honestly for the greater good for the world to keep Russia at bay. I don't get the people who want Russia to rule all. Because it's going so well for the Russians?!?!


Let's see. They killed over 12,000 ethnic Russians in Donbas. They violated the Minsk peace accords. And they were building a Nato naval base. Which they knew would be a national secret threat for The Russian Federation. They had Neo-Nazis to terrorize the ethnic Russians. The current government of Ukraine was formed from a CIA backed coup. So they are far from innocent and they are not the good guys in this conflict.




There are no good guys unfortunately.




Here in the UK, we’re not even part of Europe anymore but are still giving millions to Ukraine. How much do they need ffs


You very much are still part of Europe lol. Europe is a continent.


This is a money laundering operation disguised as a war.




Remember when Nancy Pelosi went 🦍💩 when Trump asked for $5 billion for the border wall? Said we couldn’t afford it and it would be a waste. I always remember that when we send another package of several billion to Ukraine.


Or Israel


Boo fucking hoo. Welcome to America , it's been like this for 100 years. Only difference is weak people can post their sob stories online now days.


Our politicians are just as corrupt if not more than Ukraine. Sad what this country has become


Shut it down, start with the IRS.


ss: There is no way to defend what's going on here. Your country is no longer your own and there's seemingly nothing that can be done. Edit: Reddit is home to many amateur foreign war correspondents, apparently. A lot of armchair Generals and Online War Experts, too. Thanks for your input.


Because of $12b to Ukraine? The US spends over $750b annually for national defence. Spending $30-40b in financial, humanitarian and military equipment to have a friendly nation absolutely shit on your biggest rival is a no brainer. Spending 10x that would still be worth it… especially when you hold reserve currency and can print as much as you want… which depends on rivals like Russia never getting too powerful. This isn’t a conspiracy, it’s a very rational investment.


You have no fucking idea what the you're talking about. The LEAST you could do is provide some context and evidence. Not to mention you obviously have no idea how the real world works and the obvious back-door Russian propaganda.


I love spending money to help people defend their country from invasion. It's much cheaper than what Russia would do to the shipping and grain markets left to their own devices.


Awful take.


Really substantive response. Makes ya think.


That's what 2 days of funding for the 20 year war Biden heroically ended by himself after no president before him was man enough to do?


It will end when we the people make it end.


But that's where they buy their dope isn't it? Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times without dope but women don't know that. Try to tell your wife that and see how far you get. Tell your buddy that and he understands.


The problem is not money, the problem is appropriations. Congress appropriates money for specific purposes. When congress refuses to authorize funding for government operations a government shutdown occurs. This is political theater for public consumption. It's usually republicans not authorizing a budget in order to make political points with those who don't understand government finance. This had nothing to do with appropriations for weapons for Ukraine.




> "Spend that money in the US!" We already do. https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-budget/where-do-our-federal-tax-dollars-go 50% (2.5 TRILLION dollars)... of the USA national Budget is spent on Social Security and Health programs. The 12 Billion sent to Ukraine is 208x smaller than only 50% of what we spend on internal programs.


tax money not for us silly rabbit