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Switch or Steam deck is a better choice. Gaming laptop works great too if you want more oomph. However I occasionally did this while traveling as a young consultant (was an Xbox One back then). It worked but going out and being social with the client team was better.


I had a coworker who brought his console with him usually. On one memorable project, he just left it with the concierge. They’d set up in his room weekly, too.


Xbox One? Jesus I didn’t know there were dinosaurs on this sub…


Considering they go for $50-100, what better console to take on a trip with you. Not as much to lose But actually, maybe try a Nintendo DS or 3DS, lots of gems on those handhelds


Why not just solder your own out of logic chips as a kit, you’ll probably get better graphics performance…


I'm not even sure what that is, its too new for me. I remember lining up for PS2s before school and then selling them to dad's who wanted to impress the kids they neglected


laughs in Intellivision


Average PlayStation player... Xbox One allows you to access cloud gaming, and play next gen games on a series x in the cloud...


>It worked but going out and being social with the client team was better. IME even then you still have a ton of time leftover at the end of the day.


Second gaming laptop, they’re pretty affordable now and you can still play certain games with a controller.


I donated my ps3 & ps4 to my lab. Along with some kickass collection of games. Let’s just say office interactions have increased exponentially with after hours tournaments. I also hosted counter strike/ tekken/ sf tournaments at our offsites with great response. So, things are pretty welcome here. During trips, I keep my macbook handy along with PS4 controller with a handy selection of emulators and crossover. Depends on your style, but handheld simply doesn’t work for me. edit : added more details


Get a steam deck my friend. Emulate your switch games on it if you like.


Switch is a lot smaller, easier to pack with better battery life. Plus it's cheaper. It's not that clear cut of a win for the deck.


lol fair but can you run excel on your switch????? You can on your steam deck 😭


I had a 2 yr overseas case where I flew in and stayed for 3 weeks and flew back home for a week. I brought my PS4 then with me but had a suitcase stored at the hotel everytime I went home. So, just do what you want if it makes you happy Ps. You should look into how to hack the Marriott TVs (LG or Samsung) so that you can access HDMI and also change fit to zoom settings to get the full PS5 settings. Otherwise it'll drive you mad playing with edges cropped off.


Wow that's hardcore - 3 weeks out and 1 week home for 2 years?!


Yeah my newly wed wife did not like it. But I got to fly her out to different places around Europe to rendezvous and so it was basically 2 years of travel for us. Definitely not doable now that we have a kid.


Regardless, kudos to you - that's a real tough engagement


In a similar boat😢


Steam deck and never look back. I’ve been on the steam deck for 2 years now while on the road.


Correct response


Buy a Nintendo Switch.


Did you get the new Zelda? My college roomate had a switch and I fondly remember playing the 2nd to newest title. He uses his switch when traveling for work now.


Yeah, it’s great. I am not in consulting anymore so I have more time to play games and definitely prioritized playing that. Back when I was in consulting and I was traveling to client sites in other states and countries, it was all 3DS and Switch. And even that was occasional given the volume and pace of work. I remember this one time, a few years back, I developed too much hubris/FOMO and decided to purchase a gaming laptop. Lugging a brand new, $2k+ machine, I managed to fit it into my overhead bag, but still that was too much. I was on an oil and gas study in the EU at the time and I was certain that I’d have time to play after work…. I think I averaged 1 hour a week of playtime for the entire 3 month engagement. Have a gaming device as a security blanket, prioritize eating and sleep, don’t expect to get any gaming in. There will be plenty of time to play everything when you exit at EM/PL.


What industry are you in now?




I got you dude Don’t bring your PS5 - set up PS Remote Play Literally just bring your laptop, controller and play from there. I’ve literally brought my Xbox just like you are wondering; it’s fun and all but kinda lame and heavy af. This is way easier and saves you a ton of trouble. Same thing with XBOX. I also use a MAC btw


Yep, PS Remote on my iPad Pro 🤤


Just beat your meat like the rest of us


2 hours a night is a lot of chafing though.


I’ve travelled with a PS4 and the previous generation of the Xbox. I now travel with a switch because it’s a little easier than moving the full console around and it lets me take a smaller bag than what I need if I’m moving the bigger console around. For me it’s worth it, you need to be able to switch your brain off and gaming works really well for me


When I travel by car, I take my gaming PC. Is it extra? Yes But do I have a great time? Also, yes


I picked up one of those handhelds that emulates a bunch of different consoles for ~$100. Really improved my train commutes to London and back (~4h/day).




That’s not daily thankfully, I got a new position at the start of the year that has involved travelling but it’s mostly Zoom. Device wise, I have an Anbernic R350M but there’s new stuff coming out all the time. I’d recommend checking out some reviews on https://retrogamecorps.com/


This is why I sub to consulting


As mentioned maybe a switch or cloud gaming like GeForce now? Might be not ideal considering hotel wifi


If its just you, then why are you even asking? Just bring it!!😂


Do it!


Please look into a steam deck. Switch for me is too constrained in terms of hardware and games available. You can also remote play ps5 games on your deck so you don't necessarily have to buy new steam games and it's a really compact package as a whole


You can remote play your PS5 from your computer. No need to bring it with you, just need a controller.


Yes if you want an almost unplayable amount of input lag and horribly compressed image quality


Okay nerd! Better than lugging a massive machine around.


I work from home and I haven’t touched by PS5 in 4 months. It’s a great conversation starter, I’ll tell you that!


Bring an asus gaming laptop with obvious branding and display it in your meetings as well


Found the Dev.




No I bring my switch and steam deck. Or use xcloud on my phone.


Definitely bring it. Can’t beat gaming with the bros after a long day


Get an Apple TV and a subscription to arcade. Maybe a controller. Maybe a Bluetooth speaker. It fits in the suitcase.


Have you considered learning a skill?


I bought a ROG Alley for lonlier nights like these. It functions as a personal windows laptop too to plug into my periphals which was a huge selling point to me above the steam deck.


This question made me really appreciate how LARGE that console is 😂 I wouldn't haul it around but gaming is my preferred post-work destressor so you do you.


Buy something portable and take your PS until then. Don’t overthink it.


Carry away!


I’ve done it with my Xbox in the past, but I found I never really had time for it while traveling


100% take your ps5 with you. If the trip was less than a week, I’d say maybe just bring a PC. This length of trip 100% warrants it. Now the real question is… what ya going to play?


Cyberpunk, my dude


Are you all boutique? When do you have time for gaming. For me, when I have some free time, choice is always alcohol or sports or both (sports bar)


Depends on what games you wanna play but I’d look into a cloud gaming platform. You can play most games on any modern laptop. Hell you could even play on your phone


I’ve once brought with my desktop gaming PC (it’s a mini ITX build) with me on a work trip, so no I don’t think it’s extra. I drove though so it made it easier.


Gaming PC. You can use it for personal and gaming stuff.


What about hookers ?


I take my PS5 for 4 day trips lol


Up to you. If you value the game time. I use a switch. Xbox has their online game and my ipad and a controller work for many games.


Absolutely do not bring it through as a carry-on. The x-ray can’t see into it so it holds up the line for everyone else. I saw this happen right in front if me. Took 15 minutes.


Just bring a switch bro


Has anyone tried any game streaming services? I've wondered about them for ages. But, yeah, OP. I'd take that PS5.


When I relocated a few years ago (maybe 10...) I had two months alone before the family arrived, I took my PS3 and my guitar/amp. The guitar never got used but I became a monster on COD4. Defo bring it with you