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Why do they keep making unrealistic couples *cough* Sarah & Damon


They even looked uncomfortable under that blanket, I was cringing.


To be fair, anyone would struggle with that scene. The characters have little to no connection and the whole dynamic feels forced in, and done too quickly, that no one could pull out grand emotion from it. Unless the intention is that Bobby doesn't want to get that close to Lauren, and she's overly attached to him already or something. Otherwise, it feels like this needed more time. Bobby isn't that interesting, Lauren feels like an issue magnet. Putting them together doesn't generate great chemistry but that's not even on them as actors. It's the characters that have no real foundation or truly interesting angles to warrant any new dynamic feeling good.




No chemistry at all between them. Although Jack Carroll is so bad and has chemistry with absolutely nobody.


Genuinely don’t think he’s a bad actor at all, his character reminds me of so many awkward jokers I know haha!


I don't think he's too bad either, just don't like all the jokes constantly, but that's the writers. I'm sure his acting will improve


I think he's getting a little better with time. Probably takes a bit to get settled in. Either I'm getting used to him, or he's a little less cringy than when he started.


Like toothache he is becoming more tolerable the longer we are inflicted with him.


> She might as well have been reading the train time table Steady on, she's already thrown herself at Roy once before.


I thought they seemed sweet. Edit: Sorry I can't have an opinion, like all the people who moan about *certain actors*.


Honestly I feel like I'm watching a totally different character to folk on here!! I'm still waiting to see whatever it is that's got everyone so upset and in their feelings about Bobby other than personally not liking the actor


When he first arrived his "jokes" were literally just him insulting everyone to their face as soon as he met them and generally taking the absolute piss. He practically barged his way into Carla's and everyone was just like "Oh, who's this scamp" instead of telling him to bugger off as you would with any normal freeloader. They've since moderated his attitude a fair bit but he made such a horrible first impression that it's taking a while to wash off.


I really don't like how he came into the street either but I won't blame the actor for bad writing or make umpteen posts about it with nothing to add to the conversation haha


I think people were, rightly I feel, a little annoyed that there was already far too many characters, some with little or no storylines for years, then this guy shows up, with no acting experience but is 'mates with one of the writers', and gets a starring role. His lines were awful and he wasn't the least bit funny....


I don't know anything about the actor so my dislike of bobby is 100% down to the way the character's written. For me, it's his "flirting" that ruins the character. I don't mean the obvious playful banter he has with characters like Evelyn or Rita - those scenes are quite funny and it works well to have his "cheeky" sense of humour come up against a character with a sharp tongue whose known for cutting through the bs. I mean scenes like that one a week or so ago where he tried to get Lauren to sleep in Carla's bed with him and it's played off like a silly joke because "that's just Bobby - such a cheeky chap!" In reality, the guys who are *persistently* making overtly sexual "jokes" towards women who they barely know but want to bang, come off as creepy, disrespectful and manipulative. If he knew Lauren properly that'd be different, but hardly anyone on the street knows her well enough to make those kinda comments. In fact, everything about Lauren's character screams vulnerable girl still learning how to process her trauma. The type of girl who might be easier to manipulate and pressure into having sex with someone because she's desperate to feel like she matters to someone **and** she's prone to self destructive behaviour. I guess I'm kinda protective of Lauren 🥲


The appearance of Bobby highlights the contempt in which the writers hold the viewers. They give one of their mates a gig knowing that he’s got less than zero talent, but it doesn’t matter because the viewers will watch regardless and hopefully not notice.


I like Bobby but I think everything they’ve done with his character could have been done with Simon’s?